Smells Like Love: Dad’s Discovery (Part One)

Heads up, this story exceeds Reddit’s character limit, so it has been broken up into two posts. Though I recommend you read the full story through the link below, as italics are used and will not be apparent in these Reddit posts.

[Smells Like Love: Dad’s Discovery](

A second after I entered the front door, I heard a door slam closed upstairs, causing me to pause for a moment. I knew it must be my daughter, Lily, since it was just us two living there and there were no cars in the driveway besides mine and hers, but the why of it was unknown. I contemplated it as I closed the door behind me and got settled.

The logical explanation was that she was naked, either while changing or masturbating; the former was more likely, but the latter was more intriguing. A lewd thought popped into my head for a fleeting instant–Lily nude, her pussy dripping as she rose from her bed and crossed her bedroom to close her door and hide her sexual gratification from her father’s eyes–but I pushed it out of my mind as quickly as it had arrived.

I headed upstairs to get out of my work clothes, slowing and listening carefully as I passed Lily’s room, though I heard nothing. Shrugging to myself, I carried on to my bedroom and stripped down, grabbed some fresh underwear from my dresser, then paused for a moment. Usually I would wait until near bedtime to masturbate, but I suddenly felt the desire to relieve myself, definitely not because I was wondering if Lily was playing with herself down the hall.

Now, don’t judge me, but my method of masturbation is a bit unorthodox, at least I assume so. Surely you’ve heard of guys using socks, but I preferred polyester gym shorts; the material was soft and allowed enough movement, and when climax came it kept the mess contained. Not all gym shorts were suited for this purpose, but I had couple pairs that served me well and, given enough time to dry between uses, they could comfortably be used two or three times between washes.

It had been almost a week since Lily or I had done a load of laundry, so I dug through the full hamper to find some jerk off shorts. It took a bit of rummaging before I found a pair and, surprisingly, I noticed the gray shorts before the red ones, which I had used more recently.

I was content to use the gray pair, but out of curiosity, I dumped my dirty laundry out on my bedroom floor. Article by article, I refilled the hamper, and never discovered my red shorts. Perplexed, I needlessly checked a couple other places that I knew they wouldn’t be, to no avail.

Try as I might, I could only think of one explanation: Lily had them. This raised a myriad of questions that I didn’t want to face, so I (mostly) abandoned the train of thought until I could gather more information, and decided against masturbating as well. I ventured downstairs, but instead of turning on the TV like I normally would, I pulled out my phone and browsed mindlessly, my focus actually fixed on picking up on any noises coming from upstairs. I only had to wait a couple minutes before I heard the soft creak of a door opening.

I climbed the stairs and moved down the hall to my master bedroom as quickly as I could while making minimal sound, aided by the carpeted steps and hallway, and as I reached the doorway, Lily nearly crashed into me as she tip-toed out of my room. She gasped and stumbled backward, nearly losing her balance, looking up at me with wide eyes and clutching her chest in surprise.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked, mostly nonchalant, though I knew I had caught her. But again, this just raised more questions.

“Uh, nothing, I was just um…” Her voice was shaky and her cheeks were bright red. I remained quiet to give her a chance to explain, but the silence grew awkward over the next couple of seconds and I had to say something.

“Oh, hey, have you seen my red gym shorts by any chance?” If Lily decided to turn it on me and ask what was so special about those shorts, I would have probably blushed as hard as she was, but she was much too flustered to think of that. In fact, when I inquired about my shorts, she shrunk so hard I’m surprised she didn’t compact into a black hole. I felt bad, so I followed it up quickly with, “yeah, I didn’t realize how long it’s been since we did some laundry, you think you could do a load?”

“Oh, yeah, that’s what I was thinking, I’m running out of clean clothes, too,” Lily spat out, jumping at the opening I had offered her.

“Great. I don’t really feel like cooking, so I’m gonna just gonna order a pizza, cool?” I asked as she backtracked to get my laundry basket. My eyes wandered her body in a way that I rarely allowed for more than a fleeting instant.

Lily was short, barely above five feet, and quite petite. As she bent to pick up the hamper, her shapely ass and slender legs were accentuated by the black leggings she was wearing. She held it against her tight waist as she turned to make her escape, and I still ogled her openly.

Her tank-top was almost as form-fitting as her leggings, and fell a few inches shy of reaching her pants, leaving her midriff visible. The skimpy top clung to her breasts, which were quite big compared to the rest of her., yet she almost never wore a bra at home. Though her nipples poking through her shirt was bound to happen sometimes, I didn’t normally allow myself to focus on them like I did in that moment..

“Yeah, sounds good,” Lily mumbled. She noticed me blatantly checking her out and blushed, but smiled as well. She squeezed by me to get out and I turned to watch her go. The urge to masturbate hit me again, and this time it was explicitly because of Lily, but just as soon as the thought occurred to me, I remembered that she had just walked away with both my pairs of jerk-off-shorts. Oh well, I still had my hunger for sustenance and need for answers that I could quench.

While Lily started the laundry, I called in an order for a large extra cheese pie and and a side of mozzarella sticks, Lily’s favorite food. She kept her distance until the food arrived, but when it did, she had no excuse to avoid me any longer.

“Alright, Friday night is Star Wars night,” I said as we sat down in the living room and I booted up the streaming device. We ate most of our dinners in front of the TV, a habit that had developed shortly after Lily’s mother left us, while we were still relying solely on takeout. “What do you wanna watch?”

“I don’t care, you pick,” she answered absentmindedly as she dragged a piece of pizza onto her plate and pulled the whole box of mozzarella sticks closer.

” I think there’s a new episode of that Boba Fett show, how about that?” Lily avoided eye contact with me as she shrugged and took a small bite of her pizza. “Alrighty then, let’s see what Boba is up to.”

We ate dinner and watched the show quietly, barely acknowledging each other for the next twenty minutes. I was completely absorbed in the fiction until Lily spoke up and said, “Isn’t this show supposed to be about Boba Fett? Why are focusing on The Mandalorian?”

“Well– uh, I don’t know, that’s a good question.” Taken out of the story, I paused the show and stood up. “I’m gonna get a drink, you want something?”

“Beer, please,” she responded as she stood up. She wasn’t twenty-one yet, but I had given her permission to drink when she turned 18, be it at home or out with her friends, with the condition that she never drove drunk or got into the car with a drunk driver. On several occasions, I had received a call from her in the middle of the night, slurring her words as she begged for a ride, which only reinforced my confidence in her judgment.

“Anything special?”

“Nope, whatever. I’m gonna move the clothes to the dryer, be right back.”

I cleared our plates and wrapped up the leftovers, then poured myself a whiskey and soda and grabbed a beer for Lily. By the time I got back to the living room, she was already on the couch, on her phone while she waited for me.

“So, about earlier…” I started as I placed the beer in front of her and sat down at the opposite end of the couch. I could see the panic in her eyes from a brief glance, but she overcame it and turned to face me.

“Yeah?” Lily asked with an innocent tilt of her head and a look of curiosity.

“Uh, I–” I was caught off guard. “Sorry if I startled you when I got home early; I should’ve texted that I left work early.”

“Oh, it’s okay. I was just getting dressed after a shower.”

“Yeah, that’s what I figured,” I lied.

Over the next half-hour, as we watched the rest of the show, my mind was elsewhere. I sipped my drink and contemplated how I would broach such an uncomfortable subject. The episode ended faster than I expected and I wasn’t ready to call her out just yet, but as the screen went black and the credits rolled, I had to say something.

“Hey, hang on a sec,” I said as Lily grabbed her beer and stood up, presumably to escape to her room. She slumped back to the couch slowly, looking a bit nervous again.

“What’s up, Dad?” She tipped the bottle back and finished it off.

I didn’t want to be too confrontational and I was still a bit anxious about the conversation to come, so I simply delayed her retreat with, “you wanna smoke?” Lily held her breath for a moment, then nodded with a small smile.

This was a pretty recent change to our dynamic. I knew she smoked weed for the past few years and had no problem with it; I had been a heavy user up until Lily was about ten years old, so it would be pretty hypocritical of me to scold her.

One night a few months back, we were sitting on the back patio together, enjoying the sunset and a couple of beers, when Lily asked if I would mind if she lit up, and I said it was fine. When she asked if I wanted a hit, I hesitated at first, but ultimately accepted and, well, we’ve been toke buddies ever since.

“Yeah, hang on,” Lily said as she jumped up and bounded off for her bedroom. While she retrieved her stash and papers, I went to the kitchen and poured myself a small portion of straight Whiskey. “You gotta try this,” she remarked when we met at the couch again and I took a small sip of my drink. I had a a bit of a buzz going and was feeling more confident– or more accurately, less inhibited –about talking to her about my shorts.

She doled out enough bud to fill a joint and broke it up by hand and I watched as she rolled it up, focusing intently on her skilled fingers, lips and tongue as they worked adeptly. “I taught you well,” I remarked as she licked the end of the paper and sealed the joint.

“No way, that credit goes to my girl, Julia, she taught me how to roll when I was 16.” That was more or less the exact response I received from her every time claimed credit for her skills, so I replied in the same way that I always did.

“Yeah, she might’ve showed you when you were 15, but you were watching me roll from the time you were a baby until you were almost ten.” It was true, I had routinely rolled up around her (though I never smoked in her presence) until I thought she was old enough to know what I was doing, at which point I began rolling and smoking only after Lily was as asleep.. “I’m just glad you get better bud than Julia used to, that weed was garbage.”

“Well at least we can agree on that,” Lily said as with a giggle as she eyed her handiwork. Deeming it ready for consumption, she asked, “you ready?”

“Yup, you got a lighter?”


“Wanna go up on the balcony?”

“Oh yeah, we haven’t gone up there in a while.”

The balcony connected to the master bedroom, my room of course, was a special place for me; when Lily was young, her mother, Karen, and I would go out there to relax and appreciate the quietness of the night after Lily had fallen asleep. The only pieces of furniture on the balcony were a small table and the loveseat that Karen and I used to share, albeit with newer, less weathered cushions.

Karen left me for another man thirteen years ago,when she gave birth to another man’s child, though her affair had started years earlier. It was bad enough that she abandoned me, but she wanted nothing to do with our daughter either after she started her new family. It broke Lily’s heart, and that broke mine even further than it already was.

Lily’s sorrow was so great, it forced me forget about my own, and I devoted myself to her. I never missed any of her soccer games or school events, assured her that she could talk to me about anything, and even made arrangements with my employer to spend half of my work day in office and the other half at home so that I could be there when she arrived from school. In the end, Karen’s betrayal made me a better father.

“It’s a bit chilly,” I remarked as Lily lit up. “I’m gonna grab a sweatshirt, want one?”

“Yes please, the gray one,” she said quickly, a cloud of smoke escaping her mouth as she did so. I returned a moment later and handed her my oldest, most worn down hoodie, her favorite one for reason, and she passed me the joint. “Thank you,” she said as she put it on and I took a long rip.

We smoked in silence for a bit, peering up into the night sky, seeing the stars as they were tens and hundreds and thousands of years ago. As we reached the half way mark of the joint, I was feeling quite good.

“So about earlier,” I started, pausing to take a hit. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Lily shift in her seat, bracing for what came next. “What were you doing with my shorts?” I asked bluntly and passed her the joint. She took a long, long hit, buying herself a couple extra seconds.

“I like the smell,” she replied directly. I waited for elaboration, but it didn’t come, so I prodded deeper. If not for the alcohol and weed, I probably would’ve dropped it.

“The smell of what? My…?” She turned to me, exasperated that I was seeking further explanation, then nodded quickly and looked up at the sky again as she took another hit. “So you just like to, like, smell them?” I asked, still perplexed.

“Dad! Are you really gonna make me spell it out?” before taking yet another rip.

“I’m sorry! I’m just confused. And you know the rules, puff, puff, pass.” I held out my hand and she quickly passed the joint. That deflated the situation a little and Lily relaxed a little.

“I don’t just sit around and sniff ’em. The smell gets me kinda hot, so I like to smell them while I’m, you know…”

“Oh,” was the only reply I could offer at first. “That’s– okay, I get it now, that makes sense.” I took a small hit and passed the joint back to my daughter, who had just admitted she used the aroma of my cum as an aphrodisiac. My mind was spinning, and it wasn’t because buzzed.

“Can we not make a big deal about this? Please?” My bedroom light was on, illuminating us from behind, but not the balcony light, so I couldn’t see her face well. Regardless of that, I knew she was blushing hard.

“Um, yeah, absolutely. Alright, new topic coming up.” I thought for a moment while she took her turn with the joint. “Oh, okay, how ’bout this? If we settled Mars today, would you go? One way trip, no coming back.”

As Lily passed me the joint, she glanced over at me and I could see a small smile on her lips, and I took that as a ‘thank you’ for changing the subject. Then she titled her head back and pushed her lips out like she was doing that duck-lips thing that girls do for selfies, but that was just the face she always made when she was thinking deeply about something.

After pondering the question, she responded, “they just settled it? Then no, I’ll wait a few years for them to work out any bugs and make sure it’s completely safe. It’d be amazing to live on another planet, but Earth’s atmosphere and gravity are pretty amazing too.”

“True, but wouldn’t it be cool to say you were one of the first settlers on Mars?”

“I guess, maybe. This is pretty much done, I’m gonna put it out.”

“Go for it,” I replied. “But I’m gonna chill out here for a while.” I put my feet up on the table and stretched an arm out over the back of the loveseat.

“Can I chill with you?” she asked as she stamped out the joint in the ash tray.

“Of course, I would love that.” I was glad she wasn’t eager to get away, and took that to mean I had handled the situation pretty well.

Then she scooted close and leaned against me with her head on my shoulder. “I love you, Dad.”

“I love you too, sweetheart,” I replied as I wrapped my arm around her and we cuddled without speaking for a while.

The following day was a Saturday, so when I awoke around 7 AM, I rolled over and went right back to sleep. It was a couple hours later when I woke up again and this time I decided to start my day. As I headed for the connected bathroom, I noticed my laundry on top of the dresser, clean and folded; Lily must have been awake already.

Sitting prominently on top of the stack of pants were my two pairs of jerk-off-shorts. I almost never masturbated in the morning, despite the morning wood, but the sight of those garments brought back the conversation from the night before and suddenly I was feeling very horny.

I had never allowed Lily into my fantasies, at least not for more than a brief instant; if she did pop into my mind, I would stop jerking it immediately and imagine a different woman. But this thoughts of time Lily was unavoidable. The mental image of my daughter laying naked on her bed, holding my cum-soaked shorts to her nose and inhaling deeply as she toyed with her cunt, brought me a quick and powerful orgasm.

My load seeped through the fabric and then soaked back into it, creating a large dark spot around the tip of my cock. After I came down from my climax, I slipped my shorts off and slung them over the edge of my laundry hamper, then headed into the bathroom for a shower.

While I washed myself, I considered the sudden change that our relationship had suddenly experienced. We had bonded more and more after her mother left, to the point that we acted like friends as much relatives, but now we had crossed into taboo territory.

Was it just the smell of cum that got Lily going, or was it my cum? Was she attracted to me? If so, did she want to have sex with me? Did I want to have sex with her? Even if we both wanted to, would it still be wrong for us to sleep together, as two consenting, albeit related, adults?

I felt my dick getting hard again and forced myself to abandon the line of thought, ending my shower expeditiously. As I got dressed, I eyed my recently-used shorts. An idea crossed my mind, so I picked them up and folded them as if they weren’t still damp with jizz, then as I headed downstairs, I stopped off in Lily’s bedroom and laid the soiled garment at the foot of her bed.

As I descended the stairs, I detected the smell of eggs and bacon and, best of all, coffee. Lily was at the kitchen table, eating her breakfast and browsing on her phone.

“Good morning, beautiful,” I greeted her as I had a million time before, though it felt a little different this time. Regardless, I leaned over her from behind and gave her a kiss on the cheek, earning a small coo from her like always. But she didn’t look up from her phone, not until I told her, “I left something for you in your room.”

“What is it?” Lily asked as I went to get a plate of food and cup of coffee. Without looking back at her, I shrugged, and a second later I heard the legs of her chair moving across the tiled floor and the sound of her bare feet moving away. Just as I was sitting down to enjoy the breakfast she had made, I heard the faint click of her bedroom door closing. About ten minutes later, just as I was finishing my meal, she returned with a big, sheepish smile.

“So fresh,” she said bashfully as she sat back down at the table.

“Glad you enjoyed,” I replied as nonchalantly as I could. “So, you got any plans for today?”

“Me and Julia are going to get our nails done in a little bit, then we’ll probably do some shopping. And there’s this party tonight, supposed to be pretty big. Wait–unless–did you want to do something?” I didn’t take her meaning at first and just replied casually.

“Nah, only thing on the docket for me today is mowing the lawn. You go and have fun.”

“Okay,” Lily replied softly. “Here, I’ll get that,” she said as she reached for my empty plate, and I smacked her hand away playfully.

“No, no, no, you cooked, so I got the dishes.”

She giggled and said, “okay, okay, I’m gonna go get changed.”

“Alright, but don’t change too much, I love you just the way you are,” I replied, my standard response to her saying that, which usually warranted an eye-roll. But this time Lily smiled fondly, and then she rolled her eyes.

An hour later, as I lapped the yard on the mower and, letting my mind wander, I circled back to Lily’s words earlier and began to wonder, then overthink. What ‘something’ did she think I wanted to do? I pushed the thought from my mind; it didn’t matter anyway, we had already crossed a line, we couldn’t push the boundary further.

But then I realized that I had a set a precedent that morning with that kinky gift. Surely Lily would expect it to happen again. Wold she try to escalate it? Would I? I was astonished that I had masturbated to the thought of her, let alone the fact that I had passively helped her masturbate as well. Fuck.

While I was desperately searching for another thought to keep my mind off of Lily, I heard a horn from the driveway. Lily was in her car, ready to leave, and waved enthusiastically at me. As I waved back, she pressed a hand to her lips, then held it out and blew me a kiss. I did as expected and caught it, then she smiled, put her car in gear and departed.

After that, there was no avoiding the questions and thoughts about Lily and the inappropriate relationship that was budding between us. More than once, I found myself drifting off course and leaving large patches of grass uncut.

After spending twice as much time mowing the yard as it usually took, I headed upstairs for a shower to wash off the physical and metaphorical filth. But I was stopped dead in my tracks when I entered my bedroom.

I took a few steps toward my bed, stopping at the foot of It, and looked down. There, folded neatly, were the shorts I had ejaculated into and left for Lily earlier in the day, and on top was a pair of black lace booty shorts.

I picked up the small, sexy undies, expecting nothing but softness,but felt a hard, crusty texture in the middle. I raised Lily’s underwear to my nose and inhaled deeply, savoring the smell of her sex. I usually jerked off once a day, with the occasional day off, but while I showered, I had to relieve myself again and let my taboo fantasies run wild.

In my mind, Lily and I were back on the balcony the night before, holding each other close. Then we were kissing, slowly at first, but soon she was on top of me and we were making out intensely. An instant later, we were inside, Lily on her back on my bed, me standing at her feet, pulling her pants and panties off together.

Once I had her and myself naked, I grabbed her ankles, pulled her ass to the edge of the bed and knelt down for a taste of my daughter’s pussy. Then my mind of course skipped ahead to her cumming on my tongue and telling me how good I was through raunchy moans and heavy breaths. I stood up and, at long last, I fucked her. She cried out as I parted her lips, and praised the girth and length of my cock as I probed further.

And that was when, in real life, I busted my nut on the shower wall. With a deep breath, my state of arousal was replaced with a feeling of guilt. Jerking off while thinking about Lily was bad enough, but those weren’t just thoughts, they were hopes of a near future.

I silently berated myself while I cleaned off the wall, ended my shower and dried myself off. But as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom and spotted her sexy undies again. I began questioning my harsh judgment of myself. After all, Lily was an adult now and mature enough to make her own decisions. And, though some people saw incest a sin, I never really saw anything wrong with it, as long as it was consensual and no one got her hurt of course. Plus, it’s not like I was planning to start a family with her.

After getting dressed, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do next. My Saturdays were usually spent reading or watching TV or working on the basement, but none of that seemed appealing at the moment. Instead, I decided to get stoned.

I went to Lily’s room to raid her stash in the bottom drawer of her computer desk, where she kept her bud along with her papers, bowls and bong, but I found another piece among her collection: a vibrator.

The pink phallus was about four inches long, shaped like a rocket, and not very thick. I wanted to pick it up and bring it to my nose and run my tongue up the shaft, to smell and taste my baby girl’s pussy for the first time.

My dick was hard again, but I neglected it and turned my attention away from the vibrator, grabbed the bag of weed, packed a bowl, and headed for the balcony.

I spent the next hour nursing that bowl-pack, alternating between staring out into the woods and sky and browsing the news and memes and whatnot on my phone. I was high enough that I was barely thinking about Lily. And then she got home. Only a screen door separated me from my bedroom, so I heard the faint sound of the front door closing, much less her calling out for me.

“Dad, I’m home! Where are you?” She probably expected to find me hanging out in the living room, as I usually was on a Saturday afternoon.

“Upstairs!” I yelled back, turning toward the house and cupping my hand around my mouth to aim my voice. I was answered with the sound of her climbing the stairs, though a few minutes passed before she joined me on the balcony.

“Hey,” she said as she came around and, to my surprise, snuggled up against me. It was far from unheard of for us to cuddle, but it wasn’t this commonplace either. She had gotten changed out of her out-clothes, now wearing a pair of tiny pink gym shorts that barely covered the essentials and a skimpy blue top that showed off much of her breasts and tummy.

“Hey,” I parroted back, wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

“It smells good up here,” she told me while she gently rubbed my chest with her palm.

“Want a hit?” I asked, picking up the bowl and lighter from the armrest, knowing she did. Without a word, she took them from me, milked it, and put them down on the table.

“Is that my bowl..?” Lily asked, stepping toward a realization. “…from my desk?”

“Yeah, why?” I asked as if I didn’t know what she was getting at. “It was right next to your vibrator,” I continued with a blatant, yet dismissive regard that cleared the atmosphere. Lily melted into me, curling up against my chest, and my dick swelled and shifted. “You buy anything?” I asked quietly, speaking almost directly into her ear.

“Yeah, a few things. A pair of sweats, jeans, a couple tops, underwear, shoes, the usual.”

“Hmm, what kinda underwear?” I asked on behalf of my growing cock without thinking, though I didn’t regret it as much I knew I should’ve. I felt her shift under my chin, like she started to lift her head to look up at me, but changed her mind immediately.

“Couple bras, some thongs and g-strings. Why? What’s your favorite kind?”

“Well those booty shorts you left me this morning are next-level sexy.” I knew my erection was undoubtedly obvious through my sweatpants, and with Lily’s head tilted sharply downward, I knew she was staring right at it.

“I’m glad you enjoyed,” Lily replied in a seductive tone, and I knew that I was a sentence or two from fucking from her. But I chickened out.

“I did, and I think I need to go make another present for you.” At that point Lily did look up at me.

“Right now?”

“Yup,” I replied shortly as I slid out from under her, and made for the door. Half a step inside, I looked back and asked her, “you coming?”

“I get to watch? Seriously?” She jumped to her feet excitedly. I was not offering that at all, merely suggesting that she come inside and leave while I did the deed. I opened my mouth to explain the misunderstanding, but seeing the hope and happiness on her face, I couldn’t bring myself to turn her down.

“Yeah, come on,” I replied with a small shrug. “Though I’ve never masturbated with an audience, so I can’t exactly guarantee the quality of the show.”

“Then I’ll make sure to leave a review,” Lily quipped back. Her banter was getting good.

“Awesome, but honestly, anything other than a five is like a zero,” I joked back as I went to my dresser and grabbed my shorts.

“Duly noted. Where should I sit?”

“Foot of the bed is fine,” I suggested. We were both surprisingly casual about the taboo scenario we were entering, perhaps as a result of nerves or a testament of our bond, or because deep down it was what we both wanted.

I grabbed my shorts from the dresser and took a step toward the bathroom to get changed. Then I stopped abruptly, realizing the futility. I was about to jerk off through my gym shorts and ejaculate into the fabric, then pass them off to my daughter to smell while she masturbated in turn. I realized that there was no point in trying to preserve decency anymore, and that we were on a path with an unavoidable twist.

“Nice, front row–” Lily began, but her breath was taken away when I dropped my pants and underwear. My cock had softened a tad, but when her eyes locked on it, mouth agape, looking impressed by my size, it quickly rose to its full glory. “You have a really nice dick, Dad,” she complimented, a sentence I never expected to hear.

“Thank you, I grew it myself.”

Lily giggled and hit me with, “I don’t know, I bet I had a little something to do with it this time,” and I was speechless. I laughed and tipped my head toward her, giving her due credit.

I stepped out of my pants and, though I didn’t usually take my shirt off to masturbate, I did then, because Lily had me feeling sexy and confident. I was blessed with broad shoulders and keeping active provided me decently thick arms and a hard chest. Lower down I had a bit of a gut, but that was an essential part of the Dad-bod, right? I was a couple months from turning 44 and still had a full head of hair and a thick beard, and, if I’m being honest, I’m a somewhat handsome man.

I pulled on my gym shorts and got situated on the bed, reclined with two pillows under my back on the opposite side of where I slept. Lily was the yin to my yang, leaning back on her hands at the foot of the bed, her slender legs stretched out beside me.

I wrapped my hand around my hard on and stroked it a few times, but something was missing: porn. Usually I would find a sexy picture on r/gonewild as a loose reference and just let my mind run wild, imaging women I knew and creating completely fictional chicks to help me to orgasm. Lily was sitting right there, her legs looking amazing, tits popping out of her shirt, but…

“Is this too weird? Should I go?” Lily questioned when my hand stopped moving and my dick started shrinking.

“What? No, no,” I answered quickly, not sure how to explain it, but then I decided to just be honest and forward, as I always strove to be with Lily. “it’s just that I usually look at porn while I do this, but I don’t know,” I said, squeezing my dick and stroking to keep it from deflating completely.

“What kind of porn do you watch?” she asked curiously, which sent a surge of blood to my genitals.

“I just look at pictures of hot girls,” I admitted simply.

“So, would this help?” Lily asked as she sat up and pulled her top down, exposing her breasts. My cock grew almost as fast as my eyes went wide. “I’ll take that as a yes,” she added with a giggle as she pulled her top off over her head and I started jerking my engorged cock.

Lily toyed with her perfect tits for my benefit, squeezing them together, shaking her upper body so they bounced and jiggled, pinching and pulling on her nipples until they were erect. I wanted to play with them so badly.

“Would this help, too?” she asked a she got up on her knees and turned away from me. I knew what she was going to do next, but, as I was mesmerized nonetheless. Her thumbs slipped inside the waistband of her shorts and, bending over a little to accentuate the curve of her rear end, pushed them down her thighs to her knees. Her hands slid back up her thighs to her round, supple cheeks and pulled them apart to show off her pink, puckered butt hole and her tight, hairless slit. Then she turned around and sat back down to remove her shorts entirely.

“You are so sexy,” I told her as I jerked off.

“Thank you,” she replied with a little smile, spreading her legs and parting her outer lips with two fingers. “I’m really wet for you, can you tell?” Her pussy was glowed with the glaze of her arousal, but she knew that as I well as I did, so I didn’t respond, I just watched and beat my meat fervently. My heart was pounding.

While I looked on intently, Lily played with her pussy, focusing on her clit, while her gaze was fixed on on my hand and hard on. Yesterday, I had a good, healthy relationship with my daughter; today we were masturbating together. It was insane.

When Lily slid a finger inside her pussy and moaned, I was pushed beyond the point of no return and quickly told her that I was about to cum.

“Yes, please cum for me, Daddy,” she encouraged, and a second later I did just that. I pulled the fabric taut around the head and let my huge load ooze through to Lily’s absolute delight. “Oh my god, ” she whispered, her eyes wide at the spectacle of my ejaculation.

I grunted hard and my hips bucked against my own grasp while I spewed hot jizz, my eyeline jumping from Lily’s pussy to her tits, then to her eyes. I was surprised and how powerful my orgasm was and how much cum I produced, considering I had already jerked off that day.

My dick was still hard when I removed my shorts, revealing myself to her again, cum smeared all over the head. I tossed my shorts into her lap and she quickly picked them up and brought them to her face. She breathed in deeply through her nose as I expected, savoring my aroma.

To my surprise, Lily then pushed the shorts into her mouth, specifically the section that was drenched with my fresh sperm. She sucked on the fabric, drinking the thick globs that hadn’t even had a chance to soak in yet, then worked her lips and cheeks tongue to draw out as much more as she could.

Her hand was working her pussy fervently, the heel digging into her clit while her middle- and ring finger worked the inside of her pussy. I figured she was about to climax, so I echoed back her encouragement from a moment earlier.

“That’s it, cum for me, baby,” her eyes lifted to look into mine, and they were alive with lust. A second later, she broke, and her hips jerked and her whole body locked up. She groaned and cried out, but with my shorts still stuffed in her mouth, it was all mostly muffled.

She fell back, the top quarter of her body hanging over the edge of the bed, and fingered herself for another minute or so until her orgasm had all but worn off. It was too soon for me to go again, otherwise I would’ve grabbed her and fucked her right then and there.

After she pulled the cloth from her mouth and caught her breath, Lily sat up. “That was so fucking hot,” she said, grinning from ear to ear. Seizing the opportunity, I grabbed the small notepad and pen that I kept on my night stand for when I woke up with a billion-dollar idea.

“So, out of five, how would you rate your experience?” I asked with a straight face as I scribbled on the paper. Lily burst with laughter, falling back again and holding her stomach. It took her a minute to stop laughing and regain her composure and, honestly, that was almost as rewarding as watching her orgasm with the aid of my words and the scent and taste of my cum.

“Seriously, that was amazing,” Lily reiterated.

“Yeah it was,” I confirmed. “You are so fucking sexy,” I added, looking over her nude body, not trying to hide my attraction at all. She bit her lip, flicked her hair over shoulder and leaned back to let me get a good look.

“Do you always cum that much?”

“No,” I responded quickly and honestly. “Do you always taste it like that?”

“No, but only because they’re usually dry before I can get to ’em.”

Silence fell for a moment, then I admitted openly, “I was worried it might be awkward, but, to be honest, I haven’t cum that hard in a long time.”

“Heh, me too,” Lily admitted. “I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard.” She peered down between her legs and my eyes followed and we both noticed the massive wet spot under her. “We have to do this again,” she exclaimed and we both looked up into each other’s eyes.

“Agreed.” I knew it was going to happen again, and I was fine with that, but would I allow it to go further? The question lingered on my mind for a while, though the answer was obvious.



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