These cases are the real reason why the Internal Sex Bureau Gangland has been formed. Any case, name, event is purely fiction. Butt the search for the truth will continue! With ISB Gangland insurgents inserted into every facet of organized and gang type activities.
This is their case, their story…

“Welcum to Sloppy Wet Lust how can I serve you” my nipples were already hard just seeing this chick. Watching her facial expressions, getting extremely turned on by the way she smiled up at me. In that instance I do not know if my own body language told on me or if it was something else butt…

“Your a cutie” I growled as my cock pressed into her ass cheek. Arms securing her elbows, thrusting out her chest. “Ah, Lily” me letting that name be savored by my whisper.
“Should we keep her my love” this question was only for show cause ultimately I am the master. “Can you see yourself” lightly biting Lily’s shoulder. “Enjoying a night with this waitress ” letting my words slowly drift down Lily’s breast till her nipple began to get aroused. Jerking Lily’s shoulders back, thrusting her chest out while watching my doll appraise or waitress.

Watching this whole time. My hand rubbing my very wet lips. Stifling a moan as I noticed his eyes , as they stared into my soul. The minor shake as I sucked the cum from my fingers. “Mmm” I purred responding to his question as my body leaned in.
Taking a whiff of her skin as my imagination ran wild. With just a blink I could see us, Lily and I kissing, touching each other in ways that only lesbians can appreciate. Dragging my tongue up her stomach, lifting her blouse, tasting her sweat. Letting it drip down against my tongue! Finally giving the answer that my Master already knew. “Mmm Mmmm, please” softly, slowly escaped from my lips. Seductively, sinfully trailing along Lily’s skin until my lips touched her breast. Becuming emotionally attached to it as my tongue darted in and out like a snake. That I was hoping would strike sooner than my guilt could resist! Extending my tongue, touching the bottom side of Lily right nipple! Feeling myself getting so wet that I could not hold back any longer!
Pulling that nipple into my mouth. All my hopes and dreams echoed from her lips with a moan. “Yesss” barely able to control myself. My tongue lapped at its hard surface. Drawing out the quiver, drawing out the moan!
Feeling Lily’s body being ripped away from my tongue. Licking before it was gone! Desperately trying to will it back as my own cunt was beginning to leak. Finally after one last try retreating back to my spot that Master Victor chose for me. Looking down, watching my hand as it sunk in my pussy. Biting my bottom lip as my eyes searched for his! Searched for any hope of, of… Fighting back with everything that was happening! My thoughts, my body as it struggled not to cum, the images of, of Lily and her breast as it came in contact with my lips! With my tongue… Slamming my eyes shut, the quivers getting to big to be hidden anymore!

From my simple greeting to this? My mind replayed everything I did. From the “Welcum” to the “Sloppy Wet Lust”! This made no sense! When I turned in their order, my mind still lost in all this confusion. My ears picked up “Master Victor paid for your time. After breakfast you are to accompany them to the Loin’s Den.” What? Where my ears playing tricks with me? The Lion’s Den that is the hotel across the street?
Even as I turned away, my mind, my body told me to go.

Standing right in front of door number 123. Staring at it hoping that it would consume me without my knocking. The thump against the door, the thump against my chest! Once more praying that they would have forgotten about me. My heart pounding, my knuckles rapping against the hard feel of a door.
“Ooh I…” standing there like a fool staring at his doll. My body told me that she was the one. Told me that despite my feelings about S&M, about being a doll for someone else pleasure this was real lust at its fullest.

Answering the door in my Sinday’s best. High heels and nothing else on. Seeing that sexy waitress standing right in front of the door. Her eyes scanning my bod. Getting her last look at everything that Master Victor sees in me as I hooked her blouse. Pulled that tasty woman into my arms. The feel of our tits touching. The feel of our nipples rubbing! Yes, this turned me on beyond belief! A little pull and my lips molested hers!
By the time that Lily had figured out that she liked when a girl kissed her. Getting wet in all the right places my hands had pulled her blouse down to her hands. Twisting her blouse around a few times, seizing her wrists in my subtle bondage. Hearing her skirt hit the floor as I pulled her to the bed.

Watching as my doll was getting wet for this waitress. Watching as my cock rose with every step she took. Closing the door to Lily’s old life and opening a glimpse into the new life that was only waiting for her acceptance. Standing in with my back against the door. Watching as Lisa takes Lily to the bed. Stripping her along the way! My cock was pounding even as I stroked it. Seeing that big smile cuming from Lisa. Her noticing my cock and the way it was long and hard. The way she spread Lily’s ass cheeks so I could see everything that she was going to taste.

The bump against the bed. My back falling down only to catch myself just inches away from impact. Nails helping Lily follow me down, legs spread as if natural. My lips brushing against her labia! Feeling her body tighten up as my tongue passes between Lily’s lips, as my hand now stroked that fine ass she sports.
One thing led to another with a spank. With a heart pounding passionate spank on Lily’s bum! Feeling the redness as it spread, as it had made a perfect replica of my hand tattooed on her butt. The rub after, the heat dissipating. The next spank as that hand print grew. The shortness of breath cuming from the recipient.
Lily’s pussy bubbled over as I licked so hard at her clit. Tasting my handy work to her ass. “Mmm” I purred to feel his heat so ever close!

This show that they were giving took truly impressive work, especially the point when Lisa slid off the bed putting Lily’s very cunt on the edge. “Bravo! My doll’s. Now it is time for me to have some pleasure” straddling Lisa. Teasing her with my cock while her tongue is engaged with Lily’s cunt. Feeling the way she purred from the second my hand touched her side!
“Ah, my favorite doll could you” was all it took to have Lisa press open Lily’s cheeks. To have Lily little asshole be exposed to me. To have that new little doll not back down, not to cower in fear butt embrace my cock!
One little thrust! One little ball deep thrust and.. and… Closing my eyes as that asshole, that tiny little asshole was now a gap!

Getting the sense that he wanted my booty. From the way he captured my breath in the dinner to the way his hands braced my hips. Even from the way his doll Lisa had tongue fucked my tight asshole just moments before. Butt his cock, that long hard appendage, as it was rammed so deep into my soul I could feel he was not out to hurt me butt to give me pleasure! To pump my levels up in ways that make me want to cum all over his cock! And this was only his first stroke! The plunge and then what? Will he stay long enough for my insides to explode!
“No nOoo Ooh fuckkk nOoo” his cock is pulling out! All my fears are being… Feeling his crown against the inside of my asshole, having that over whelming sensation to cum so hard that it just overwhelmed my system! “Yesss Oh fuck…” as my joys of feeling his cock tagging my asshole where just reversed! My tits lunged forward along with my ass! That jolt set off every g-spot in my body! My cum.. I, I could not control it! My juices just flowed from my asshole, from my cunt without any hope for Lisa!
Bending all the way over. Taking this anal pounding like a pro! Given everything I had left in my system to this, this Master! And still want to give more! Grunting at the position I wanted to be in. Forcing myself up so my back was bowed out. The biggest heart break of all was when his cock popped out of my asshole, when Lisa’s tongue was no longer satisfying my every need!
Watching them climb into position. Victor being on the bottom, Lisa straddling him. All four eyes were on me! As I moved forward, mouth watering for either. Wondering how many women it had taken him to find me. The inexperienced, the beginner in this field of sexual satisfaction? Whatever it took though I would be ready to suck and lick my way back onto his cock.

Guiding Lily into position was not hard. With her taking his cock down that slutty throat of hers. The way she face fucked him made me super wet! Super horny! Spreading my lips apart, playing with my clit, wanting that cock to be buried in my ass so deep that tricking her to release it. To go after my cunt was almost as hard as Master Victor was! Jerking his cock from her mouth. Quickly stuffing it into my ass! From his rigidness I could feel his need to cum.
Bouncing on that massive cock. Driving myself to orgasms without the help of Lily. Then just like that having her tongue buried in my crotch, tickling my pussy! “I’m.. Oh yeh! I’m, I’m.. Oh Ooh fuckkk! Cum… yesss yessssss” collapsing legs and all. As his cock was pumping my ass with his seed. As Lily as sucking my pussy dry. As I was having the most outstanding orgasm!

Kissing Lily, running my hands through her long hair. Whispering in her ear, “Thank you” as we part company. Closing the door, resting my back against it, letting out an excited sigh as my eyes narrowed back to Master Victor. “For you Mr.” taking a stance right by the bed. Giving him the once over as I mounted once again. “Thank you for the wonders of a threesome! That was fucking hot and you know it.. don’t you” wiggling my bum, feeling his cock locked between my cheeks. “One question? Do you want to fuck me or should I fuck you” the big grin on my face already told of the answer that he was feeling. As my booty bounced from the base to the tip then dove back for more!
