Pride comes before the fall, chapter 2

Chapter 1:

The bus ride home was a blur. There was a curious lack of feeling as if Lena were a passenger in her own body. There was emptiness where there should have been panic and anxiety. Her body went through the motions of the journey home and it was only when she stood before the door of her studio that the weight of what happened hit her. Lena took the stairs with a tremble in her legs, her coat and scarf had kept her warm but beneath the layers, there was a cold sweat. Her head swam and Lena felt as if she might collapse with each step.

The drive with the little devil emoji hadn’t left her hand since stepping onto the bus. But now that Lena stood across from her laptop, she was reluctant to cross the distance, instead her eyes wandered over the room until they fell on her bed. Her favorite toy, Mr. Purple, lay innocently on the top, along with a few of his friends. Just hours before Lena had lain with them, naked and hunched over her phone with the vibrator buzzing against her clit. So lost in the excitement that came with the hunt for her drive that she had reveled in every shock that coursed through her body. The sheets were rumpled while Lena’s pillow was on the ground with several stains. Half her studio looked like it came from an amateur porn scene.

Part of her wanted to grab the excuse with both hands and avoid the smirking devil in the room. It would be easy to flit from task to task and ignore it, but Lena couldn’t. The way her stomach was twisting over itself would never let her go.

Eight feet to her laptop, but every inch felt like a yard. A massive weight held on to her as Lena took the five steps needed. When she sat down, her heart raced. Short, quick breaths escaped her as Lena booted the laptop.

With a low groan, Lena dropped her head into her hands. “I’m going to be sick.” The mumble had barely left her lips when the laptop chimed. Lena had to turn the USB-drive over three times before it finally slid in and the nails of her right hand fell victim to Lena’s teeth as she waited for the drive to be recognized. The window finally popped up and something grabbed on to her heart. It squeezed as the reality hit her.

Everything was gone.

The pictures, the video. Even the documents where she had linked personal details along with her favorite porn and erotica were gone. All replaced by a single file named: READ ME.txt.

The pressure made Lena’s mind swim while her breath was stuck in her throat. With a shaking hand, Lena double-clicked and saw a full-screen version of the smirking devil made up out of letters and numbers. Below the devil stood a few words.

Discord: Duivelke47 at 8:47 pm

Lena felt close to tears. It had already been agony to get to her apartment, now there were two more hours before she would get an answer. When a shudder passed through her, Lena wrapped her arms around herself. Someone out there held everything that she had put on the drive and she didn’t know how long they already had the contents. It could be a disgusting pervert who wanted nothing more to break the rules of the game. Images of an old fat man masturbating to her content flashed through Lena’s mind and she flinched.

With a hard push, Lena flew away from the desk, rattling her jar of pens hard enough that it nearly tipped over. Nervous energy coursed through her body. Lena needed to do something, anything. The wireless earbuds were set to blast one of her playlists, and Lena began. The toys were cleaned and stored away. Her sheets ended up in a hamper ready to be washed while draped a fresh set over the bed.

Even the dirty dishes were attacked with vigor as the music filled her head tightly enough that nothing more than a stray thought could enter. Those few thoughts that made it through were ignored, but despite all that, Lena’s heart felt ready to burst from her chest as the nervous tension wouldn’t leave. With the dishes done and the trash thrown out, there wasn’t anything left to do. After a moment’s indecision, Lena stripped on the way to the shower. The dirty clothes went into the hamper while Lena jumped into the stall. It took a long while for the water to get hot enough, but when Lena finally stepped under the showerhead, she hissed at the heat. A sharp spray beat into her shoulders and she bore it with a grimace until eventually, the tensions trickled away with the water. While Lena began to relax, she tried to convince herself that it wouldn’t be as bad as her fears said.

Others had lost red drives before. Yes, there were cautionary tales on the server, but they all knew where the thrill was and what the safewords meant. The challenge had only been posted to the Discord server, and the mods ran a tight ship. And if Lena kept repeating these thoughts long enough, they were sure to turn out true.

With her eyes held closed against the spray of water, Lena grabbed the soap. Washcloths were a thing she had always disliked as Lena preferred the feel of her hands. The soapy suds spread along her body and Lena’s mind began to wander. Along with those cautionary tales there had been other stories on the server, more interesting ones that had fueled her fantasies. The soft-touch of her hands felt wonderful, almost as if someone else were caressing her. With her head tilted back, Lena’s fingers rose from her thighs, over her tummy, before they cupped her breasts. When Lena pinched her nipples, a spike of pain shot through her and she imagined a man’s body pressed against hers, ready to take what he wanted despite Lena’s protests.

The spray that beat down on her was forgotten as Lena’s hands explored while the man in her fantasy did the same. A teasing touch along her sides made her core clench, before a twist to her nipple made Lena gasp. She didn’t notice as her back pressed against the shower wall, too lost in her fantasy of the stranger that played with her weeping lips. With her fingers slipping through her cunt, all Lena knew was how the man in her fantasy fucked her, hard thrusts with one of his hands twisted in her hair to pull her head back. Lena let out a loud moan, two fingers slipped inside and set a furious pace while the palm of her hand ground against her clit.

The fire inside her was stoked higher as her fantasy man showed no mercy and pounded into her. Each breath was accompanied by a moan. The heat of it all threatened to overwhelm and when it exploded, Lena screamed. The walls of her core clenched down on her fingers. Each twist of her palm against her clit made stars burst behind her eyes while the world shook.

The waves of her orgasm lapped against Lena’s senses as tremors surged through her body. She clutched the shower door for fear that she might fall. The steam inside the shower fogged up the glass and clung to her skin. There was a moment of brisk cold that made her hiss before Lena had the towel wrapped around her. Lena rested her back against the wall and slid down to the floor, not knowing whether she should cry or laugh.

One of her favored fantasies of the past few weeks might come true, and her stomach squirmed at the thought. Lena had never imagined that the drive would be found. And now that it was, she didn’t know what to do. Part of her wanted to use the established safeword, stop all of it. Another part balked at the cowardice of using it and whispered about the possibilities. And it was those whispers that she feared, during the shower, her thoughts had lapsed and it had been so easy to forget the danger. Lena didn’t dare think what could happen if she met with the Hunter.

A quick check of her phone showed that there was half an hour left. Drying her hair and getting dressed were basic tasks that didn’t require any thought, but still Lena’s mind churned. A battle plan came together, start the conversation strong, hear the hunter out. And the first sign of any funny business would see the use of the safeword. Damn the man if he didn’t listen the first time, the police would believe her when Lena showed up with tears in her eyes and a proclamation that a hacker took her contents.

Twenty-eight minutes later Lena was ready, her hair was blow-dried, and she wore shorts along with an easy shirt and fluffy socks. Ready and waiting, but Lena couldn’t stop pacing between her kitchen and her bed. Every few moments her eyes would zero in on the clock face of her laptop before she let out a curse as the seconds trickled by.

With her hands in her hair, Lena groaned. “Who the fuck chooses such an odd hour? Normal people choose eight o’clock. Maybe even half-past. Nobody chooses eight forty-seven.” The curses flowed from her mouth as Lena kept pacing. It was a desperate attempt to calm her nerves who were ready to abandon ship.

When her alarm rang like an old-fashioned clock, Lena flinched at the noise. A few steps to her bed and the alarm was silenced while Lena worried her bottom lip with her teeth. There were forty-five seconds left, enough time to navigate to the proper app and type the message. Lena’s heart beat faster when she saw the green do next to the Hunter’s name. With a thundering drum in her chest and shaking fingers, Lena sent a single word.

LoC227: Hello?

Duivelke47: A few seconds early. Were you sitting on hot coals, Lena?

The casual use of her name just confirmed it, still it felt like the final nail being pounded into the coffin. Somehow the danger of it sent sparks shooting up her spine, a fact Lena balked at. She ignored the question and her fingers flew through her response.

LoC227: You broke the rules! You didn’t say that the drive was found.

Duivelke47: I didn’t break them, the rules say that we have to signal a win or a loss with the verification picture. They don’t say when.

The answer made Lena pause for a second, there was a truth in it. A truth she didn’t want to admit or see, there was too much tension inside her. A fire brewed beneath her skin and wanted to lash out. Yet the bouncing dots of the Hunters typing made Lena rein it in for a few seconds longer.

Duivelke47: Besides, I wanted to offer you a chance. Imagining a loss is very different from actually losing.

That threw Lena for a loop. She had been ridden by anxiety since discovering the sticker on her drive. Images of what could go wrong had flashed through her mind. But now it seemed as if the Hunter was offering her a way out.

LoC227: What are you saying?

The nail of her right thumb found itself caught between Lena’s teeth as they tore at the keratin.

Duivelke47: That you have two options right now. The safeword will ensure that your content will never see the light of day, or rather the rest of the internet will never see them. Or….

Lena’s teeth clicked shut when the nail slipped from between her teeth. The drum inside her chest beat in a way that felt as if it were fit to burst.

Loc227: Or?

Duivelke47: We play a game and you get to choose if you want to win it all back. Your choice Lena.

At that moment, Lena forgot to breathe. Her head felt full enough that it might explode at the thoughts racing through. There was still a chance to turn back. A chance that Lena thought she would have to fight for, while far more horrible outcomes lurked in the depths of her fears. But now that it was here, Lena didn’t know if she wanted to take that chance at freedom. The drum changed its tune to one that made Lena want to move. To dance, to play. To do something. And nothing horrible had happened yet.

Would it be so bad to risk a little more?

LoC227: Let’s try the game for now.

Lena had barely sent the message when her phone almost exploded in her hand. A peppy song blasted from the speakers as it shook with an incredible force. The suddenness of the call startled Lena bad enough that the phone flew into the air. Lena juggled it from hand to hand until she finally managed to catch it, an unknown number. With her heart beating in her ears, Lena accepted the call. Her voice was a cautious venture.


“Good choice Lena.” His voice was warm and filled with satisfaction. The kind that you might feel when you knew something was going to happen, and it happened, exactly in the way you wanted it to.

“Who are you?” The words were flung at the phone in her hand.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” The voice chuckled against her ear. “You don’t know me. Yet. Time enough for that later.”

There was a calm confidence in his words. Any other time, and it would have been calming. Here it was a focal point for her indignation, Lena had to grasp something to keep her anger alive. The moans of the shower still reverberated in her ears as she spoke in an accusation while the final word came with a scoff. “This is your idea of a game? How is it going to work? Like I’ll just obey your every command.”

“Easy there. I prefer talking to people rather than just sending a few messages back and forth. Chats leave so much to the imagination.” An exasperation colored his words before they turned conciliatory. “For now, we just talk and get to know each other.”

The Hunter at the other end sounded sincere. There wasn’t a lie she could hear in his voice and it felt as if he wanted to talk about more than just her nudes.

“You’ve done this before then?” Lena asked.

“I’ve taken part in a few hunts, but yours is the first that I’ve found in two years. The last one was a green drive, but I found an amber once. Red ones are rare. Most people only go so far as amber. Risqué pictures, but no contact info. You really went all out.”

There was a certain quality to his words, something Lena couldn’t identify, but it made her squirm.

There was an admission that came from her, out before Lena knew it. An excuse for the drive she’d made. “I didn’t actually expect my drive to be found.” The last of her words were admitted in a mumble and the Hunter chuckled when he heard. “The green ones, people didn’t even come close.” That laughter made Lena’s ears burn.

“Underestimated how much more motivated people would be for a red one? It was quite the prize, after all. You are incredibly beautiful.”

Lena’s cheeks flushed at the compliment while her core twitched at the reminder of how many people had sought after her drive. But the man at the other end was the only one to have seen everything she’d made, intimate details and acts that she had never shown, even her boyfriends. The satisfaction that came from the compliment was something Lena didn’t want to address. “I guess I did. It had been a fantasy. When I started making the drive, it was more for my own fun than anything else.”

“Ah, yeah I get it.” The hunter spoke and Lena could imagine as the man nodded along with his words. “A naughty little secret where you get the fun of making it, but not the danger. What changed?”

The answer to his question came easily. “Exams left a lot of pent-up frustration. I started with a green one, simple pictures that weren’t too daring, but it sorta grew into something else.” too easily for Lena’s tastes and she tried to divert the conversation.

“Aren’t you supposed to give me a name or something?”

“Oh, I’m a little shy. You’ll discover my name when the time is right. But you can call me Sir in the meantime.”

“Sir? Really? Bit cliché, don’t you think?” The snort before her answer wasn’t kind to the moniker.

“It’ll do for now.” The Hunter ignored the rudeness in her answer. “What’s with your screen name, is it short for something?”

That made Lena’s cheeks burn for a different reason, she laid back against the wall and cast her gaze to the ceiling. She answered, but Lena knew what response was would come her way. “Lover of cake. I had to pick a name and couldn’t come up with anything better.”

The hunter laughed hard. It blared from Lena’s phone, a full belly laugh that shook the entire body. When he finally answered, there were a few chuckles strewn in with his words, yet they didn’t manage to break the wicked tone he had. “Cake does tend to be delicious, so I think it suits you well.”

The undertone of his words and the pleased squirming in her belly were ignored for another question.
“So what happened with the amber drive?” The more they spoke to each other, the easier it became to forget the circumstances of the call and what the Hunter had in his possession.

“Ah, that was a fun one. Another beautiful girl that tried her hand at the challenge. We talked, and she decided that she wanted to trade favors for her pictures. I quite happily agreed.”

In the way that the Hunter spoke, it was clear that he held good memories of that exchange while Lena’s curiosity was peaked. Her breath grew heavier, and she spoke with a hesitance to her words. “What did the two of you do together?”

“Quite a few things actually, but first we talked. Got to know each other better, then came little tasks and dares. Every once in a while, a task would come where she could win a piece of content back from me.” The Hunter’s voice and words hadn’t changed, but the way he spoke had. It was lower, more of a thrum in Lena’s ears as the words flowed.

“Tasks and dares?” The words were whispered. In the past, Lena had done enough of those, ones that she had set for herself. The thought of doing those things at the word of someone else sent a pulse of heat through her body.

“We started with little ones. Want to try?”

The question sounded innocent, yet it was anything but. Here the Hunter was asking to continue the game, to venture a little further and Lena couldn’t find it in herself to decline. Her answer came in a breathless word.


“Perfect, take your clothes off.”

Lena bit her lip, it was an obvious command and her core twitched at the thought of obeying. Still, a small part of her didn’t want to give in that easily. She wanted to continue their little game as well. Lena wanted to be won.

One of her fingers twirled in her hair as Lena spoke. “What if I said I was already naked?”

“Then I’d say you were lying. Take them off, Lena.”

It was the tone at the end that did it. Just the right inflection to his voice that made her core clench. After that, it was a matter of moments before Lena was naked on her bed, with a flush to her cheeks.

“I did it.” Lena spoke in a whisper as if she were imparting a secret to someone.

“Good, that wasn’t so hard now was it? Just a moment, let me take a look at your pictures again. I want to visualize.”

Those words made Lena’s heart beat faster, a reminder of just what kind of pictures were in this man’s possession. The low whistle that came sent tingles along her spine and made her arm tremble.

“Those really are amazing pictures. You have a beautiful body and a wonderful, slutty mind. I especially like the one where you’re going down on that dildo. It makes for quite the sight.” The Hunter’s tone made it clear that he would have preferred Lena’s mouth on him at that moment.

For all her bravado, Lena wasn’t used to someone speaking that brazenly. Her cheeks burned, while she didn’t quite know what to say. “Thank you. What did you do with her?”

“Funny thing actually, from what I saw within your porn and erotica favorites, the two of you have similar interests.” Another little reminder that sent heat through her body and Lena’s hand began to wander along her skin. “First were a few tasks out in the world. To go shopping without any panties. Go to class with a vibrating egg. Simple things.” There was a devious tone to the last two words. Something that made Lena squirm on her bed as her thighs rubbed against each other.

“The first time we met, she wanted it to be soft, to get to know each other. I agreed. We took it slow while I explored her body. I bound her in her clothes and showed just how soft my touch could be.” The Hunter at the other end of the phone had captured Lena’s attention. Her apprehension was gone while the anxiety had left her body tightly wound. With each sentence, she fell deeper into the story he told. “We had a rule that day.” With those last few words Lena had to ask, she had to know.

Her question came in a breathless whisper. “What rule?”

“A simple one. If she wanted something, she would have to ask me.” That voice was like honey in her ears. “Ask me explicitly and nicely. It’s a rule I always use, it’ll work for you as well. Proper communication is very important, after all.” There was a weight to his words that made certain Lena knew how important they were. “Of course, good girls get a reward. And she proved to be a very good girl. What about you Lena?”

While the Hunter had been speaking, Lena’s hand had wandered further down. Her fingers traced circles around her clit and Lena had to suppress a moan as she asked. “What about me?”

“I can hear your breathing, Lena. It’s gotten heavier, you’re practically panting. Alongside that, I’ve been hearing a shuffling noise from your end. A case of naughty fingers?” The words came in a chiding tone, but Lena could hear the wicked grin behind them.

But they had startled her, and Lena stopped her careful ministrations. Too afraid to even breathe, much less answer.

“Oh, don’t stop now. I want you to touch yourself.”

The truth rang in his words, there was a desire there. A want to hear her pleasure.

“Can you do that for me, Lena?”

Her fingers had already started their work again, the question merely spurned her on. “Yes.” The word tore from her lips in a ragged gasp.

“Good girl.” Smug satisfaction oozed from the phone in her hand, but Lena didn’t care. The weight behind those two words made her moan in response.

“But there is an additional rule. You don’t get to come without my permission. Do you understand?”



“Yes, Sir.” A breathless whisper for something that she had scoffed at as being silly.

“Hm, good. Now, where was I? Oh yes, I was just explaining how I like to take things slow. You have a beautiful body and it would be a shame not to explore every inch. I bet you taste delicious, I’ll just have to tie you down to minimize the squirming.”

The Hunter’s words conjured images of each act in Lena’s mind. Her breath grew more rapid as she almost felt his tongue trace a path down her body while he spoke. The tips of her fingers followed that imagined path as they were led by his words.

“Hands and feet bound to each corner while I taste you. But don’t worry, I don’t bite that much.” A wicked laugh followed his words and she just know that the last two were a lie. A lie that she wanted to discover the truth of. “I’ll work my way down your body inch by inch. Would you like that?”

“Uhuh” The answer was little more than a few grunts into her phone, her fingers worked a rapid rhythm into her core as Lena’s toes curled.

“Tsk, tsk Lena. Use your words.” The admonishment was a gentle tease to poke fun at her.

“Yes Sir, I’d like that.”

“That’s better, but to make sure you remember to be polite. Pinch your nipples.” There wasn’t even a thought to disobey, Lena’s hand dropped away from her cunt and her nipple rolled between her fingers as Lena bit down on her lip.

“Harder Lena, I want to hear you.”

A sharp pain drew a ragged gasp from her lips. “Ah.”

“Good girl. I’m going to taste you, but remember, your body is for my enjoyment. Any pleasure you get is incidental, the soft treatment is only going for so long. With your wrists cuffed behind your back and a hand in your hair, it’ll be easy to force your pretty lips down to my cock.” And Lena could imagine just that. A wave of pleasure flooded through her body at the thought of being forced to take his cock, and a curse slipped from between her lips.


“I’m eager to try out that mouth of yours after seeing your content. That big purple dildo was quite lucky to get such a blowjob. Are you going to suck my cock, pretty girl?”

“Ahn, yes Sir. I’m close.”

“Stop right now!” The command was a swift and hard bark in her ear. “Take the hands away from the pussy.”

Lena swore in frustration as she turned on the bed and her fingers slipped from her core, her thighs clamped tightly together as the sticky wetness called to her. Lena groaned. There was a knot within her and her body was on edge from the tension.

“Easy girl, tease yourself for me. In the next few seconds, I’m going to hang up and you’ll have a choice to make.”

“What? No!” The denial was swift, she didn’t want it to end. Lena wanted to earn her climax.

“Don’t interrupt me. Pinch your nipples again.”

While Lena grit her teeth, she pinched her nipple again and a hiss of pain escaped.

“Good. Now, as I said in the next few seconds, I’m going to hang up. If you want to keep playing our game and win your content back, you’re going to post a picture in the discord. You’ll pose in front of your mirror and tease all of them for me. If I don’t see a picture in the next four minutes, I’ll take that as your answer. You won’t hear from me again and your content will be deleted.”

“But.” Lena was interrupted by the call ending and she could only stare at the phone in her hand with dumbfounded consternation. The Hunter had actually hung up while the tension raged within her. At this point, Lena could have easily finished on her own. She didn’t have to go along with the game. Even though she didn’t have to, Lena wanted to and with a tremble in her legs, she stood to take the picture.

It was a simple one where she stood before the mirror and held out the hand that didn’t hold on to her phone with one finger in the air. Her breasts were on full display while her nipples looked hard enough to cut glass. The one finger she held up was enough to hide her pussy from the discord members. The picture was ready and three minutes had passed but there was a moment’s hesitation before Lena pressed send.

Her phone rang almost immediately and Lena picked up the call to hear the Hunter again. “Good girl. That was fun, wasn’t it?” The nerves in her body were ready to dance in agreement while her fingers twitched. “Just look at all of them going crazy over your picture. You love the attention, don’t you?”

Lena’s answer was little more than a wanton moan. “Yes, Sir.”

“Get on your knees, Lena. Facedown on the bed with your ass up in the air. That’s the way I’m going to fuck you. Play with yourself for me. I want to hear you, get a taste of your moans for when I’m pounding you from behind.” The Hunter’s words blurred together. All that mattered to Lena was the voice rumbling in her ear and the images it conjured. The fire within her core stoked higher and higher until Lena couldn’t hold it in any longer and cried out.

“Please, can I come?” The words came again and again as a desperate chant, while the storm inside her was barely kept at bay.

When her Hunter finally answered, it let loose the explosion within her body and Lena screamed as stars exploded behind her eyes. One hand clenched onto the sheets as the wave of pleasure pulled her under. Lena shook as the orgasm swept through her body and she felt a second explosion not too far off. The scream was muffled when she bit down on the sheets and the world blacked out.

When the wave of pleasure had swept through her, Lena couldn’t hold her position any longer and she collapsed onto her side, gulping in deep breaths as the occasional spark made her twitch. The laughter at the other end barely managed to get through to her. With a shaking hand, Lena picked up the phone again.

“Still alive over there?” The Hunter’s voice was filled with satisfaction. “That sounded like quite the climax. What do you say when someone helps you have such an orgasm?”

The answer was a mumble as Lena burrowed into her sheets with a smile on her lips. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Good girl, now check the discord channel.”

Despite the tremendous orgasm Lena had just experienced, her heart still fluttered at the thought of what she might find on her phone. In short order, the app sprang open and Lena gasped. There were dozens of messages after her picture.

“They loved seeing you, but they’ll love this even more.”

For a moment Lena’s brow furrowed in confusion until another picture popped up in the chat. It was one from the drive she’d made, each drive had to contain a verification picture so that the hunter who found the drive could prove his possession. This one showed Lena on full display while she sat on her knees with a piece of paper held before her face.

“You’re mine now, Lena.”

The Hunter spoke in a possessive growl and those words shot a spark up her spine, Lena’s core twitched in anticipation. Her eyes grew wide at the number of chats flooding the discord channel. “I’ll be giving you a chance to win some of it back real soon, but in the meantime, remember that you need my permission to orgasm.” A whine escaped her at that, the heat was already rising in her body. “Oh, you poor girl. Don’t worry, you get a special permission for tonight. You get to play as much as you want, but you’re going to count each climax with a new picture in the soon, discord. I’ll have fun in the morning with counting them all.”

While her Hunter had been speaking, Lena’s hand had already settled between her legs, her eyes were glued to the screen when she let out a moan at the permission.

“Good night, Lena, have fun.”

It took hours and five pictures before Lena finally fell asleep that night.

Second chapter might be a bit more on the boring side but I’m always interested in the relationship that two partners build. Blackmail and being used is a fun fantasy but reality is often quite different.

In the next chapter there will be quite a bit more excitement. Lena will get a chance to meet her Hunter in person, just not in the way she had imagined.

Thanks for reading and I’m always interested in your thoughts. Only the upvotes for the first chapter count towards the contest but it’s always fun to know the reader liked the story. So be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed it.
