Train Ride [MF] [First Person]

((I don’t normally write stories in the first person, but I wanted to post something short to introduce myself))

Train Ride

I had known before my business trip of the famously, or perhaps infamously overcrowded public trains in Tokyo. It was planned to be a fairly long trip, between four and eight weeks and being single I was the best executive of my company to pick for the extended trip. However it meant a daily commute from the hotel where our business partner, Mr. Takagawa had arranged a room and the business headquarters of Takagawa group, perhaps ten kilometers away. So having some insight as to the nature of Japanese public transit I allotted extra time for the trip, about two hours before my appointment time on that first day, knowing I could adjust my departure time as I grew accustomed to the overcrowding and delays in the system.

However the first train after my arrival during the early morning rush was so very crowded that I could not gain entry to the train. The second train was much the same and I finally managed to push my way onto the third train, crowding in among a press of bodies and secured a place near the center of the car. I was hardly inconspicuous, standing head and often shoulders above the other commuters, though as an American in America I am scarcely of average height and weight. The crowding problem extended down the line and I missed my stop badly, having to exit the train several stops after my destination and press my way onto a different train entirely to go back the way I had come.

Perhaps I should mention the other major ‘feature’ of the Japanese transit system. Due to the large crowds and deep, anonymous press of bodies, there is an unusually high amount of molestation on the public transit system. I had seen quite a lot of both inadvertent and obvious groping, froteursim and voyeurism already on the train, perpetrated largely against the female commuters, everything from discreet camera shots up skirts to fondling of breasts and backsides to a skirt being pulled down and the woman being unable to pull it back up in the press of bodies being forced to ride several stops with her skirt pooled around her ankles and her white cotton panties showing.

The two problems were each an intrinsic part of the other for without the overcrowding there could not be the anonymity necessary for the molestation while without the molestation perhaps the overcrowding problem might have lessened, as most watched quietly, even snapping pictures where they could but doing nothing to aid the victims. But never had I thought that anything could happen to me. As I have stated, I am about average height, and while I regularly attend the gym, it is mainly to stay in a shape other than round as the long hours and sedentary nature of my job does not allow for much by way of a social life or casual exercise. So while I am not by any stretch a large man, I am hardly an athlete either. So when the young woman pressed in ahead of me on to the train I thought nothing of it. She was pleasant, with a ready smile and the most vivid blue eyes I had ever seen. We were forced to stand quite close together in the press of the bodies and I could feel the rounded curve of her buttocks against my groin as the train moved, she was warm and soft I was hardly unaffected by the perhaps inadvertent caress, but I strove to ignore it and hoped that she would not be offended.

But then I saw the ghost of her reflection in the window and her smile was far from innocent. And I could tell that she knew I had seen her for in that moment her hips shifted and the caress of her bottom became something for more obvious and intentional. I was forced to grasp the hand rail tightly to maintain my balance. She turned her head to smile up at me with mischief obvious in those blue, blue eyes before she looked away again. I thought then that our little game was over, but I was far from correct. She stepped forward a little and her arms bent behind her and I could felt her hands against my legs as the train started moving again. She started caressing me through my pants and I opened my mouth to say something but I froze as I heard, or perhaps merely felt the quiet ‘Zzzttt’ of my zipper being lowered and my hand clenched at the overhead bar as she smiled at me through the reflection. I was shocked, amazed and stunned as her slender hands deftly slipped into my fly and the warmth of her skin on my suddenly bared member was wonderful.

I could see her Cheshire grin in that ghostly reflection in the window as her fingers circled my shaft and drew me free into the air, stroking along my length smoothly and evenly with her small, warm hands. Her actions were hidden by her body and I was frozen into silence by the shock and pleasure of the moment. Her strokes were quick but gentle and as my balls fell free of my pants her free hand cupped and fondled them instantly without ever missing a stroke.

While I am no virgin, all of my previous sexual experiences have always been behind closed doors with women I have known well. This was vastly, drastically different and yet my arousal was almost painful in its intensity. And she seemed to sense this as she stroked me; the scent of lilies fragrant upon her and her hair was just long enough to brush the tip of my shaft. It was a plethora of overwhelming sensations and I very quickly felt my pleasure rise. Some combination of my quickened breath and rigid posture must have betrayed my impending release for she released my sac and I felt something soft cover the head of my shaft as her stroking intensified. Moments later I spent into whatever she had covered me with and I had to grit my teeth against a groan of pleasurable release. My free hand had grasped her upper arm and she leaned back against her as I caught my breath and composed myself.

As the train reached the next station she deftly tucked me back into my pants and turned out of my grip, rising up on her tip-toes to place a soft kiss on my cheek before she vanished out of the door with the rest of the crowd. By the time I had recovered enough to realize what was happening the doors had shut and the train had started moving and I had missed my stop… again. I got off at the very next station and decided to walk the rest of the way to my appointment as I still had plenty of time. But I soon realized that there was an uncomfortable wad of something in the front of my pants. I extracted the white lace pair of panties that I had spent into and which smelled of lilies. I tucked it into my pocket with a smile and walked on to my appointment.

Mr. Takagawa was pleased to see me and he placed his daughter and personal assistant Maiyu at my disposal for the duration of my stay. She shook my hand with a pleasant smile in her familiar blue eyes and just a hint of mischief. It would turn out to be a very interesting trip.

The End
