Fun While Camping – [FF] | [Lesbian] | [Fingering] | [Voyeurism]

You remember a time, and a girl, long removed now. A camp site, a national forest whose name is lost to you now. You are there together, your family, gathered. You and she explored many things that summer in the forest. Each other in particular.

A long, sun filled day, warm, but not unpleasant beside the lake in the forest. Swimsuits and bare skin, hidden peaks at forbidden views. It was so secret then, before you had admitted it to yourself even, hidden behind a mask of normalcy that fell as flat as the tile in the steam filled shower stall where your resolve broke at long last.

It felt like what amounted to eternity before you were both able to break away from your families. She beat you to the shower house by at least a full 10 minutes. You smiled as you passed a mother and her small child, exiting the showers just as you slipped inside.

You felt ridiculously conspicuous, as if everyone would see you and know what you were doing, would know what you had planned…

Slipping through the heavy wooden door you could hear the sounds of several other women showering in various stalls. For a moment you floundered, unsure how you were supposed to find her stall among the several that clearly occupied.

You were rescued when you noticed the sufficiently unique neon pink flip flop peeking out from one of the stall doors and, taking a chance, you ducked into the small stall.

She didn’t notice you right away, and you were too shocked to do more than gape.

The moment hung, suspended in a second as though every single inch had been physically burned into your synapses. Her back was against the wall, her legs lifted and spread wide, allowing her maximum access. Her skin was a bright pink, bordering on a deep red where the sun’s touch had lingered a little too long, and covered in a sheen of moisture from the shower. Her eyes, deep and piercing as you know them to be through long experience, are closed, her head thrown back. A haze of steam poured out of the stall, twisting, and twining through the enclosed space. You didn’t notice her hand at first, thrusting in and out with growing fervor. No, at first your eyes were locked on her chest. Only when her lips parted, no doubt a delicate moan of solitary ecstasy wiped away by the showers drone, did your eyes break from erect nipples and track the moan to its source.

At some point her eyes open, languidly at first before widening in surprise as she realizes she is not alone.

“Well?” She asks, “Did you enjoy the show?”

Her comment was said with an almost flippant attitude, as though she didn’t care what your answer was either way. Confident and self-assured in her beauty.

It was a good act.

It was the eyes that gave it away really. Too… desperate, too much need

The silence stretched on as you did your best impersonation of a fish out of water, desperately scraping at the bottom of the barrel you called a mind for some words that could express what you were feeling.

Instead of poetry, or the borrowed words of someone famous, all your fumbling brain can manage to produce through the haze of hormones and desire is a nod of agreement and sort of half intelligible grunt that conjured to mind simian ancestors.

It was, however, sufficient for the purpose at hand. Based on the reaction garnered, your lack of eloquence may have spoken for you better than true poetry, for truly she had robbed you of your wits.

She bent over, pulling apart the meat of her ass, revealing a pussy that was sopping wet in a way that had nothing to do with the shower. You drop to your knees, the cascade of bewilderingly hot water crashes into you, soaking your swimsuit again. Up close her excitement is almost palpable, even the water of the shower doing little to wash away the scent of her desire. What she had started alone had been magnified by her discovery, and the anticipation of more did little to dampen the fire between her legs. Her cunt overflowed, running down her thighs and mixing with the water from overhead.
