The Consummation [Mf][First]

The Consummation.

*The Proposition and Negotiation [Mast] Pt 2*

Within days of moving into the house, Mia had an interview and was expected to start a training and assessment period for a new job. Oma had started opening the house up. Peter was away for longer than expected, wouldn’t be returning for another week. Peter came home, stayed for two weeks, then left again, without making any demands on them. Oma and Mia helped themselves one night, Peter leaving on his next trip with a smile on his face. Mia’s position firmed up and she began work in a full time job on considerably better wage than she had ever had.

Peter returned from his trip and joined them for dinner on the Friday evening in the kitchen.

“Tomorrow night, we are going to have a private dinner party.” Peter started.

“Oh!” Katja replied, “How many guests?”

“Two.” And Ana knew.

“Yes, and it is about time.” she said. “Mamma has a job, you, Oma, are running the house, and it is time for me to fulfill my part.”

Ana was both relieved and scared by the prospect. Her deflowering was planned, in a bed, not the back seat of a car, with an experienced man, not some zit-covered boy. She wasn’t sure if she should be thrilled or appalled that so much trouble has gone to making this event, it wasn’t a complete unknown, but still it was scary.

The next day, Ana began preparations for her evening. She and Mia went shopping for new clothing, underwear, aiming for sexy, and an evening dress, complete with jacket. Oma had given them a credit card, “He can pay for this,” she said, “Like dressing for a turkey.”

That evening, Ana struggled to get her inner turmoil under control, Ana showered and washed herself. In her room she dressed in her new clothes, feeling very adult. She pulled her new high-heeled shoes out and slipped them on. looking in the dresser mirror, and was stunned at the result. Her long straight hair hung down, framing her face covering her breasts. Ana shrugged and one side of her hair was flicked back over her bare shoulder, exposing the upper bodice, revealing the size of her breast. A gentle tap came at her door and Ana called “Yes, come in.” Mia came in, followed by Katja.

They both stared at her, and she could see the amazed look on their faces. “Look,” said Katja, “Our little girl is a beautiful almost to be woman now. Yes, even more beautiful than ever I was.”

The older women quickly applied some makeup to Ana’s face and gloss to her lips. Mia dabbed a little perfume on Ana’s neck and then took the short jacket that accompanied the dress holding it for Ana to step into. Now dressed and readied, Katja hugged Ana and kissed her lightly, not wishing to disturb the freshly applied makeup. “I love you so much Ana. I really hope it goes well for you now.” Ana responded to the hug, nodded and said, “This is not an execution, ladies. I am filled with your love so be happy for me, and be glad for the best possible introduction to an adult life we could ever hope for.”

Katja left, making her way around to the kitchen. Mia and Ana walked, carefully up to the head of the stairs without major incident, they continued their slow march to the dining room. They hugged and Mia said, “He will be waiting for you, enjoy yourself – enjoy him.” Mia let her daughter go and headed back to the stairwell. Ana took a deep breath and steeled her nerve. She placed her hand on the door handle and turned it, the door opened and she went in.

As she entered, Peter turned and looked at her, agape, drawing a breath. “Wow! You are stunning!” he stammered out, just looking at her.

“Thank you, sir, for your kind words to this poor little girl.”

“Little girl? I do not believe that is an expression that could ever be applied to you again! Please, come in, sit down. Glass of wine?”

“Oh no, thank you Peter, I think I will need to be a little older before I take a glass of anything. An acquired taste apparently.”

“Plenty of water on the table.” He gestured and the table was small and well appointed. Gentle music played low in the background, the lighting muted, making it more intimate. Yes, Ana thought, he’s a romantic. The center of the table held a candelabra and Peter lit all three candles, turning the overhead lights to a low setting.

He beckoned her to the table, held her chair as she sat.”Mmm that is a lovely perfume,” he said. She smiled and thought, now he is trying too hard to get me to relax. “Thank you, again,” she said a little nervously.

Peter picked up his glass and quaffed it, then put it down. “Believe it or not, I am actually nervous too, now.” he smiled shyly. “I was certainly not prepared for this, you have simply knocked me over and I am not sure what to do next. This is not a feeling I have had for many years and really do not wish to experience it.” He paused, “What do we talk about?”

“Well, can you tell me a little about the house?” she asked.

Peter started, smiling, “The original house was built by my great-grandfather in the 1880’s, it was a lot smaller than this. Basically, the north wing is the site of the original house. Grandfather added the western range and the south wing, my father added the second story when he demolished the old house and replaced it with the north wing. We didn’t need the ballroom in the south wing anymore so Lauren-” he stopped, “Lauren converted it to a gym and had a lap pool put in.”

“Lauren, your late wife?”

“Yes, but please, I do not want to be talking about her.” He said curtly.

“I’m sorry. Please, go on. A ballroom?”

“Yes, great-grandfather built the ballroom, when he built the south wing he made it into a ballroom. My father told me that it was used as such five times, when it was first built, about 1905, in 1917 to farewell the men who volunteered for the first war, then for those who few made it home. Again in 1942, to farewell men who were leaving to go to Europe and the Pacific wars. A war bond ball was held here in 1944 and that was the last time. My brother and I used to play there when we were children but it was deteriorating even then. It was redeveloped but has not been used. I just do not have time.”

“This is a big house, it must have any number of interesting stories about it.”

“It does, but right now, the lechery and immorality of past ages seems a little out of place here tonight,” Peter smiled.

“Oh, I don’t know. Are you keeping up a family tradition then?” Ana laughed.

“Oh yes, for sure.” He grinned, “Great-great-grandfather was devastated when they took his slave girls away, but apparently he quickly replaced them with female servants. Great-grandfather had more female servants than his father. Apparently he sent any illegitimate children out into the world with an education and a generous cash gift. There used to be a schoolhouse on the grounds, and the teacher was always young and pretty apparently. Few lasted more than a year or two. Father told me that a number of men who went off to the first war were his father’s half brothers, and more than one engagement was called off because the couple were too closely related.”

“From what I understand, it was not that different in other parts of the world.”

“I have always been terrified of the possibility of some stranger knocking on the door and introducing himself as my brother though. Grandfather and father did not hold with abstention. They both chased anything that was breathing, but they were a lot smarter. They personally employed a doctor specifically for abortions at the local hospital. The local law looked the other way, and then, Roe v Wade took any risk out of it. Along with better contraception and the Pill, it changed but by then, father was well into his fifties. That he died saved us a lot of embarrassment now, I suspect. Workplace harassment charges are all the rage right now.”

“And your sins, what are they?”

“All of the flesh actually, and only when I met Mia, then Katja, and now you, that I have taken on the flaws of my ancestors. But that is enough. Food time,” he said as the light soups appeared in the dumb waiter.

The conversation turned light then, “Oh, I asked John to make sure the pool and gym are usable, but I am assuming you know how to swim.” Ana nodded, “Good, then you can use the pool. Perhaps Katja and Mia would make use of the pool as well?” Again, Ana nodded. “The equipment in the gym is probably no good, but if you talk to John he will get in some more.” Ana nodded again. “And John has already begun restoring the sauna, I understand. When that is done, then you can use that as well.”

“That is very generous, but why are you doing all this?”

“The three of you have brought more life into this place in a few weeks than it has had in the last decade. Katja has let in the light, banishing the shadows I had allowed to accumulate. I have heard you and Mia around the house, and the grounds, making more noise than essential, but less than necessary to bring the house alive again. In the last weeks, you have wrecked my carefully ordered and incredibly singular life, just by being here. I don’t think I want it back again.”

“You should be grumpy and unhappy that we have disrupted your life!”

“Yes, I should, but I never knew how much I hated that life. I’m relieved that it’s now obvious that I hated it. I was incredibly unhappy and I put it down to grieving, and for a while that was true, but it had long since turned into self pity. Then the weekend before last, I learned what I was really missing. That is why I did not see you before leaving on my last trip and I was dead drunk the night I got home. Waking up with Katja the next morning made me see it all over again, and then Mia the next morning. I think in their own way they actually like me, which is why we are still getting along, still together, why our relationships have become this. God knows, I cert-” He stopped. “Then there is you.”

“Yes me.” Ana said. “Please do not think that our having sex is going to affect your relations with Oma and mamma – I sorted that first. You can still have them any time you want, singularly or together. In time, I might join you as well, we shall see on that one, but I am considering it.”

“Are you really?” he asked, “In your own time then?” Ana nodded. “I wasn’t even going to ask until you had mentioned it. I had fantasized about it, particularly after the evening of the signing of our agreement. You know how sexy that was?”

“Yes, I had a glimpse of it after you left. I was watching mamma and Oma, that was incredibly sexy. If you had still been there, I might have had my knickers down and let you have me then and there.” They smiled and Ana could feel the tension mounting inside her. She knew what the outcome was going to be, but foreknowledge did not make the evening any more relaxing.

Through the salad, Peter talked about the house, relating scandalous stories of his forebears, of his and David’s, his older brother, adventures around the grounds. The land around the house is a lot smaller than it used to be. Their father had parceled sections up, subdivided them and sold them off for housing. He also remembered extending the hedge. Originally, he said, the hedge was a windbreak, but then it became a privacy screen. The food eventually ran out and talk became more intimate.

“When you met Katja, you said you changed. Why? How?”

“My life has always been dull. I know I got to travel, but there has never been anything adventurous about it. I was not allowed to have a gap year, it was in to college and then to work. Father had no idea what recreation is, and neither do I really. For him, it was sex, for me it was getting away from him, which is why I traveled a lot. I always visited factories, met with people. I learned that Father disliked travelling so we did a deal that saved my sanity, I think. When I was home he would drive me crazy. Cost me a few early girlfriends, but then I met Lauren, we married, had a baby boy and life was good – as long as I kept travelling. I don’t think Lauren minded me being away, she didn’t have to make herself available to me often and it didn’t matter. Then I went to Florence and took Lauren and Jon with me.”

“Where you met Mia.”

“Yes, I saw her in the street near the hotel and was taken by her beauty. Then I saw her again, the next day. I saw her and then I caught her reflection in a store window, going in the same direction as me. I let her get ahead then she turned down the dead end alley next to the hotel and there was only two doors she could have used. She turned into the employees entrance of the hotel. I didn’t think much of it, but a few minutes later, she is knocking on our door to clean the room. When I opened the door I was hit with this incredible wave of desire I had never felt before. By the end of the day, I knew her name, and everything I could find out about her. The next morning, I spoke to her and that night, well, it was the greatest night of my life to that point. When she introduced me to Katja, I was hit doubly hard.”

“Yes, together they could have that power.”

“I found something out about myself there, and obviously Mia and Katja were a part of it. I really missed them when we left Florence, and after coming home, I knew I was confined by my life and was really unhappy. I did try other women, but they weren’t Mia or Katja. Father saw it, I think he was happy with me, for the first time.”

“That’s a little mean. I’m glad you are not like him.”

“Aren’t I? I try not to be but sometimes…”

“Well, that is a conversation for another day, perhaps. Right now, I think I want to move on.” Ana said, taking the lead.

Peter smiled and said, “Yes, please, lets.” He stood and took Ana by the hand, urging her to her feet. He took her into his arms and kissed her. She kissed him back, as best she could and she felt his hands start to roam over her body. He gently squeezed her ass and then slowly slid his hand to her breast. When they broke he said, “Come with me.”

Peter led her to the master bedroom. Ana had never been in it before and on entering the chamber, Ana saw a huge bed inside a huge room. Off to one side was an open corridor where she could see hanging clothes. She had never seen a walk-in robe before and behind that there was yet another room.

“That is the dressing room, and behind that is a full bathroom. You can see my clothes on one side and there is something for you on the other.” He continued to draw her towards the large bed. Stopping again, he kissed her and again ran his hands over her body and his fingers found the clasp at the top of her dress. Undoing it, he felt for the zip and slowly slid it down. She could feel her heart pumping faster and her breathing getting more rapid. She felt her dress sliding off her, as Peter moved slightly away from her, which gave her the opportunity to push his jacket of his shoulders. She had never undressed anyone else before and found herself wondering what she should do next. Buttons on shirts seemed a good idea, so she undid a single button then pushed her hand inside the shirt to feel the smooth skin of his chest.

Peter had been running his hands over her back and slowly centered onto her bra clasp. He undid it and she felt the band loosen as it fell apart. He pulled the shoulder straps off and allowed the bra to fall off her. Ana reached down and fumbled with the belt of his trousers, not quite getting the belt out of the buckle so she ran her hand down over the fly to feel his stiffening cock under the material of his clothes. Peter drew her over to the king sized bed and laid her down on the covers.

Continuing to kiss her, Peter rolled Ana onto her back and kissed her neck then down to her exposed breasts. Ana was sensitive to the light touches he was making on her chest and over her breasts. She could feel his fingers sliding softly over her skin, making her feel far more aroused and sexy than she had ever felt before. Peter touched the line of her ribs running his hand down to her hip. She thought he might take her knickers off but he ran his hand straight over the top of the band and continued touching her down the thigh. He had nearly made it to her knee when he could go no further, his fingers trailing back up the front of the thigh, then over the top of her mons and down the front of her other leg. When he reached the limit of his arm, he slid his fingers to the inside of her thigh and so gently ran his fingers up to the top of her leg. She could feel herself getting more aroused as his fingers came ever closer to her covered vagina. When he got there, Peter did not stop as she expected him to.

Ana gasped as his fingers crossed over her knickers enclosed vagina but did not stop. Again he trailed his fingers down the inside of her thigh and as his hand moved down, so did his head. He kissed her ribs, under the breasts, and down, towards her navel. Stopping there, he lapped it softly, poking his tongue into the opening and then rimming the edge, to poke his tongue into her navel again. His fingers trailed down even further, then he gently pushed a knee to a side and ran his fingers down the back of her calf muscle. His mouth moved closer and closer to her lace covered mons, and his fingers reversed themselves, making their way back up again, until they reached the back of the knee. Ana felt a thrill shoot through her leg and into her vagina making her gasp again.

Slowly, Peter touched her inner thigh, his soft touch sliding upwards again. He repositioned himself between her legs, his face below her crotch, giving him a good view of her. He then placed his hand over her clothed vagina where he started to massage it. The heel of his hand pushed the lacy material of her knickers into the now aroused lips of her labia. Ana felt an equal pressure on her clitoris as she pushed her hips upward slightly to take advantage of his masturbating her. Hip lips moved over the soft inner thighs of her legs as he continued to massage her vagina. Her body began to respond more urgently, her breathing increasingly ragged when he replaced his hand with his mouth. Ana just about jumped out of her skin as he did this, feeling the hardened ridges of his teeth wiping down over her clit and then his mouth drawing her now soaked knickers into it.

Ana felt his fingers under the band of her knickers and he pulled them off her. She lifted her ass to make it easier for them to come off and as she felt them disappear, she dropped her legs spreading them as much as she dared to give him complete access to her now fully exposed body. Peter immediately began to mouth her labia, and pushed his tongue into her. He reached up with his hand to fondle a breast, its nipple now a hardened nubbin under his fingers. Her moans and groans of pure pleasure seemed to spark Peter’s efforts as he mouthed and tongued her. Ana began to pump herself into his mouth feeling more intense sensations as she did when she was masturbating and about to cum.

The empty feeling in the base of her stomach rapidly spread as a tightening of the muscles in the lower part of her body. The sensational tingling that began in her vagina spread and met this emptiness, just sweeping it away, forcing every muscle in her stomach and thighs to quiver, to snap them in one massive convulsion, spasm as he tongued her clit. Pushing herself into his mouth she orgasmed harder than she had ever done before. Wave after wave of pleasure seeped through her and out her mouth, lifting her shoulders off the bed. Ana fell back and her muscles felt like a jelly in the aftermath of that explosion of effort. She registered, rather than felt, Peter’s tongue still lapping at her clit as she caught her breath again.

“Oh,” she said, “That was wonderful, Peter, you can do that to me anytime.”

Peter lifted his head and replied, “You taste very nice, very nice indeed.” And returned to what he was doing.

“Oh boy, you better stop. I want the rest of it now. I think I really want you inside me, come and take my virginity properly. I probably won’t have the energy to do it if you make me cum again.”

Peter got to his knees, between her legs, and finished undoing the buttons of his shirt. Taking it off, Ana marveled at the smooth skin of his chest. He didn’t exercise all that much, from what she saw of his daily routine, he was not fat, not well muscled but showed no fat. He undid the belt of his trousers and then the zip, pulling them down Ana noted the size of the real tent now pushing to one side of his boxers. He slid off the bed and stood alongside it to drop his pants and then the boxers disappeared. For the first time, Ana looked at the size of his rampant cock. It seemed a lot bigger this time than it had before, fear then rising in her. She knew, intellectually, it was ill-founded, but for the first time ever, she was being ruled by her sexuality. He was going to stick that prong into her. She knew with a certainty she wasn’t going to stop it, she did not want to, but she feared it.

Peter reached over to the night stand and spread a thick bath sheet out, indicating Ana should lie on the towel. He positioned her so that her ass was well and truly on it. Beginning with her feet, Peter kissed the instep, then the ankle, then up the shin to the knee, up the thigh, again stopping at her virginal slit to make sure she was ready to receive his cock. He then moved further up, over her stomach, to her breasts and finally, kissing her on the mouth.

Ana felt his body covering her, his skin gliding over hers, his stomach sliding over her pubic hair. She felt his lips on hers and she eagerly returned his kiss, feeling his cock probing its way into folds of the aroused tissue of her labia. It caught and she felt the knob of his prong entering her, slowly, almost gingerly. “Ooh yes, I can feel it, in me!” she moaned.

“Only a little way,” Peter said, “Yes, in and stopped.” Ana felt it come press on the hymen and not move any further, it was okay but Peter was not moving to drive it deeper. Ana tried to push her hips upward, to force him into her, “No, relax for a moment,” he said, “Get ready, I am going to push right in when you are relaxed.” Ana tried to lay back and with just with the knob inside her, she was feeling so aroused that her fears and nervousness evaporated in the face of of the inevitability of what was happening. There was something reassuring, or natural, having him lying on her, his cock parting her labia lips – then he pushed. She felt the insistence of that rod, demanding it be allowed entrance deeper into her. The refusal of the hymen did not last long as he pulled back then much more firmly, pushed in again. This time she felt something give, it tore open, parting before the strength of his thrust. Then she was hit by a short, sharp pain which made her cry out with its unexpectedness. The pain passed and she felt Peter’s cock sliding inside her, then pulling out a bit, then pushing in deeper again. Each time he pushed, is seemed to be opening her more and deeper.

“Tight, so tight,” he said. Within a short space of time, his breathing became ragged and his thrusts more demanding his moans more urgent and he cried, “Ohh, I am cumming, NOW!” Ana felt a throb inside her as Peter moved within her, suddenly it seemed far more slippery than it had been, coinciding with his moans. His weight collapsed onto her, but she was not really made uncomfortable by it. Obviously he had cum and was now gasping with the expenditure of effort. Well, he was doing an awful lot of work, she reasoned. She held him as she felt the swelling of his dick declined. It wasn’t long before he fell out of her. Was that it? She thought. God, she better not say anything like that, she continued thinking. Well, that was nice, a little anyway. She didn’t like the pain of her hymen being broken, but once she got past that it did not seem to be seriously uncomfortable, at least, to the point where she couldn’t continue. She was still feeling a little tender there, but not seriously so.

Peter was saying something but he seemed to be a long way off. “Mmm?” she mumbled, returning her attention to Peter.

“I was saying I gotta move, but you relax and I’ll take care of everything.”

“OK,” Ana replied, but she seemed to be somewhere between dozing and sleeping. She felt Peter moving and his weight lifted off her as he rolled onto his side. He wriggled off the bed and she felt him leaving the room. The thought of being alone right now disturbed her, but was not distressing, she felt like she wanted a warm body alongside her right now. In what seemed an indeterminate passage of time, she felt Peter returning with something in his hands. He put it on the night stand next to the bed and Ana heard the soft splashing of water. Peter said something that did not quite register on her consciousness, she replied, “OK,” anyway. She felt the soft ministrations of a warm, wet, face washer wiping over her vagina and inner thighs. Still this made little impression on her, a blurry image of Peter rinsing the face washer then wiping himself dimly registered as something that was not threatening. Ana was not really noticing much at this point, she was absorbed in what had happened from the dinner table to the moment that she was pierced then Peter’s collapse on top of her.

Going over everything, the sensations, the movements, the feeling of the sheets under her, the rough towelling under her ass, the silky smoothness of Peter’s skin, the hard facial musculature of his lips. Deep inside her, she knew she wanted more, but right now, she was being swamped with so many emotions and physical feelings that she felt like she wanted to switch off for an hour or two. She felt Peter drying her vagina and inner thighs then tugging at the towel under her. She lifted her hips slightly. “Mmm.” she mumbled, “Thank you, but I think I am going to sleep now.”

“Yes, rest now, later we can learn how to make love properly.” Peter looked down on the naked form of this beautiful girl and felt an unfamiliar surge of emotion. What that was, he did not know, but he felt there was more to this than he had thought. It wasn’t love, more a lust driven affection, a wish to protect and more than a little desire to keep her in his bed, Peter thought. Now the deed was done, Peter was surprised to find it actually meant something to him. Lying awake, as Ana slipped into sleep, Peter reviewed the last few weeks in his memory.

When Katja rang him to let him know they were in going to be severe financial difficulty, his first thought was to get the two women into his home. Mrs. Johnson had already indicated she wanted to retire, but he had kept putting her off. This was a golden opportunity to make sure that, when he was home, he would have someone in his bed if he needed them. Either one, or both together was as far as he was thinking at that point. In their time together, Ana was still a child, in his mind, he had not appreciated that she was now fourteen, if asked, he would has thought she was about ten or eleven years old. She did not factor into his thinking at all. Then Mia mentioned that Ana was now going to have to change high schools, and he realized that for her to be at high school, not junior high, he was not really keeping up with her. They had not met all that frequently, as Peter’s visits were either during the day when she was at school or at night, usually after she had gone to bed, but the few occasions they did meet, even Peter saw she was going to be an extraordinarily beautiful woman. Then he included her in his plans, but then, something happened. Ana was not just the usable asset he saw, she made herself a person to him.

She challenged him. His concepts of these two women were limited to their being sexually available to him. That is, in part, why he was not overly interested in meeting other women. There was no sexual drive to do so. Socially, well, who cared, he had his work. Sometimes, he would fuck Katja then go back to the office, or come from the airport and stop in to fuck Mia, or both of them, depending how he felt. Having both of them in bed was exciting, always. They had a genuine romance he thought, which made watching them having sex a real pleasure, making him really insatiable. For the first time though, Peter thought he has made a mistake. Forcing Ana into their games has changed it all, not just the physical dynamic which Peter thought he could handle, but it added an emotional dimension that he was not sure he could cope with. Peter thought, ‘Am I feeling again?’

Ana woke and for a moment did not know where she was. Then it all came back to her, the dinner, the sex. She had done IT! She was no longer a virgin. She had felt a man’s cock inside her, and he had cum in her. She stretched like a cat at the feeling she was now no longer a child, but a real woman. She realized she was naked and that the man was still alongside her, breathing in and out in the same sort of rhythmic pattern she had heard mamma when she was asleep. Trying not to disturb him, Ana slid out from under the quilt and, in the very dim light, made her way through the connecting walk-in robe into the bathroom. Fumbling for the light switch she winced at the bright light that washed the room when she found it. She used the toilet and then washed herself with a damp wash cloth she warmed up under the hot water tap. She found the large bath sheet that Peter had placed under her and saw a blood stain, her hymen, she thought. This reminded her that her vagina was a little tender but not overly sore. It wasn’t a bad experience, but it did ensure she would never forget it. Drying herself, Ana considered what it was that she wanted to do next. She flicked the light off and stood in the darkness until her eyes adjusted, making her way back to bed.

She was now cooled off by the walk to the bathroom, so she waited until she had warmed up a little. She had placed her hand into her armpit to warm it and when she felt it was ready, she very gingerly, reached out to Peter, to hunt under the covers for his cock. She found it and started to gently stroke him. It wasn’t long before she was rewarded with a hardening of that silky skin as he became erect. She really wanted to get down and put it into her mouth, but not just yet, she thought, that would be something for later.

Peter woke when Ana got out of the bed, but said nothing and he was really only dozing when she returned. He felt her fingers on his skin, wondering what she was doing, but he kept still and when she gently took his cock, he was thrilled. Oh yes, this was one sexy babe, just like her mother. Her hand stroked up and down bringing it to life again. He moved to let her know he was awake and he reached for her, pulling her closer. The skin of her breasts, her nipples brushed his arm as he leaned over further, kissing her. She continued pulling his cock, making him hard and she then pushed his shoulder backward. As he rolled back, she straddled him, pushing the bed linen off of them, feeling around for his cock. She found it and held it upright, then lowered herself onto him. Where did she get that idea from? Peter thought. He would have expected her to be sore still, after all, it has only been a few hours since he broke her hymen. She bounced up and down on him for a while, then rocked back and forward, rubbing her clit on his pubic hair.

She slowed down then allowed herself to slump forward and kiss him while he was buried deep inside her. Having her mouth filled with his tongue and her vagina with his cock was really nice. What about the other way round, she thought. Lifting off him, she turned her body and straddled his face, then leaned down to take his rampant prick into her mouth. She was certainly no expert in oral sex, she knew, but she knew she liked getting it. It wasn’t long before Ana felt the upsurge in the little spasms that were signalling orgasm. She took too much of his prong in her mouth and gagged just as she started to cum. Fuck, she thought, as she coughed Peter’s cock out of her mouth. Lost the orgasm. It did not seem to bother Peter at all, he just kept lapping at her labia and circling her clit bringing her back to a new peak. Ana shuddered all over as the pleasure of her orgasm reached over her body.

After a few moments of rest, Ana returned to sucking his cock. She thought back to the night of their agreeing and tried to get her movements right. She was rubbish and she was rapidly running out of steam. Peter must have felt it as he left off lapping her and started to move around on her. Holding her, rolling over to be on top of her again, he drove into her far more quickly and easily than he had before. Thrusting in and out as far as he could, Peter heard the sound of their skin slapping together, the moans and grunts of their rutting coinciding with the slams of the bed. Their joint excitement spurring Peter onward to thrust even harder as he neared his second ejaculation of the night.

“I am cumming! Can’t hold it any longer!” he cried, “Argghh.” he cried as he spurted his semen into her. Ana held him, pulling him in as deep as she could by wrapping her legs tightly around him. “Yes,” she called, “Give me your cum!” They collapsed in each other’s arms. After a few moments, the late night cool enveloped them, Peter found the energy to pull the quilt over them. They cuddled for a few moments, warming each other, but sleep was not quite coming. Peter started talking. For the first time in a very long time he spoke about his wife and child, opening up to Ana in a way he had never done with anyone else. Ana let him speak, encouraging him from time to time with a question or a comment. Soon though, Peter ran down and they both quickly delved into the sleep of the satiated, relaxed and comfortable in each other’s arms.

Both stayed asleep for quite a while, and when Peter woke, Ana was lying with her back to him, her ass cuddled into his crotch. He felt his morning wood right between her cheeks. Moving slowly, Peter got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. There was enough morning light but he sat on the toilet, thinking about what had occurred during the night. Why had he talked to her. He had never done so with Mia, so why her? What made her so different? He definitely wanted more of her, her willingness to play was unbelievable, nothing shy about her, he thought. Finishing his business, Peter ran his hand over his chin and thought a shower and a shave before going back to bed would be to his benefit.

Turning the shower on, he stepped into the hot stream of water and caught movement at the door. Ana came in, her hair bed mussed, but looking gorgeous completely naked. She smiled at him, “Good idea,” she croaked as she sat on the toilet. Peter heard the splash of her pee and he smiled in memory, Lauren would never have done that. Ana wiped herself and flushed the toilet, then marched straight into the shower, joining him. She picked up the bar of soap and began to wash her body, paying particular attention to her vagina. When she was well lathered, she then started to lather him, particularly his cock. Peter laughed at the brazenness of this woman, then held her close, squirming on her, enjoying the sensuous touch of slippery skin on skin.

Ana too enjoyed it, and when the lather was washed away by the running water, she began to wipe him over, making sure there was no soap bubbles on him, again paying particular attention to his prick. When there was none left, she immediately got onto her knees, and without warning, started to suck him. Already erect from her attentions, Peter was just enjoying himself as he felt her lips wrapped around him. Jeez, he thought, she had sex for the first time last night and this was the third time she had his dick in her mouth. She was willing to learn but not very good at it yet. Peter stood her up, turned her away from him and held one hand on her hip and pushed her shoulders forward. She quickly grasped the idea and spread her feet apart so his dick could slide into her.

He quickly found the vaginal opening and thrust into her, pushing as she held herself on the wall of the shower cubicle. Peter tried to reach around and fondle a breast as he was fucking her, but she was too far forward. In and out when his rock hard piston, driving her to pleasure when he heard her say, “Don’t cum in me, cum in my mouth. Let me know and shoot into my mouth.” “Are you sure?” he asked, surprised at her request. “Ooh yeah,” she replied.

The very thought of her asking became such a turn on for him as he rammed into her again and again. His balls tightened, the muscles at the base of the scrotum tensioned and the nerves all over his knob were screaming for release. Peter held it for as long as he could and grunted, “Now, move now!” Without any hesitation, Ana disengaged and spun around, quickly got to her knees again and aimed Peter’s cock into her mouth. The movement took a little too long disrupting his shot. Peter took his prick in his hand and stroked it, bringing him back to the edge, “Open wide,” he said, “Ugh- ‘coz here it cums!” Ana obliged and with the knob of Peter’s cock resting on her bottom lip, she felt it spasm and a hot stream of semen hit the roof of her mouth and then the back of her throat. She enclosed his cock with her lips and pushed forward, taking as much of it into her mouth as she could. She sucked in and was rewarded with another gob of semen in her throat. “FUUUCK!” cried Peter, “You are un-fucking-believable.”

Ana realized that this was the third time in less than twelve hours he had cum, so this would not be a lot of semen. She swirled it in her mouth and swallowed, savoring the mixture of slightly metallic, salty tastes and blandness. Even allowing for the shower water, it was a pretty tasty start to the day, Ana thought. She stood and went to kiss Peter but he shied off. “Not many men would like a taste of their own cum, Ana.” he said. Ahhh, she thought and then rinsed her mouth in the shower stream. She then kissed him, and when she finished, she said, “You don’t know what you are missing, its actually good.” “No, I think I will forego the pleasure my lovely, but please, indulge yourself whenever you feel like it.”

“It’s not that easy to suck you. Mamma and Oma might be OK but I am just not up to their standards I expect.”

“Well,” Peter said smiling, “I appreciate that, but you are very new at all this.” He hugged her naked body feeling her breasts on his chest and her clipped pubic hair on his now shrunken cock. “You will get the hang of it as you get more experience.”

“You made me cum with your tongue, twice. I was only trying to return the favor.”

“Oh Ana,” Peter started, “you are off to a brilliant start in your sex life, but take your time, no need to do it all at once. Takes time to learn these things.”

“Well, I am a fast learner and I think I am becoming an eager learner now.” she smiled. They finished in the shower, toweled each other off and she led him by the hand, back to the bed where he showed her more about cunnilingus. She didn’t complain about being sore and was energetic enough to keep going, rapidly out-stripping him. Peter gave up, he told her he just could not keep going. Ana laughed and said, “And here am I, absolutely worn out and thinking when are you ever going to stop? I need some sleep!” Ana cuddled into him, kissed him and said, “Let me sleep for the rest of the day, please!” He laughed and within minutes, they were sound asleep, ignoring the rest of the world.

As sleep claimed her, Ana thought, it is done, several times done, and I love being fucked, a man’s cock in me, now I can really start to explore.


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