Tips on writing Erotica/Sex Scenes?

What are some good books with respectful heterosexual sex scenes that I can look up for inspiration?

I’ve read a few books with sex scenes in them like in Game of Thrones and they were okay. I didn’t think Game of Thrones was very respecting to women when it came to sex scenes but to each their own.

I feel a sex scene between my primary female antagonist and my main male villain (her right-hand man) is crucial to my story. Says a lot about their ever-changing relationship. The way I want to do it is to be very respectful to the woman. She is the queen, the breadwinner, the stronger of the two, so she is in control.

Since my female antagonist doesn’t want kids, do I need to mention that in some way? I think it’s relatively important to share that bit about her. Since she is a queen and inherited a lot of power from her father, she is an only child so all the pressure is on her to keep the bloodline going. Except she absolutely does not want kids. It’s her life, her body, her choice.

I want to mention that somehow, how should I go about doing it, showing the readers that my female antagonist doesn’t want kids? She wants to end her bloodline. How do I “show” that OR “tell” that to my audience—her not wanting kids?

Since my female antagonist craves a lot of sex, what if she accidentally got pregnant (no birth control is 100% effective)? How would she go about resolving that? I don’t know if my readers would be a fan of her getting an abortion, but a miscarriage is probably more acceptable way of her losing the baby. She’s scared of giving birth, so I imagine she would do something so she doesn’t wind up with an unwanted kid. Having a baby would get in the way of her big plans for war. If her boyfriend (aka male villain) got her pregnant intentionally (perhaps he secretly wanted to seek revenge on her for her cheating on him with another guy), I wonder what crazy things would happen in between the two? She would probably kill him for getting her pregnant.

If anyone can give me advice for this, would be helpful. Thanks!!
