Timestop: Biology Teacher (Part 1/2) [mF][oral][nc][humil][Str8]

*I freeze time in the middle of class to sniff, taste, and rape my milf teacher. This is a standalone story in my Timestop series.*

Links in the comments


These disclaimers are to help you know if my story is for you or not. I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn’t sound like your kind of thing!

This is a work of fiction. I do not condone any of the things I write about. All characters are considered 18+. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


-Gross pervy sniffing/tasting (armpits, sweat, everything)

-Gross descriptions of bodily fluids

-Non-consensual / rape

-Face fuck

-Bit of anal play



For all I know, I’ve always been able to do it, but I was six years old the first time I remember it happening.

My grandpa was walking with me and his dog Frank back from the park. He was a lenient old man, nice but almost negligent. More concerned with enjoying his cigar and the nice summer day than watching over his rowdy grandson chase the dog down the sidewalk. He didn’t notice when Frank ran out into the street, with me hot on his tail. A car horn wailed just as I caught up to the dog. I turned and flinched, putting my hands up in front of my face, the sedan a foot away. But nothing happened.

I eventually got used to the feeling, but it was jarring that first time. I almost puked as I looked around. The world was silent, immobile, completely dead. The car was frozen, Frank inches from its bumper. The man in the car still holding down the horn, but no sound. My grandpa had just looked up and realized what was about to happen, a shocked look frozen onto his face.

I grabbed Frank, and took a few steps away from the car. The dog was a bit lighter, but otherwise felt the same. I set him down on the grass, and a moment later the world rushed back into motion again.

I’ll never forget the way my grandpa looked at me that day. He saw his grandson and dog about to be hit, and then they moved. He never talked about it, probably just thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. But he never quite looked at me the same again.

I was cautious after that. Careful to put things roughly back where they were before starting time again. Even if people saw me suddenly move, as long as it wasn’t very far, they figured they imagined it. I walked around freely. Some things still working like normal. Gravity. Light. Even people’s bodies to an extent. I think because I wanted them to. But everything else, just frozen in place. I could mess with things, move things around easily. However I wanted. And when I started time again, people usually just passed little differences off as their imagination or a weird feeling.

I never found out how it happens, but over the years I learned to control it. At first it only happened when I was in a life or death situation. But if I concentrated, really willed myself, I could stop time. For as long as I wanted.

I abused my powers so much over the years that I learned to pace myself to avoid getting too burnt out, too spoiled. And I learned that starting and stopping repeatedly, or even stopping for any extended amount of time, left me exhausted afterward. Plus, I was always cautious of getting seen. I didn’t want to freak anyone out, traumatize them with the sight of something suddenly moving or blinking in or out of existence. So in general, I used my power sparingly, only when I needed it.

But it gave me an easy life. Got me out of countless situations. A cheat code to get exactly what I wanted. Later in life, it made me twisted, perverse. Or maybe I always was. I made a ton of money from gambling on fights. I could stop time and mess with a fighter, making them lose. I even caused the greatest upset in the history of women’s mixed martial arts, betting on the underdog and… distracting her opponent.

It’s easy to see how I became so corrupt, so depraved. With nothing off limits, I gave in to my darkest desires. Anything I really wanted, if I concentrated hard enough, I could stop time and obtain it. Which usually just meant one thing. Any woman. Mine to explore.

These are first-person accounts from my life.


Timestop: Biology Teacher

Another morning that seems to never end. Sometimes I wish I had the ability to speed things up, rather than just stop time. Stupid uncomfortable chair. Elbows getting sore from resting on my desk. And the teacher drones on and on about the anatomy of a frog. I just don’t care. I stare at the clock on the wall straight ahead. Tick. God it’s so slow. Tick. Fuuuck.

I’m at the back of the room, trying to hide from the teacher’s line of sight so she doesn’t call on me. She always yells at people. I mean, I know she just wants us to pay attention. But she’s such a bitch about it.

She’s a new teacher. This is her second week. Mrs. B. Karen Berzinski. Yep, she’s actually a Karen. And she fits the stereotype most days too. Condescending. Stick up her ass. Uptight and unlikable. And while she acts like a know-it-all, she really doesn’t. Which makes it even harder to respect her. She mispronounces the word pronunciation, saying pro-noun-ciation. And said something about Darwin I know is false, even though it’s her area of expertise supposedly.

But she is fun to look at. A MILF in her mid 30s. Tall, curvy body. Long, wavy dark hair, so shiny and high-class, swirling in waves down past her shoulders. Always wears such classy, expensive clothes from her lawyer husband.

Like today, a tight white sleeveless shirt, dressy but sexy, showing off her tan arms. At least five different shiny bracelets. A giant diamond ring. Sparkly, dangling earrings. Nice white nail polish. Dark gray dress slacks, so snug against her plump ass. That fucking ass, accentuated even more by her high heels. Expensive suede shoes, which can’t even be that comfortable. Their only purpose to make her look good.

She must know how she looks. Must know her tight pants ride up her crack a bit. Every time she turns to the smart-board screen on the wall, she tortures a room full of horny high school seniors.

“Hellooo, what’s the answer?” She’s making eye contact with me! Shit I didn’t hear her call on me! I’ve been so distracted staring at her.

“Sorry Miss B, I can’t remember,” Damn, the way she glares at me makes me want to shrink into my seat and die. She’s so mean.

“Missus. And pay more attention.” She turns and continues babbling on. Fuck she’s uptight.

I always try to refrain from using my powers at school. I don’t want to get seen or freak anyone out. And using it too much leaves me so exhausted afterward that it makes the rest of a school day so difficult.

But on days like this, it’s hard to hold back. I could so easily do whatever I want with this woman right now. Explore every inch of her. Touch and smell and taste everything. Get back at her for being such a bitch.

I try to pay attention for a few minutes, ignore the temptation, but I keep glancing back at her. Her breasts look so full in that shirt. Pressing tight against the fabric. She’s got two kids I think, and while she looks fit and young still, childbirth has been a bit hard on her. She looks like a woman that struggles to entirely get rid of the fat from pregnancy. Just a touch here and there. Heavier thighs rubbing together in those tight pants. A tiny bit of pudge to her stomach. Her hips nice and wide. Fuck I can’t handle this.

I glance around, making sure no eyes are on me. I’m at the back of class, so I’m pretty hidden. Then I concentrate. Staring intensely at the clock on the wall helps me use my power.

I slow time to a stop, right in the middle of Mrs. B saying, “So if you look at this frrrroooooog -”

The hands of the clock stop. Silence. Even the hum of the AC goes quiet. The air still. Every face in the room frozen in time. My dick stirs in my pants. Already the feeling of being able to do whatever I want makes me giddy with excitement.

I scan the room, double checking that no one was looking my way. Then I get up and stretch. I wave my hand in front of the face of the fat girl that sits in front of me. I smile. God I love doing this.

I casually walk to the front of the class, my mind racing with possibilities. My eyes fixed on the teacher. She stands at the head of the class. Turned sideways, pointing up at the board. Mouth open in a funny expression, frozen mid-word.

She stands about my height with those high heels on. Which is kind of sexy since I’m so used to girls being shorter than me. Maybe it’s a power move. So she can literally be looking down on people. But it makes her look so mature, motherly.

I immediately invade her personal space, getting my face right up in front of hers. I stand inches from her and inspect her up close. Knowing she doesn’t see me gives me the total freedom to move about however I want. It doesn’t matter if I look weird. No one sees me.

Her face is so pretty. Subtle makeup enhances her natural beauty. She’s got a few freckles you only notice when you’re this close. Her eyes are a nice brown. Such soft features. I never noticed how nice and cute she looks when she isn’t glaring or yelling.

I lean forward and sniff at her hair, her neck. Fuck, she smells amazing. A feminine scent I’ve definitely smelled before. Lavender I think. Floral. But subtle. My dick stirs in my pants, half-stiff.

I reach out and touch her, feeling up and down her belly and hips. She’s so soft and squishy all over. Her personality is stern and cold, but her body couldn’t be any more different. Delicate and warm beneath her thin shirt.

Holding her steady by her wide hips, I lean my face in and kiss her full on the lips. Damn, they’re so smooth. She tastes so good! I stick my tongue out, invading her mouth. I feel wetness inside. The slightest taste of minty toothpaste still clings to her tongue from earlier this morning. I sigh in exasperated pleasure as I make out with my teacher in front of the class.

I rub my hands up and down her sides, along her curves. I kiss across her cheeks, licking my tongue out gently to taste her skin. I nuzzle my face into her hair and neck, nibbling at her ear. Little dangling earring brushing against my nose. I inhale her scent again. God I can’t get enough of this woman! I already forget how mean she. Nothing about her is flawed in the least.

I hug her in a tight embrace, rubbing my hands along her lower back, down over her ass. I bury my face in the crook of her neck. So warm and inviting, her smell killing me. Her dark hair spills down around my face, enveloping me, blocking out my surroundings. I kiss down the side of her neck while my hands grasp her thick asscheeks. I squeeze hard, her juicy butt too much for my hands, spilling out through my fingers. I knead and rub her ass, licking at her neck and breathing her in.

My dick presses hard against my pants, poking into her crotch as I hug her tightly. I feel her breasts pressing against my chest. The padded feeling of bra cups easily felt beneath the thin fabric of her shirt. God I can’t wait to really explore every inch of her.

But I step back, breathing heavily, my face flushed with lust. She has a few wet spots here and there across her face and neck from where I ravaged her with my mouth. I want to see her reaction to this real quick.

I walk back to my desk at the back of the room. Sitting down, I make sure I have a nice view of her, and I start time again.

The world rushes back into motion, ambient sounds and little movements from people all bursting back to life around me. Mrs. B fumbles on her words, stopping mid-sentence and making a weird face.

“If you look here..” she tries to continue but stops again. Opening and closing her mouth a couple times in confusion. She turns away from the class and I see her touching at her face and neck.

“Sorry hold on,” she tries to play it cool, walking casually over to her desk to grab a tissue. She hides it well, facing away from us so we can’t quite see her wiping at her neck and cheek. I see her just standing there for a moment, utterly bewildered as to what she got on herself.

She turns back to us, looking a bit embarrassed and confused, but she continues her lesson. I smile, looking her up and down. The thought of secretly knowing what she smells like, what she tastes like. To have such power over a teacher like this. My cock is just raging under my desk.

I wait a minute, watching for the perfect place to begin again. Wait for it… Ok there! I concentrate and stop time again just as she raises her arm to point up at the board. A pleasant look on her face. Hip out in a sexy contrapposto stance. It’s like I took a great picture of her, captured her in the perfect little moment.

The world goes still, and I glance around again to make sure no one’s looking at me. Then I rush to the front of the room, my dick painfully stiff in my pants.

Without hesitation, I jump right back into feeling Mrs. B up and down. I rub one hand up her thigh, across her butt. My other hand reaches up and grasps her chest firmly. The slight padding of her bra is so soft under my hand. I knead and squish into it roughly, feeling the substantial heft of the breast beneath. Careful not to move her from where she stands, I massage and grope her breasts, both hands now joining in on the fun.

I crouch down and press my face into her chest, squishing her tits together with my hands to smother myself a bit. The warmth is unbelievable. The thin material of her sleeveless white shirt makes it easy to feel everything that lies underneath. I inhale, fucking hell her smell is everything a woman should be. My cock throbs in my pants.

I pull back, panting and light-headed. I move over to her outstretch arm. She points forward at something on the board, her beautiful tan skin on full display. I move in and kiss her gently, starting at the forearm. I slowly work my way down her arm, getting more and more heated and aggressive as I go. Licking, slobbering as I reach the tender inside of her bicep. She’s soft and fleshy, not very tone. And I love it. I bite gently, engulfing her delicate skin.

I continue until I reach her exposed armpit. She’s perfectly shaven, but it’s still such a lewd, embarrassing spot. I crouch down and stick my face under, pushing my nose and mouth into the warm divot. The tiniest hint of stubble tickles my lips as I gently explore her, rubbing my face around slowly. Such a heat radiating from her here! The skin slightly paler than the rest of her, tender and soft. I inhale deeply. A shiver runs through me as I breathe in her scent. Deodorant, but not much. A hint of her natural musk.

I hold her steady around the waist with one arm, my other hand reaching up to press the top of her shoulder down, smushing her armpit onto my face. I lick and suck all over, gross sounds filling the room as I violate one of my teacher’s most private areas.

I can’t imagine doing this normally. Almost any woman would be so grossed out. I could never even ask. But I can be as weird as I want in this frozen moment. No one’s here to judge.

Still buried under her arm, I reach my hands down to explore her over her pants. Her slacks are so smooth and tight. I run my hands along every womanly curve, up and down her thighs. She stands with her legs pretty close together, her thick thighs pressed tight. One of my hands runs around the back to grasp her asscheek, my other sliding up between her warm thighs. Pressure on both sides of my hand as it intrudes higher and higher. I reach the top and slowly slide along her crotch. The heat from the pussy within drives me insane. It’s so inviting. I rub, so turned on by the thought that only some thin fabric lies between my hand and my teacher’s cunt.

I slide down from under her arm and kneel right in front of her, my face inches from her belly. The need to touch my throbbing cock is unbearable, so I unzip and pull it out. One hand pumping at my dick slowly, my other reaches up and around to grab her ass. I hold her steady and thrust my face straight into her crotch. I breath in deep through my nose, then exhale and moan in ecstasy as the subtle scent from her pussy beneath her pants overwhelms me. Her floral scent mixed with an unmistakable hint of pussy. I stay here for a few ‘minutes’, breathing, rubbing around, really taking her in. Soft fapping sounds the only thing heard in the room as I pump my cock at her feet.

I lean back finally, taking a breather, my face hot with excitement. I glance around the room at all the frozen students. Taking a moment to take in the fact that I currently kneel at my teacher’s feet, jerking off and smelling her pussy right in front of the whole class. Fucking unreal.

I stand up, my cock dripping with precum already. I alternate between sliding a hand into the crack of her thighs to rub her pussy more, to grasping and pulling at her soft shirt. Slowly working it up her torso, then back to her pussy. Back and forth, taking my time, doing exactly what I want every step of the way.

I start slowly lifting her shirt up, exposing her bare belly. Perfect smooth skin, tanned and sexy as expected. A tiny bit of pudginess she’s struggled to fully lose after childbirth. I love it though, it gives her such a natural down-to-earth look. Like the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi, that slight flaws actually add to beauty.

I bend down to kiss her belly gently. Then return to rubbing her pussy for a bit. I can’t quite tell, but her crotch almost seems to be getting hotter the more I do this. Almost a moisture to the area. Which only urges me to do it more in between working her shirt up her body.

Her belly fully exposed, I pull her white shirt up over her breasts, revealing her bra. Large beige cups, a classic full-figure style, meant for comfort more than looks. God damn she’s big. Such full breasts, held snugly in place. They look right for her frame, giving her a nurturing, motherly appearance.

I grope and squish into them with one hand, returning my other to her crotch again. I continue like this for a bit, reaching my face forward to plant kisses on her lips, cheeks, and neck. Then lower, down her collar bone and across her upper chest. Down into her cleavage. Every part of her is a soft heaven. Between her breasts, that floral scent again. I get a head rush and go a bit weak at the knees.

Then I realize how fast I’m rubbing my hand between her thighs, and I stop before I knock us both over in my excitement. I take a step back and admire the beauty at the front of the class. Her face is slightly flushed pink, almost a hint of perspiration on her chest. Her white shirt pushed up high over her bra. I contemplate starting time right here and now, but I know she doesn’t deserve whatever trauma that would result in. This will be a strange enough day for her as it is.

I glance at her bra again and get an idea. Why not? I go to her desk and find some scissors. I return in front of her and slide them up under the strap connecting the two cups together. Cold metal sliding right between her tits.

I snip, and the cups fall away, breasts popping free right before my eyes. Holy fuck, her tits are incredible! Thick and full, sagging outward slightly under their own weight. Pale skin, so pure and feminine. Dark areolas, the perfect size. Puffy little nipples. Oh Jesus, they’re hard! Her nipples are actually poking up at me in arousal!

The scissors clatter to the floor as I dive down and engulf a tit with my mouth. My face presses into her fleshy mound, indenting into the squishiness. I lick and suck at her nipple, swirling my tongue around, ravaging her. The nipple seems to stiffen a bit more under my assault. I reach down to tug at my hard cock again, then switch my mouth her her other breast to do the same.

Up close I can see tiny little blue veins webbing across her pale flesh. I bite into her aggressively, tugging at her nipple and then slobbering all across her large breast.

I move across again, licking down into her cleavage and then back up across to the other tit. I squeeze them together and rub back and forth, fuck this is insane!

I lift off of them for a moment to really take in the sight. Breathing heavily and stroking my dick, lost in total lust.

Then I crouch down lower and nuzzle my face up and her breasts, rubbing and digging my way to the crease underneath. The heat under them is so enticing. It beckons me and I smell and lick at the salty skin underneath her boobs. A hint of sour sweat, this place never sees the light of day. Tits always slightly sagging down. The skin is so delicate and hot.

I lick back up into her cleavage again and return to her nipples, suckling at them feverishly. One hand pumping along my cock, the other rubbing into the crack of her thighs, massaging her pussy over her pants. I could cum right here and now if I’m not careful.

I break my mouth away from her tit with a loud POP! I reach down and grab the scissors again and snip the remaining straps of her bra, freeing it completely. Then I slide my teacher’s shirt back down over her tits. You can see her nipples sticking up against the fabric, and her boobs sag lewdly in her top. I give them one last squeeze through her shirt and then make sure she’s as much back into her original position as possible.

I force myself to return to my desk, putting my cock away painfully and stuffing my teachers ruined bra into my book bag. I sit and make myself calm down a bit. I now see Mrs. B from the angle of the students, and the sight is so hot. Her face is pink and flustered. The slightest sheen of sweat on her neck and arms. And her chest just looks so sexy. It’s not entirely obvious at first, but looking closely you can easily see she has no bra on, nipples poking up slightly. She looks so much more natural. This is how she should come to class every day.

I let go of my grip on time and feel the familiar rush as everything erupts back to life. Mrs. B stumbles, her legs almost giving out under her. She lets out a yelp, totally loses track of what she was saying, and cups her hands over her mouth…


*Thanks for reading! See all my stories in the link in the comments*

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/t8tjfk/timestop_biology_teacher_part_12_mforalnchumilstr8


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