Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 12 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2349 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.
Avi had spent two days at the orc fortress (indeed, as James had mentioned, the orcs preferred to refer to it as Castle Klarg). He hadn’t left his prison, “Holding Cell A,” the entire time. The orcs came by every so often to bring food— a horrible bluish-green sludge in a soup bowl— check on the prisoners, and indeed collect a handful of men at a time to bring to “the pits” for their transformation. The regular jingling of keys down the hall made every man in the cell tense up, secretly praying not to be chosen for just one more day.

One’s time spent in the holding cell was apparently highly variable. Some prisoners only stayed there for a matter of hours before the orcs brought them for their bath in Orcium, the toxic slime that transforms humans into monsters. Others could be waiting around for months. But everyone goes to the pits eventually. At least, that’s what Avi had been told by his cellmates.

According to the daily roll call 131 people lived in the holding cell, which was only about the size of a two car garage and bare of any furniture. Living was extremely tight. People slept on top of each other. The poor ventilation only came from a few small holes in the ceiling, so everyone was often short of breath. Given the stressful situation, the compulsory nudity, and the shared understanding of inevitable identity death, there was something of a kinship between the prisoners in Holding Cell A— both in an emotional sense, and in the sense that there was a lot of casual, public sex.

Avi had bought into this custom pretty quickly. By the morning of the third day, a dirty and exhausted Avi found himself in the corner of the cell, balls deep in some dark-haired twink whose name he didn’t know.

“Please… please…” he moaned softly, causing the men next to him to wake up to another repetitive day of captivity. Avi gripped his hips. He had him on his hands and knees, sliding in and out of him with ease. He had a feeling he wasn’t the first guy in Holding Cell A to be fucking him.

“Mmm… fuck, you’re tight,” gasped Avi. He took one hand off of his nameless lover’s hip, and moved it up to his hair, gripping it tightly. This elicited another moan, only encouraging Avi to fuck him harder.

“Breed me,” he begged. “Please. Use me.”

Avi closed his eyelids as the eyes underneath rolled back into his head. For a pleasant few moments in the absence of visual input, Avi imagined himself somewhere different, in the throes of love with someone else. On a sandy beach with James, or in a comfy bed with Ryan.

The spell broke as the man moaned again. Avi opened his eyes and reached around his body, gently stroking his cock. “Please,” he said, short of breath, “I’m so close.”

“Are you?” said Avi somewhat playfully. “Maybe I should wait a little bit.”

“No,” he begged insistently. “Please. Please. I want you to finish with me. Please.”

Avi stroked him harder. It only took a few up and down motions for Avi’s companion to suddenly orgasm, cum shooting out onto the stone floor below. Avi pulled his hand back from his cock and shoved him down to the ground, speeding up as he smeared his partner’s belly in his own cum.

The man was silent. Avi grunted, frustrated as the energy drained out of the man’s body, before finally he finished as well. He orgasmed deep inside of the boy, filling his ass with his sticky cum and collapsing on top of him.

The contently bred bottom rolled around, cradling Avi in his arms. The two of them were coated with semen, but Avi didn’t mind. He felt relaxed as hands explored his body.

“I love you,” said his partner. Typically, Avi would have been taken aback by such a sudden comment, but he simply smiled back dumbly.

“I love you too.”

“Would you like to get married?” he asked, delicately touching Avi’s face.

Avi frowned. “Why?”

“I always wanted to get married. Before I died at least.”

Avi nodded. “Maybe. We’ll see.”

“Hey, Stuart.” A voice called over from across the cell. “Come give me some head, will you?”

“Gotta go,” said the boy. He kissed Avi on the forehead, before standing up and stepping over the mass of sleeping prisoners, making his way to his next sexual favour for the day.

Avi lay still, staring at the cell ceiling, as the prisoners began to stir with the new morning. Another day, another futile fight for survival. Avi was surprised with how quickly he had come to terms with his fate. He was going to become an orc. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. It would be nice to have a purpose in the Labyrinth, even if it involved abducting innocent people.

Yes, thought Avi. Maybe this was his calling all along. He forced a small smile as he lay on the stone floor, idly gazing at the shifting in the ventilation holes at the top of the cell.

Wait, what is that?

He heard a faint scratching noise as a figure pulled themselves through the presumably very small stone air duct. Avi’s eyes widened. Poking his head down into the narrow confines of Holding Cell A was none other than Shawn, Feln’s assistant.

“Shawn?” Avi said suddenly, staring up at him.

Shawn scanned the area, and quickly identified Avi. He put a finger over his lips, indicating for Avi to shut up. He complied.

By now, others had taken notice. The typically quiet holding cell suddenly was filled with whispers and murmurs. A space was cleared underneath the vent, and Shawn dropped down gracefully onto the cell floor.

Avi got up to his feet, examining him. Shawn was dressed in a black full-bodysuit made of some kind of vinyl or canvas. On his back was a small bag, and at his hip was a sheathed shortsword.

Speechless, Avi approached Shawn. Shawn raised his hand.

“I’m gonna get you out of here,” he said.

“But… why?” said a puzzled Avi.

“I know what we did was wrong. But Feln is also wrong. When he made the decision to abandon the factory, I knew he was never going to leave the Labyrinth. He’s given up. But I haven’t yet. He’s not the right person to follow.”

“And here I thought you were just working with him for sex,” said Avi.

Shawn frowned. “It’s… never mind. We can talk about this later. Right now, we gotta go.”

“What about the others here? What about Lance? Where did you get this stuff anyways?”

Shawn took off his backpack, sighing. “They can come too! Whatever! This is just stuff I dug out of the lab. I was hiding there the whole time. Like I said, we can talk about this later.”

Avi was made of questions. He was hiding there? Where? Why didn’t he reveal himself to Avi, Lance, and James? How did he get here and sneak past the Andromeda?

When Avi opened his mouth to speak, though, he heard a noise. The jingling sound of a keyring.

Avi’s stomach churned. “Shawn!” he hissed. “They’re coming. You have to hide.”

“Hide?” demanded Shawn. “Hide where?”

“Fucking… I don’t know. Take your clothes off.”

“Excuse me?”

“Everyone here is naked. You stick out like a sore thumb. Hide your clothes and your sword. Quickly!”

Shawn seemed to realize that he had no time to argue. He tossed his sword and bag onto the ground, and quickly unzipped the front of his jumpsuit.

Avi could hear the stomping of orcs approaching the cell. “Hurry!”

Trembling, Shawn stepped out of the suit. He kicked it and the rest of his gear across the room. Avi had never seen Shawn naked before, and was surprised that a man of his small build was so hung— easily seven inches soft.

Avi pushed Shawn behind him, having him kneel on the ground and stay out of the orcs’ sight, lest they realize he wasn’t one of their prisoners.

The door swung open. Two orcs entered and began making their rounds, selecting men seemingly at random to be taken to the pits. Avi looked at them in silence, praying that he wouldn’t be chosen. Not now. Not when he actually has a chance of escape.

As they gathered up prisoners, Avi winced as one of the orcs picked up Shawn’s sword.

“Where you get this?” the orc demanded, pointing at the nearest nude prisoner.

“What? That’s not mine. It’s just—”

“Take him,” said another orc. “Torture him before the pits.”

Together with four other men, the two orcs dragged the falsely-accused man out of the cell as he struggled. “No! No! Please!”

The door slammed shut. Avi finally looked back at Shawn, breathing heavily on the floor. “Are they gone?” asked Shawn.

“Yeah,” said Avi.

“Okay. Hand me my stuff.”

Avi glanced over at the side of the room where Shawn had kicked his belongings. His stomach lurched. “Shawn… it’s gone.”


“The orcs took your gear.”

Panic spread across the naked Shawn’s face as he stood up, eyeing the empty patch of floor where his suit and sword had been left. “My key…”

“Your what?”

“My key! My skeleton key! It would have been able to get the cell door open in seconds. It was in my suit pocket!” Shawn ran over to the patch of floor below the small air vent where he had dropped in. He began frantically leaping at it, an obviously futile act, before collapsing onto the floor. Naked and unequipped, Shawn was helpless.

Avi knelt down next to him. “Listen, just relax—”

“I can’t relax!” he shouted. “Do you not see how badly I just screwed myself over? I can’t get out of here now. I’m trapped. I’m no different from you.”

“Let’s just try and figure something out, okay?” As Avi tried to console Shawn’s hysteria, he heard a slamming noise. The sound of another one of the holding cell doors being shut.

Avi looked out the metal bars, and watched as an orc led a group of terrified-looking men to their fates in the pits. One of them stood out from the rest to Avi, a man with green hair. Lance was among them.

The brief moment felt like an eternity as Avi and Lance made eye contact, before Lance’s face turned to one of confusion as he eyed Shawn. Then, he was gone, never to be seen again.

Shawn turned to Avi. “I don’t want it to end like this,” he said. “I had a plan. We were going to break out, go back to the lab, you’d find the Stone, then we’d go—”

“The Stone of Anger? You mean you didn’t bring it?”

“No,” said Shawn. “I didn’t see where you hid it.”

Avi couldn’t help but smile. “That’s okay. That’s even better. That means the Stone isn’t in orc hands. Just because our escape plan isn’t going to happen doesn’t mean that it’s over. Someone else can find the Stone at Feln’s lab. We found it for them; they can take advantage of it.”

Before Shawn could reply with more doom and gloom, a lean man with short cut hair in the corner of the cell spoke up. “You guys are planning to escape the Labyrinth?”

It hadn’t occurred to Avi that the rest of his cellmates were actively watching Shawn’s breakdown. “Yes,” said Avi. “Well, we were.”

“But how? It’s impossible.”

“It’s not impossible. We know how to do it, and we had one of the tools we needed. But now it’s on the other side of the Labyrinth.”

“Would you be able to take others with you?” asked someone else.

“Sure,” said Avi. “We would have been able to open a portal out of here. We could have taken as many people as we wanted.”

This drew some excitement from the crowd; excitement that Shawn was quick to calm down. “Guys, it’s over. I screwed up. We’re not gonna be able to do it.”

“But you could get back and get your tools,” said the nameless man Avi had just had public sex with.

“And how would we do that?”

The young man eyed the air vent. “I mean… what if we helped you escape? Together we could lift you guys back up.”

“You wouldn’t be able to come with us,” said Avi. “If too many of us climb out, the orcs will notice something’s up and catch us.”

“That’s fine. So you guys can leave, then come rescue us, and open the portal.”

“That’s not—”

“Right!” Shawn quickly interrupted Avi. “We’ll get you out of here. We promise. We just need an escape route and a bit of time.”

The crowd stirred. People rallied over to Shawn and Avi, eager to help.

Avi shot Shawn a look. They both knew there was no way they could live up to their promises fast enough.

Shawn seemed apathetic, choosing instead to spend his energy organizing the prisoners. They formed something of a human pyramid, a structure of bodies that Avi and Shawn could climb.

“Thank you,” said Shawn. “We won’t forget you.” He began to climb to the vent.

Avi looked up and down the surprisingly sturdy pyramid. Shawn was actively lying in order to escape. Could he really do this?

Suddenly, he heard that horrible noise. Keys jingling. Had the orcs caught on?

“Avi!” said Shawn, almost at the vent. “Let’s fucking get going!”

Avi looked at the cell door, and back at Shawn. It was now or never. Somewhat reluctantly he began to climb, reaching the top after a few stumbles, right as the cell door began to open.

“Goodbye,” whispered Avi as Shawn began to climb back the way again. “Thank you for everything.”

Only a handful of men made eye contact with Avi, the rest of them reverting back to their semi-daily ritual of avoiding being chosen by the orcs.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/tgrjmk/enter_the_labyrinth_act_i_chapter_12_gay_fantasy