When you least expect it

“Now serving A457 at counter 3” the loudspeaker called.

I snapped out of my zombie-like Facebook scrolling, and looked at my ticket. D868.

“Shit” I complained. I sigh and roll my eyes. I have been here for an hour already. This was supposed to be the fast DMV. I hope my battery is in it for the long haul today, I think, as I look back down.

“Is anyone sitting here?”

I glance up, and I flush. Standing in front of me is a man. He is wearing carpenter shorts, a tshirt, and a pair of sneakers.

“You are now!” I say. My cheeks heat up at the 1000 megawatt smile he gives me as he sits down. Have you ever had someone look at you, and make you feel like they see into your soul? Yeah, it was one of those looks.

I hope he wants to chat, I think, as my phone dings. I glance down to see a text from baby daddy. My face falls. “What the fuck does he want?”

“Damn” he says concerned. “I hope I am never responsible for causing you to ever make a face like that. Is everything ok?”

I glance up to him and smile. “Yeah, just sperm donor drama. He is just being his typical bitchy self. Nothing new. I’m not worried about it.” I say smiling. I click off my phone and look at him with a genuine smile.

“Now serving B154 at counter 9.”

“How long until your number is called?” I ask conversationally. “I have no idea.” he replies. “I am C263.”

“This is insane” I say. “I am only here to hand them this piece of paper, proving I paid for a seat belt ticket I got in April. I have already waited over an hour.” I say exasperated.

“Ouch!” He exclaims, sucking air through his teeth. “I know that feeling.”

“Hey Jimmy! I can take you right here!” Comes an excited cry. I glance up, and look at the counter. The girl is looking right at him and smiling.

“Must be nice” I mutter. “Have a great day!”

Jimmy gets up, and walks up to the counter. I click my phone back on, and start texting baby daddy.

After 5 minutes of his drama, I switch my phone off again, and look up. Jimmy is looking at me. I smile at him and joke. “What you looking at Jimmy?”

He smiles and says “You.” I hear my phone ding, and I look down. It says a contact is being Air Dropped to me. I tap on accept, and see Jimmy’s name and what I am assuming is his number.

“Slick Jimmy, real slick! I bet you do that all the time, don’t you?” He looks slightly offended. “Whatever do you mean? I enjoyed chatting with you, and hoped we could chat again, that’s all.”

“Now serving D868 at counter 9.” The loudspeaker exclaims. “Finally!” I shout a little to loud.

It was nice chatting with you Jimmy! I hope you have a great day.” I say sincerely, as I get up and walk towards counter 9.

As I walk out of the DMV, I am livid. What was supposed to be handing them a piece of paper proving I paid a damned $25 seat belt ticket, turned into me having to pay $5 a day for a 2 week suspension that I did not know I had. Sometimes I really hate my life.

As I was leaving the DMV, I decided to go over to Starbucks, and drown my sorrows in a Venti Chai Tea Latte. Conveniently, the Starbucks was located inside a Barnes and Nobles, and the thoughts of mindlessly wandering around, killing time looking at books, sounded like just the mental break I needed.

15 minutes later, I was settling into one of the over sized arm chairs with what promised to be a really good book in one hand, and my latte in the other. I had made it through about half of the first page when I hear “What are you reading?” from behind me. I look up, and Jimmy is crouching down to put his arms across the back of my chair, his face level with mine. “You Are A Badass” he reads questioningly. “Why do you need a book to tell you how to be something you already are?”

I flush and smile sheepishly. “Oh trust and believe, I am FAR from a badass. I just have an honest mouth, and I am fluent in sarcasm. When it comes to self esteem, and issues like that, I need a lot of work.” He walks around and crouches in front of me. He looks me square in the eyes and says “Well, I really like what I’ve seen so far! Want to go for a walk and talk some? I really want to get to know you more.”

He grabbed himself a coffee, and we walked around the shopping center. When I tell you that those 2 hours flew faster than I ever thought possible, I am not lying. We talked about so much. We talked about our jobs, and our current relationship status. We both are dealing with similar situations with baby daddy and baby mama drama. The conversation was seamless. Nothing was forced, or hurried, or awkward. It was the most natural conversation I have had, as if we have been friends for years, instead of minutes. Jimmy honestly seemed like a great guy. One that I would love to be friends with.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I would love to be more than friends with him, but he is just so out of my league. First of all, he is drop dead gorgeous. He is smart, funny, and gives the impression that he has his shit together. He is well educated, and has his hand in a few different business ventures. We talked about me possibly helping him, since I am great at office work. We were going to talk in the next couple of days, and see if there was any way I can help him figure out some paperwork that he needs for his new business he is starting.

I was home 20 minutes later, starting dinner. “DING!” I hear from my cell phone. I absentmindedly open it up and almost choke when I see it is a text from Jimmy. “It was really nice chatting with you today. I really hope we get to do it, and more, again soon?”

My mouth went dry. “Don’t over think it girl” I thought. “He probably is talking about me helping him in his office.”

“Yeah, totally!” I reply. “I had a blast today. Thank you for making my crappy day way better! Anything you need my help with, just let me know.”

“Thanks, but that isn’t totally what I was talking about.” he says. “Forgive my bluntness, but I want to do so much more than talk with you.”

I just stare at my phone with a sly smile on my lips. All of a sudden I am snapped back to reality. “What is his name?” baby daddy asks.

“What are you talking about?” I ask.

“You are looking at your phone and smiling. What is his name?” I roll my eyes, and pull up a funny meme I had saved earlier in the day. Showing it to him, I say “I don’t think SHE has one” as I shove my phone in his face.

Once he goes to his recliner, I continue making dinner. I shut the ringer off on my phone, so if he were to text me again, no one would hear. Thankfully, there are no texts.

After dinner, while on my walk, I text Jimmy. “So, what DO you want to do with me, if not talk?” I ask coyly.

After about 5 minutes with no reply, I shrug and turn on my music, telling myself he must be busy, or not interested anymore. I crank the volume in my ear buds, and allow Korn to motivate me to keep moving.

“You’re not ready yet” came his reply. Followed by “I want to get to know you first.”

“Ok, I am fine with that. I am always wanting to make new friends. So what do you want to know? I am pretty open and honest, so you ask, and I will tell.”

Over the course of the next few days, we chatted all day long. every question he asked, I answered. Every question I asked, he answered. We even swapped a few pictures. We learned about each others crappy relationships, and we talked about our kids.

A few nights later, I found myself back at Barnes and Nobles. I was meeting a client there to pick up payment for some work I had done for her. After she paid me, I grabbed my usual Chai Tea Latte, and found another copy of the book I attempted to read before. Not 5 minutes into the book, I hear “Again, I ask you, why are you reading a book, when you already are, what you are trying to learn?”

I look up an smile at him. “What are you doing here?” he bends over and kisses me on the cheek. I flush and feel my cheeks pink. I smile at him.

“I honestly don’t know why” he says. “Something just told me to come here. I literally walked in the front door, the same time you came in the back. I was hanging out in the magazine section while you met with that woman, and then I saw you get your latte. I figured I knew where you were headed, so I just sat down and waited. I swear it is all innocent. I am not a stalker!”

We both chuckle. “How long do you have? Want to go for a ride?” I look at him skeptically. “Sure, but I only have a couple hours at most.”

“Perfect he says. I don’t live far from here.”

We get in his truck, and he drives away. As we turn the corner, I start to question what I am doing. Why I am doing this? Who is this guy? How can I trust him enough already to get in his truck, and let him take me to his house? Am I going to be on an episode of Dateline next month?

It only took a few minutes before we pulled into his complex. He gets out, and walks over to my side and opens the door for me. As I step out, he takes my hand, and we walk to his front door.

I follow him inside the door. He turns around, and locks the door behind me. He looks me right in the eye, and puts his hand on my cheek. “You know we don’t have to do anything you are not ready to do. Know that ok? You say stop, and we will stop. You are in control.” He looks me right in the eye, his gaze shifting from one eye to the other.

“No, I whisper.” I immediately see the look of understanding in his eye. “Ok” he whispers, as he lowers his hand from my face. I catch his hand before it falls to his side, “I don’t want to be in control. You are in control. Trust me, there isn’t anything you could do to me, that I don’t want done.”

He looks at me again, and presses into me, as he kisses me. He pushes me up against the door as his hand finds my hair. I tip my neck back, as our kiss deepens. It is the most incredible kiss I have ever had. I feel the heat and the passion, all the way to my toes. He leaves my mouth, and starts trailing kisses down my jaw, to my throat. He kisses his way up to my ear, and whispers “I have never responded to anyone the way I have you. My body does not react to women the way you have been able to make me. Typical conversation with someone, never gets me hard.” He takes my hand and places it on his erect cock. “I have been dealing with this for 5 days now! No amount of playing with myself has been able to make it go away. It will get soft, but as soon as my phone dings, and it is a message from you, he pops back to life. No matter what our conversation is about.”

I start to feel him throb in my hand. He was huge. Larger than any man I have ever been with. Not only in length, but thickness. I felt my mouth water, and I immediately swallow. He takes my hand again, grabbing his cock. “I know this is intimidating. Don’t worry. We will go slow. Are you ok? What do you want? Talk to me Drew. Tell me what is going on in your head.”

I look away, as I can’t find the words. Our conversations from the past week keep playing in my head. We have talked about everything. We have talked about what we want in a partner. What we want out of life. Everything he has told me he wants, I want to be for him. Everything I told him I want in a relationship, in a partner, he wants to be. We both know there will be issues with us being together. We will have drama to start with. But he does not care. That is not stopping him from wanting to be with me. He told me that I am worth any and all drama we may have.

My eyes fill with tears, and I look back at him. “I love you Jimmy. I want to do everything we have talked about. I want to be yours. I want you to feel what it is to be loved, by someone that loves you for you. I want you to experience everything you have never had.”

He bends over and kisses me again, as he turns me around. He continues kissing me as he leads me down the hallway to his bedroom. We walk into his room, and he pulls away from me. He walks over to his computer, and starts playing music. He comes back to me, and kisses me again. I feel his hands run down my side, to the bottom of my dress. He grabs my dress, and pulls it over my head. He stands back and smiles, as he looks me over. Inside, I am thanking whoever I need to, that I put on a matching set of bra and panties!

He pulls me in for another kiss, as I grab the bottom of his shirt. I pull it over his head and throw it on the floor. I run my hands along his rock hard chest and down his abs. This man is built like a God. I grab his belt buckle, and unclasp his belt. I unbutton his shorts, and pull his zipper down. His hands are on mine, as he says “Not fair. As soon as these shorts come off, I will be completely naked. We need to get you out of this” as he unclasps my bra with one swift flick of his fingers “And these” as he hooks his thumb into the band of my panties. He pulls them down, as I let go of his shorts, as they fall into a pile around his feet.

The sight of him completely naked is stunning. He is so strong. I take my time drinking him in, keeping out the thoughts of him doing the same to me. I look so frumpy compared to him. I tell myself to knock it off. Why do I do this to myself? Why is it such a hard idea for me to grasp, that a gorgeous man can be into me? Yes, I have had kids. Yes, they played havoc on my body. I hesitantly look into his eyes, expecting to see him recoil in disgust. Imagine my surprise when I see the same love in his eyes, I must be spewing from my own.

He reaches down, and gives me another toe curling kiss. He walks me to his bed, and lays me down. He climbs in next to me, and nuzzles my neck. “I know we have talked about the possible different ways this can go today. I am not going to fuck you Drew.” I look up at him, and I can feel the sadness in my eyes. “I am going to do something to you, that I have never done before. I want to make love to you.”

He looks right at me, and kisses me again. His kisses trail down from my mouth, down my neck, to my boobs. He stops at each one, to lick and suck on my nipples. I can hear my jewelry click on his teeth. He knows how to send shocks all the way to my core. with each flick of his tongue, each bite of his teeth, I can feel myself throb.

He starts moving down along my stomach. He gets to my c-section scar, and he stops to kiss it. He runs his finger along the length of it, taking it all in. He then kisses lower. His fingers find my opening, the same time his tongue finds my clit. He is nibbling and licking, as his fingers are rubbing around my opening. He has not put one inside me yet. The anticipation is driving me crazy. All of these feelings, these shocks, he is sending through my body. I feel like I could cum at any time.

“Not yet baby” he says, as he looks at me. “I want you to hold it until I tell you. Do not cum until I say ok? Can you do that?” I nod my head, my eyes rolling back. “I can’t hear a head shake” he says. I look at him and say “Yes Sir.”

He smiles, and goes back down to my overstimulated clit. He starts licking again, biting, nibbling, and sucking. He then takes his finger, that has been tortuously dancing around my opening, and pushes it inside me. I feel my body tighten, and he whispers “Shh, not yet baby. Let me explore you more.” I nod again, as I feel another finger slide in.

“Good God Drew, you are so wet.” He says as he pulls his fingers out. “Look at my fingers.” I glance over, and I can see that they are shiny with wetness. He sticks them in his mouth, and cleans them off. He closes his eyes, and lets out this raw, almost growl, from deep within. “Delicious” he says as he slips them back inside me.

It is getting so hard to control my urge. He knows what he is doing to me. He is performing this dance, using only his mouth and 2 fingers. He keeps pushing his fingers in deeper, and wiggling them. I can feel myself clench tightly around him. When he feels me clench, he gives a few more wiggles, then stops moving completely. As soon as he hears me exhale, and feels me relax, he starts again.

All of a sudden, he stops. I open my eyes, and I watch him as he positions himself over me. He bends down and kisses me, and I can feel his erection on my stomach. I want to touch him, to taste him, but he grabs my hands and says “No.” I put my arms down, and he kisses me again. I can taste myself on him. I feel him move his hips, and I can feel the head of his cock on my opening. He deepens our kiss, and I moan into his mouth. I elevate my hips, which allows him to slide just the slightest bit, inside me. I feel him stiffen, and then relax. He smiles in my mouth, and I know he knows what I am trying to do. He lifts his head, and says “You think you are ready?” I smile at him and nod my head.

He looks me right in the eyes, as he starts pushing himself inside me. My breath catches, and I arch my back in response to him filling me. He stretches me, as he slowly, and tenderly, pushes his way inside me, inch by inch. He watches my face for any signs of pain. All I feel is intense pleasure. I know he is only just half way in, when he touches a spot inside me, that has never been touched before. My eyes open, and I look at him. He looks so concerned, and he stops moving. He starts to pull out, and I stop him. “No” I say. “I am fine. You are not hurting me. Ive just never been this full before. Honest, I am fine.”

“Are you sure?” he asks. I nod my head and say “yes.” We start this beautiful rhythm, getting to know each other’s bodies. We move together. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow. We are learning what making love really feels like.

I finally start to feel myself rising again. He can tell by my clenching him, what is happening. He doesn’t slow down. He doesn’t stop. He keeps moving. He has not given me permission to cum yet, so I am fighting so hard not to cum. He puts his mouth right next to my ear, and when he knows I cant hold it any longer, he whispers “Cum for me baby. Give it to me. Show me how you cum.”

His words are my undoing. My orgasm rips through me. My legs start shaking uncontrollably. My body starts twitching. One powerful explosion followed by another. After what feels like 5 minutes, my body settles down. I open my eyes shyly, and look at him, waiting for his response.

He looks at me and says, “Well now, that I can work with. You ready for another?” I smile at him, and pull his mouth to mine. After I kiss him, I say “I want to taste you first, if that is ok?” He nods, and pulls out, as he rolls on his back.

Now it is my turn to get to know his body. I start at his mouth, and kiss him. I deepen the kiss, and I can feel him tense his body in response. I trail down his chin, to his throat. My tongue glides over his Adam’s apple. I trail kisses down his chest. I nibble on his nipples, and then kiss down to his abs. I linger at his belly button, and I run my fingers through his treasure trail. I love feeling his muscles under my lips. I feel them twitch under my fingers. I hear him chuckle, when I brush them along his hip. I can see his cock throb and bounce, knowing I am so close. I brush my lips over the head. I hear him inhale sharply. My tongue dances around his opening. I take him as far as I can. I feel him in the back of my throat. I am fighting my gag reflex. I want to feel him back there. I want him to make my throat sore. I take my hand, and run it along his length that won’t fit in my mouth. Luckily, I have enough spit running out of my mouth, that there is ample to lube him all the way to the base. I am running my hand with the motion of my mouth. I am not wanting to make him cum, I just want to show him what I can do with my mouth. I am challenging myself to get to where I can take almost, if not all, of him in my mouth. Thank god that will require a lot of practice to get there!

After a few minutes, he shifts, and pulls himself out of my mouth. “That feels so good baby, but I want you to ride me.” I smile at him, as I straddle him. I slip him inside me, and I am pleasantly surprised to feel him hitting me differently. It may be in my head, but it feels like I am able to take more of him this way. We find a good rhythm after a minute or so. I am sliding up to his tip, and back down as far as I can. I pause at the tip, and slide just his head in and out. I sit down on him, taking him to the point I feel I will split in two.

I bend over to kiss him, and he says “Roll over for me. Face down, ass up. I want to fill your pussy all the way.” I comply. I slide off him, and get into position. I feel him behind me, as he starts rubbing my ass. He has told me numerous times how much he loves my ass. He is rubbing each cheek, and he bends over and kisses my ass cheeks. He moves back and forth, nibbling and kissing each side. I feel his tongue slide over my asshole. I clench and moan in response. My back arches, and I open up for him. his tongue is gliding all around my ass, and I can feel my pussy getting wetter. He stops licking, and says “This asshole will be mine. I know you think you can handle it now, but that will need working up to. I do not want to hurt you. Just know, it will be mine, sooner, rather than later.”

I moan in a way, that I don’t even recognize the sound, as coming from my body. I have not hidden the fact that I love anal. I promise him, it will be his.

I feel him sit up, and I feel the warmth of him at my opening. His hands are on my hips, as he eases his way inside me. He takes one of his hands, and his fingers start playing with my clit. We find our dance, and the pleasure is intense. I can feel him swell inside me. He takes a fistful of my hair, and bends over to my ear as he is pounding me. “I own you now Drew. All of you. And you own me. I want you to cum with me. I am going to fill your pussy up, and I want you to cum too. Are you ready?”

I am not sure if it was the pressure from him pounding me, the feeling of his fingers rubbing on my clit, or his words that claimed me, but I came so hard. I clamped down on his cock, as I felt him unload in me. Knowing this was something that he said he has never had before, something he always wanted to do, made my orgasm all the more intense.

As we both lay in his bed, breathing heavy, sweating, and peaceful, I knew this was where I belonged. With him. The words would be more than just words. We were going to make them real. I love this man with everything I have, everything I will ever be. I am his, and he is mine.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/truesf/when_you_least_expect_it

1 comment

  1. This was a beautiful story, one of the best ive read, v hot and also touching

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