Forced to Cheat.A woman ripped off her dignity . [BDSM] [Domination] [Dom] [Submission] [Sub] . Rivalry .Prt 1

Varun and ankit were business tycoons and rivals of each other. Ankit due to illegal practices had put many businessman to a huge loss and same he had planned for Varun . But Varun was wittier than Ankit , he had already planned how to put ankit behind the bars with all the evidences which would destroy his business and bring profit to him. Varun kept a track on ankit’s activity through a spy in ankit’s building . Ankit didn’t see that coming making Varun get hold of the strong evidence against ankit and ankit was kept in police custody. Ankit had a very beautiful wife named Manvi. Everytime ankit would attend a function with his wife , the wives of other businessman would be jealous of her, as Manvi made their husbands stare greedily at her . As manvi aged, she became more desirable for men at the business gathering because she maintained herself very well and was not like those of wives who lost their shape with age. Now as Ankit was jailed and had lost all his shares to compensate for his previous illegal activities and looting up other businessman but still ankit’s property and shares were not enough to compensate whole money. Manvi was too depressed. She had to rent a flat . She didnt knew how she is going to manage things with just her shares. Suddenly Manvi gets a call from her lawyer and her lawyer informed her that all their business rivals had now registered a case against ankit and there is a lot of chance for them to win as they were being supported by Varun and there is a high chance that since manvi is ankit’s wife and the money was lent on her name and not on the firm’s name, she might be held responsible for the unpaid debts to businessesmen. Manvi became even further depressed to hear this and decided to talk to varun.

Next day at Varun’s office …

Varun ( calmly ) : ” yes manvi, what you want ?”

Manvi pleaded to Varun to convince other businessman to drop their case or else their life would be ruined. She had a kid to daughter whom she had wished to provide higher quality education and if other businessman doesn’t back off , their lives would be ruined…

Varun( calmly while rolling the paper weight within his hands) : ” But that you should have thought before cheating them on business ,its totally your fault!!!”

Manvi ( pleading ) : “just convince them to give me some time, i would return everyone’s money , you could see just the ankit’s business suffered a loss , mine is still intact , i always warned him of his business practices. In fact , i would would make you my business prtner and owner of 40% shares , you yourself know how much potential my business has if money has been invested properly !!!”

(Being in business for years Varun himself knew that manvi’s business and shares had a lot of potential if invested properly but he wanted just more than that…)

Varun( calmly) : “okay I would convince other businessman to hold on the case on few conditions. First is, you would give me 70% of the shares”

Manvi is about to interrupt and say something…

Varun( in angry voice) : ” don’t try to interrupt as i am talking.”

Manvi just shuts her mouth…

Varun ( resumes his talk) : ” second condition is you have to submit yourself to you and do as i say. Now say what you want to say…”

Manvi : ” Varun 70% is too much, Try to understand my condition and what do you mean by submission.”

Varun gets up from his chair and just walks past manvi and start to slide the back of his index finger on manvi’s exposed bare back and whispers in her ear

Varun( whispering in Manvi’s ears and running the back of his fingers over manvi’s bare back ) : “Sweetheart , you are an adult , you totally know what i mean by submission.”

Manvi feels totally disgusted and just moves away from varun and is about to slap him when Varun takes hold of her hand and pulls her near him and forcedly embraces her as manvi’s back is facing him…

Varun( whispering in Manvi’s ear) : “What are you thinking ,you are just gonna slap me and walk away intact huh, just think before your actions and see your surroundings before you do something. I am that kind of Man that you dont mess around with ”

Manvi takes a look around a office and realizes it’s been surrounded bodyguards . Manvi somehow gets rid of Varun’s hold moves a bit away from him to face him…

Manvi ( angrily ) : “You creeep , just keep your hands off me .Your conditions are never ever gonna happen . I am not that kind of woman.”

Varun just walks away and sits over his chair and keeps his legs over the table and crosses them …

Varun( with a devilish smile) : “I give you 24 hours to think . Think rationally . You have a daughter and what would happen if every businessman from your husband’s past registers a case . All your resources would be exhausted in just fighting the case and the rest would be exhausted in just giving compensation and still you would be left with a loan and you along with your daughter would be on roads. . You may leave now yourself from office and if you don’t do so , i may have to throw you out.”

As manvi is thinking a bodyguard just enters the office and drags her out of the office

In the night Manvi is sitting at the dining table sipping wine tapping her fingers on glass thinking what she should do. Suddenly manvi’s daughter archana appear out of her room to give manvi a good night hug and a kiss . Archana’s smile never failed to bring a smile over manvi’s frown face but this time it failed . Manvi had to fake her smile and she just kissed archana over her head and wished her goodnight. Suddenly a message popped up on Manvi’s phone through her lawyer stating his fee was due of the previous case. That frustrated manvi even more and she decided to give carnal favours to Varun. Little did the Manvi know that what was the difference between submission and carnal favours. Manvi just messaged Varun that she was ready to agree all of Varun’s condition and he should just convince other businessmen to back off the cases. Varun decided to use manvi to his advantage to earn money . Varun messaged manvi to come at his farmhouse next day at 1 pm. Manvi transfered 70% shares to varun in the morning and as she reached Varun’s in the afternoon , she was surprised to see a lot of cars parked inside and outside of his villa which only happened when there was a meeting to be held at Varun’s house. As manvi messaged varun that she has reached , he replied to reach her in his cabin in at ground floor .

Manvi’s head was bowed down in shame . Varun pounced over manvi , began to lick her bare exposed skin while tears rolled down her cheeks.

Manvi(squealing) : ” you can do what you want just try to be quick”…

Varun tore Manvi’s top and then her bra . Manvi just felt even more embarrassed as her bra left her body and a tears rolled off her eyes. Soon she was stripped totally and she was standing naked in Varun’s cabin with her wet eyes trying to cover up her busty melons with her arms . Varun just went towards his table opened a drawer and took out a dog collar and handcuffs. Manvi was confused to see them and before she could figure out what those things were for, Varun just tied the dog collar around Manvi’s neck and cuffed her hands…
