Academia II [MF] [Bondage] [Fingering] [Deepthroat] [Anal] [Multiple Forced Orgasms][Master/Slave Dynamics] [Overstimulation][Dub-Con]

*For you, D.*

A small parchment note was placed on top of a neatly folded white blouse on Muriel’s dresser. It bore the Soleion stamp. She tumbled out of her bed, the morning rays peeking through the window to grace her unclothed body. The previous night came into her mental view.

Elliott Soleion, that fucking bastard.

She stood in front of her mirror, examining her entire body. Her snowy white skin was littered with purple marks and peppered with faded pink ones. She faced her back to the mirror and pivoted her waist to see the damage done to her posterior. The hand-shaped welts had mostly faded, and the broken skin was already healed.

“I should challenge him to a sword fight when this week is over.” She proclaimed to her reflection. She paced around for a few moments, deep in thought about the ongoing deal they had. Eventually she gripped the sides of her mirror, violently shaking it as she stared down her ashamed reflection. She looked absolutely primal. Hair matted with blades of grass and twigs in it, body bruised and scratched, eyes full of rage – where was her dignity? Somewhere parading around with Elliott, she assumed. That pompous dick.

She got dressed at a slower pace than usual, her muscles still sore from when Elliott had folded her in half. Memories flashed in her mind’s eye with each button of her blouse being closed. By the time she reached the collar, she had relived the entire night. She slipped on her trousers, which bore a couple minor grass stains at the ankle, and poked her feet into her shoes. She threw a black scarf around her neck to fully cover any marks there, just to be sure. She was going to pretend nothing had ever happened and avoid Elliott’s line of sight at all costs. She opened the door of her room and prepared to depart, ready to fulfill her new routine of hiding from the man who had just desecrated her.

She poked her head out and scanned the halls. They were empty – most students liked to go relax and sit under a tree and kiss when no one was looking on the weekends. She wasn’t too much different – she too enjoyed reading books under a tree every now and then. But, since she was on a mission to evade her nemesis, she opted for walking onto the balcony and climbing onto the railing. She steadied herself and made a leap onto the slanted roof, pulling herself up with her remaining core strength. Thankfully, scaling rooftops didn’t require too much leg work.

Once her entire body was atop the roof, she lay facing the sun, a book covering her face. She closed her eyes and let herself doze off, a comfortable warmth enveloping her as she did. There were a few clouds that occasionally blocked the sun, but they drifted away soon enough. Eventually there was one particularly long lasting cloud that refused to make way for the sun. She groggily removed the book from her face and opened her eyes, only to be met by Elliott staring her down with the most conniving grin on his face. She nearly rolled off of the roof in surprise, catching herself and standing up to glare back at him.

“Y- whe- you! Why- how did you know I was up here!?” Muriel shouted, jabbing his chest with her finger.

“I didn’t.” He replied.

“Wha- how did you even get up here??” She asked, practically pouting. Elliott wrapped his arms around her shoulders and turned her to where he was facing.

“*T r e e*.” He said, amusement evident in his voice. “I usually climb that thing for pears. I saw you up here and decided to say hi.” Muriel scowled at him, determined to knock the cocky grin off his face. He beamed at her with a hint of malice when he turned her back around to face him. “But now let’s talk about you, shall we? Why in the world are you hiding up here? You wouldn’t happen to be… *avoiding me, would you?”*

He nudged her off-balance and grabbed her by her scarf. She panicked and grabbed his arm, internally pondering how he had so much leverage and stability on this godforsaken roof.

“How strong do you think this scarf is?” He asked, unraveling one of the loops she had wrapped around herself. She fell back slightly, holding on tighter to his arm for support. “You’ve been hiding from me. Admit it.”

“Will you help me back up?” Muriel asked, trying to mask her panic. Elliott tilted his head and gave her a dry laugh and a sarcastic nod in response. It wasn’t reassuring, but she really had no other favorable options. “Yes, I was avoiding you. I was trying to stay out of your sight and pretend last night didn’t happen.”

“Knew it.” Elliott said, letting go of the scarf. Muriel almost screamed as she fell further, until she felt Elliott’s arm wrap around her and pull her close to him. “Sheesh. Loosen up, D’hivernalles. I told you, I can’t uphold my end if you’re dead. Don’t go dying on me now.” He wrapped the scarf back around her neck, playfully balancing the uneven lengths of fabric.

“Wasn’t planning on it.” Muriel quipped. She sighed. “So, what now?”

“Now, you have to climb back down off this roof with me and follow me back to my room. The guys like to go out to the lake on weekends so I’m lonely. And I’m feeling a bit moody today, so… I want you to take care of it.” Elliott said, effortlessly walking across the warped roof towards the pear tree. Muriel hesitantly followed him. She was good at climbing, but her sense of balance wasn’t always the best. He slid off the roof and onto a thick branch of the tree, stepping down on larger limbs until he was close enough to the ground to jump off. He called up to her. “Sometime today, D!”

Muriel paced around the roof until she found where the willow tree grew. It was a bit further away from the building than the pear tree was. She preferred its flexible stems over the pear tree, since she hated ruining her clothes. Elliott followed her movements from the ground and watched as she took a running start off of the roof, catching a swaying willow branch and swinging on it to make a perfect landing on the ground, her clothes and body unscathed.

“That was quite impressive.” Elliott admitted, giving her a slow clap. “Though I have to say, you were even more impressive last night.”

Muriel rolled her eyes at the comment.

“I’m reserving my right to challenge you to a duel at the end of the week.” Muriel said, begrudgingly following Elliott into the dorms.

“A duel! Ha! I’m pretty sure that’s how our family rivalry began, isn’t it?” Elliott laughed. “Sir Harold Soleion and Sir James D’hivernalles were set to duel for the rights over a piece of land. Your family sent in a stand-in who wasn’t even a part of your family. Are you sure you want to duel me if you’re trying to fix this feud?”

“We sent in James’ advisor because one of yours poisoned him that same day! It’s documented that he was too weak to stand, let alone fight.” Muriel said. “Forget that. It’s not a duel for land or anything. It’s just a duel out of good sportsmanship, we’ll call it that.”

Elliott pushed open the door to his room and ushered Muriel inside.

“Sure. And I’ll poison you with an aphrodisiac. For old times’ sake.” Elliott joked. Muriel gave him a sarcastic grin.

“Ha ha.” She mocked, taking a seat on the bed. She sighed as Elliott closed and locked the door. He placed a rolled up towel at the bottom to completely seal the room. “Well, the civility was nice while it lasted. What do you want?”

“You’re so obedient. *I love it.”* Elliott said, standing in front of her. “Strip down. Don’t want to ruin another blouse.”

Muriel unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it from her body, placing it on the nightstand. It was quickly followed by the rest of her clothes. Elliott squinted at the grass stains on her trousers.

“We’ll clean that later too.” He remarked, removing his shirt. Muriel hadn’t gotten a good look at him before. Now she understood why she had such a hard time fighting him off. He was beyond toned, in fact one might even go so far as to say he had rippling abs. His pecs weren’t too bad either. Muriel couldn’t help but become a little excited and bite her lip at the sight. Elliott was perceptive and noticed her behavior, realizing that she hadn’t seen him in the light of day before. He chuckled. “You like what you see, Muriel?”

His trousers dropped, and out sprung the beast that had destroyed her before. It seemed even more menacing now that she could actually see it. How did that giant thing even fit in her mouth to begin with?

“I-I’m not- looking! Why would I be looking! I’m not admiring you! At all! Definitely not!” Muriel stammered, looking away in embarrassment. Elliott laughed at her antics. He pulled her up from the bed and took her place, pointing to the floor with a cheeky smile.

“Come on, D. It’s not gonna suck itself.” Elliott said, snapping her out of her daze. He carefully watched her every move as she lowered to one knee, then lowered the other. She opened her mouth fully, placing her tongue on her bottom lip and looking up at him expectantly. He grabbed the back of her head and guided her onto his dick, slowly pushing her up and down on it. He wasn’t as rough as he was the night before, yet some part of Muriel’s deranged mind actually might have missed it. She did enjoy the praise though. “God, you feel good everywhere, don’t you?”

Elliott let go of her head, surprised to see her bobbing on her own. He was even more surprised when she made the effort to take him all at once. He heard her choke as she struggled to keep her lips at the base. She looked up at him with needy eyes.

“Oh, God… do that some more, would you?” Elliott said, leaning his head back. He was baffled by how willing she was. Last night she was fighting tooth and nail against him. He wondered if she was taking this deal of theirs *that* seriously. He pushed his questions aside, focusing on the way she was pleasuring him. “You’re good at this… have you done this before?”

Muriel freed Elliott from her mouth and looked up at him. “Only last night.” she replied before returning to her work.

“You’ve…never done this with anyone else?” Elliott asked, surprised. Muriel shook her head. “I feel lucky. You should know though, you’re my first too.” Muriel choked on shock before Elliott’s length caught up to her. She lifted her lips from it again, looking up at him with amazement.

“You? No way.” she folded her arms in disbelief. Elliott nodded.

“I’m not lying.” he said, leaning down and picking her up. He lay her down on the bed, straddling her flower-like body. She didn’t protest, knowing what would happen if she angered him enough. “I wonder if they all feel like you. I’ve heard stories from the other rooms. They don’t sound a fraction as appealing as you feel to me.”

“Why don’t you find out?” Muriel said, tensing slightly as she felt him prodding at her entrance. “You said it yourself, any ordinary family would love to serve you.”

“It’s true. I overhear them in the halls and the Canteen sometimes. It’s part of the reason I hide. I don’t want to be swarmed by them all the time.” Elliott let himself inside, moving slowly inside of her to let her adjust. “But that’s besides the point. I don’t want to find out. I have you right here – maybe it’s only for a week, but why would I want to lower my standards? At least you’re actually worth my attention.”

“…I think that’s the first genuinely nice thing you’ve said to me.” Muriel said, not sure how to respond. Elliott’s kindness was more terrifying than his anger at this point. She was a D’hivernalles, he was a Soleion. They were *not* meant to get along. Maybe he was just trying to get her to lower her guard – that idea frightened her even more.

“I’m a man of actions, not words.” Elliott said. His thrusts were gentle and almost… *intimate*, even. Muriel could feel even more of him at this pace. Whatever animal had torn her apart the night before was gone and replaced by a gentle giant.

“You’re… being nice to me.” Muriel murmured, flinching slightly as she felt Elliott’s fingers brush against her bruises. “Is this a facade?”

“No. I’m a bit tired and lonely right now, so this is probably as nice as I’ll be.” Elliott said. His tone wasn’t friendly or unfriendly – it was just blunt. “I can’t make any promises once I wake up all the way though.”

“… You frighten me sometimes. And it’s not just because you’re a Soleion.” Muriel said, turning her head to the side. She whipped back to glare at Elliott when she felt him flick her nipples without warning. “Hey!”

“Heh.” Elliott laughed, giving them a gentle pinch. Muriel’s face was as red as a rose in bloom. “I was right about you being fun.”

Muriel just pouted in response. Elliott slowly pulled out, and pushed back in with equal grace. Muriel arched her back when the entirety of his length was inside of her, releasing a long-held breath. Elliott groaned in satisfaction at the way she already seemed to tighten around him. He took a deep breath and leaned down towards her, his breath against her neck.

“Are you ready?” He whispered, pinning down her shoulders as he hovered over her.

“Ready for- ah-!” Muriel howled as he pulled back and slammed into her with the same brute force as the night before. He lifted her legs slightly, surprised when she positioned them on his shoulders on her own.

“Good girl.” He leaned down and folded her body in half again, having regained his energy to wreck her. Their faces were just a couple inches apart. He could see every bead of sweat lining her skin as he thrusted into her with everything he had. “Are you enjoying this or are you just trying to get on my good side?” He said, grabbing her ankles and folding her down further. She wailed at the burn of the stretch, combined with Elliott’s jackhammer of a pecker.

“I… I’m-” Muriel struggled to get any words out between each thrust stealing her breath. “Fuck,” she managed to say, her entire expression riddled with pleasure.

“Ooh, haven’t heard you curse before.” Elliott said, slightly slowing his pace. “You should do it more often.”

“I- I’m not usually that vulgar of a person!” Muriel squeaked. Honestly, she felt even more of him when he was slow. She could feel each vein, every single cell of his colliding and meshing with hers. Elliott straightened out her legs and spread them open, the angle between them nearly a perfect straight line.

“I can make you though.” He said, laying her legs back down straight underneath him. He hoisted one leg up and held it against his chest, plunging into her without hesitation at this new angle. He watched her quickly grip the sheets of the bed, fingers balling into a fist and unclenching in a frantic cycle. “Okay, noted. That works really well on you.”

“Fuck, oh my f-fucking… Elliott, I- I’m- fuck,” Muriel slurred. She was completely breathless. “God, you- you’re going to break something-!”

“Well, the goal was to break you. Judging by your voice, I have succeeded.” Elliott said. He looked down to notice that Muriel herself was quite toned – then again, both of their families regularly trained for combat with the other, so it wasn’t much of a surprise. What was surprising though, was the fact that with each time he made it to his base, a little bulge popped up at her lower abdomen. “You’re tiny.”

“Wha- hey, no. You’re just huge.” Muriel hurriedly replied before his movements forced another prolonged moan from her lips. She felt shameful for it. “God, damn… fuck you…”

“What was that?” Elliott said, narrowing his eyes at Muriel. Before she could respond, he had already wrapped his hand around her neck. He had the grip of a hangman’s knot. Muriel thrashed against it, digging her nails into his wrist. He grabbed both of her wrists with his other hand, now pushing even more of his weight onto her neck.

“Let go,” she choked out, her words barely audible. “Please- please, let go… Elliott…”

He released her throat and reached over to the nightstand to grab her scarf, wrapping it tightly around her wrists and binding them to the bedpost. He untied the cords that drew his curtains, causing his entire room to become shrouded in shade. With each rope he bound her legs to the bedposts at the other end of the bed, leaving her completely exposed and spread open for him.

“I’m nowhere near done with you, Muriel.” He stood before her, body shadowed but eyes reflecting with just the slightest glint of light. She could hear the mania in his voice trying to pass under the guise of sanity. He squeezed her thighs, unrelenting as she screamed in protest. She thrashed in her bonds, howling when he climbed back onto her and made himself at home inside of her. Each repetition of him thrusting in and out was taking more and more of her sane mind away. He cupped his hand over her mouth to silence her, admiring the way her breasts danced with each merciless buck of his hips. “Shhh. Keep it down. Wouldn’t want to get interrupted, would we?”

Elliott’s free hand roamed down to Muriel’s clit, amused as she struggled to shoo him away. He lifted his entire body, considering for a moment how to make the best of the situation.

“Alright, I’ve got a proposition for you, not that you can refuse it since I’m allowed to do whatever I want to you this week.” Elliott pulled his dick out of Muriel’s pussy, lightly tapping her thighs with it. “You use your pretty little mouth, and I’ll use mine. Then we can both be happy. I swear though, if you bite, you won’t even live to regret it.”

Muriel slowly nodded – he was right, she couldn’t really say no. Elliott turned around and positioned himself with his dick above her mouth, and his lips ready to meet hers. Muriel obediently opened her mouth, keeping her teeth as far apart as she could. She felt Elliott’s fingers spreading the lips of her cunt open, nerves igniting when she felt his tongue between them.

“You taste good down here too.” Elliott said, rapidly flicking his tongue along the slit. Her screams were muffled by Elliott’s cock invading her throat, but he could feel the vibrations of her cries as they faltered into screams of ecstasy. “D’aww, you like it, don’t you?”

Muriel hummed, almost a little too enthusiastically. Elliott chuckled and flicked her clit with his tongue, listening to her try to scream her way out of choking on his dick. He enjoyed fucking that tiny throat of hers and hearing her struggle to take it. It was even tighter than her pussy and made just as satisfying of a sound. She was kicking her feet and twisting her torso as much as she could. While his tongue worked magic on her drenched pussy, he noticed the way her toes flexed as she screamed. She was convulsing beneath him now, her movements erratic and pleasure-driven. She had reached the edge and flew far from it.

He didn’t stop licking even when she was a writhing mess. He kept going, eager to see just how much he could really break her. Muriel’s throat was filled with a foreign warmth as Elliott came deep inside, retreating from her mouth and letting himself drip on her face. She gagged and struggled to swallow it all, audibly grimacing at the salty taste it left on her tongue. Her convulsions didn’t make it any easier either, and neither did the fact that Elliott was absolutely relentless with his tongue and his fingers. She felt two of his fingers deep in her ass, curling and uncurling and slipping in and out.

“Ell-Elliott, please, I- I’ve already- I can’t take anymore!” Muriel begged, tears streaking her cheeks. Elliott ignored her pleas, mercilessly continuing to pleasure her well beyond her limit.

“Maybe you can’t. But you will.” Elliott said, pace unwavering. Muriel’s voice was a frenzy of broken notes and almost-words, most of which were somewhere along the vein of begging Elliott to stop.

It didn’t take long for Elliott’s tongue alone to cause streams of liquid euphoria to gush out. He climbed off of Muriel’s body and knelt between her squirming legs, driving his fingers into her swollen cunt and forcing her body to climax far more than it was meant to. He finally withdrew himself from her, watching the way her chest heaved as the long-awaited end came. Residual pleasure was still cascading through her body, and by now she was leaving a visible puddle on the bed as well as wet streaks on Elliott’s abdomen.

It took a few whole minutes for her to finally get it out of her system. Her thighs, the bed and most of Elliott’s front were soaked. Most likely no one would believe that one single human being could ejaculate that much but then again, who was Elliott telling? This was his secret, she was his slave, and that was how it was going to stay. (At least, for the week.) Elliott teasingly poked her thigh and inched closer to her severely abused cunt. She took a deep breath and lunged at him, screaming bloody murder as her scarf tore, setting her hands free. She sat up and threw her arms at him, unsurprisingly having them caught and pinned back down in an instant.

“Don’t worry, I’m done now. I’ve had my fun.” Elliott said, cheekily staring into Muriel’s rabid eyes. She looked ready to kill, though in her state, she probably would fail.

“Untie me.” Muriel demanded, weakness still in her wavering voice.

“Ask nicely.” Elliott replied with a frown.

“Elliott.” Muriel firmly said. They locked eyes. Her gaze softened and she finally admitted a total defeat. “Please. Please untie me.”

Elliott undid the cords around her ankles and allowed her to sit up, legs dangling over the edge of the bed. Elliott sat up with her, catching her as the exhaustion set in and hit her like a train. He laid her down on the bed and climbed in next to her, pulling a blanket over both of them and cradling her quaking body in his arms.

“You’re… genuinely horrifying.” She said. Elliott placed his hand over her heart, feeling its elevated and uneven beats.

“I take that as a compliment.” Elliott said. He held her tighter when he felt her trying to leave. “Nope. You’re staying with me until your arrhythmia clears. I don’t trust you to walk right now.”

“I’m definitely capable of walking!” Muriel pouted.

“You most certainly are not.” Elliott said. “Besides, we have a deal. I want you to stay here. With me. At least for a few hours.”

“… Fine.”

“Thank you.”

“… You’re… welcome.”


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