[MF] Freshly waxed heavy balls

I just got done waxing all my fun bits for the first time in a long time, and I haven’t been especially horny lately (relatively speaking, because I’m always horny), and it reminded me of the first time I had someone else wax me.

Now, to be clear, this isn’t a porno. We didn’t fuck like porn stars after she was impressed by my magnificent wang. She hurt me, and nothing on earth could have turned me on less at the time. She was a reasonably attractive south Asian woman, but after that pain, I just wanted to go soak in the bath and softly weep.

I took to complaining to some of my female friends about it because they had encouraged me to get it done. Apparently it became a hilarious story to pass around, and I ended up having quite a few women I wasn’t close to.give me grief about it. Thanks, friends.

One of those people was someone I was connected with professionally, and she ended up giving me the 411 on her secrets to waxing and why you should do it yourself. Nothing kinky, no lines crossed, just clear info on products and techniques and why balls are so difficult. The next time I needed waxing, I trues it myself, and it was much better. Lots of awkward bending, but hey. I reached out to thank her and to say that it went much better. She said she was glad to be of service and gave a winky face. It got left there, though I considered joking or flirting about “service.”

A few days later, our jobs had us cross paths and we were extra professional. I did eye her up and down for the first time ever, and wondered what she looked like naked. We finished our work together and parted ways. I was admittedly a bit erect when she left in her long skirt and heels. Again, no promo.

I ended up going out for a few drinks after work, and intended to get a ride home. I went to a Cajun place a few blocks from my office and was there for an hour or so enjoying food and booze while reading a great book when she seriously sat down at my table and said, “well, I need to catch up,” motioning to empty glasses. “Those are just the last couple,” I said, “I don’t think you could handle catching up.” She replied, “Oh, I can handle a lot,” and undid two buttons on her blouse. Ok, we were playing this game.

We did end up getting fairly drunk, but again, no porno. I’m actually not a big casual sex guy and she seemed similarly inclined. We did share a cab and a lot of laughs.

What did happen was increasingly flirty text messages. Never many in a row, but it progressed over time, and she was always extra flirty when I told her it was waxing time again. That should give you an idea of how long this slowly built; I waxed myself 4 times before sexy time happened.

When it did, it started with her outright asking to see it after I’d messaged her that I was getting good at waxing. I said, “you’ll have to see for yourself,” and no joke she was knocking on.my door 15 minutes later. Girl was not messing around. Neither was I… I invited her in and dropped my pajama pants in the entryway.

She tried to appear professional all “inspecting my work,” and I let her. When she stood up, I said, “your turn,” and she didn’t miss a beat taking her dress and panties off. Standing there in heels and a bra, I motioned to a chair in the front room off the entryway, and she spread her legs wide. Perfectly smooth puffy pussy and asshole. My cock jumped a bit, but I pretended to professionally inspect her waxing job, and we talked about bleaching assholes, which neither of us had done (but she didn’t need). I stood back up and asked if she wanted a drink.

This was where she broke the charade and looked disappointed that I didn’t make a move, so I stepped closer and said, “take your bra off and feel how smooth I am.” I kneeled over her with my left leg on the ground and my right knee between her legs, and I played with her sexy breasts as she more closely admired my waxing job. Now, I’m really thick and long, and when I start getting aroused, most women are a bit taken aback. She was no exception.

I told her to put her mouth on me, and she greedily did her best, squeezing my balls as she sloppily sucked on my cock head and ran her tongue all over me. As she got more into it, and I was enjoying the weight of her breasts in my hands, she started grinding her wet pussy on my leg. I took hands off her breasts and tore my cock from her grip to throw her legs back and tease her with the weight of my dick. I rubbed my head between her smooth pussy lips and told her jt wouldn’t be long before my smooth balls were bouncing off her ass.

She whimpered a little and worked her hips, so I started working myself into her. I love that moment when a woman realizes what she’s in for with me, and she was ready for the challenge. I started slow, but she had her first orgasm quickly, and I slowed after that to make sure she wasn’t too sore. I asked, “are you done, or can I go deeper?” She caught her breath and said, “can we find a bed so you can feel how deep I can take you?” We did that.

She did end up getting more sore than she expected, but she had a couple more good orgasms first, and she did feel my balls slapping on her asshole, so mission accomplished there. We had a fun laugh about that (and other things), and ended up having sex somewhat regularly for years. We only stopped that a bit before covid started because I was trying to have less partners. I could write up many great stories about fun that we had. Now, I’m wondering if she needs to evaluate my waxing skills again…

Anyway, that’s how a bad wax job becomes sexy time in my world: way too much time building up a slow burn, then overshooting the mark. Hey, I did end up finishing myself with my hands on her swollen pussy, and that was super sexy. We got better at pacing ourselves, I promise!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/t8f38v/mf_freshly_waxed_heavy_balls