Jo Goes Limitless, Part 1, Ready to Swing (MMFFT, Group Sex, Trans)

(*This is a starter for an idea i’ve thought of for a while. Jo starts fairly “normal” if a paid swinger party with a TS show is normal. But over several parts his lusty needs will leave him a semi-willing victim to a variety of character. Suggestions accepted!)*

Jo stood still at the door he just knocked. It was a non-descript corridor in a non-descript apartment block, but in a nicer part of town. He was 20 years old, slim, athletic, good looking and was a little arrogant, which is probably why he’d got himself in a mess. Usually he got his own way or got round people with his easy smile and cocky attitude, but borrowing money from the wrong people had caused some challenges in his otherwise blessed life. He basically partied and fucked his way around, having a hell of a time. If he could just clear that little debt and get rid of the bad people, then he could get back to what he loved. This door could solve all that and the irony was it would be by doing what he normally do for fun anyway! He’d have to say thanks to Emilio for this hook up.

The door opened and Jo flicked his blonde hair from his eyes and gave his best cocky grin, “Hey man, I’m Jo! Emilio said you needed someone for some fun?” He gave a little wink.

The man who answered to door was a little taller and a lot wider than Jo. Not fat as such, but not muscly either. Just older and bigger. Sharp eyes looked Jo hard in the face and then slowly went up and down. There must have been something like approval there as he nodded, took a step back and said, “come in, I’m Jon. You’re a bit early but we can work out the details which is good.” Jon showed him through to the lounge/kitchen, all open plan and a big space. There were two big sofa’s and three arm chairs around a sort of low wooden box type coffee table.

Jon flopped down in one of the arm chairs and Jo went to follow suit but Jon spoke, “Stay standing!” He was friendly but his tone also had the ring of authority, “hop up to stand on the table while we talk. You’re potentially the main attraction tonight, so would might as well get used to being on display.” Jo paused for a moment but didn’t want Jon to think he wasn’t up to the task, so up he jumped.

Jon just starred for a bit and then started to speak, “so we have a little group and someone provides some extra entertainment once a month, and this month it’s my turn.” He smiled up at Jo. “I know Emilio gave you some low down, so you might as well take your clothes off while I chat.”

Jo knew it was this sort of thing, but had sort of expected there to be a load of women with perhaps a couple of husbands watching, not some pervy guy and no tits. But needs must and all that, so he slipped off his t-shirt and started on his trousers….

“Nice,” Jon admired the slim muscular body being revealed, “the girls will love you!” Phew, there were girls at least! Jon must have spotted the look as he chuckled, “don’t worry Jo, I’m not planning on having you do anything to me tonight. Some of the guys do like that, and can’t say I don’t mind if the set up is right, but we’ve got other plans for later.”

Jo paused at the underwear until Jon motioned for him to pull them down. “So basically, you stay naked, let the guys touch you if they want, maybe play with your cock a bit, we’ll do a bit of a show in the middle with a special girl I’ve got picked out, then you satisfy the women a bit and at the end of the night you get a couple of grand. How does that sound?”

Jo thought it sounded fucking awesome! He tried to look cool and cocky, “Yeh, I reckon that’ll be alright.”

“Great! Just stay there for a bit.” Jon stood up, “And nice cock by the way!” And he walked out of the room.

Jo really did have a nice cock. Even flacid it hung pretty long, but erect it was nearly touching 10 inches. He was pretty proud of it really and never was shy about getting it out. He was though a little unsure what he was supposed to do now. The suggestion seemed to be he just stand there alone on the coffee table, totally naked. Given the two grand at stake he did just that, even if it was weird as hell! He could hear Jon showering in an adjacent room. It wasn’t that long before he came out with a towel wrapped round his bottom half. He just walked through the room to another room and totally ignored Jo. He was kinda fit for an older guy and Jo figured ladies who liked older guys probably found him handsome, but he was satisfied he was way ahead if all the guys were Jon’s age.

Jon came back with a dressing gown on. “Hop down and come get a drink then.” He says walking past. “Leave the clothes there, you won’t need them for a while and the heating’s on.” Pre-empting Jo’s thoughts. He follows Jon to the kitchen area.

Sliding a can of cola he says, “drink up lad, you’ll need your fluids!” Then slides a couple of purple tablets across the kitchen island with the cola. “And take there, they’ll help with you know what.” Jon motions towards Jo’s cock.

“Ha ha”, Jo laughs, “I’m all good mate, no problems there!”

“I insist, if you want paying that is.” Jon pushes the pills closer, “You might be good for a few goes but I need you hard all night lad to satisfy this lot! I promise they’ll do the job and you might get a shock at how much better you are!” He winks.

A little uncertain now, but figuring it’s not like he hasn’t done enough drugs that a couple of random pills are really an issue, he knocks them back chased by a big gulp of cola.

Jon hums to himself and wanders around tidying things up, including Jo’s clothes. It seems the dressing gown is the only clothing he plans to wear, and Jo figured that kind of made sense given the kind of evening it was going to be. He was also feeling more relaxed at being totally naked.

It wasn’t too long before there was a ring at the door. “Ooh, come here Jo!” Jon called, “they’re early. I’ve popped a chair onto the table, you jump up and sit on it.”

Jo hadn’t noticed the chair, but headed over to the coffee table and did as instructed, sitting on the plain wooden chair, upright, in the middle of the room. “And now this…” His breath went for a moment as the blind fold went on. “Just relax, it’s all part of the fun.” And he did relax a little….

It was all a bit of a buzz the sounds of people coming in and it was hard to differentiate the sounds and conversations going on. What Jo knew for sure though is that his dick was hard as anything. He figured it might be the showing off for people, which he always enjoyed, but probably also the pills taking effect. He guessed given he felt harder than he ever had and that was without any stimulation, then maybe there might be something about those pills after all!

He sat there dutifully and assumed his role was to be some eye candy for the group, which he was sure he looked pretty good by any accounting. Smooth, slim, muscular, naked body, with a handsome face and raging erection. What wasn’t to love?

Occasionally he felt the heat of bodies nearby, or heard a foot on the floor. Then the touching started, at first just a hand gliding down his thigh, or fingers lightly caressing his chest, but they soon strayed to his penis. He jumped the first time, but started to get into the attention, especially when he felt his balls being lightly massaged by a hand and his penis tickled from top to bottom, a little groan even escaping his mouth. A light laugh erupted near him and then the voice of an older woman in his ear, “you’re delicious boy, you and me will have some fun late…I’m Jane, the blond with the nice tits….” And she drifted away.

And then the touching finished and Jon’s voice rang out, “thanks for coming all, grab a seat and lets move onto to the appetiser!” Bodies moved around for a short time and then all was silent. The blindfold was suddenly removed and Jon spoke again as the light briefly blinded Jo, “This is Jo, our willing entertainment for the night! May you enjoy him and he enjoy you!”

Jo looked around and shouldn’t have been surprised to see the dozen people were all naked. There seemed an even mix of men and women, although Jon stood next to him as number 13 he reckoned, so an extra guy. Jon was actually quite impressive in cock size and was possibly a little more generous than Jo when he was down, but Jon wasn’t hard like Jo was now, so it was hard to say. Looking around the room Jo was easily the most impressive male specimen otherwise. They were all older, maybe 50’s, except one Asian looking lady who looked maybe 20’s, sitting on the lap of a fat balding guy. A couple of the guys sat on their own, as did a couple of ladies. He spotted Jane swiftly, and although she was easily late 50’s, she obviously worked out and had a slim figure, but with two awesome tits on her! Not fake, and not exactly firm, but full and round and ripe…. Jo felt his cock twitch when she gave him a wink.

Although they were all older and they were various sizes and shapes, he had to admit they all looked kind of attractive in their own ways and didn’t think he’d have any issues satisfying any of the women. He was even looing forward to Jane and the Asian girl with her perfect make up and hair Perhaps he could have them together? This make him smile.

They all rubbed something as they sat there, whether it was their own cocks or pussy’s, breasts, or the person next to them. Even Jane was squeezing and pinching a nipple as she relaxed watching him. The Asian girl was wiggling lightly on the fat mans’ lap as he reached round to squeeze her small breasts. One short looking plump brunette, with tits that looked like they could smother more than one man at the same time, was using a dildo quite openly, with her legs spread quite impressively over opposite arms of the chair she lounged in.

“You stay on that chair for now Jo and get comfy, we’ve got a nice show for you and Frankie to put on for us before we get down to some fun for all!” And out walked an absolute porn start of a girl! Frankie was shorted than Jo and incredibly skinny, buy with a lovely see through baby doll style nightie on. She was all cheek bones and slightly plumped lips, with proper hooker style make up and long platinum blonde hair in a ponytail. She wasn’t the sort of girl you fall in love with, but the sort everyone wanted to fuck! Her tits were a healthy D cup on a very slim torso, with no doubt they were fake, but what the hell did Jo care at this point! He was ready for fun as his eyes worked there way down….

“Just go with it lad,” Jon leaned in and whispered. “Trust me, you’ll never got a better blow job in your life!”

….that was a definite bulge on the little lacy knickers! What the fuck, thought Jo to himself, is going on, this wasn’t part of the deal.

Then he looked around, felt again his cock twitch, thought to himself, there wasn’t really a good explanation of what was expected. Looking Frankie over again he felt confused mostly yet he knew one thing, his cock was twitching for Frankie, so he figured, what the hell, not like anyone is going to know! And as long as no one went near his own virgin ass hole, he could get on and just have some fun!
