Funny Guy Next Door (MF) (fiction) (struggle) (forced)

Today is going to be a day we will always remember. My wife Ashley is turning 30 and I have a great celebration in mind. I could use a hand setting up before Ashley gets home so I head out to my across the street neighbors to ask for a hand.

Mark and Nicole are about our age and are good neighbors, the kind you forget are there most of the time. Nicole seems to like me better than she does my wife. Truthfully, it’s kind of obvious that Nicole just tolerates Ashley to keep things happy for everyone. It has not gone unnoticed by both Ashley and myself the couple times Nicole has brought up how she likes the way I see humor in everything and how easy going I am. Once after cleaning up the neighborhood July 4th fireworks, I remember Nicole telling Ashley that I was the perfect next door neighbor.

For most of the world today is a boring late winter Saturday around lunch time and like an idiot Mark left Nicole home alone. He does this most weekends trying to never fully grow up. If Mark realized what a treasure Nicole is he’d be spending today flirting and touching her continuously but he’s off with his moron buddies from school, golfing or fishing or some stupid waste of time.

Nicole’s left at home, bored, doing some chores around the house that Mark couldn’t be bothered with. Between taking care of things Nicole mindlessly scrolls Instagram and Tictoc. One of the photography pages she follows is promoting a St. Patrick’s day boudoir themed set they’ve designed and it’s made her a little horny. But then the ring of the doorbell snaps her out of it.

Nicole wasn’t expecting anyone to drop in. Maybe it’s an Amazon delivery she has to sign for. She opens the door expecting the grumpy FedEx woman she’s had to deal with before. Caught off guard, Nicole’s face lights up seeing me instead of the sour delivery woman.

“Hey Ethan!” she says between the silly grin on her face.

“Hey there Nicole, so sorry to bother you.” I reply back less cheerful than usual. I explain how I am working on hanging some decorations for the surprise party tonight and ask if Mark is available to help with some of the parts that need two sets of hands.

Nicole tries to act like her and Mark both hadn’t ignored the invitation texts for Ashley’s surprise party for the last week. Neither wanted to go as they didn’t expect to know anyone there. We’re neighbors and are friendly, but not best friends. Sometimes the 4 of us chat and come over for drinks on the patio occasionally but that’s about all. It would just be too rude to out right decline so both Mark and Nicole had just chickened out and ignored the invite.

Nicole explains that she’s home alone for the afternoon and didn’t expect Mark back for a few hours still. Feeling a bit guilty, Nicole is trying to convince me that she would be just as much help as Mark would be anyway and I should just let her come over and be my interior decorator.

I tell Nicole how nice it is for her to offer to help but I really don’t want to bother her. And some of the decorations will need a ladder to hang from the ceiling. I would hate for her to have to climb or maybe get hurt.

Ashley is at her parent’s place visiting for the day and will be back later for the celebration. There’s probably still time to call a different buddy of mine to come pitch in.

Nicole persists, she’s bored anyway, still feels bad for ignoring me all week, and sensing my desperation for help and time crunch she grabs my arm and reassures me, “we got this.” Looking at her smile and warm eyes, how could I resist her offer to help!

“Ethan, do you think I need to change? Are any guests or caterers going to be coming soon?” Nicole questions, clearly not wanting to meet strangers in the dry running shorts and strappy tank top she’s been wearing around the house.

I reply that I’ve got the food cooking on the Traeger and that no one will show up until party time. “You’ll have plenty of time to come back and get cleaned up later once we’ve got the decorations and everything worked out.”

“Sounds good to me Ethan, let’s go turn your place into the set of the Great Gatsby.” Nicole encourages, remembering the party theme from the invite text. Farewell to the 20s was the most creative I could think of since Ashley turns 30 today.

“Thank you so much for coming to save the day Nicole, I think I might have bitten off more than I can chew trying to pull this off.” I answer, regaining my usual cheerfulness as we set across the driveway.

“This isn’t at all what I had in mind for my day at home alone, but it’s sweet seeing Ethan work so hard to show his care for his wife. He’s one of the good ones.” Nicole thinks to herself as they walk in her neighbor’s front door.

Inside it’s an unorganized mess of cheap Party City clearance aisle decorations mixed with black and gold balloons and gaudy curtains and backdrops. “This is going to be a mess, no way Mark would have been any help here.” Noel mutters under her breath.

I apologize for the shock at all the supplies being laid out right in the front entryway. And I try to explain the idea I had and that I might have overshot the decoration online ordering. “That poor FedEx woman had to carry all this stuff up onto the front porch all week. I think she hates us!” I say with a nervous chuckle.

Almost instinctively Nicole goes back into assurance mode, stands beside me, links her arm under mine like I’m ushering her to a seat at a wedding and says, “Walk me through where you see this all going, and we’ll make it happen.”

The feel of the soft skin of her bare arm wrapped around mine and the welcoming words of assurance suddenly clear my mind of anything having to do with decorating. I’m standing there with my mind in a totally different place until a light elbow in the ribs gets me back on task.

“Right, so the idea is to have a roaring 20s photo station with all the curtains and backdrop right here under the stairway. Then just regular party decorations in the kitchen, dining room and living room.” I explain, confident in the plan, but wavering on the execution. “Think we can do it?”

Understanding the plan Nicole takes charge. My first assignment is blowing up balloons while she lays out all the different decorations to get the design just right. I’m running all over the place getting tape, hangers, boxes and tables to make her design come to life.

Now it’s time to assemble the frame for the backdrop. I have a couple 6 ft ladders so we can each get on one end to raise it in place.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay climbing the ladder Nicole? We can wait for Mark to get home. I think we’ve made good progress.”

“Who knows when he’ll be back after hanging out with his school gang. He’d probably just mess up our hard work anyway. Plus, I didn’t work this hard to not see it get done. You just try to keep up with me Ethan.” Nicole giggles at her own joke.

Nicole has no problem climbing the ladder, what an idiot I was worrying about her. I should have known she’d do fine being that she is in the best shape of anyone in the neighborhood. I secure my side eventually putting everything in place but there is a hangup with her end.

Nicole is fit but too petite to work with this frame over her head. Having to reach up and hold the backdrop in place Nicole doesn’t have the grip strength to force the PVC frame into the fitting.

“Come on down, I’ll get it Nicole. Sorry you couldn’t keep up.” I send a verbal jab back her way.

“Very funny guy. If I let go, this frame will fall and the backdrop will crash and get creases all down it. You’ll have to bring your ladder over and grab it.”

I agree, she’s right, again. But the stairs are in the way and I can’t fit the ladder next to her.

“We’ll just take it down, and figure something out. Come on down.” I try to talk her into the sensible decision.

“Fuck that! Come too far to not see this through.”

Hearing that spark of filthy fire from the lips of his soft fair beauty is shocking and I feel an edginess around her I hadn’t had before.

“Yes ma’am” is all I can think to say.

Nicole shuffles her feet on the ladder to switch hands holding the backdrop. Standing only two steps from the top of the ladder she has to lean forward slightly to reach the corner of the frame.

Now standing on the floor behind the ladder, Nicole’s new position catches my full attention. Looking up, the loose fit shorts flared out to the back and there was a noticeable gap.

Needless to say, this is a view of her like I have never seen. Nicolel had always dressed stylishly and attractive, but I’d never seen much of her body. My eyes are transfixed on the crease where the back of her thigh turns into the curve of her ass.

“Thank God she didn’t change before coming over.” I think to myself. I can’t help but imagine what sort of panties Noel has on under her shorts. Whatever they are, I know they must be sexy because I’ve got a clear view of most of her cheek, and no panties in sight!

The heel of a Nike kicks my shoulder, snapping me out of my trance. “Get a good look Ethan?” she scolds with an eye roll.

“Now figure out a way to get up here and grab this for me.”

“Nicole, I can’t reach the top from down here, the only way to get to it is for me to come up the ladder too.” I sheepishly explain thinking the crowded ladder will be too awkward.

“Whatever dude, I don’t care. Just get up here already, my arms are dying.” She says starting to get aggravated things had stalled here so long.

Quickly I snap one more mental image of my view from the floor and start carefully climbing the ladder. I place my feet wide all the way to either side trying to keep the weight balanced.

Nicole’s slender body makes doubling up on the ladder possible. If she wasn’t in such good shape or had a bigger frame there’s no way we would fit. Keeping my legs out wide I am able to climb without having to get so close to her to make it terribly uncomfortable.

“I’d never be able to reach like this if it were Ashley on this ladder instead of you.” I try to make light of the situation.

“What are you talking about, goofball?” Nicole challenges my assertion.

“You know, with that big caboose of hers…no doubt I’d end up on the floor trying this.”

We both laugh a little and things lighten up.

“Sorry I don’t have enough ass for you Ethan. I thought by the way you were staring a minute ago you liked the view.” Nicole’s quick wit puts me in a corner.

“No, um, I didn’t mean … hold on a minute. Shit.” I’m dumbfounded at the flirting. “Just hand me the frame, I can reach it now.”

“Finally, thank God! My arms are dead!” Noel rejoices as she slumps over the ladder letting her arms and back finally relax.

Free of the holding the frame, Nicole rests her arms and back over the top of the ladder. Nicole’s back and butt curve backwards and press against my stomach and hips. Holding on to the frame at top and standing on the ladder below, the only way not to fall is to lay my weight forward on her.

“Oh shit! I’m sorry Nicole, I just about fell and pulled this whole contraption down with me. You’re not hurt are you?”

“Stop being afraid I’m going to break Ethan. Just try and keep up, remember?” Nicole says while reaching a hand behind her and gripping the side of my leg pulling me in tight. “I’ll hold you still so you don’t ruin all my hard work on this design.”

“Yes ma’am!” Again is all I can think to say.

This awkward body position isn’t comfortable but I am going to take my time securing the fittings on the frame and setting the backdrop. Maybe it’s just my perverted imagination, but I think Nicole is swaying her ass ever so slightly against me.

After fixing the frame I and climbing back down the ladder I reach up to hold Noel’s hips with my strong hands and set her back on the floor. In my mind I’m the friendly cowboy helping a damsel get off of a stagecoach in an old western.

“Whew. So glad to be off that ladder” she says with a bit of awkwardness setting in now being face to face after our bodies were so close for the first time. Her words carry a nervous taste in them as if she wonders how our friendship might have changed.

“Yeah, uh, sorry about all that.” I mumble back just as awkward as the atmosphere is.

Nicole breaks up the weirdness by turning to look at the backdrop and takes in all the work she has done.

“Looks great! Right, Ethan?”

I know she is talking about the decorations but I am totally taken at how all the work has caused some of her hair to fall out of the simple ponytail that held it back. Her face is very pretty framed just right by the light curls of hair that have come loose.

Something has changed since being pressed against her on the ladder. I am now aware of her scent. On the ladder I was breathing in the aroma coming from Nicole’s body, feminine yet with a little grit that came about from all the work around the house.

“Looks real good” slips from my lips without the ambiguity I had hoped.

Nicole isn’t as oblivious as she acts hearing my comment, but she tries not to encourage my focus on her. Nicole’s mind does an on-the-spot cost-benefit analysis reminding herself of their situation. “We are good neighbors, Mark might be home in another hour, there’s a surprise to get ready for…”

She breaks the weird silence, “I need some ice water, you figure out what’s next on the list, neighbor.” She says trying to recenter things and walks to the kitchen.

The space between us is nice, I need to concentrate, and need to get those primal impulses under control to finish what we’ve started.

The next item on the agenda is to set out the serving dishes and arrange the kitchen bar and dining room table to serve the food from. But first I’ll have to move my suits.

“What’s that you’ve got there, neighbor?” Nicole asks, while lifting each suit jacket from my arm.

“I had pulled these out of the spare room closet earlier. I don’t wear suits often and didn’t know which one looked more Gatsby. The blue or the gray?”

“Tell you what, I’ll set the table and you go get dressed. There’s no way to know by looking at them tossed over your arm.” Nicole is back to herself, reassuring me by running her hand down my arm while handing me back the jackets. It’s like she can’t help herself from trying to comfort me whenever she senses that I need a little nudge.

“Nicole, really, you’ve done enough already. I’ll get this all wrapped up, why don’t you take off and I’ll see you for the surprise …?” I leave it hanging out there as I still haven’t heard her commit to showing up.

“Ethan, you need to know, I don’t quit easy. Now go in there and get those clothes off.” Nicole says with a laugh, hoping a little flirt would bring some energy to get things moving along.

That simple innuendo brings a strong rush of desire inside my veins. “You sure you wouldn’t rather help me in the bedroom then?” I try to keep the innuendo level high.

“Knock it off neighbor” with a nervous laugh Noel walks back the flirting, “we’ve got a lot left to do you know!”

“Just let me know if you change your mind.” I say while closing the door to the spare bedroom.

The flirting, Nicole’s scent, the view up her shorts, they’re all banging off the walls of my brain as I drop my jeans to change into the gray suit. Instinctively I squeeze a few times down the length of my cock and feel a semi-erection grow. Since that first glimpse of Nicole’s ass up her shorts, my cock has been begging for more attention and it is responding to the touch.

The focus being paid to my dick feels wonderful but is interrupted by Noel yelling, “what’s taking so long? I change faster than you!”

I must be pausing on my pleasure longer than I realized because she is all done setting the table and has started cleaning up in the kitchen too.

“Look at you Mr. Gray” Nicole smiles while greeting me. “What tie are you going to wear?”

“I don’t wear ties.”

“Every important man in the 20s wore a tie. You have to.” she argues back.

“Well, I can’t do that. This is embarrassing but I’ll just not be an important man. I never learned how to tie them. Ashley has to tie them on the rare occasion I’ve worn one.” I admit, annoyed having to spill the truth.

Nicole does it again. She lays her hand on the front of my shoulder and drags it down over my collarbone to the middle of my chest reassuring me. Smiling, she says, “Go get your tie neighbor and I’ll help you out with that knot.”

The soft touch and the confidence Nicole has that she is the solution and knows how to take care of me is mesmerizing and so sexy. Walking back to get a tie from the spare bedroom closet my half erection is reviving.

I return to the kitchen with the tie to see Nicole leaning back, resting against the kitchen cabinets. I don’t realize that her eyes are closed and she’s zoned out for a minute. My presence in front of her makes her open her eyes and seeing me directly in front of her face she jumps caught off guard.

“Oh Fuck! Ethan. Oh sorry, you scared me. I closed my eyes there for a minute. Let me get that for you.” Nicole explains while reaching her hands up and over my head to put the tie around my neck.

Hearing her again use such naughty language combines dangerously with feeling her arms wrap around my neck. The combination is combustible and my dick grows against the thin front of the suit pants. The dam is breaking, there’s no resistance left in me.

As Nicole raises up on her tippy toes to get the tie under my shirt collar the scent of her skin and hair floods my senses. The only way to explain what I feel in this instant is an animalistic drive to conqueror. All the systems of my body are sending the same message, I must take this beautiful mate before me.

I remove the little space between us with a small step forward. Nicole is suddenly pressed, cabinets behind her and me pressing into her from the front. The heaviness of my body, the heat of my breath and the firmness of my dick against her stomach all overwhelm her senses and shock her system.

Nicole is stuck raised up on her toes and arms around my neck. As she tries to speak, my lips press hard on her open mouth. My strong right arm reaches out and wraps around her back. I stretch my large hand open wide and pull between her shoulder blades until her entire upper body presses tight into mine.

With my left hand I reach back behind my head and her petite build allows me to grab around both of her wrists. I lift her wrists together and pin her hands behind her head against the kitchen cabinets.

My lips move from her mouth and take a trail down the line of her jaw until I am sucking hard on her neck just below her ear.

Nicole gasps loudly as this rush of force has taken her breath away. Finally able to speak she breathlessly begs, “Ethan! What are you doing!”

I hear her begging and react by moving my right hand from her back, and plunge my thumb in her mouth, holding her face with my palm and fingers. Nicolel is pinned against the cabinets, hands held high above her head, face in my grasp, mouth filled with my thick thumb, neck being violently sucked between my lips and my hips pressing my hard cock up and down on her stomach.

The temperature in the room feels like it has risen 15 degrees in 10 seconds. We both can’t catch our breath and the initial shock is wearing off. I lift my face off of Nicole’s neck and look straight into her eyes. All day she has been confident and determined but now she is confused and nervous.

Nicole wiggles her hands free and pushes hard into my chest making me back off of her. But I don’t let go of her face and my thumb stays between her lips.

The push has made an arms length of space between us but I haven’t lost my deep look into her eyes. Nicole bites down hard on my thumb hoping I’ll let go. But the girth of my thumb has made her mouth so full she can’t get enough force in her bite to break my grip.

Looking in her eyes I see the change from confused to seriously aggravated that she can’t get away. Nicole looks back at me and isn’t recognizing the jovial funny guy next door but witnesses a lust and wild passion she didn’t know existed. Not even her hardest bite on my thumb can break the wild lust showing on my face.

Stepping backwards my thumb pulls her whole head with me. I exchange my thumb in her mouth and grab the front of her loose tank top between her breasts.

With her mouth finally free Nicole continues to beg to understand what’s happening. “Why are you doing this Ethan!”

My silent answer to her pleas is to further stretch her tanktop away from her chest beyond repair.I have a clear look at the designer sports bra I’ve been getting glimpses of all day. Her breasts are totally hidden behind the support and style but the design of the multiple straps all converge together and bring my attention squarely on her chest.

Nicole is squirming wanting to break free but the straps of the stretched out tank have fallen to her sides and my grip on the front won’t allow her arms enough room to get loose. Soon both shoulders are bare and the tanktop is like a rope wrapped around her waist. I’m pulling that ruined garment slowly inching her body closer and closer to mine.

“What’s got into you!” Noel yells out and her words bounce off the hard surfaces in the kitchen but no one hears them.

Nicole turns around convinced she’ll run away but the shirt held around her waist is like a belt and she just spins in place. Her failed try to get out means I’ve ended up behind her. My new position is perfect to grab her waist while letting the stretched tank top fall to the floor. I jerk her hard back into my hips and wrap my long strong arms around her hips.

My cock has never been this hard and the thin gray suit pants are barely there between us. My hands are stretched open wide holding her stomach and ribs tight. I rock her whole body back and forth with my strong grip until my cock is pressed squarely between the cheeks of her sexy ass.

Finally I open my mouth and give her the explanation she’s begged for. “You’ve been teasing me all day, you know.” my low voice shocks her to hear.

“What are you talking about!” Nicole objects, “Have you lost your mind?”

Her objections are meaningless, my desire isn’t diminished at all. My right hand slides up her bare stomach to that strapped bra and begins exploring all over her breasts.

“I could feel you moving your ass on my dick earlier on the ladder. And your filthy innuendos didn’t slip unnoticed.”

Nicole argues back, still trying to make sense of it. “I was just being friendly! Ethan! What in the world? Why?!”

Nicole tries to pry my left hand from off her hip while my right is squeezing her right breasts. My right hand slips under the front of the bra then pulls out and up. Her perfect soft perky tits are revealed there in the middle of the kitchen.

My stretched out right hand attaches over Nicole’s entire right breast and pulls her back tight against chest.

“Aahhh” Noel gasps as the force overwhelms her.

Unable to move she reaches back and starts digging fingernails into the top of my thighs. Trying anything she can to wrestle away from my powerful hands.

The pain in my leg sends more energy to my hips and I thrust forward hard. Nicole almost falls forward to the kitchen floor except my strong grip on her hip keeps her lower half standing. Nicole is bent over, she has to use her hands to catch herself. The tight curve of her ass still pulled tightly against my cock.

One question is finally answered when I look to see her shorts have slid down her waist. The lacy black trim top of her panties is exposed and I was right, they are sexy.

I slowly let go of Nicole’s hip but my handprint is clear, the bruise will be obvious for several days. In one fast movement of both hands I pull her shorts down to her ankles. That black lace thong is sexy and disappears halfway tight between her cheeks. No wonder I didn’t see it earlier from below.

With my right hand I grab a fistful of the back of the thong and pull until she stands up. My left hand reaches around and turns Nicole to face me. As she turns Nicole unleashes a hard slap across my jaw.

Again she tries for another slap but I control her wrists.

I cross her small wrists over and wrap them in my left hand. With my right I remove the neck tie from out of my shirt collar. I am tying her thin wrists together as she gives one more argument.

“What about your wife!? What about Mark?”

“They’re not here. I’ll take care of Ashley later and we both know Mark’s a pussy.”

With her wrists tied tightly together I exchange my grip for a handful of hair. Pulling her face close I can see the sweat starting to gleam on Nicole’s neck and shoulders. Her heavy breath feels hot and wet with her head pulled face to face.

“Now take my pants off and suck my hard cock bitch.”

“Ethan, we can’t do this. I can’t …”

“No more talking slut. You’re mine, to do what I want.”

Nicole knows there’s no use talking any more, slowly the button is opened and the pants slide down over my thighs. “Look at me while it goes in your mouth” I give her instructions.

Nicole, still hesitating, barely puts the tip to her lips, looks up at me and I use the handful of hair to pull her head down deep on my dick.

While I move her head back and forth my dick is throbbing and I feel the precum leaking deep in her mouth. Nicole sort of glazes over as her senses are being overtaken. The taste of my cock, the precum trickling down her throat, the pain in her jaw keeping her mouth stretched open, all of it is too much to process.

“Look at me slut. Let me see those big eyes while you choke and gag on my thick dick.” I spell out exactly what I want.

Nicole looks, I can see her eyes watering from sucking my dick deep to her throat. I keep one handful of hair and use the other to take off the suit jacket and my shirt.

One more time I pull her head down deep on my dick and hold her there while I step out of my pants.

“Enough for now. There will be more for you to clean off my cock soon.”

Nicole catches her breath and wipes her face clean of the saliva that had dripped out of her lips. I pull her hair to stand her up then slide my hand to the back of her neck. Squeezing our bare bodies close I kiss her hard, invading my tongue deep in her mouth

Just as I break our kiss my heavy hand falls hard on her ass with a loud smack

“Let’s go” I lead while pulling her tied wrists towards the bedroom.

“Ethan, please, come on, please” she starts back trying to convince me.

In the spare bedroom I throw Nicole on the bed and she lands laying on the jeans and t-shirt I wore all day. She smells me from the clothes, has my taste in her mouth, and my hand prints on her skin.

To my eyes as she lays on her back with her hands tied in front of her, Nicole looks like a mix of an angel and a seductive Greek goddess. Is this really the fair skinned girl next door? The same who always waves from the driveway heading to work each morning.

There she is panting, perfect teardrop breasts rising and falling, long smooth legs meeting at the faintest strip of hair marking the opening to her center.

The gazing on this beautiful body I’ll soon claim as mine lingers a moment too long. Thud! A blast to my chest makes me stumble back. With both feet Nicole kicks like a dolphin against my advance.

Quickly Nicole rolls to her side and then up to her feet standing on the bed. She tries but is still unable to free her hands. “AHHHHH!” she screams in rage. “Fuck you Ethan! Fuck your stupid whore wife’s birthday. Fuck your fat cock gagging me. You bastard!”

The strange rage meltdown is weirdly engaging my passion. The screams make Nicole’s breast bounce and with the adrenaline her hips tighten and force her mound forward.

Blinded by fear and rage Nicole leaps from the bed trying to get past me to the door. But my jeans tangle around her feet and her jump barely leaves the mattress. This ill fated escape is a disaster for her.

Lightweight Nicole is easy to catch and folds in half over my shoulder. The utter jump of failure ends with her laid over my shoulder pounding both hands on my back. Then she digs her nails into the skin at the top of my ass and rakes deep claw marks up my back.

The pain rocks up my spine and I whip my head violently to the side and meet her curved ass with my mouth and bite her cheek hard.

The mutual pain relaxes long enough for me to set the stage. “Fuck yes, dirty slut. You’re mine now.”

Stepping back to the bed I wrap my right arm tight around her thighs and snap Nicole over my shoulder back down on the bed. Shoulders and head on the bed, her legs stay tight laying up my stomach and chest.

I climb on the bed on my knees, pressing my body completely against the back of Noel’s legs. I push her ankles together high up above and her swollen shaved pussy lips slip through, exposed just beneath my raging cock.

I grab the base of my shaft and whip my hard thick dick against her labia. “You have no idea how many times I thought about this pussy. I’m going to own this pussy starting today.” I tell her as I spit on her sweet entrance. I reach my left hand through her extended legs and grab her bound wrists, pressing her wrist against her ribs.

Nicole squirms against my force but pressed on her back, legs high in the air it’s no use. Using my weight and strength to hold her in place I grab my thick shaft and rub the head of my dick against her pussy up and down several times until the pedals of the flower start to open.

“Open your eyes bitch. Watch me while I claim this cunt.” I demand.

Still fighting back, Nicole lifts her head up and fires back, “Fuck you assho oooo fuccccck!”

I press hard, stretching her tightness to new levels. Slowly I keep pushing deep into her pussy.

“O FUCK fuck fuccccck.” Nicole feels like her pelvic bone is being split in two.

Taking almost all my force I press my hips down until slowly I’m fully held by her tunnel. Stopping in place I lay all my body over top of hers and stay there enjoying her spasming walls squeezing my fat dick.

Nicole gasps and grunts then tells me she hates me. Her outbursts distract her from realizing how her hips start rolling up and down.

My right hand takes a familiar position as my thumb forces its way in her mouth and my fingers grip her face. I slide my face down her chest and suck hard on her sweet pink nipple. I hold her nipple between my teeth and flick it with the tip of my tongue.

At the same time I take my opposite hand up her body and wrap it just around the base of her neck.

“Beg me Nicole. Beg me to fuck you.”

“oooh argh mm” is all the sound I can get out of her.

I pull my hips back and slam down hard into her. Again, back to back and hear the sound of wetness.

“Nicole, your pussy is wet. You dirty little girl. You’ll always need my thick dick from now on.” She’s not paying attention so I take my thumb out of her mouth and lay a slap on her cheek to bring her back.

The fullness, the pain, the slap, my voice, it all has Nicole’s attention now. Her eyes glare sharp at me and I command her again. “Beg me. Beg me to fuck you.”

Nicole locks her legs around mine and rolls making us fall to the side. But I keep buried deep inside. I’m not done with her and reached again for her tied wrists.

After all the struggle Nicole’s reserves are empty, there’s no strength to fight any more. The roll was the last maneuver she had in her.

Pushing her hands up above her head I then turn her face into the bed. My jeans are under us and I slide out from between her legs while taking the belt out of my jeans. I run the belt around Nicole’s waist and roll her onto her stomach.

My freed cock glistens with a mixture of pre cum and Nicole’s juice. I spread my knees on either side of Noel’s legs and pull the belt up to raise her ass up to my waist.

Lining up my fat dick with her red swollen lips, I push in. This hot tight pussy feels so good and my balls meet her clit over and over as I pound deep inside her. Pulling that belt backwards and thrusting my hips forward I find a solid pace ramming deep over and over.

My rhythm is broken when Nicole calls out, “Finish it already Ethan, you’re going to ruin me. If you keep going.” Nicole asks for relief..

“You know what to say, sweetie.” I remind her.

I keep going hard, pulling the belt back each time so all of me is in all of her.

I feel my load building and building. My balls are going to empty so much hot cum.

I reach forward and grab a handful of hair and pull her back into me.

That was all she could take…”Fuck me Ethan! Please fuck me hard! Give me your cum. Ethan, fill me up. Please!”

Nicole’s voice reaches the deepest urges in my body and I bellow a loud grunt and begin to open the floodgates of my seed. Stream after stream of hot ropes of cum release at the depth of her canal for seemingly minutes on end.

Finally my primal needs are satisfied and I slip out of Nicole’s worn out pussy. I fall next to her and slide so I can sit at the head of the bed and roll her over to lay her head in my lap.

“That’s daddy’s good girl, you did fine Baby. Now sweetie, clean your mess off daddy’s cock” I explain. Resetting our new dynamic.

Slowly, with zero energy left in her, Nicole licks and sucks the mixed creams off of my deflating dick.

Confused, sore, and exhausted Nicole drifts in and out of an exhausted haze.

The vibrating on the wall behind the bed tells me that the garage door is opening and closing. Standing up I pull my jeans on and walk into the kitchen.

“Honey, I’m home, what’s all this?” Ashley’s voice calls out over the birthday decorations.

I greet my wife with a smile, “Happy Birthday love… Your present is in the guest room.”
