(ch.3)first time writing. need thoughts and constructive criticism. mostly need help in conversations(SPH)(femdom)

Chapter III

(The beach)

The honeymooners wrapped up the weirdest day of their lives and now are ready to begin a new one. Eric and Jessica woke up, had their coffee and breakfast in bed just like the previous day. Then they started to get ready to go to the beach with their new friends. Jessica was super excited and eager to get ready fast, she didn’t want to be late. Eric on the other hand wasn’t as eager, in fact he was trying to think of a way out of their date, but his brain was still in a fog from last night’s events.

They get ready and head to the lobby to meet Bruce and crystal. Crystal was waiting for them and told them to hurry up. Bruce rented a van and a driver to take them to a beach about thirty minutes away; they have been to it before and love it. They all put their things in the trunk and get in. This was a really fancy Mercedes van with the black leather seats facing each other. Bruce opens a built-in chiller and takes out a bottle of champagne, opens it and pours everyone a glass.

Bruce: cheers guys, you will love this beach.

They arrive at their destination, Bruce orders the driver to deliver their things to their area. This is an exclusive beach club, Bruce had prepaid the entrance fee and they all walk in. this was a really nice beach with crystal clear water and beautiful white sand, but there is a surprise: everyone is completely naked.

Jessica: oh dear, everybody is naked.

Crystal: off course they are, it’s a nude beach.

Eric: ummm…. I don’t know you guys, we are not nudists.

Bruce: oh come on buddy, it’s the greatest feeling in the world. You just let it all hang and bask in the warmth of the sun.

Eric: ummm … Jessica? Should we leave?

Jessica: ummmm…. If you really want to… I guess we can leave…. But after sunbathing topless yesterday, I think I can do this… plus we had so much fun with Bruce and Crystal yesterday….

Eric: but ummm yeah, this is different.

Crystal: oh come on you guys don’t leave, we need another couple with us…. Please….

Eric: I don’t think this is right for us…

Jessica whispers into crystals ear: I think Eric is shy because his well…ummm… penis is kinda smaller…

Crystal lets out a muffled laugh and then leans into Eric and says: you know… I know that you’re not packing a magnum down there; I felt it yesterday remember….. Also honey no one really cares about dick size, we are all adults here.

Bruce: is that what’s worrying you? Don’t be silly! I’m sure you have a perfectly fine dick, even if it’s smaller than my cock. I have a massive cock, almost everyone’s dick here will be smaller, but they don’t seem to mind it, do they? let’s go they’ve finished setting up our area.

Eric: ummm ok I guess.

Jessica jumps in excitement and they all head to their sun beds. They all strip off except for Eric, which made things worse for him because they were all now standing there looking at him and waiting. Then crystal walks up to Eric and pulls his shorts down saying: show us what you’re packing. Then she looks at his penis which by now is at eye level and about three inches away. She is stunned and lets out a muffled giggle then stands up and continues to giggle behind her hand. Eric covers his manhood with his hands and blushes.

Jessica walks up to Eric hugs him, pulls his hands away, grabs his little softie with two fingers and says to crystal: it’s not funny, this is his penis and I love it. Sure it’s much smaller than Bruce’s massive swinging cock, but I don’t care. It is mine!

Crystal apologizes: I’m sorry (still giggling) it’s just much smaller than I expected…. That’s all

Bruce: don’t be childish crystal, penises vary greatly in size, and they can be as small as Eric’s or as big as mine. We can’t all be hung like horses.

Crystal: I’m really sorry you guys, I mean it I’m sorry.

Bruce: Plus I’m sure he’s a grower.

Jessica: yeah it grows almost 4 times as big.

Bruce: yeah then that’s what? Four inches? Right little buddy?

Eric (hanging his head down): ummm yes… almost.

Bruce: wow buddy, that really is very small. Mine gets to about a little over twelve inches.

Crystal: yeah, Bruce’s soft cock is about 6.5inches. Guys stand next to each other let’s compare sizes.

(Bruce walks over next to Eric)

(Crystal holds Bruce’s cock next to Eric’s little dick)

Crystal: Jessica look, Bruce’s cock head is bigger than Eric’s little dick, this is hilarious.

Jessica: wow dear, I know your penis is small, but I didn’t think it was this small. It looks like a little boy’s penis next to Bruce’s cock.

Bruce: hey little buddy, I’m curious do you slip out during sex?

Jessica: OMG that’s why it’s always slipping out! Hahahaha , because it’s so small.


Crystal: hahhaaha that is so funny. Jessica, how does having sex with such a small penis feel like.

Jessica: well, ok so I don’t really feel much during penetration. But Eric is really good at cunnilingus; he almost always makes me cum when he goes down on me.

Crystal: so you’re telling me you never had an orgasm from fucking.

Jessica: well, research shows that most women can’t orgasm from penetration alone.

Crystal: that’s because they’re not getting filled up down there. Bruce always fills me up and makes me cum from fucking. A lot of times I even have multiple orgasms and squirt.

Jessica (stunned): wow. I never felt that.

Crystal: you should try it. Hahahaha

Bruce: ok tanning oil time, ladies lay down. Eric please go to the bar and get us some beers.

Eric: umm ok.

Eric is now walking away from his company, leaving his beloved naked with a much bigger man. Much bigger in every way; he is taller, more muscular, wealthier, more confident and hung like a horse. Being compared to Bruce in front of his wife was absolutely humiliating for Eric. He was emasculated in front of his wife by Bruce and crystal, and now had left her in their company as he is put to service. Bruce will now start rubbing oil all over her naked body caressing every last inch of her sweet soft skin, touching her private parts. He will keep flaunting his very impressive cock to her. She will look at Bruce’s massive manly cock and compare it to Eric’s inferior penis. Worst thing is there is nothing Eric can do about the matter; instead he is walking all the way across the beach completely naked.

Eric had tried his whole life to hide his small manhood, and now it is on full display for hundreds of people to see, laugh at and ridicule. As he walked by all the naked people, he could see their reactions to his size. Some women giggled, some covered their mouths in surprise, and others pointed and tried to turn their company’s attention to his very small penis. He also looked at the men, trying to see if there is another penis as small as his, as if to say it’s not the smallest. But among the hundreds of dicks on the beach, even if they varied greatly in size, none was as small as his. There was nothing he can do now to fix the image in his wife’s eyes: he has a tiny useless penis that can not satisfy her womanly needs. And there are much bigger and better penises out there.

The long walk to the bar on the sand made Eric tired and hence caused some shrinkage, as if it couldn’t get any worse. He gets to the bar and stands their waiting for attention to make his order. There were three couples sitting there having drinks, and two stunning young ladies bartending topless. One lady looks at Eric, and lets out a yell.

Lady: oh my god, your dick is so small…

Lady’s boyfriend: what the hell, don’t say that (he says as he gets off the stool and steps towards Eric to apologize) I’m sorry buddy….(the man stops and is surprised by Eric’s small penis) oh my god that is the smallest dick I’ve ever seen buddy!

Lady: I told you! Do you have a medical condition or something? Is that the micro penis?

Eric: ummmm…. No, it’s just….ummmm…. it’s just really small….

Everyone at the bar is now trying to see Eric’s penis and are actively laughing, while Eric just stands there looking down and blushing. Then one of the bartenders gets up over the bar to see what is going on and screams: ‘oh my god that is tiny, looks like a baby’s peepee’. Then she calls for the other girl to come see it. By now everyone is laughing and discussing his size loudly and right to his face. Then the bartender apologizes to Eric and asks for his order.

Eric: ummm…. I want beer and snacks.

Bartender: ok sure, how many are you.

Eric: ummmm…. Four.

Bartender: well ok so we have a cooler box offer, twelve beers, twelve bottle of water and two bags of chips.

Eric: umm … yeah … sounds fine.

Bartender: well ok, we normally deliver the box to your seating area, but as you can see it’s very busy today and we are understaffed. Take four beers now and come back in half an hour and I’ll give you the cooler box, it should be ready by then.

Eric: ok thanks.

Now Eric has to make the long journey back even smaller than before. Having been publicly humiliated for having such a small penis and emasculated in front of his wife; by now he is a broken man and will take whatever humiliation comes his way. Meanwhile Bruce was rubbing tanning oil all over Jessica’s body, massaging her touching her, caressing her very soul. She felt ecstasy with his every touch. Bruce then leans over her, with his knees outside of her thighs massaging her shoulders with his massive cock swinging back and forth brushing her butt. She is wet by now, very wet. He then gets off of her and orders her to turn around, and spread her legs. He kneels between them, and starts massaging her breasts as his cock swings back and forth like a pendulum hitting her very wet pussy. He can feel her wetness, looks her in the eyes and whispers: ‘I can relieve your pain’. Jessica lays there in absolute ecstasy, not even noticing her husband’s arrival.

Eric arrives just as Bruce was finishing up. ‘Thank god, I’m really thirsty, where’s the cooler box’, says Bruce.

Eric: it will be ready in half an hour.


Jessica: oh my god dear, it shrank.

Bruce: shrinkage happens, just sit back, relax and have a beer it will be back to normal in no time.

Crystal: well ‘normal’ maybe pushing it, don’t you think? hahaha

Jessica: dear, I think you have the smallest dick on this beach.

Crystal: come on you guys let’s take a selfie.

Jessica: great idea

They all get into position, Eric stands behind Jessica so his penis does not show up in the selfie. Bruce says ‘this is ridiculous, I hate selfies’, then he calls for a young woman to take a picture. Crystal hands her phone to the lady. The lady stops and says while giggling ‘wow, this is like picture of evolution, maybe the two guys shouldn’t be together in the picture’. Bruce tells her not to worry about it and just take the picture because Eric is just suffering from some shrinkage. Then crystal suggests they do different positions, and finally have Bruce and Eric stand together with every girl holding her man’s penis. Then Crystal suggests the ladies change places and have Jessica holding Bruce’s cock while crystal holds Eric’s little shrunk dick.

Jessica: wow this feels different.

Crystal: you’re telling me…. I’m sorry Eric, but you really do have a very small penis.

Eric remains speechless through the whole conversation; his self esteem is by now completely destroyed. They all laugh and crystal takes her phone back. They all lay in the sun, enjoying their beers and chat, seemingly forgetting all about Eric’s shrinkage. As his penis gets back to its normal one inch flaccid state, Bruce suggests they all cool off in the water. They all go for a swim and cool off, but the water seemed a bit too cold, well for Eric at least. As they head back to their sun beds, crystal again checks out Eric’s penis. This time Eric was suffering the worst case of shrinkage he could have. His penis had completely inverted into his groin, and so did his balls. He looked like a ken doll.



Eric: ummm no its fine……ummm it always shrinks like this when I swim… ummm I’m just usually wearing shorts.

Bruce: that’s not shrinkage buddy, that’s a magic trick; you made disappear.

Bruce and crystal start laughing loudly as they are walking back, but not Jessica, she seemed disappointed and there’s nothing that Eric can do about it. Bruce then asks Eric to go get the cooler box from the bar while he re-applies the tanning oil for the ladies.

As if the first trip wasn’t bad enough, this one will be even worse. As he was walking all the way back to the bar this time, people weren’t just giggling or laughing, they seemed bewildered by the Ken doll walking past them. He gets to the bar to get the cooler box; the bar tender walks out from behind the bar to hand it to him and checks out his penis, it was after all the smallest she had ever seen. She looks at him and is stunned: ‘oh my god, it’s gone, all gone, what happened?’ She starts laughing hysterically alerting everyone around who gather to see what is so hilarious; Eric just stood there as if he were on display for everyone’s amusement. People were laughing and taking pictures of his vanished manhood and talking about it in front of him. Some asked him if he’s post-op trans. Others asked him if he lost it in a freak accident. Some even asked if he was born without a penis. He just stood there quiet and unable to reply. He then carries the box and walks away from the hysteria behind him, and walks back to his company. They spend a couple more hours at the beach drinking and swimming and taking pictures of Eric’s vanished manhood.

They were ready to leave, Bruce tells them not to get dressed because the showers are near the exit. They all walk back naked, all the way discussing penises.

Jessica: look dear; all the men have bigger dicks.

Crystal: even the boys.

Jessica: you have the smallest dick here, its weird right?

Bruce: well, you know what would make it look bigger…. If he shaved it!

Crystal: yes definitely, you guys go to your room and shave his little peepee, we’ll get the hot tub in our room ready and we will have our own private party tonight.

Bruce: great idea babe, it’s out on the terrace overlooking the town’s main street.

They get to the showers and wash their bodies. People were walking past them stopping to check out Bruce’s massive swinging cock, then noticing Eric’s vanished manhood and laughing. Some people even candidly took more pictures. Jessica was very disappointed. Bruce suggests they don’t get dressed till they get to the hotel, and spend some more time naked. Everyone agrees, and Eric just follows orders. They get in the van and head on their way back. Jessica was staring at Bruce’s crotch all the way back; his massive balls sitting on the seat, between his wide-spread thighs, bouncing with every motion in the van. His cock was lying over his balls and resting on the seat as well. Then she looks towards Eric, sitting there with his thighs close together as there was nothing major between them that needed space, his penis and balls completely inverted into his body, nothing showing but his bush. He looked like a woman, Jessica was very disappointed. The van arrives at the hotel; everyone gets dressed and head to their rooms.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/tk35yd/ch3first_time_writing_need_thoughts_and