THE MIRROR by Fict – Ch. 01


Hi. I’m Fict. I know some of my readers are eagerly anticipating the next chapters in [Online Chastity]( and [The Suit]( I promise you; they are coming. This was just an idea that popped into my head, and I had to get it down on “paper.” I hope that it whets your appetite and leaves you craving more.


A man finds a mirror in the attic of his new house that reflects a gender swapped version of whomever stands before it.


THE MIRROR – Chapter 01

Paul and Stacy had just moved into their new house. Well, it wasn’t new at all. It was a centennial home. It needed a lot of work, but Stacy had fallen in love with the architecture and Paul couldn’t’ say no.

They had been moving in all weekend and Paul was taking the extra boxes up to the attic. That’s when he spotted the tarp. The attic was full when they had originally seen the house, so the previous owners must have forgotten to take something. Their loss, Paul thought. Might be an antique!

He pulled the tarp down and dust filled the air. It was an ornate wooden frame with two legs on either side. As he walked in front of the mirror for the first time, he nearly screamed. And so did she. His reflection wasn’t his own. It was a woman… but she could have been his twin. Brown hair, brown eyes, thin, similar features… but feminine. A rounder face, round hips, breasts. She was his feminine reflection.

Paul moved side to side, staring into his own eyes. They were still his eyes. Looking back at the hatch in the floor that led to the house, then to his feminine self, he quickly pulled up his shirt and saw her breasts. She wasn’t ashamed. She was him. She was his reflection.

“Babe? Did you get lost up there?” Stacy called from the main floor.

Paul dropped his shirt and looked between the hatch and the mirror.

“Babe?” Stacy called.

“Yeah, I’ll be right down.” Paul called back.

Walking up to the mirror, he looked at his reflection closely. She looked back, just as confused. He put a hand up to the mirror and felt nothing as it passed through the glass. Pushing his hand deeper, his reflection did the same. It looked as if they were connected at the wrist, and yet, he felt absolutely nothing as his hand moved deeper into the mirror.

Pulling his hand back out, Paul walked around to the back of the mirror and saw a wood panel, just as any old mirror would have. Stepping back in front he looked at his feminine self, took a breath, closes his eyes, and stepped through.

Feeling nothing at all, Paul opened his eyes to find that he had turned around. No, wait, he hadn’t turned around, everything was reversed. Looking down he saw that he now had the feminine form that was staring back at him from the other side of the mirror.

Turning around, he saw himself do the same. Now, Paul was looking at the reflection he had seen his whole life. It was him, and he had become her. Lifting his shirt again, he watched as his reflection did the same. In the mirror he saw the body that he knew. Looking down he saw breasts. He lifted them up a little. They were heavy. He wasn’t expecting that. He pinched his nipple and felt it harden as a moan inadvertently escaped his lips.

“Hello?” Paul said. But it wasn’t his voice. It was a little gravely, but feminine. Higher pitched. He nervously stepped back through the mirror and found himself back in his masculine form, looking down at his hands.

“Babe! Did you say something?” Stacy yelled climbing into the attic. “What are you doing? Oh, is that an antique?”

“Come here, tell me what you see.” Paul motioned towards her.

Stacy stepped up beside him and yelped. “What is this?”

“You see it, right?” Paul looked to his wife nervously.

“Of course I see it! Who are they? Is this like… a magic face swap trick?” Stacy skeptically watched as the male version of herself moved in sync with her. He was blond, fit… and masculine. A square jaw and toned pecks where her breasts should have been.

“No, it’s us.” Paul said, pulling Stacy closer to the mirror.

Paul took Stacy by the hand, and pushed both of their hands through the mirror.

“What is this?” Stacy’s voice was shaking.

“Trust me.” Paul said, guiding her towards the mirror. Stacy closed her eyes and they stepped through together.

On the other side, Stacy opened her eyes to find that she had become the man who was staring back at her from the mirror. Paul was the woman she had seen beside the man.

“baby?” Stacy’s voice was shaking.

“Isn’t it amazing?” Paul responded.

“I want to go back.” Stacy said.

“Don’t you wanna… see?” Paul motioned towards Stacy’s crotch.

“Babe!” Stacy hit Paul.

“Hey, don’t hit a girl.” Paul said with a grin.

“How are you not freaking out right now?” Stacy was looking back at the mirror. She clearly longed to be back in the body she was used to and her reflection provided some comfort.

“I’m freaking out… but this is also amazing. What is this place?! Like… if you hadn’t come up the stairs and I had gone down these stairs in here… would I have found this version of you here? But like… that version of you was always a guy?”

“I don’t know. Can we go back?” Stacy couldn’t stop looking at her reflection.

“Yeah, okay. But don’t you wanna…”

“I wanna go back.” Stacy cut Paul off, grabbing Paul’s hand and pulling His female self towards the mirror.

Together they stepped back through. Stacy looked down at her body and exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding in. “I think we should break it.” She said.

“What?! Aren’t you curious how this is even possible?

“I don’t like it.” Stacy said. “I want to get rid of it.”

Stacy couldn’t’ help but stare at her reflection once again, but this time it was with uncertainty. She didn’t like the guy that was staring back at her.

Paul knew Stacy would take some time to process… and then she would see that the curiosity of this thing was too much to ignore. They would explore it again. At the very least, it would be worth a fortune. His eyes lingered on the female version of himself, mind racing at the possibilities. She would come around…


To be continued in THE MIRROR – Chapter 02
