The Auction of White Prison Bitches (non-con, d/s, interracial, snuff)

John Allen, a wiry black convict in his thirties better known to the inmates by his nickname Mississippi woke up in his cell at first light. He was as excited as a kid at Christmas time when thinking about the event that was coming up today in a hidden store room just off the prison yard. He reached up to his cell’s bookshelf and grabbed his library borrowed copy of a book on the tactics and history of the black slave trade. It was a subject that had always interested and angered him, and he expected that the event he was so excited for would go a long way towards alleviating some of that anger.

He was of course looking forward to the auction of young white boys, fresh off the bus from county jails all over the state. The word on the prison yard was that there would be five or six new white boys to choose from. And to add to the excitement, only the first 20 black men into the room would be allowed to bid. Mississippi had been saving his money for months, foregoing his second greatest pleasure in prison, twix candy bars in order to outbid any of the other cons for the first white boy that caught his eye.

The trustee brought breakfast to his cell at about 7 in the morning, and by that time he had already shaved, gotten dressed and brushed his teeth. While eating he read a passage about the way that white slavers used to inspect their black slaves before purchasing them, and as his anger rose he resolved to do the same to the punks at today’s auction.

He had formulated a plot for the entirety of his prison sentence which began six years ago and had forty five years left on it. He would eventually save up enough money to buy a white boy, who he would then pimp out, beat and humiliate constantly, and then when he was used up and no one was paying for his sexual favors any more, he would merely kill him and repeat the plan.

Mississippi walked out of his cell and hurriedly walked the short distance from his block to the yard’s store room. There was an overweight middle aged black man in the room already, talking to a group of young white boys who were huddled in the corner. Several of them had black eyes and one was missing his front teeth. The man was telling them that they were nothing more than fuck toys now, and the fact that they had all been raped repeatedly in county lockup certainly reinforced this fact in their minds.

The room quickly filled with black men who ran the gamut from young to old, all of whom were looking forward to the chance to buy a white boy to keep as their very own personal slave and fuck toy. One overly enthusiastic black man rushed forward, pointing his fat finger at one of the cowering white boys. “That bitch is mine, I’ve got tons of cash and I’m taking this one…let’s go boy” he said as he grabbed the frightened punk by the upper arm and squeezed down with a vice like grip on his tender young flesh.

Cap’n Carl, as he was known, the overweight auctioneer and master of ceremonies put a stop to this man’s plans immediately.

“Hold the fuck up man, dis an auction, we gon’ give everyone here a chance to own one of these bitches”

A mixture of disappointment and anger flashes across the man’s face as he releases the white boy’s arm and shoves him back to the floor. Laughs erupt from the cons as the punk lands hard on his ass, and lets out a high pitched yelp of pain.

Cap’n Carl walks over slowly to the huddled group of punks, and grabs the white boy who was just roughly thrown down.

“was the mattah bitch, pussy sore?”

The men all laugh again as he grabs the boy’s arm and shoves him roughly under a bare light that is hanging from the ceiling. The boy’s name is Charles Mason, and he had been raped roughly ten times by the men who shared his cell in county. He is thrown under the light and the Cap’n tells him to drop his shorts.

“Yeah make her drop them drawers” a huge black man bellows out followed by a chuckle that humiliates the poor punk.

The boy stands there motionless, terrified of his predicament. Cap’n slaps him across the face hard, and yells right at him to drop his shorts again. The men grow restless as the punk’s shaking hands unbuckle his belt and he slides the shorts off his skinny white legs. He is still wearing a pair of pink dyed tighty whities that his previous cellmates forced him to don. Cap’n roars at the punk yet again “Off with the panties too bitch!”

He slides them down as well, and stands there, on display for the lust of the horny assembled black men. If it wasn’t for the financial aspect of his upcoming slavery and the value of his ass to the men, it’s a virtual certainty they would gang rape him right there.

Mississippi looks over the scared and shaking white boy with a combination of lust and hatred. He walks over to him slowly, letting his victim enjoy every single deliberate movement in his walk. The boy looks at his eyes and quickly casts his gaze towards the floor. Mississippi comes up behind the cowering boy like a snake, slithering up to him and feeling his soft white ass with both hands, letting the boy feel his hard and incredibly powerful body on his back, giving him a glimpse of what lies in store if this man wins the upcoming auction. He licks the boy’s ear, and shoves his erection into the soft flesh of the punk’s backside, making him feel the cock that will soon be violating him like the men in county jail did.

The Cap’n laughs as he watches one of his favorite thugs in lockup feeling the soft young white punk up. He knows that if Mississippi ends up buying the bitch, he can look forward to getting to watch him rape the boy over and over again. And as one of his most trusted associates, he can expect to at least get a few free blowjobs from the new punk if not a couple pokes at that fresh little white pussy. But he is still running a business and says “Hey man, I know you wanna stake a claim to that good pussy, but we’ve got business to do first” Mississippi chuckles, slaps the punk’s ass and moves back to his original spot in the crowded room. The punk sighs a little as he regains his composure, the fear still overwhelming him.

“I’ve got this fine piece of ass starting at $30, he been broken in already and jumps whenever a brotha says boo to his punk ass” Mississippi didn’t miss a beat, and yelled as loudly as he could BOO right at the white boy, who jumped and looked like he was about to burst into tears. Every single man in the room, save the other punks who were about to be auctioned burst out into laughter. Cap’n regains control of the room, and calls out “$30 for this punk”. An old black man at the back of the room calls out “$45”

Little does the punk know, this man is the most gentle and caring man in the prison, who goes out of his way to buy at least one punk a year. And while he does the same things that every man does with a punk, he never beats them, never rents them out, and treats them like a companion. Mississippi can’t stand him, or his plan to buy perfectly good pussy and not share it with other brothers. “$50” he replies with venom in his speech, practically spitting it out, staring the old man down.

It’s rare to see a punk go for anything near that much money, especially the first one in an auction. The other men shuffle around, looking over the cute little punks still waiting in the corner. No one speaks up, the punk stands under the spotlight shaking. The cap’n, knowing that his buddy has won, takes his time in announcing it. “Going once….perfectly sweet little pussy here” he says as he grabs and spreads the punk’s cheeks to give all the men a good look. The boy doesn’t even react, he knows his fate is sealed and just wants to get it over with.

“Going twice…she probably sucks a good cock too” Oddly the boy turns red, which amuses the crowd. “Oh look at that, the princess knows what she’s good at”. The cap’n looks around the room one last time, and catches a glimpse of Mississippi, who grins widely baring his yellowed teeth and flashing his pride and joy, a gold crown on his front two teeth. Cap’n slaps the punk across the face laughing “SOLD to my main man Mississippi”

Mississippi grabs the boy by the back of the neck and shoves him to the floor, ordering him to crawl to the door. The men laugh as the degraded white boy crawls naked to the door, Mississippi following close behind, staring at the ass he just purchased. The boy crawls out of the door as the men grab another one of the punks and throw him into the center of the room to be sold. Once outside Mississippi picks the slender white boy up and drags him by the hair to his cell, he throws the boy into the cell, punches him in the face and shoves him over the bottom bunk. The boy doesn’t even put up a fight, he just cries as Mississippi pulls his pants down and mounts him. A couple of trustees stand outside the cell, watching the brutal rape of this poor young punk and chuckling each time he cries out in pain. Mississippi thrusts for about ten minutes into his newly purchased punk, and moans out loud as he cums in the boys ass. He pulls out and grabs the boy by the hair, throwing him roughly to the floor. “Clean my fucking dick off bitch” he yells at the boy, who forces himself to his knees and puts his mouth around the cock that’s just been pulled out of his ass.

“Hey man, can we have some of that?” one of the trustees asks. To which Missisippi replies “yeah course man, how much you gonna pay?”

“maaaaan I ain’t got much” The heavyset black man grumbles as he fishes a couple of old melted candy bars from the pockets of his overalls.

“that’s plenty for this pussy man, come on in” Missisippi gloats.

He laughs to himself as he collects the two semi-melted snickers bars from the old man and steps back to watch as he unfastens his pants in front of the punk who just kneels there….silently. Mississippi slaps his punk across the face once again and yells at him to get on the old man’s dick. The boy looks around the room wishing to be anywhere but where he is, and his new owner grabs him by the throat and spits into his face, yelling at him “Bitch if I have to tell you again I’m gonna break your jaw!” He releases the boy from his grasp, who then opens his mouth and puts it around the old fat man’s cock. The trustee moans in pleasure “hell yeah, haven’t had no head from a white girl in a long time” He grabs the back of the boy’s head and shoves him hard onto his cock, the boy gags and tries not to throw up, knowing it will mean a severe beating from his master who is watching by the cell door.

“Ai’ght bitch, that’s enough head, time to try out that fresh little pussy of yours” The boy looks up at the old man in horror, knowing he is about to be raped yet again. But he’s starting to learn his place, and gets up off his knees and drops the red lace panties that Mississippi has forced him to wear. The old trustee picks the panties up off the floor and sniffs them, enjoying the smell of a brand new punk for the first time in years. The punk has assumed the position on the cell’s bottom bunk, his face buried in the pillow and his cute little white ass stuck in the air, waiting for the old trustee to mount him. The old man drops the panties to the cell’s floor and gets up on the bunk, his cock swinging freely. He savors the feeling of the punk’s smooth white ass, running his hands up and down it, and fingering the tight little prison pussy that he’s paid for. His cock gets harder as he feels the soft and tight little ass of the punk he just rented. The old trustee has been locked up for most of his life, and has never grown tired of the joy of fingering and raping a scared little white boy. He grabs his bent slimy cock and roughly slides it into the punk’s sore abused pussy. He knows that soon he’ll see this same boy walking the halls of the prison, wearing nothing but a tied up shirt and some shorts, terrified of every black man he sees, knowing that they all want to grab him, drag him into a closet and rape him over and over again.

It was funny walking into the latrine a few weeks later, seeing that white boy curled up on the floor, bleeding from his torn up pussy. Panties ripped and hanging around his ankles. He was just sobbing, covered in cum, and I watched for a while as a few random old convicts would come in, grab him…and pick him up and bend him over. Shoving his face into the hard tile floor of the bathroom, and raping him again. He just limply obeyed, and allowed them to fuck him however they wanted with no regard to his pain or his humiliation.

Once Mississippi was done with a white punk he had developed a very lucrative side hustle inside. He took the liberty of making some contacts on death row. With the aid of a few crooked CO’s and the warden, he offered condemned black men a way out of their date with the chair.

It cost a lot to buy a white punk to send to the chair. But that was more than worth it for the men who were terrified of going themselves. A few nights ago, I saw an old black man walk into his cell, carrying three bags full of commissary and handing them over along with $500 in free world money. This must have been all the old man had in his account, but he walked out with a smile on his face and I saw a sobbing white boy on the floor of the cell. In three nights, the white boy would be strapped into the chair, and the old man would get out of prison in six months when the white boy was scheduled to be released. The old man took the liberty while he was in Mississippi’s cell of using the white punk for a blow job, something he most likely had not had for years on death row, and a good way to celebrate his second chance at life while Mississippi would reap the rewards. The punk was crying as he wiped the old man’s cum off his chin and got a quick slap across the face for his trouble.

When the day came, Mississippi had fucked the punk numerous times before the guards dragged him out of the cell and to the chair. The white boy was sobbing as he was taken out of the cell, wearing nothing but some tattered and cum stained panties. Every con on death row got a good laugh at the punk as he was led to the chair. When the two muscular black guards arrived at the death house with the white boy, even they were surprised to discover the modifications that had been made to the electric chair. Rather than having the usual electrodes mounted on a metal helmet to be attached to the boys head, there was merely a jagged piece of metal shaped like a cock sticking out from the splintered wooden seat. The punk looked at the electrode and it immediately registered what its intended use was.

Without any fanfare, or even a moment’s thought about the punk’s last words, the guards guided him over to the chair. They took great joy in pulling his panties down, getting one last look at the nice soft little white ass that had entertained so many incarcerated black men over the past few years. They turned him around so he was facing them, and unceremoniously pushed the screaming white boy down onto the chair. The metal electrode found its way into his sore and abused pussy, tearing open the fuck hole and leaving a small puddle of blood on the wooden seat. The punk was crying as the guards laughed and strapped him into the seat, in the place of an old murderer who was now in a comfortable cell in general population, raping a different white punk and imagining his release in a few weeks. As he slid his old cock in and out of the new screaming white boy, he saw the lights in his cell flicker and breathed a sigh of relief as he came deep inside the pass around punk’s pussy. He could almost hear the drawn out screams of this white boy from down the prison yard as he made the pass around boy suck the cum and punk juice off his cock. He slapped the snivelling white boy hard across the face and spit on him as he lit up a cigarette and relaxed on his bunk, still thinking about the tight little pussy on the boy he just sent to the chair. The pass around punk kneels on the cold cement floor, his panties around his ankles, waiting for the next order from the black man that currently owns him.

The pass around boy, Sam, was one of Mississippi’s old auction purchases but he has since tired of the boy and let him become a communal piece of ass. It’s a great deal for the incarcerated black men that can’t afford a punk of their own, or just don’t want to deal with having to own and protect one. The boy, who is known as Kiki around the yard, acts and looks like any of the owned white punks on the yard, but is freely available to whoever wants to use him. The training he endured while owned by Mississippi has left him incredibly docile and although he hates it, he will dutifully serve any black man that so much as raises his voice to him. Every now and then, Mississippi will watch with glee as old convicts grab the boy and rape him. Remembering how great it was to turn him out, and how tight his white boy pussy used to be. Occasionally he’ll walk up to Kiki and talk to him, like everything is normal and he hadn’t assaulted him for years before letting him be raped by the entire cell block.

“Hey girl how you been…you keeping that fresh little thing between your legs nice and tight?”

“Umm…yes Sir…I mean…Daddy…I am….”

“Good girl….you know I loved that thing when I had it…” Mississippi drawls…enjoying the humiliated look on Sam’s face as he slides his bony hand under the obedient and docile boy’s pants and feels his swollen and cum filled pussy. Making the punk wince as he fingers a well used prison cunt.

“Feels like it’s been used up a lot…who all’s been up in that thing bitch?” He asks, his words sharp as he fingers the white boy.

“Umm…lots of guys Daddy…pretty much everyone around here has had me a few times” Sam trails off, ashamed to admit how many times he’s been used and abused by the black convicts of cellblock 4.

“You still cry each time they get up in that pussy white boy?” he smirks, remembering fondly how much it hurt Kiki when she’d get fucked.

“Not…not as much as I used to Daddy, I’ve kinda gotten used to it I guess”

Mississippi smirks at the obviously uncomfortable pass around punk. “Well let’s see about all that….drop them panties girl…Daddy wants a piece of that lil thing…” He sucks his gold front teeth as he slides his hand across Kiki’s smooth pale white ass…making her flinch.

Kiki looks around, as if to plot an escape, but sees her previous owner’s hand cocked back, ready to strike him across the face. He sighs, defeated, and pulls down the cute little red panties that he’s been forced to wear. “How do you want me Daddy?” he softly says, in that way that only a prison punk can do, that makes a real man’s heart race with anticipation. Mississippi is clearly having another one of his power trips as he watches the boys cum soaked panties fall to the cement floor. He almost playfully pushes Kikis back….shoving her over as he unzips the front of his dingy prison pants…. The white boy obediently grabs onto the leg of the bench he’s being bent over. And waits…patiently, for the familiar feeling of a black man’s cock being shoved into him roughly..

Mississippi doesn’t even bother to lube his cock…he just slides it into Kiki’s waiting pussy…moaning as he remembers just how tight and smooth it always was. A man could do much worse than the feeling of plunging your dick into something as sweet as this little punk’s well used prison cunt. Kiki lets out a few of her characteristic whimpers with each thrust of her former owner’s cock into her backside. Mississippi laughs to himself as he grabs the punks hips and drives his veiny cock deeper inside her, slapping the soft white ass cheeks that he’s enjoyed so many times before.

Mississippi slides his cock in and out of the punk’s well used pussy, and lets his mind wander to the other old black men on death row that might want to pay to get out of their dance with the chair. It’s never really occurred to him to use one of the pass around boys to send to the chair, but he does enjoy the thought of seeing Kiki strapped down and condemned to die in the place of a black convict.

After dumping a load into his whimpering punk and as he waits for the white boy to get down on his knees and clean her mess up, he decides to claim her ass once again. It is clear no one will challenge this, particularly because he used to own the bitch.

“Get yo shit together punk, you’re moving back into my cell”

The punk started to cry, remembering the pain her former Master put her through when she was his cell property. Everything from sucking his dick while he took a shit to beating her with his belt for fun, he loved making every minute of her life a living hell. And she doesn’t even know of his plans to send her to the chair. After pulling her panties back up Kiki grabs onto her owner’s belt loop and follows him to the day room, where he sits down to play cards with three other old black men. Kiki knows what’s expected of her and immediately kneels on the cement next to Mississippi.

“Girl..get over here i need some head…” One of the old timers gruffly insists. Kiki reluctantly crawls over to the nasty old man and obediently opens her mouth as he unzips his fly and pulls his flaccid cock out, pushing it up to her waiting mouth as she starts to suck it. The men joke and smoke cigarettes and play cards as they ignore the white punk kneeling and sucking dick. Every now and then the old timer will push the back of Kiki’s head down into his lap as she obediently bobs up and down, never even gagging on his rancid dick. He folds his hand on the table and thrusts his hips up a little as he groans and cums into the punks warm wet mouth. Kiki still hates the taste of cum, but of course she keeps it on her tongue and shows it off to the old man. He just sneers at the white punk and spits a big wad of spit and snot into her mouth and orders her “swallow it punk and get back ova to your daddy”. Kiki swallows…quietly says “thank you Sir…” and goes back over to kneel next to her owner. As the card game continues, a fat old black man with a noticeable stench wanders by the table.

“Hey my man, I see you got yourself a new white boy there..” he gloats, pointing directly at Kiki who kneels submissively by her owner’s leg. “How much you think it’d cost me to get a piece of that good little pussy?”

“How much you got old timer?”

The old dude pulls a small bag of weed and a couple candy bars out, smirking as he watches the abused punk cower by her owner’s leg. Mississippi looks at the loot laid out on the table and pretends to think it over for a moment. “Tell ya what old man, it’s your lucky day..have fun” as he grabs the whimpering punk and shoves her over to the nasty old fucker. The bitch doesn’t even resist though, and follows the ugly smelly bastard back to his cell. A couple minutes later everyone hears the bitch whining, crying and begging as the old fucker is slapping her across the face and getting his freak on. The punk is bent over his bunk, panties around her ankles as he thrusts in and out and snuffs his cigarette out on the punk’s soft white back. He’s been locked up for forty years now and loves nothing more than a good white girl in his cell, even if he has to pay for the pussy. He loves how these white punks aren’t allowed to say no, no matter how nasty he looks or smells. They have to get down on their knees, say “yes Daddy” and open their slutty little mouths. And when he’s ready for pussy they have to get up, pull their panties down and bend over like good obedient little bitches. He feels like a God when he has a white punk in his cell. Mississippi doesn’t even keep half the loot and gives it to his bro LaMark. The punk’s been a pretty good whore, so he really doesn’t even need the commissary, he just enjoys letting dudes like the old timer borrow his bitch.

An hour or so later the white punk comes back to her owner, missing the panties she left with, no doubt a trophy on the old man’s bookshelf by now. And sporting a black eye and some cum on her chin. Mississippi laughs and slaps the punk again, barely eliciting a response from the docile and abused white boy. “Bitch wipe that cum off your face…stupid faggot” He spits, and enjoys the laughter from his homeboys as his abused white slave wipes the cum off and kneels once again next to him broken and tamed.

Kiki was laying on her bunk, in a fresh pair of panties. Thinking about the old man, how his cock tasted, how it felt when he raped her. The sound of other skinny white punks being raped, beaten, sucking cock, eating ass echo down the hallway.

The old timers even let the rottweilers on the yard have the punk a couple times. It was so funny to see the shaking crying little bitch get down on the ground and pull her panties down to her knees just so some big hairy dog could get on her back and shove its big red cock into her torn up prison cunt. The humiliation on her face was even worse than when the old timers were using her, and the worst part of it was she still had to suck the dog’s cock clean when they finished in her cunt. Occasionally they’d bark loudly or just growl at Kiki and she’d get down, offering up pussy to them just in case, shaking and crying. The old timers usually laughed their asses off, seeing the scared white punk get down and offer to get raped just to keep the dogs from attacking her. Often once the punk got violated again they’d pat the dogs on the head, congratulating them on getting some soft white pussy. Once in a while one of them would get her attention and be like “Bitch…go get yo’self a bone” Or make her pet them and act all nice. But it was clear they just viewed her as a bitch like everyone else. Rarely did a punk visit the prison kennel without returning with a load of dog cum running into her panties or down her throat. Most prison bitches don’t have to learn what it’s like to be a rottweiler’s conquest, but that’s just life for a white boy in Atmore.

Kiki finds herself being awakened late one night by Mississsipi. Expecting to merely be used again, she is surprised when he tells her to put on a pair of panties and follow him down the cellblock. Grabbing onto his back pocket she thinks perhaps she’s being pimped, or sold again, and her heart races as he leads her to death row. A quick nod from the old black guard allows them both into the death house, and the guard takes the liberty of slapping her on the ass hard as she walks by, laughing to himself.

Mississippi drags her to a small room where fourteen condemned black men anxiously await. They have all committed heinous crimes, from rape to murder and everything in between. Some of them have mere weeks until their dates with the electric chair, and in front of them they all see a very valuable piece of white punk pussy.

Mississippi pushes the shaking punk to her knees, under a bare lightbulb, much like the auction where he first purchased this sweet little piece of ass. And bellows out “Y’all already know what I’m selling here….not just a punk….but a way to get back to your hood…all safe and sound” He laughs as the men all glare at the frightened punk. “This bitch can’t wait to get strapped into the chair for you, ain’t that right punk?” Kiki just looks down at the floor and mumbles “yes Daddy”

As soon as the winning bid is accepted, Mississippi orders Kiki to crawl over and give head to the man who’s just purchased her ass to put in the chair in his place. The punk is crying as she crawls over and unzips the man’s pants…he breaks out into a wide smile as the cute little bitch starts sucking the cock of the newest black man to own her.

As the punk sucks the old man’s cock, he ignores her and starts talking to Mississippi. “So i’m gonna get to use this pussy for a while til she goes to the chair right?”

“Yeah dude, little bitch ain’t had enough cock in her yet, use that little fucking thing til she goes”

“Good…cause I ain’t had no punk to use for a while, and I bet this one got a nice lil pussy”

He reaches around and slides his hand under Kiki’s panties…feeling the wet and tight little pussy under there. He shoves his thick calloused finger into the punk, making her groan in pain as she sucks his cock.

Kiki wakes up on the morning of the 5th, feeling for a second that it was all a nightmare. But the rough cement of the wall and the loud snoring of her owner remind the punk that it is all too real. Putting on a fresh pair of yellow panties, and tying up her t shirt like she’s been trained to do, she can hardly believe that in four hours she will be dragged down the hall to get executed for the horrible man that’s sleeping peacefully in the top bunk. She starts warming up his coffee and makes a couple pop tarts for him when he wakes up. As he stirs in his bunk, Kiki hangs her head and walks over sullenly to the side of the bunk. Crawling onto the bunk with her owner, she gets under the covers and starts sucking her Man’s cock to wake him up nicely and gently on the morning she’s going to die for him.

As he rolls out of his bunk and stumbles over to the steel toilet to take a piss, he looks at the sad and defeated punk and laughs to himself. Shaking off the last few drops of piss he snaps his fingers at the poor little fuck toy. She doesn’t even think of hesitating, and crawls over to him to suck the last bit of acrid piss out of his cock. After making Kiki swallow the piss, he grabs her by the hair and drags her to her feet, roughly bending her over and pulling her panties down around her knees. Shoving his morning hard on deep into her abused and well used pussy makes her squeal. He jokingly tells her “get used to it punk, you have all the time in the world” “Aww what’s the matter bitch, you scared?” The punk hangs her head and starts to cry.

As he thrusts into the still tight punk pussy, he starts to laugh to himself. “Damn boy…ya heard what happened to that last little punk they sent to the chair for my man LaMark..?”

The punk mistakenly thinks that the man is just talking to himself, and ignores him focusing instead on the painful feeling of the man’s cock spreading his pussy open and poking around deep in his guts. His silence pisses off his new owner, who slaps him hard in the back of the head. “Bitch when I ask you a fucking question you answer it, hear me you stupid punk bitch?” He slaps the punk in the back of the head again, laughing to himself and having yet another little power trip over the beaten down white boy.

“Sorry…daddy….I…I didn’t hear anything” The punk can barely keep from breaking down into tears.
