General Arthur’s Conquest – Chapter 1: Princess Olivia and the Handmaidens [MF] [MMF]

Disclaimer: Names, characters, locations, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are of legal age. The story contains heavy elements of non-con and dub-con.


The war has raged on for over a year now, with control of territory on both sides ebbing and flowing over the months. With a huge expanse of land in play, it was almost impossible for either side to defend all their positions at any one time. We captured several villages on the Eastern front last week, only to lose an entire town in the South this week.

I had expected the siege on this outlying castle to be a quick one. We had sprung a surprise attack and quickly surrounded the castle, but faced an unusually strong resistance for an outlying castle. Alas, we stormed past the gates at the break of dawn after three days of fierce fighting. Exhausted by the battle, I sat down on a bench in the courtyard as my lieutenants led the troops to secure the perimeter, do a thorough sweep of the castle grounds and round up all remaining enemy forces.

Capturing a castle, even an outlying one, can give us a strategic advantage. But it also usually means the capture of a well-stocked kitchen, which is always a good morale booster for the troops. We would usually remain in the castle for a couple days as we fill up our bellies with wine and good food, and have a couple nights of rest in the bed chambers. Sometimes, we might even capture a few handmaidens who got left behind by the enemy’s hasty retreat. On such occasions, the troops would plead with me to stay for a few extra days before setting out to conquer our next objective, as they enjoyed the spoils of war.

“General Arthur, look what we found!” Morgan, one of my lieutenants, came up to me with a shit-eating grin, as he led six terrified handmaidens into the great hall, followed by a couple dozen surrendered enemy troops.

Recognising one of the prisoners, the reason for the strong resistance suddenly became clear.

“Sir Clayton! What a surprise to see you here! Hahaha!” I exclaimed. I nodded at my lieutenant, and he stopped mentally undressing the handmaidens for a brief moment to separate the knight from the rest of the prisoners.

I was surprised to see the decorated knight defending this old outlying castle and interrogated him for some time, but got nowhere. “Well, if we are not going to get any useful information out of you…”, I paused, making an act of drawing my sword from its sheath.

“NO!”, one of the handmaidens screamed out, before being shushed and held back by two others.

I turned my attention to the group of handmaidens. The handmaidens were beautiful and well groomed. Their robes appeared to be made of fine linen instead of the more common woollen robes. Handmaidens like these do not usually get assigned to outlying castles such as this. This group of handmaidens wouldn’t look out of place in the Kingdom of Georia’s royal palace.

I pointed at the handmaiden who spoke and ordered her to step forward. She took a small step towards me cautiously, avoiding my gaze. I observed her ill-fitting handmaiden robes, smooth pale skin and manicured nails, as a smile crept across my face. I turned towards the knight and asked “She’s no handmaiden, is she?”.

“Who are you?” I walked up to the trembling handmaiden as I lifted her chin and gazed into her fearful blue eyes. I let my palm linger on her face, slowly caressing her well-defined cheeks framed by a head of long flowing blonde hair.

“Get your filthy Kastran hands off her!” the knight reacted, as Lieutenant Morgan landed a swift kick to the knight’s knee with his armoured boot, bringing him onto the ground, following up with several more kicks as punishment for his insolence.

“Please stop! Don’t hurt him…” the handmaiden begged. I grabbed her jaws with my hand, drawing a wince from her. “Tell me who are you!” I bellowed.

“I-I-I’m O-Olivia. P-P-Princess Olivia of Georia”, she uttered silently between sobs.


The troops were all gathered for the feast when I gave the command. The doors to the dining hall swung open, revealing a resplendent Princess Olivia and her handmaidens, all freshly showered and dressed in clean garbs. Cheers rang out across the hall as Olivia took cautious steps into the hall, having swapped the oversized handmaiden robes for an elegant ivory silk evening gown at my request. Looking radiant in the gown that accentuated her womanly curves, Olivia took gentle steps towards the empty seat next to me at the table, moving with effortless grace and looking every bit like a proper princess.

As she approached, I got up from my seat and pulled out the chair for her. She glared at me, steely eyed with contempt before taking her seat. I smiled as I looked down at her, admiring the sight of her full bosoms that was earlier hidden by her oversized handmaiden robes.

“You look great, princess”. I whispered to her as I leaned in, inhaling a waft of the intoxicating mixture of her floral shampoo and natural womanly scent.

With a snap of my fingers marking the start of the feast, the handmaidens fanned out across the hall and started serving the food to my hungry troops. The troops helped themselves to the food and wine, and handfuls of the handmaidens serving them. I watched with amusement as the handmaidens fought to extricate themselves from the groping hands of one soldier only to fall into the lustful embrace of another.

As the feast went on, the troops got progressively drunker and bolder with their advances on the handmaidens. One of the soldiers grabbed a handmaiden from behind while the other tugged on her robes, pulling it off her shoulders and exposing her naked breasts.

Olivia looked towards me as I hungrily devoured the food on my plate, and back at the commotion in front of her, contemplating if she should speak. By then, the soldier had already taken the brunette handmaiden’s breast into his mouth, sucking on her tender nipples as she fought a futile battle to free herself from the soldiers’ grasp.

“Guys, stop it!” I commanded over the raucous din in the hall.

The entire dining hall fell silent in an instant. Olivia turned to look at me, surprised and relieved, before muttering a thank you under her breath.

“This is not a sight for our dear Princess of Georia. Escort the princess to her chamber”, I continued to loud cheers and laughter from my troops.

I felt a sting on my cheek as Olivia landed a slap on my face before rising from the table and storming out of the dining hall.

With the princess out of the hall and my implicit consent, the troops officially started the after party.

The handmaidens screamed and tried to run as the soldiers quickly cornered them. I could see a few of them already had their cocks out, hard and throbbing as they grabbed at the women.

“No…NO! Pleaseee. No! Arghhh. AHHHHH!” I watched as one of the handmaidens was pinned down on the ground by two soldiers while another ripped the robes off her body. A fourth soldier positioned himself between her legs and grunted as he pushed himself into her folds.

“Aarrgghhhh…Hold her..hold her down. Take my Kastran cock, you Georian cunt!”

Some of the men hung back, waiting for their turns, while a couple mauled at her large breasts. Another was jerking off furiously in front of the distraught handmaiden’s face.

As the bodies parted, the brunette handmaiden came back into view. With her body bent over a bench, she was impaled from both ends. Taking a hard pounding from behind and simultaneously struggling to not choke on Lieutenant Morgan’s impressively-sized cock in her mouth. All the while, two other soldiers guided her hands up and down their respective shafts.

“This pussy is amazing…one of the best I’ve had so far”

“Ooohhh yeaaa! Suck it like you mean it. Bet you’ve never seen one this big. Ahhhh…”

“I bet nobody’s used her ass before. I’m gonna be the first one in there.”, another soldier proclaimed, slowly stroking his own cock while waiting for his turn.

Meanwhile, one of my other lieutenants presented a cute little red head in front of me, naked and shivering in fear. “General Arthur, this one says she’s untouched. You want to go first?”

I placed my hand on her slim waist. Tracing her womanly curves, I brought my hand up to cup her soft ample breasts as tears streaked down her face.

“I have a princess waiting for me in my chamber. You enjoy yourself, Dylan.” I said as I gave the handmaiden’s breast a gentle squeeze.

With a big smile, Lieutenant Dylan thanked me and lifted the woman off the ground with ease, bringing his prize to a quieter spot in a corner of the dining hall.

As I took my leave, I spotted the two other handmaidens near the exit. Two lines of men formed queues behind them, waiting for their turns.

One was pinned down in a prone position by a large man slowly working his cock into her asshole. “P-p-pleasee! S-stop! It hurts…it’s too big!” shaking her head as she pleaded with the man to stop.

The other laid spread eagle on her back, motionless, having given up the fight completely. Her face and body already covered with various loads of cum, she stared into the distance with vacant eyes as the soldier on top of her pounded his cock into her mercilessly.

“Argghhh. Arghh. Ah yessSS. AHHHHH. ” the soldier grunted as he slammed the entire length of his cock into her folds, cuming deep inside the helpless handmaiden. As soon as he pulled out, he was replaced by the next soldier in line, eager for his turn.
