Unexpected Developments Pt 3 [Mf][Inc][Ff]

Tim didn’t get a moment alone with Emily the next day, Mom and Dad were around, or she wasn’t and Tim was thinking she was avoiding him. Late that evening, he finally got her alone and even before he took a breath, Emily said “No!” then turned away. Tim didn’t know the look on her face, she was angry, uncertain, embarrassed, confused, he had no idea. School tomorrow.

It was hard for him to concentrate, thinking of Emily sucking his dick. Emma shared a couple of classes with Tim and Emily didn’t join them for lunch. She took the bus in, not riding in his car with Emma this morning. He was getting worried. Emma tried texting her but she didn’t reply. The end of the day came, and there was nothing from Emily.

“I’m getting a bit worried,” Emma told Tim on the way home.

“Yeah, me too,” Tim said, “But there’s not a lot we can do about it until she relaxes. She’ll come around, I’m sure.”

“She’s a great kisser,” Emma said, “Soft and sensual, with nice tits. I really liked touching them. And her pussy, so soft and wet.”

“Better be quiet now, or I’m going to pull over and fuck you in the street,” Tim told her.

“Yeah, I’d like that,” Emma said, “Fuck it, mom’s day off too.”

“Yeah, and dad’s working from home this week,” Tim went on, “I gotta talk to her, before she says something stupid. Now tell me, how did Saturday come about?”

“Remember Emily and I went to that new store in the mall?” Tim nodded. “Well I tried on a dress, and she thought it looked great on me, it did. Then she said that you’d say it looked good on me, but you would be thinking it would look better on the floor.”

Tim shook his head, laughing, “Well she knows me then.”

“Yeah, but it was how she said it. It was like she was dreaming of it. We talked a bit more then got into a bit of a serious discussion. I asked her outright what she thought of you. She let too much out, and I knew she wanted to have sex with you. She didn’t say it, but I knew it.” Emma took a deep breath, “And to cut a long story short, it took me two days to convince her that the bindings and blindfold was foolproof, did she work up the nerve to admit that she was really interested, always had been.

“I’ve never had a sibling, but I do know that a lot of girls have wanted to fuck their brothers. They never act on it, but I gave Emily the chance and she took it, after a lot of urging from me.”

Tim nodded, “And all good until I let on.”

“Yep, dumb but I can see the temptation.”

They pondered the potential disasters that could happen, but made no headway with anything. Tim dropped Emma off, stayed for a while then went home. In his room, he worked through his homework, but his head wasn’t in it. He had a science paper due soon, but it wasn’t interesting for him. He went to the kitchen to get a drink when Mom came in.

“What’s with Emily?” Mom asked, “She hasn’t been herself since Saturday.”

“Donno,” Tim replied, “I haven’t heard anything, Emma hasn’t said anything.”

“I know she was at Julie’s on Saturday,” Mom went on, “I wonder if something happened there.”

“You know Emily, she’ll talk if she wants to.” Tim was fervently hoping she wouldn’t. Mom nodded. The next day was a repeat of the Monday.

Tim’s room was next to Emily’s, his the corner room behind the garage, Emily’s next to his with a corridor between the bedrooms and the living and entertainment areas. A bathroom and en-suite separated the two bedrooms from the master bedroom, so there was no disturbances between the rooms. Tim learned earlier that he could hear what Emily was doing in her room if he sat quietly. If he had a glass, he could hear her talking on her cell. He knew she was in her room, and just as he was about to go to the kitchen, he heard Mom, knocking on Emily’s door.

Shit, he thought. He quietly shut his door and grabbed an empty glass off his desk. He held it to the wall, pressed his ear to it.

“Come on Emily, what’s the matter?” he heard mom asking.


“Don’t try and bullshit me, I’m your mother, I know when something is wrong, so come on, out with it!”

“Mom!” Emily pleaded, it seemed she was going to say nothing. Mom cajoled Emily, urging her to talk and eventually, Emily said, “Mom! Please, there is nothing wrong!”

“Okay, then what’s right? Right up your ass anyway.”

This kept going for some time, and Tim was really getting jack of it. Emily broke, then said, “Oh Mom, I am so confused!”

“Ahh boy trouble?”

“No, it’s not, I wish it was, make things easier.”

“Okay, so what’s the problem.”

“On Saturday,” Oh no! She was gonna tell! “Look, I was at Julie’s right, and we started talking boy shit. and it got more and more, you know-” No she wasn’t going to tell mom!.

“No,” mom said, “You mean explicit?”

“Well, yeah.” Emily replied.

“That’s nothing to worry about. we all do that at some point.”

“No, that wasn’t the issue,” Oh fuck! “We were talking right and all of a sudden, Julie, just out of the blue, asked me if I had considered anyone other than boys?”

“Other than boys? Erm, you mean men? Like older men?”

“No mom, like girls.”

Mom giggled an embarrassed giggle and something of a giggle of relief. “Oh.” She stopped.

“Yeah, girls. I didn’t know how to react to that. And then she kissed me Mom, she kissed me!”


“She kissed me Mom, just that.”

“Okay, how did you feel about that?”

“That’s the problem,” Emily said, “I was surprised, shocked even, but…”

“‘-But’ what?”

“But – it was… nice.” Tim thought he heard.

Mom was silent for a few moments and said, “I know you are no virgin, how was it with guys.”

“Yeah, okay, but they’re – well they’re not that good.”

“And kissing a girl was different in what way?”

“She was, softer.”

“Okay, look, I’m not going to tell you what to do, you have to make up your own mind. Usually our experimentation is done a bit earlier, but given that the world is very different from when I was your age, it really must be up to you. All I can say is our hormones run our bodies sometimes, our brain doesn’t get much say at all, so don’t think in terms of intellectual right and wrong, but in terms of emotional right or wrong. What works for you. If you want to try, who am I or anyone else to judge you?”

“So you’d be okay of I was having a sexual relationship with a girl?”

“It doesn’t matter what I think-”

“Of course it matters, Mom, I don’t want you to get all upset and throw me out of the house.”

“Oh darling, never going to happen, unless you’re a secret poisoner or something. You’re my daughter, and I will always love you, no matter what. So what if you’re really gay, who cares? Tim? Dad? Not their decision, not their life, it’s yours.” Mom stopped, Tim could hear her taking a breath, “Besides, you’ve done Statistics in school.” Emily nodded. “You know the Bell Curve, normal distribution?” Emily nodded again. “Look at it this way, at the left end of the bell curve, you have you strict hetros and at the right end you have all your lesbians and gays.” Emily nodded, “Let’s say that takes care of about fourty percent of the population. Those thirty percenters on the left of median, will be unlikely to have a same sex relationship, no matter how strong they feel the attraction, they will not acknowledge it, will not do it, okay?” Emily nodded again. “The other thirty percent, those on the right of median, say, are more attracted to a same sex relationships will seriously consider one, and as they move away from the median are likely to engage in one.” Emily nodded again, “So where you sit, maybe in the right thirty percent, and the further right you are the greater the attraction, the more likely you will have a sexual relationship with a girl.”

“I’ve never considered it before, so I just don’t know.”

“Well, that’s okay, but just don’t hate Julie for being attracted to you, you are very attractive, so I’m not surprised you’re attracting attention from all different sorts. Is Julie a lesbian?”

“No, she told me she thinks she likes girls but never had sex with one,” Emily said, “She had been wanting to kiss me for a long time. Besides, she had the hots for Tim, like forever.”

Mom laughed, “Really? I hadn’t noticed.”

“Neither has Tim,” Emily laughed too. Well, that really was news to Tim, as he took the glass down, maybe there’s a fuck in it for him too, Emma might be interested as well if Julie’s interested. A guy’s gotta fuck whomever he can fuck, if the opportunity comes up. Then he thought back, he was sure that one of them said, ‘Clueless’ but he couldn’t tell who.

Julie, hey, reddish blond, blue eyed, nice tits, well, that’s something to think about, he considered. Completing his assignment wasn’t going to happen now, he knew, oh well, on to Imgur, maybe he’ll get it back. Tomorrow.

Tim woke, suddenly, his door closed, “Wha–?” he said, half asleep.

“Sshhh,” he heard, “It’s me.” Emily.

“Emily,” Tim said, “What’s the matter?”

“You, you’re the matter.” Emily said, closer to his bed. It was dark and he heard movement, the swish of cloth rubbing. He felt fingers on his chest, pulling the blankets down. He felt Emily’s body heat as she got into his bed, naked. “I fucked you Saturday, now you can fuck me.”

“Emily-” he said, as he felt her mouth on his. Her hand snaked down taking hold of his penis, rubbing it. His dick reacted with a mind of its own and hardened up in moments. Emily broke from the kiss and whispered in his ear, “I loved sucking your cock, you taste nice.”

“And I loved licking you,” he replied. Emily moved, down at first, then slid her body around. Tim felt more than saw a leg passing over his face, then felt her shuffling back, her hand grabbing his cock, pointing it upward, her pussy covering his face. Tim reached up and pulled her into a better position, where his tongue could lap her pussy lips, as he felt her mouth engulf his dick. This is nice, he said as he moaned and gobbled her tasty snatch. He wanted to make her cum, so he wrapped his arms around her ass, pulling he down onto is face.

Tim lapped her pussy, feeling for her clit. He had read on Reddit that if he was to suck her clit and prod it with his tongue, she would cum really hard. He hadn’t tried it yet, but made sure he could feel her clit, then planted his lips around it. He sucked in gently, poked at her clit with his tongue. He listened carefully for the sounds she was making as he sucked and lapped. He could hear her growing excitement. Without any thought, Tim reached up and used his finger to wipe between the cheeks of Emily’s ass, running it over her puckered asshole. He wiped back and felt her clench again as his finger ran across her ring. Between the sucking, the poking and the finger, Emily started to tighten he could feel her thigh muscles squeezing his head, slightly at first, then snapped as she let out a muffled moan around his cock. He felt his dick fall out of her mouth, then a second snap and she held tight with her thighs, moaning onto his dick, using the shaft as a muffler, holding it across her lips.

The vibration of her moaning and the taste of her cum as he continued to ply her lips with his mouth, made his cock harder than it had ever been he thought. Slowly Emily relaxed again and she slid off him. She sighed, mindful that she mustn’t make too much noise. Turning around, Emily kissed Tim, deeply, “That was really nice, just what I needed.” She kissed him again, then whispered, “You can fuck me now, but you can’t cum in me, you gotta cum in my mouth. Okay?”

“Yes, I woud love to fuck you, but why can’t I cum in you?”

“Because it would leak out, over my panties, onto my sheets,” Emily said with that ‘don’t be a dumb kid’ voice, “We really don’t want mom to see semen stains on my sheets now, do we?”

“Okay,” Tim replied, “So how do you want to do it?”

“Doggy, then let me know when and I’ll spin around, just like they do it in porn. You don’t have to make me cum again, but just fuck me, enjoy yourself, okay?”

“Okay,” Tim agreed and Emily got onto the bed on her hands and knees. Tim stood alongside the bed and with one hand on her hip, the other was used to wipe his prick up and down her slit. He did think for a moment of fucking her ass, but then he didn’t have any lube, so wasn’t going to try. He felt his knob engage and he slid into Emily, pushing his hips as hard as he could against the cheeks of the butt. He pulled out, pushed in again, thrusting, slapping his pelvis on her butt, over and over again. It wasn’t too long before he felt the contraction of his ball sack, the tingling letting him know he was getting closer. He pushed faster and faster, his grunts and groans of effort stifled as best he could. Emily too struggled to keep her noise down, but neither of them thought they were making a lot of noise.

Tim pulled back and felt that his shoot was almost there, “Now!” He called, quietly, Emily dropped a shoulder, pulling away from Tim’s cock, she spun as quickly as she could and grabbed at the hardened cock, aligning it with her face. She let it slide into her mouth, using her tongue to lick his frenulum, she started sucking with a will. Not as good as Emma at cock sucking, Emily tried and it wasn’t long before Tim was back at the edge of his ejaculation. Emily grabbed his balls, and poked a finger onto Tim’s asshole, Tim grunted and groaned as he felt his cum explode up his shaft, out of the knob and into Emily’s warm, moist mouth. Again he shot, then another as Emily continued sucking, drawing as much of his cum as she could. Then he heard her swallow.

Fuck! he thought.

Emily kept sucking and swallowing as much as she could get. She tickled his balls and squeezed along the base drawing some more semen out of his lovely dick. She never got over her love of touching a dick, but Tim’s was especially lovely. She had dreamt of it for years, what it felt like, what it tasted like and what it would be like being inside her, his weight on top of her. She had been disappointed that it wasn’t Tim who had taken her virginity, disappointed that he was the third guy to fuck her when he should have been the first. Oh well, he’s here now and she liked what they did on Saturday and what they had just done, knowing they would do it again.

“Yu-u-mmm,” Emily said, “Can I do that again?”

“Any time you like,” Tim replied as he pulled her to her feet, then kissed her. He didn’t mind the taste of his semen on her lips, in her mouth as he tongued her teeth, touched her tongue, holding her close, tightly.

“I’m sorry,” Emily said, “About Saturday, but having Emma tying you up, that was the only way I could get to fuck you.”

“I’m sorry too,” Tim replied, “But not for that reason, but that I never had the courage to tell you how I felt about you, how much I wanted you.” He kissed her again, “I’m glad you talked Emma into letting you do that.”

“And I’m glad we really didn’t fool you.”

There was a pause, Tim asked, “And what about Emma?”

“Oh, no, I’m not going to be your girlfriend, Emma can have you, I don’t want to break you guys up.”

“No, I meant about you and her.”

“What she did to me was really nice, and I was pissed at being interrupted,” Emily said, “I’m still thinking about it.” She glanced at the bedside clock and saw she had been in Tim’s room for well over a half an hour. “I better get back to bed. Talk on the way to Emma’s in the morning.”

The trip to pick up Emma was quiet, Tim tried to get Emily engaged, but she didn’t respond. Emily got into the rear seat, Emma got in the front, they said hi, but the conversation didn’t get much further. When they got to school, Emily reminded Tim she had a last period gym today, so may be a few minutes late. Tim nodded as Emily got out. “Well, that was interesting,” Emma said.

“Yeah,” Tim didn’t say anything else, “But at least she is riding with us.” They parted to go to their classes. Emily didn’t join them, again, and at the end of the day, Emily wasn’t too late, and got into the car.

As they pulled up to Emma’s place, Emily said, “I’m staying here, you go home and I’ll call you.” She paused, “If that’s okay with you, Emma.”

A somewhat surprised Emma told her it was and Tim just left them alone. He knew what might happen, but as long as they weren’t fighting, he was okay with it.

As soon as Tim left, even before they got in the door to Emma’s place, Emily said, “I’m not wearing any panties” Emma’s surprise was obvious, “Do you think you can finish what you started Saturday night?”

Emma put the key in the door, looked at Emily and said, “My room and we can do this properly.” Opening the door, Emma went in and as Emily went through the doorway, Emma closed it, pulling Emily to her. She kissed Emily, wrapping her arms around Emily, feeling Emily’s breasts against her own. Emma had not thought of much else since Saturday. She would love to have finished what they started, and had been watching a lot of lesbian porn and masturbating like crazy since, just to make up for it, Emma thought.

They moved quickly to Emma’s room and once inside, Emma had Emily’s dress off and her blouse open. “Close your eyes,” Emma whispered, kissing Emily, pushing her onto the bed. Emily’s heart was was pounding as she felt Emma’s hand on her stomach, then lower, onto her thigh, then up slightly to caress Emily’s mons. Emily could feel her excitement, her pussy expanding as her vaginal lips became engorged with blood.

Emma wiped her fingers over Emily’s wetness, stroking an engorged clit. Emily thrust her hips up at the fingers, and felt a soft touch of hair on her stomach. Oh FUCK! Emily gasped as she realized that Emma was going to lick her! Lick her pussy! Oh FUCK! Emma pushed Emily’s legs open even further and Emily felt Emma’s hot breath on her clit. She felt heat, a wet probe, touching her clit! Damn! She’s really doing it! She’s licking me! Emily thought , gently pumping her hips up at the mouth that was now wrapping itself around her pussy.

This was like when Tim licked her! She thought, only Emma’s skin and lips are soft and don’t have any bristle like her brother does. No this wasn’t like when Tim licked her, she realized, it was fucking better! Softer, more sensuous! Oh fuck! I’m glad I went through with this! Emily thought as the wonderful sensation of a hot moist tongue sliding its way across her pussy lips. Again and again, then lapping at her clit, then licking her lips again, pushing a little inside her. Emma was doing a real job on me! Emily thought as her moans became louder, more incessant.

Emma moved her head upward and wrapped her lips around Emily’s clit and sucked a little, prodded with her tongue. Emma was pushing Emily’s button, causing her to squeal and moan at the same time in utter delight. Emily pumped her hips upward to meet Emma’s mouth the sensation of a slight vacuum around her clit and a tongue pressing her pleasure button lifting Emily to higher passion than she had experienced before.

Emily’s focus seemed to narrowed down to a point that was right between her legs, her total attention on the pleasure Emma was giving her. She felt Emma sucking and licking, sliding her tongue over Emily’s clit and Emily drove higher and higher into pleasure. It hit her then, a wave of pleasure spread outward from her clit, out though her torso, into her nipples, down her legs into her toes then all up her neck. Emily could feel the skin on her face tighten, her scalp tingle in anticipation. She felt her muscles snap, then loosen, only to snap taut again as the waves of pleasure swept over her. It seemed to take a while, but the pleasure subsided a lot, but didn’t leave her entirely as Emma was hanging on, still suckling her clit.

Emily gently took Emma’s head between her hands, easing Emma up, along her body. Emma’s soft kisses kept Emily on the edge of stimulation, her breathing ragged, her body aching for more. “This could work better without your clothes on,” Emily told Emma. Emma giggled, and in moments she was standing in just her underwear. Emily gave Emma a look and Emma shrugged her bra off. Reaching out, Emily indicated that the panties could be off as well. Emily dropped her panties and stood, posing for Emily. Emily’s breath caught in her throat, recognizing that not only was Emma gorgeous, she was naked and Emily was going to finger and lick her pussy.

Emily drew Emma to her, wanting to feel Emma’s heat, her body heat, the heat of her pussy, under Emily’s fingers, her mouth. She pulled Emma close to her, kissing her, caressing her body, feeling her breasts, marveling at how soft they were. She felt the incredibly soft skin of Emma’s mouth, the taste of Emily’s own pussy on her lips. Emily smoothly stroked down Emma’s body, running her fingers through a trimmed patch of dark, springy pubic hair, touching Emma’s clit.

Emily felt Emma draw a gasp as Emily’s fingers ran over Emma’s clit and down along the heavily moistened vagina. Emily knew her own pussy was soft, but even then, it surprised her that Emma’s was too. She really hadn’t thought what it would actually feel like, how slippery it would be. Emily could feel the heat emanating from Emma and she took delight in knowing she was the one causing it. All this while kissing Emma, again and again.

Lowering her mouth, Emily kissed Emma’s neck, then her shoulders, loving the softness of her skin, then down across Emma’s breasts. Emily tongued, then kissed and took a nipple into her mouth. Emily felt the velvet softness of Emma’s nipple, wondering if hers were the same. She suckled on a tit for a while, Emma’s moaning encouraging her but the hand over the back of her head pulling her onto Emma’s breast meant Emily couldn’t go anywhere, if she wanted to.

After a few minutes of caressing Emma’s pussy and suckling a nipple, Emma relented and allowed Emily to go further in her oral explorations. Emily kissed her way over Emma’s ribs, as sensuously as she could, hearing the gasps of Emma’s pleasure responses her reward. ‘I’m gonna do this,’ Emily thought, screwing her courage up, ‘It’s like sucking a dick and you done that a few times.’ Her mouth passed over Emma’s skin, stopping to kiss a little, to nip a little to lap a little, listening to Emma’s gasps.

Emily’s tongue felt the wiry hair that covered Emma’s mons, and she kissed it, moving down a little more. She lifted off a little to give herself an idea of where Emma’s clit was, and she saw a complex mixture of skin, hair, glistening flesh, ‘Jeez, that complicated’ she selected the little swollen knob high on Emma’s vagina and lowered her mouth onto it. The taste wasn’t unpleasant, or pissy, it was a stronger version of Emma’s aroma, her lovely aroma in her juices. She tried to think of what she should be doing next, but she realized she hadn’t considered going this far. ‘Fuck it, I’m here now.’

Emily poked her tongue onto Emma’s clit and licked around it in a circular motion for a minute or so. She stopped and, using he lips, she nodded so that her top lip wiped over the clit, then her tongue, followed by her bottom lip, then back so the her bottom lip, then tongue then top lip wiped over the clit again. Emily listened to Emma’s sounds as she did this and heard the gasps and moans. ‘I must be doing something right,’ she thought and kept it going.

Emma had spread her legs as far as she could get them, giving Emily all the access to her pussy that Emily needed. Emma was loving that Emily was tongue fucking her, something she had wanted for a little while now. Tim and Emily were Irish twins, but pity they weren’t actual twins, but near enough. Emma knew Emily had never fucked a girl before, but she was doing a credible job, Emma realized as her excitement mounted. Emily was going to make her cum, ‘That’s gotta be a record for a first timer’, she thought.

Emily was still uncertain of what she was doing, but just poking, prodding and lapping the bits and pieces of flesh her mouth was covering. She had expected Emma’s cunt to be, perhaps a little slick, even a bit slimy, but it was none of these things. She expected her mouth to be filled with Emma’s juices, but that didn’t seem to be happening either. For the last week, she had been experimenting, fingering herself and licking her fingers, fucked Tim then sucked him to cum in her mouth, taking in her own juices, she didn’t know what to expect, but she kept on using her tongue on Emma. The smells, the taste of Emma, were delicious, she just enjoyed giving Emma sexual pleasure, not paying much attention to her apart from listening to the moans and groans indicating how much pleasure she was getting from Emily. She didn’t pay any attention to time either and the first she knew about how much time had passed, was when Emma started clenching her thighs. ‘Fuck!’ Emily thought, momentarily aware of more than her tongue action, ‘She’s gunna cum if I keep doing this.’

Emily tried even harder, prodding and poking Emma’s clit, then Emma seized Emily by the head, pulling Emily’s mouth onto her pussy, wrapped her thighs around Emily’s head and pushed her pussy upward onto Emily’s entrapped mouth. She let out a squeal and a moan together and cum all over Emily’s mouth. The spasms of her orgasm shook her strongly, more strongly than she had experienced before. More strongly than Tim had ever made her cum and he was the best she’s fucked so far, except for his sister. First, fucking her brother, then fucking her brother’s girlfriend! ‘Fucking perverted slut,’ Emma thought, ‘But she’s my perverted slut!’

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/tn91c2/unexpected_developments_pt_3_mfincff