No Tenderness

(This is a rough draft that belongs somewhere in the Seasonal Killers timeline but I haven’t figured that out yet and probably won’t for awhile. So, have it while you wait! Not much context and we start off kinda halfway through the sesh but whatev. There are some continuity errors but whatever I’ll fix them next year)

“Please, please- it hurts so much, I-I can’t take it anymore!” Muriel sobbed. Elliott was pounding her from behind, with her ass raised for him to fuck her as hard and deep as possible. She clung onto the bedsheets for dear life, screaming and sobbing with each ruthless thrust. “F-fuck, fuck, please-”

“Beg me more.” Elliott growled, bucking his hips even faster. Muriel’s ass felt like it was being torn open by the massive dick inside of it. She could only muster up whimpers through the pain, trembling underneath Elliott’s beastly body. Angered by her silence, Elliott firmly grabbed her hands and brought them to meet at the center of her lower back, holding them in a painful stretch with one hand while he grabbed the back of her neck with the other. “BEG!”

“E-Elliott, oh my- oh my G-God, please!” Muriel choked out. Elliott ran his hand from her neck to her hair, gripping at the roots and pulling roughly. She managed to produce another pained cry from her throat, the pain overwhelming her senses. “G-od, fuck, fuck, please, I-I can’t-”

“Then I’ll make you.” Elliott cut her off by pushing her face into the bed, still pulling at her hair as he slammed his dick into her ass. Her muffled scream still made it to his ears, a beautiful melody for him. “I’ll make you forget the way that man looked at you and talked to you. You’re mine, and only mine!”

“Ple-ease! Elliott, I-I swear, I’m begging you, please st-op!” Muriel lifted her head and pleaded between sobs and violent thrusts. He flipped her body over, looking at her distraught face. “I-I’m yours! I was only ever yours! I pr-omise! Please, take it out, it hurts- it hurts so much!”

“No! I’m teaching you a lesson, one that you’ll never, ever forget!” Elliott roared. He was full of a passionate kind of rage that fueled him, one that never seemed to run out, and never seemed to slow down. In the back of his mind, he wondered if Muriel would lose consciousness if he kept this up.

“B-but I can’t- it hurts too much! Elliott, I-I’m begging you, make it stop, make it stop!” Muriel’s voice was barely a whimper now, and she seemed to be accepting her fate. She sobbed as Elliott’s thrusts grew harder, and tried to squirm away when she heard a familiar buzz. “No! No, no, no- Elliott, no, please. Not that, please, please!”

“Do you want me to tape your mouth shut?” Elliott growled, ramping the vibrator up to its highest setting. He held it to her clit, using his entire body to keep her from moving as she fought against it. She thrashed and screamed, broken sobs sometimes escaping her lips. Elliott leaned over her further and grabbed a few belts, binding her arms to prevent her from flailing. He resumed mercilessly fucking her ass, undeterred by her fratnic kicks. He slapped her ass roughly, inserting two fingers into her wet pussy as he did.

“O-oh, oh, Elliott, fuck… fuck, fuck!” Muriel moaned out, already far beyond the edge. He was just torturing her at this point, and there was nothing she could do about it. “Make-make it stop, make it stop, oh my f-uck, fuck!”

“That’s it.” Elliott ripped off a few inches of duct tape and slapped it over her mouth, much to her chagrin. She lifted her head as much as she could to look at him with pleading eyes. “Ahh…don’t look at me like that, it makes me hard as fucking hell.”

Muriel moaned through the tape in response, her sounds broken with desperation. Elliott curled his fingers inside of her pussy, while his dick was pounding her ass with no remorse. Her eyes were rolling back into her head and despite her binds, she was already convulsing. Elliott removed his fingers, smearing the juices over her body and slapping her ass again. Tears were pooling on the bedsheet near her face, and her convulsions were becoming more violent. Normally he’d stop by now, but he didn’t care at this point. He just kept fucking her while her mind melted from her clit being abused.

Eventually the sweat and spit beneath the tape were enough to free it from her lips. She screamed as loudly as she could, the tone varying wildly with each buck from Elliott.

“Please, please…” she pleaded, her words slurred and barely coherent. “E-Elliott, Elliott…Elliott, fuck…”

“What, you want me to stop?” Elliott huffed, removing his fingers from her pussy and tightening them around her neck. She flailed as much as she could in her binds, panicking as her access to oxygen was denied. She opened her mouth as if to beg him again, but only silence came out. She hoped he would loosen her grip but to her horror, he only tightened his hold. Tears squeezed out of the corners of her eyes and streaked down her face, her movements slowing to a dead halt. He finally let go of her neck, just as she began to see a white vignette in her vision. She gasped for air, slurring and mumbling pleas as she did. “You’re mine.”

“Y-yes, I-” she coughed violently before forcing herself to breathe in again. “I’m y-yours and only yours, Elliott, that never changed!”

“Good,” he said, running a hand over her breasts. He tugged at the chain that joined the clamps on her nipples, satisfied by her whimper. “How much does it all hurt?”

“I-it hurts, it hurts so much…I can’t… take anymore…” Muriel pleaded. “Please, please, Elliott, I’m honestly begging you, please no more…”

Elliott looked her directly in the eyes, a deafening silence between them. Muriel’s eyes were glossy and shaking with tears, and the streaks on her cheeks were starting to show a little too clearly. She looked completely destroyed, a writhing mess of sweat and tears beneath him. He removed his dick from her ass, earning a pained moan from Muriel. He placed himself at the entrance of her pussy, entering with ease from all the juices he had forced out of her.

“A-ah Elliott! I-I-I can’t cum anymore, please d-don’t!” Muriel stammered as he began to fuck her oversensitive pussy instead. It didn’t hurt as much as it did when he fucked her in her ass – after all, this hole was a lot more suited for someone of his size. Elliott undid the belts binding her arms, letting her mindlessly throw her hands against his chest. She meekly pushed against him as he closed the gap between their chests, her eyes rapidly darting around the room.

“I’m close, baby.” Elliott whispered to her, cradling her tear-streaked cheek with his hand. With his other hand he undid the clamps on her nipples, making her gasp in relief. He pushed his thumb into the gap between her lips, met by her tongue and earning another moan from her. He picked up the pace of his thrusts, desperate sounds barely making it out of her mouth. Her hands wandered across his chest before wrapping around the back of his neck and pulling his head closer to her.

“Kiss me, please,” she whispered tearfully, her watery eyes staring directly into Elliott’s. He obliged, sealing his lips over hers after he removed his thumb, roaming around her mouth with his tongue. He felt her moan into the kiss, and it was enough to send him over the final edge. He came inside of her, the warmth making her entire body tense and wrap tightly around him. He pulled away from the kiss, looking at her dazed expression.

“…Did I hurt you too badly?” he asked, a tinge of regret in his voice.

“I- …I’m okay,” Muriel weakly choked out, her eyes drooping from exhaustion. “I’ll be okay.”

“I’m sorry.” Elliott quietly said. He wiped away the fresh tears running down her face and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. As he took his hand away, she reached out and wrapped her arms around his, wanting him to stay.

“Don’t leave,” she said, holding him in place. He lay down next to her, gently placing an arm over her quivering body. She nestled herself into the warmth of his body. “I need you…”

“I need you too, Muriel…” Elliott whispered, kissing the back of her neck and gently rubbing the sore spots on her ass. “I’m going to take care of you, okay? I’m sorry for this, I… I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

“I know.” Muriel said, closing her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her. “Can you make it up to me with Round 2 tomorrow?”
