One Year Contract Day 1

I smiled as I led her into the house, gesturing for her to make her way to the kitchen.

“I wasn’t starting to think you wouldn’t show,” I said.

“I wasn’t sure I would either,” she answered.

We stepped into the kitchen and I featured for her to take a sit at the table. “I understand,” I said. “It’s a big decision. I’m really glad you’re hear though.”

She smiled softly.

“Would you like something to drink?” I asked. She nodded. I poured her a glass of water and set in on the table in front of her. “How are you feeling?”

“Nervous. A little excited, but mostly nervous,” she answered.

“That’s understandable. You’ve read the contract?” She nodded. “Do you have any questions?” She shook her head almost imperceptibly. It was easy to see just how nervous she really was and I tried to give her a reassuring smile as I continued.

“Ok, that’s fine. I’m just going to go over a few points just to make sure there are no surprises, ok?”

“Ok,” she said meekly.

“First of all, limits. Or more specifically limit. I won’t do anything that causes permanent damage. This means no scars, injuries, and nothing so outrageous that will ruin your chances at a reasonable career later in life.

“I say ‘reasonable’ because if any of this ever becomes public knowledge you obviously couldn’t run for office or anything. Understand?”

“I understand,” she said.

“And you realize this is the only limit we are setting? It leaves an awful lot on the table. You will have no choices left. No power or control. I will make all of your choices for you.

“I will set your schedule. I’ll pick out your clothes. I’ll decide what you eat and drink.

“I’ll decide when you receive pleasure or pain. I’ll fuck you when, where, and how I want. I will share you as I want, and make you do disgusting thing.”

I took a moment to let the words seep in. There were, of course, some things I was not at all interested in. Things that I would never do. But, I didn’t want her to know that. I wanted her to think *everything* was a possibility.

“There will be things you don’t like. I promise you that. But you will do them anyways.”

She squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. “I … I don’t really know what I like anyways.”

I smiled. “Well, we will certainly change that.” My face grew serious as I continued. “You understand that there will be no emotions involved? I’m not going to fall in love with you. I will use you and that is all. You will merely be a sex toy beginning the moment you sign that contract.”

She nodded meekly.

“Say it,” I instructed.

“I understand.”

“You will be mine for exactly one year after you sign. I will give you a few simple chores for when I’m gone, and detail an exercise routine to keep that body tight. The chores won’t be anything to elaborate, but there will be consequences if you disobey me.

“And this will be your life. No breaks. No time outs. I will own you for one year.

“At the end of the year you will have been broken, mind, body, and soul, and completely remade. You will have experienced things you’ve never dreamed of. And while your body in particular may hurt, your mind will be free of clutter and anxiety.

“I will get to enjoy your body however I want, and you will have the peace of mind that comes in having a life of singular concern – making me happy.”

She nodded again. I stared at her patiently until she got the hint. “I understand,” she said.

“Good.” I placed a pen on the papers in front of her. “Sign in whenever you’re ready.”

She hesitated just a moment before picking up the pen and hastily scribbling her signature.

I couldn’t suppress the wolffish smile that crossed my face. “You’re mine now.”

She stared down at the table, refusing to look me in the eye. “Say it!” I ordered.

“I’m … I’m yours now,” she mumbled.

“‘SIR’, your mine now ‘SIR’.”

“I’m yours now, sir.”

“Good. Now stand up.”

The chair squeaked against the tile floor as she stood to her feet. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, her fingers fidgeting wildly. I stood as well and took a step toward her so we were barely a foot apart.

“Strip,” I ordered.

I think ever drop of blood in her body rushed to her face. She turned a bright pink and opened her mouth as if to say something.

“Now,” I interjected.

Obediently, she kicked off her socks and shoes. She unfastened her pants and pushed them to the floor, kicking them to the side, then did the same with her panties.

I don’t know why, but I’ve found that the nervous ones often take their pants off first. I guess somehow taking their shirts off feels even more vulnerable. Regardless, after a moment her shirt and bra laid in a pile on the floor beside her pants.

I wrapped both my hands around her neck and stroked her chin with my thumbs. Instinctively she tried to pull back but I held her firmly in place. I slid my hands down to her breasts, letting my thumbs tease her nipples.

“Very nice,” I murmured.

I slid my hands around her back and down to her ass. I grabbed her ass with both hands and jerked her body against mine. “Mmm, excellent. You’re going to be just perfect.”

I held her ass firmly with one hand and slid the other around to her stomach. I let my fingers slide down between her legs. I teased her clit, slid my fingers down between her lips.

“This is what you are now,” I said. “You’re my property. You’re my play thing. You are a body to be used, holes to be enjoyed. You are my sex toy.”

I paused for a minute as I continued to play with her pussy. “Say it,” I ordered.

“I’m your sex toy,” she mumbled.


“I’m your sex toy, sir”

“Good girl.”

I heard her voice catch in her throat as I slid a finger inside her pussy. “This is my pussy now.”

“Yes … yes sir,” she breathed.

“All you are boils down to this pussy, and it belongs to me.” I slid my finger in and out of her pussy, slowly, gently. I let go of her ass and curled my fingers into her hair, holding her head in place. I leaned down and pressed my cheek against hers so our lips were almost touching each other’s ears.

“What are you?” I whispered.

“Your fuck toy, sir.”

“And who does this pussy belong to?”

“You, sir.”

“Say it,” I ordered.

“This pussy belongs to you, sir.”

“Mm, again.”

“This pussy belongs to you, sir.”

I released my hold on her and she took a half step back. I started unbuckling my belt and unzipping my pants.

“Get on your knees,” I instructed. “You’re going to show me just how good of a girl you can be.”


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