Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 11 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2060 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.

As Avi, Lance, and James spent the next ten minutes taking stock of their situation, it became clearer and clearer how dire it truly was. The orcs and the incubi were on their way to the lab. Their first instinct to leave was thwarted when they realized that they were locked inside. None of them knew the code to the main door, and after almost a dozen guesses they reasoned that Feln had probably changed it.

A panicked Lance began to pace back and forth across the floor. “Okay. They must have left something behind. Something we can make use of. Right?”

The three of them ran an incredibly quick search of the lab. There were a handful of storage rooms, closets, and workshops— all of them unlocked— but they didn’t find anything they could take advantage of. Even the Stone fragment vault door’s code had been changed. The place was littered with half-finished prototypes and pieces of scrap. Either Feln took everything with him, or he didn’t have anything decent in the first place.

“You don’t really think that the orcs and incubi are gonna come together, do you?” asked Avi. “They hate each other. They’re enemies.”

“That’s not going to stop them from wanting the Stones,” said Lance. “They’ll put their differences aside to take them from us.”

Avi’s expression suddenly lit up. “We need to hide them.”

“We can’t get into the vault. We already tried that.”

“Right. But what about this one?” Avi took off his necklace. “They might not even know we have this. If we hide it somewhere safe, they’ll never find it.”

“What difference does it make? They’re going to capture us no matter what,” said James.

“We’re gonna hide too,” said Avi. “I’m just saying we should give the Stone of Anger some extra security. To be honest, it’s more important than any of us.”

There was a moment of silence as Lance and James nodded in agreement. “Alright. Let’s… hide, I guess,” said Lance.

Avi quickly stashed his necklace. It had to be somewhere inconspicuous, but that he would still remember. He settled on the dining room, tucking the necklace underneath the circular table.

They agreed that they were probably better off not hiding in the bathroom this time. They searched for a while for a better hiding spot, until Lance found a cellar in the floor of a closet. It was somewhat conspicuous, but if the monsters were only after the Stone fragment, they might not stick around long enough to search for them.

As Avi climbed inside the cellar, Lance reached out his hand to help the shorter James make his way in. James froze.

“James, let’s go. They could be here any minute,” said Lance.

“I could die in there.” James stared blankly into the cellar.


“In there. The orcs could find us and just spear us to death. We’re backing ourselves into a corner.”

“We don’t have time to think about that,” said Avi. “This is our only option.”

James started breathing heavier and heavier. “This can’t be it. I’ve been in the Labyrinth for a fucking year. I don’t want to die here. I don’t want this to be it.”

Avi looked up at James, and grabbed his hand. “You’re smart. You managed to escape a tentacle pit, you’ll manage to escape this place. That much I’m sure of.”

After a pause, James finally nodded. Avi and Lance helped him down into the cellar, and Lance pulled it shut.

About an hour in near-silence passed before Avi finally heard a noise. A thumping of heavy footsteps, accompanied by deep and ragged voices. Orcs.

James, the confident and most experienced of the three tributes, gasped in fear as the footsteps clattered around the lab. His hands suddenly went to Avi’s, holding him close.

“Avi,” whispered James. “Thank you for everything. I’m sorry we couldn’t spend more time together.”

“We’ll get a chance. Just keep it together.” Somewhat taken aback, Avi accepted James’ hands in his.

“Quiet! They’re nearby!” hissed Lance.

Avi held his breath as the steps grew closer and closer.

In retrospect, the hiding spot was pretty obvious. As the trapdoor hatch flipped open, it dawned on Avi that they never really had a chance. Perhaps they should have found separate hiding places.

Three orcs and three incubi stared down into the cellar, some of them grinning at their discovery. Almost immediately, James began to sob, gripping Avi’s hand with white knuckles.

“Nice hiding spot,” said an incubus with a distinctive shit-eating grin. “Come on out. We have some things to… shall we say, discuss.”

With the help of the orcs, the three were hauled out of the cellar. Quickly, the three of them were undressed, and the incubi searched through their clothes while the orcs held them in place.

“Where are Stones?” demanded one of the orcs.

“They’re… they’re not here,” said an incubus. He snapped at Avi. “You! Where are the Stones? Where did you hide them?”

“The fragment? It’s in the vault,” said Avi.

“Hit him,” said the incubus. Suddenly, an orc slammed the hilt of his spear into Avi’s side, knocking the wind out of him. He collapsed to his knees, clutching himself. “Don’t make me ask again.”

“I don’t… have any Stones,” said Avi, gasping for breath. “Feln only told us about the one. If there are others, he probably ran off with them.”

“You’re a liar!” demanded the incubus. He turned to the orcs. “Hand him to me. The crying bitch.”

As Avi staggered to his feet, he watched the green-skinned beasts pass the red-faced James over to the incubus. He stroked James’ hair with a creepily affectionate touch.

“I’ll ask you one more time,” said the demon.

James looked at his one-time lover in fear. “Avi…”

Avi took a deep breath. His back was against the wall. He had no options, no way of escaping. He only had one thing that held any sway against his captors.

“I don’t know,” he said finally.

The incubus shot Avi a glare. Then, without missing a beat, he pulled James into his grasp, giving him a deep kiss on the lips.

Avi’s heart sank. James screamed, trying to react and pull away, but he simply didn’t have enough time to react. The incubus planted the kiss on his lips, sealing his fate in an instant.

As the demon pulled back from the kiss, James opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly he shut his eyes and inhaled with pain. Around his navel, a small ring of purple-coloured skin formed. Avi’s heart was beating a mile a minute. The transformation had begun.

“Murdurer,” muttered Avi.

“It’s not murder,” replied the incubus. “It’s reproduction. It’s simple ecology.”

“You’re a fucking murderer, and I’m going to kill you.” Avi raised his voice, shifting in the orc’s grasp. “I’m going to slaughter you and every other incubus in the Labyrinth.”

“Oh, I don’t think so.” The demon handed the diseased James off to his compatriots. “Alright, orcs. We’re going with plan B. You get these two, we get the short one and the stone fragment.”

“And what about our Stone?” asked an Orc.

“You’ll get it as soon as we track down Feln. We’ll torture the information out of him. You might want to torture this one too, before you toss him in your little pit.” He rested his cold purple finger on Avi’s chest.

“Alright. Deal.”

“The treaty will be upheld. Now let’s get out of here.”

“Aren’t you going to get your little fragment?” said Avi as the orc began to drag him along.

“Oh, no need to worry. we already got it. Feln gave us an emergency access code just in case he ever tripped the alarm.”

Avi sighed. This was it, he thought. James was right. It’s well and truly over. Maybe some future tribute will stumble upon the Stone of Anger, decades from now. At least it would take the burden off of Avi’s shoulders.

After exiting the lab, the nine of them had only travelled about ten meters before they were stopped by a voice in the darkness.


Two figures stepped forward. They walked with a clunky metallic noise, with footsteps almost as heavy as that of the orcs. They were human-sized, with elegant chrome metal plating on their bodies. Their faces were covered with a similar metal helmet, which sported an eerie face-like mask on the front— vague impressions and outlines of a mouth, nose, and eyes, the pupils of which glowed with a distinct cyan colour.

Avi gulped. Andromeda. The first real ones he had seen. He was surprised by how sophisticated they were. He had expected something much more crude.

The leader of the incubi hissed. “Get out of here, you mechanical freaks. This isn’t your business.”


The incubus bit his lip in deliberation. Avi could tell he wanted nothing to do with the Andromeda; he was already irritated enough having to work with the orcs.

“Well, I’m afraid you’re too late,” said the incubus. “The deal has been finalized. The fragment has been ceded to the incubi, and if you interfere with—”

“Robots,” said an orc, “Can you help orcs search?”


“We think Stone in lab somewhere. You help us, we make deal with you.”


The confused incubus looked at the orcs. “Are you insane? We can’t work with these misshapen things.”

“Orc emperor want Stone,” replied the orc simply. He turned to the other orcs. “You two take prisoners back. I stay with robot men and look for Stone.”

Avi kept his face neutral. He couldn’t risk revealing anything. But inside, he cringed at the events unfolding. Surely, they would find the Stone without much trouble.

But he had no time to dwell on it. Once the arrangements were finalized, the remaining orcs and the incubi continued forward. When they came to an intersection, the two groups wordlessly parted ways.

Avi took one last look over his shoulder at James, still somewhat in tears, as he was escorted away into the darkness by the three incubi. After another corner, he was gone.

Lance, meanwhile, had become unresponsive. He lacked any facial expression, staring blankly at the stone floor as they marched off to their fates.

The walk was a blur, and Avi wasn’t entirely sure how long it was, but he snapped out of his despondence as they approached the gates of the orc fortress.

It was a large gate, a portcullis, guarded by two spear-armed orcs standing as sentry out front. They paid Avi and Lance no mind as they were pushed into the fort.

“We still torture him?” asked one of the orcs.

“No,” said the other. “Just put them with others.”

The interior of the fortress was more cave-like than the creepily artificial halls of the Labyrinth. For one, the fortress had ceilings fifteen feet off the ground. The walls were rough and jagged, as though they had been carved out by hand.

Once they were through the gate, Avi and Lance were taken down a hall to the left. This hall was lined with metal bars and steel doors, each of them leading into a holding cell. The cells were packed with naked men, all of them captured tributes.

“We come back for you when your turn,” said an orc. He grabbed a set of keys off of a hook on the wall, and unlocked the first door on the right. The orc tossed Avi inside, the other one keeping Lance in his arms.

“Avi!” called Lance, reaching out to his friend. But the orc slammed the door shut before Avi could react. He was all alone again, in an overcrowded orc dungeon, waiting his turn to be transformed into a brainless green wall of flesh and muscle.

Looking around at the other terrified naked boys, feeling more hopeless than he ever had in his life, Avi simply found an empty section of wall, sat down against it, and began to cry.
*Update: As of Chapter 11, and probably for the rest of *Enter The Labyrinth Act I*, I will be moving from a two-day to a three-day publishing schedule. This is to make sure everything that goes out is quality work. Thank you for understanding.*

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/tefy8l/enter_the_labyrinth_act_i_chapter_11_gay_fantasy