MMMMMMMMF – The Employee Retention Hole 4/x

Monday, Jane was on time for work, in spite of being extremely sore and still burping and leaking a bit of cum. She had brought breath mints and panty liners to remain professional.

The office was full. Every engineer in the department was there. 95 guys. Well, they were missing the 5 women still. Does everyone know?

Jane’s boss said “Congratulations! I don’t know what you did, and I don’t want to know, but it looks like you’re getting that bonus.” “I don’t want to know?” thought Jane, “he knows. he must.”

Jane’s only thought was “I only fucked 10 guys. There are 85 more And five women. Am I to just take them all in a row, like Annabell Chong?”

But nothing happened that day. Nobody said anything. Everyone was busy getting their office equipment set up again. Work was happening.

But by Tuesday, she started getting questions from the engineers. Applied dynamics has an ‘open door policy’ of course, and so it was normal for employees to see HR, but that week, it seemed like every engineer on the floor came in to see Jane, in ones, twos and threes, and Jane left the office every day looking like a wreck. She came in to the office, every day, looking professional, but going home, she’d have matted hair and unidentifiable stains on her blouse. One day there was what looked like a used condom in her hair.

But work was getting done! a lot of work! her bosses were very happy. The only problem was that Jane didn’t have any time to do the parts of her job that /didn’t/ involve keeping the employees happy.

It took three weeks, but Jane fucked or sucked every male engineer in her department. One after the other or in groups, raw or with condoms. (maintenance would be finding used condoms in weird spots in her office for months, she thought)

Saturday, she went out and had a drink by herself. “It’s over” she thought, “I did it.”

Then she got a text from Tim. “Hey, You know I’m lead on the Ocelot project, right? well, the team did a great job, and I wanted to give them a turn on you as a celebration.” Nerds, nerds and their text messages. Jane called “hey, never text me about that sort of thing. text messages are too searchable. But really? you all already got your turn. that was the deal. You signed.” “Sure,” said Tim, “But it’s an at will state. We can all quit whenever we want.”

Jane hung up. This… this is a nightmare. Of course, she knew Tim was right. There’s no way that she could enforce the clause in the contract that said they had to stay until year-end, and she couldn’t even claw back the ‘signing bonus’ like her bosses would, if these engineers all left.

She took another drink. Her phone rang; it was her boss. “What? Tim and the whole Ocelot project quit tonight? why?” she sighed. There’s no way she could keep 95 men sexually satisfied by herself. Especially no way she could do it /and/ do the rest of her job. “Ok, ok. ” jane said, “But, I need some help here. You said you didn’t want to know what I did, and that’s fine, but I’m working myself ragged here. I need an assistant. And a bigger bonus, this is more work than I thought it would be” Jane paused “Yeah, I know that the project hasn’t gone through QA and there’s no way we can launch without the team.” “Yeah, I understand.”

Jane called Tim back. “Fine. I’ll do it. Call off the resignation and your team can have me tonight. Tell me where. you. are. What, there? You rented the racetrack for the day? you totaled how many cars? :sigh: yeah, I’ll be there in 30. Let me get an uber.”

On the way to the racetrack, Jane stopped at the pharmacy and bought an economy size box of condoms and lube. For health, but also as a way of setting some boundaries. Technically, she was in charge of these jerkoffs.

Upon arrival at the race track, she saw that the whole team was shitfaced, and they had, indeed, totaled four cars. Luckily, nobody was seriously injured, though sam the build engineer had a big bandage on his face. Bill was shouting something about how he loves helmets.

Jane was tired, so tired. and maybe a little drunk. “Here” she said, handing the lube and condoms to Tim. “Make sure everyone uses these. One at a time, today.” With that, Jane strips completely naked, save for her sensible pumps, and gets into one of the cars in better condition. She hangs her ass out the passenger window and opens her laptop, trying to catch up on the day’s work. “Ok, I’m ready. You boys have 60 minutes.”

It starts with a hand full of cold lube being rubbed into her cunt. “Remember” she says, “re apply lube every time, you’re not cumming in me this time.”

The engineers of team ocelot took turns fucking Jane’s pussy sticking out the side of the mostly-whole racecar. Jane can tell that photos are being taken due to the flashes, but she’s not too concerned, as her face isn’t involved. Typing while getting railed is kind of hard, really, but she did manage to get at least one report done;

Jane’s phone buzzes, and it’s a photo of her ass, sticking out the passenger side of a racecar. There are 10 condoms dripping with jizz piled up on top of her ass. “Ship product, get pussy” is written on her ass.

She gets out of the car and heads over to Tim, who is relaxing with a cigarette. “I need to clean up.” she says, “Give me your shirt or something.” Obligingly, Tim whips off the team T shirt and hands it to Jane, who uses it to sop up the bulk of the cum and lube on her ass. Dressing in her clothing from earlier in the night, she summons an uber, then calls up the boss. “I took care of it. Yeah. You owe me the bigger bonus and the assistant. Yeah. You found one? wait, you’re giving me her measurements? And the bonus? Yeah. double? yeah, that will do. Yeah, I understand”

Jane wonders just how much her superiors know about her activities here. She thought that corporate would send another HR stooge who could do her paperwork, but from the way the boss was giving measurements, it sounds like they might free her from some of her other work. This might just work out.


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