Bethany’s Show Must Go On [Exhibition] [M/F]

I hated every moment of dance. The hours left no room for socializing outside of class, my muscles always hurt, and I never felt content. It was senior year and I wanted to quit.

“Whip your leg around faster Bethany!” Natalie, our instructor, was
I hated every moment of dance. The hours left no room for socializing outside of class, my muscles always hurt, and I never felt adequate.

“Higher! You have to hold the pose for all four beats! Stop!” She grabbed my inner thigh and forced my knee to turn out further from my body. There was nothing off limits. “Better, but not good Beth.”

Fuck you Natalie.

“What?!” She yelled back at me. I couldn’t have said it out loud. I stared at her, holding my passe en releve and saying nothing. Maybe I did mutter it, but damned if I was going to apologize.

She moved on and class continued. She went out of her way to provide zero attention to me, not even looking at my form. With the recital tomorrow this was the last thing our group needed, but I was just about done with dance anyway.

I didn’t think anything more about it until I was getting dressed for our performance. I was wearing my turquoise mesh tunic dress for the first time since the initial fitting when I realized it had been sabotaged. The overmesh layer was fine, but the two piece leotard underneath was now a four piece, having been neatly cut in half.


I started to storm out, but then decided better of it. I wouldn’t let her discourage me. I thought about using another leotard, but there’s no way to match turquoise and that would be exactly what she expected. Instead I used mini-safety pins to fasten the top and bottom parts to each other.

It was showtime.

My first number was a group performance, designed as a simple warmup routine to loosen any nerves. There were a few moves which stretched my leotard, but nothing that caused.

I had a few dances to sit out before I was back on. I thought about my plan. I was shaking, the nerves getting to me. I’d danced for ages, but never tried something like this before.

I was also excited. In a sweaty, hot and bothered sort of way.  I took off all but two of the safety clips: one for the top and one for the bottom. My school had never seen a show like this before.

My music started and I ran out, beginning my routine. I thought I would have a more time before the clips broke, but as I raised up my arms for my first pirouette the back of my top came loose. The game was on.

I improvised some moves – my specialty – and my top fell out from under the mesh layer and I kicked it off stage. My nipples pressed erect against the sheer turquoise, and with each movement my breasts flowed with the music, their freedom sensually amplifying my performance.

The bottom proved more stubborn, but a grand jete was the ticket. I felt the fabric rip past the pin as my legs split open in the air, and when I landed so did my bottoms. The sheer fabric was all I had left.

The audience let out a subtle gasp, but respected my going on with was surely my last performance. As the music grew in intensity I entered my spin. As I did the mesh twirled out and up. Through my excellent spotting I could see that I had captured every eye in the room. Or rather my exposed lower half did. Hip-back-hip-front-hip, my privates stole the show, protected only with the blur of speed.

For the grand finale, as the music stopped I steadied and held a scorpion. With my hands holding one foot over my head, the nimble feat was bested only by the view it provided. As I held the pose and leaned slightly forward, the sheer fabric moved away and provided the audience a picturesque view of my gracefully shaven vagina. My engorged inner labia even peeked from behind my curtains for their stage debut.

I was flush with exhaustion and excitement. There were a few camera flashes before I heard a familiar voice shouting.

“Enough!” Natalie pulled me off stage and lead me straight to Principal Sheela’s office. Being well after hours she wasn’t there, but Mr. Gregory was.

Natalie nearly threw me into his office, then the two of them stepped out and closed the door. I heard Natalie screaming the loudest ever in my four years at the school, with words like outrageous and expulsion and even whore being bandied about.

Mr. Gregory stepped back into his office as Natalie left my fate in his hands.

“Sounds like you put on quite the show,” he said casually. “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on?” He took a seat at his desk, picking up a baseball stress toy and absent-mindedly tossed it in the air.

On stage, dancing bare felt freeing. But in his office the mesh wasn’t enough. I crossed my arms to cover the darker circles my areolas made.

“Well, yesterday Natalie and I had a disagreement..” I struggled to fit it into words. Suddenly it all felt silly.

“So you decided to dance naked?” He interjected enough to throw off my train of thought, but left enough open air to make me feel like an idiot.

“No, she sabotaged my dress. But I wasn’t going to let her take away my senior show!”

“So you decided to dance naked?” That damned awkward pause again. “There weren’t other dresses?”

“There wasn’t time,” I rebutted.

“Surely there was time to at least wear underwear. You came to the recital commando?”

“N-no, I had my panties..” My stubbornness had turned sheepish.

“So why aren’t you wearing them?”

“Well, I thought the emergency repairs would hold..” An outright lie, but not one that could be contested.

“Look, I don’t have options for you. I feel for your situation, I really do, but you paraded yourself in front of all of the other dancers and worse, their parents. My hands are tied, I don’t see a place for you here.”

My heart sunk, and I stood up shouting. “You can’t do that! You can’t kick me out with two weeks left!” I was waiving my arms around, and we both realized that I was no longer guarding my breasts.

Another long pause. But this one held an opportunity.

“Let me show you want to see what caused my wardrobe malfunction.” I had nothing to lose. “It started with a stretch, that’s when my top broke loose.” I raised my arms up, which pulled the fabric up above my waist, my bare slit facing him. Mr. Gregory’s eyes drank me in.

“As you can see, this puts a lot of strain on the back strap, which Natalie cut through.” I motioned towards my back and turned around, trying to get Mr. Gregory to see my side by letting him see my other side.

“The bottom came loose in a split jump. I thought the back pins would hold, but when my legs pull apart abruptly..”

I turned back around.

“Why didn’t you stop performing?”

“I would never! Natalie would fail us for stopping a performance.” I turned back to face him, lowering my arms. “So can you not kick me out?” I showed him my teen ass and pussy, it was the least he could do.

“I understand your point, and it was cruel of Natalie to cut your dress. But why did you flash the audience?” I sighed.

“My signature pose? Of course I had to do it. You can dance around most of the show, but our coursework requires us to at least attempt a certain level of difficulty. When I do the scorpion, it can be a bit revealing but it’s also highly complex.”

Time to give him the money shot. I lifted my leg over my head, again grabbing my foot. My lips naturally parted, and he saw the sacred pink flesh underneath. I held it, my breaths rapid from excitement, the workout, the stress. This was my last chance, and he was mere feet away. 

“I do see the elegance in the form.” He stepped around his desk. He had the air of an educator, but his hand ran down my raised leg like a lover. It was completely different from Natalie’s firm grasp yesterday but I shuddered all the same.

“I think we can come to an arrangement,” he remarked as his hand traced my outer lips. “A week of in school suspension should placate the bloodthirsty. And if you work hard,” he licked his fingers, then explored my insides. I struggled to hold the pose as his knuckles disappeared. “We won’t even put it on your record.”

“Mr. Gregory, that’s – Oh, oh fuck!” I gasped as I lost my balance, catching myself on his desk. His fingers shot up inside me in my fall. He steadied me with his free hand. With my palms flat on his desk, he crouched and finger fucked me. “Fuck! That’s a.. good spot..” I was beyond worked up and finally getting relief.

He stopped then. “You’re a dancer, time for you to dance on my pole.” He sat down beside me on the desk, dropping his pants. He reached back and opened his middle desk drawer, taking out a condom and sliding it down his prick. How often did he do this?!

“Can’t have any little Gregories running around.” It took some athletic prowess, but I split my knees around him on top of the desk, then sank down on his prick. He effortlessly guided it up my tight slit. His hands grabbed at me up under my shirt.

I dutifully rode him. “You like dancers?” I squeezed my kegals. “I’m your dirty little dancer now, your own ballerina to spin on your cock. He grunted.

I picked up the pace, the slippery lovemaking knocking the monitor off his desk. Oh well. “Fuck me Mr. Gregory! Shoot it up me!” His eyes clenched and his hands squeezed and his cock obied my command, filling the rubber sleeve. I slipped off of him, biting my lips at the intense pleasure his dick provided.

“You can’t leave in that state until everyone else has. Entertain yourself while I pick up.” He proceeded to zip Big Greg up and reset his desk, stopping a moment to toss the used condom in the trash. Meanwhile I relaxed against the wall.

“No I mean it, pleasure yourself.” He waved me on. Oh.

I hesitantly slid my hand over my vagina, then up myself. I started rocking into my fingers. Mmm. Ugh, but mm..

“Come on, we were fucking harder than that. Finger that wet snatch.” I felt dirty, but that didn’t stop me from drilling myself in front of him. He took out his phone. I thought he was going to photograph my lewd behavior, but instead he made a call.

“Hey Sarah, going to be late tonight.” Pause. “Yeah, another wet one.” What? “No, no souvenirs this time.” Was he going to take my panties for his wife!? “Sure, just a moment. Hey Bethany! Spread that slit for me.” Flash. Guess it wasn’t the first photograph taken of my snatch tonight. Who was I turning into?

“Yeah I know right? Hey! Spread your ass too.” Flash. “Hold it open a sec.” I could hear him get up behind me. Oww! Fucker stuck his dick up me!

No wait, just his finger. Flash. “Alright, catch you later.” Click. “Finish up girl.” He didn’t remove his finger as I went back to my previous activity. Without facing him I was able to focus and came quickly, my back entrance clenched tight as I did. I buckled over.

“Alright Bethany, you’re free to leave. See you bright and early tomorrow!” What had I gotten myself into? least I finally felt adequate.
