The Proposition and Negotiation [Mast]

*Part 1: The Proposition*

“Ana,” Oma called, “Ana, come here, you are wanted!”

“Coming!” came the reply from a small room.

Ana came into the main room saw Oma, Mamma and their ‘landlord’, Mr Cummins at the table. Rent was high here but in a good neighborhood, good school district. They were what was left of their family, after fleeing the Balkans during the wars there. They came with nothing to this country and struggled, women alone, with a baby, barely speaking English, while they were safe, they couldn’t get a real start.

“Ana, it is time you were part of this conversation. You are not a child anymore, and you need to be part of the decisions made here.” Oma said, “You’re fourteen, time you learned about the world.”

Ana was surprised at being told she was not a child anymore. Ana nodded and Oma went on. “We have been talking with Mr Cummins about rent. Money is very tight, me not getting the work I was getting, it’s getting tighter. So we have problem paying the rent.” Oma said it as matter-of-factually as she could, pragmatic, honestly. “Our previous arrangements are not enough anymore.” Mamma looked embarrassed and avoided eye-contact with Ana. “Mr Cummins has made a proposal and we have been discussing it, and now you have to make some decisions. But we can’t stay here.” Oma looked a little grim at this statement, eyeing Mr Cummins with a hidden look of distaste that Ana saw. Ana had been studying her Oma for years and knew all the looks.

“This is, in part, what we have been discussing Ana,” Mr Cummins said, “Your future, the future of the family.”

Then Ana understood. “So, having sex with both Oma and Mamma is not enough to pay the rent then, Mr Cummins?” Ana said, bluntly. “You want me too.”

Peter Cummins was rocked, surprised at the question. He could not reply as Ana went on. “Oh, I figured it out ages ago. Why we could not pay a bill, then it got paid. Why late night visits after I was in bed, everyone being very quiet. I sometimes see your car leaving as I got home from school, Oma was home but Mamma not. Not all the time, but Mamma and Oma are both beautiful women, so what else would it be?”

Peter, Oma and Mamma were all silent, looking more than a little guilty. Oma responded first, “You are very bright, but sometimes, you might think about how you say your thoughts.”

“Yes, Oma, but I think honesty here is far more important. So let’s put everything out in the open.”

“I am not sure there should be anything in the open at all,” Mamma said, “No matter what, we are all damned.”

“Mamma, please, don’t be so dramatic.” Ana said, “I love you and Oma, no matter what – as you do me. I know what has been going on and know enough history to realize that women always do what is necessary, when it is necessary.” She let that sink in, and went on, “Oma, please, I think you can tell me what’s going on.”

“Ana is making a lot of sense, Katja,” Peter said to Oma. “Tell her everything, and we can move on from there.” Katja hesitated, and Peter said, “It is better coming from you and Mia than me, I think.” Ana nodded and Peter went on, “I think it might be best if I went and came back when you are done. Call me if this is going further.”

“Ever the businessman, Peter?” Mia said.

Peter nodded, and responded with, “Tell her the whole story, and then we’ll talk. Ana can make up her own mind.” He stood and left, the apartment door closing behind him.

Ana, Katja and Mia all looked at each other. “The whole story, Oma?” Ana asked.

“Yes, I think there is not to be no more secrets. Everything must be told.”

“Mamma,” Mia said, “I am not-”

“Everything!” Katja said, “The whole story, the rotten bits as well. Ana needs all the information we have to make herself own decisions.” Katja was clearly under stress now, she only mangled her English when she was seriously stressing. Whatever the story was, it was not going to be good.

“The story we told you about coming to this country was both truth and lies. We made an escape, not just because we were threatened, we never told you that it was your father who threatened us.” Ana stiffened as it explained a large gap in her life. Her grandfather was mentioned, but her father was not, now she would learn why. “Marko was part of a militia group who were killing people, our neighbors. When your grandfather found out, he objected, he was beaten by your father and some of his cronies, all killers. You were about three months old. Your grandfather asked him if he was prepared to tell you how brave he was when he killed unarmed and defenseless men, women and children when you grew up. They fought again, this time, it was Marko hurt. One of the militia men stopped them, then killed your grandfather. At first we were told that it was a sniper, but the truth came out when the killer bragged of it when drunk. Oma and I told your father not to return to our house, but he did, bringing with him militia men where they beat us and raped Oma. Your father raped me, to ‘put me in my place’ he said. He expected his dinner on the table that night, or next time he would not stop his friends from raping me as well. We lived in fear from that day forward and we plotted how we would get away from him.”

Ana was shocked, not just by the story, but by the cold and deliberate manner in which her mother was telling the story. Always, Mia was warm and generous, with an underlying sadness Ana assumed was mourning for her dead husband. No, it was more than that, her murdered father, her mother, her life.

“He came home drunk one night, you were about six months old and asked me if you were really his daughter. He refused to believe me. He beat me and raped Oma when I told him that he was the only man that ever had me. Then he said he would kill you if he ever found I had a lover.” Mia stopped, she swallowed as if the story was too much to tell, and she looked at Oma.

Oma took over, hesitantly, “From that time, until we could get away, I was raped by your father two or three times a week. The killing was getting to him and we were future corpses. We knew it was only time before he killed all of us. We got some forged documents and when we learned that he was going to the siege of Sarajevo with his militia we experienced one last indignity. He left after and that night we away ran. We got out of the town with food and money we could carry, to Zadac. It took six days to get there, by rides, walk for two night. We found someone and got to Italy two days. No money left, but we made it out of Bosnia.”

“We work some in Italy, try to get enough money to move onward. We wanted to get to France, then Mia began working at this hotel in Firenca. One of the guests took a liking to her.”

“Peter Cummins.” Ana said. Mia nodded.

“He is a handsome man, is he not?” Mia said. “He is charming too and wealthy. That is what I saw, but what I did not see was the businessman, the buyer of lost souls.”

“Were we not lost, Mia? We must be grateful he looked for us, brought to this country, give apartment for us, even found Marko was dead in the war.”

“At what cost Mamma? A cost so high that now Ana must pay it? He keeps us, for what? For sex? We are his sex slaves, that is all!”

“We all are slaves to sex while we live. We know we get cold inside when sex is meaningless or just ritual!”

“You are worst, Mamma,” Mia went on, shaking her head, “All those times you were raped and you still think sex is great!”

“Sex is great, and my body may have been violated, but I wasn’t. Awful is being raped, but I have sex because I want it and my love only ever to my husband went – and you and Ana!”

“Alright,” Ana butted in, “We can discuss this later. I know what you told me about meeting Mr Cummins, about what happened there and am I right in thinking that the sex started there?” Mia nodded. “But wasn’t he married then?”

“He was,” Mia said, “A beautiful woman, a shame. So many accidents – but her and their son together. He still grieves for them, but he wouldn’t if something like that happened to us.”

“Yes, he would, Mia,” Oma replied, “His grief will not let anyone in, but without us, his grief would be much worse.”

“Oma, Mamma, please, we need to move on. These are all interesting questions and we can talk later, but now, what is happening?”

“OK,” Mia went on. “My job ends in two weeks. The company is closing. We could barely scrape through with Oma having fewer hours, but not if I am unemployed. We talk with Peter about this and we cannot live here anymore. Even with the sex for rent, we cannot afford the food to live. This also means you will have to change schools.” Ana was shocked at that, frightened by the possibility of moving to a school that would not be of the same standard she was at now.

“When we told him we had to move, he said he would think about it. He did, but the proposal he make is not my liking, it is wrong.”

“I can assume it includes me as his sex object then?” Ana said.

“You are very smart, *unuka*, you are right, which is why we cannot agree.”

“But I am old enough to make my own decisions Oma.”

“You a child still are!”

“Legally, yes, I am under aged, a child. But let’s face it Oma, in most other ways I am an adult.”

“You ever have boyfriend?” Katja asked.

“No, and you know it.”

“Why you think this is? You very beautiful girl, smart too, so why no boyfriend?”

“The boys are always looking at me, the girls too, jealous I have big tits and blond. Some teachers ogle me. Some teachers look down on me, but one actually lusts after me. I have noticed this since I was ten, Oma. I keep them away by being smarter, boys are frightened off because I am too smart. I don’t want a boyfriend because I am going to med school. I don’t want any distraction from that.”

“I am glad you know what you are doing.” said Mia, “You have grown up very well in the last few years. I can hear you masturbating sometimes, even when you think I am asleep.”

“I started masturbating when I knew what was happening in Oma’s bed. The walls are not soundproofed Mamma. Although, I must admit some shock at both of you having sex with him at the same time. Good is it?”

Katja and Mia looked at each other, a their glances revealing something that Ana did not understand. “Ah-” said Katja, “Um, – This way I put it, all sex is good sex if you like what you doing. If you not like what you do then don’t do it, do something you like.”

“So you like sex with Mamma and Peter then? Threesomes?” Again a look passed between them that Ana did not understand.

“Three-” Mia replied, “It is what you like, as Oma said, don’t do what you don’t want to do. Experiment – learn what you like, keep doing it, that is how it should work.”

“Both of you have deflected the question. Do you like sex with Peter and when you have sex with each other?”

Both women looked at Ana, shocked, “Ana-” Katja started.

“No Oma”, she cut off the older woman, “Don’t try to avoid it, I know you are. Sometimes, Peter is a little louder, and I don’t think he is talking to himself when he says something like ‘Eat that pussy’. I know, and I also hear you sometimes when Peter is not here.”

No-one said anything, the their secret was out. Ana let it go for a while, but there was no sense of victory or shame or anything else, it was only an admission of what she knew.

“I listened to your stories, I’ve been doing the research. I looked and saw that a lot of what you were telling me was not quite right. I found more and understood the horror you ran away from. I understand why you never want to go back.” Ana hesitated, “All that doesn’t matter. As I said, women do what they’ve always done and then got on with their lives. We are no different. You do what you need to do to survive, as will I. So what is this proposal Peter was talking about?”

“It is not a nice proposal,” Oma started

“Oma, no, leave the judgments out of it. We need to discuss it and allowing such judgments to get in the way will only muddy up the water. Just the facts, then we can look at it later.”

“Simple, we go and live at Peter’s house, we are “cleaners” for him. We clean the house and inner gardens, you go to school. At night one of us, or maybe all of us, will be in his bed – every night. There are two conditions, one you must be virgin, and two, you must be willing to do anything he asks.”

“That’s all we get, a job, a roof?”

Mia said, “Oma is housekeeper, so she gets to buy food for household. Our combined wages keeps everyone in new clothes – for a change. But you get to go to Central High, and have better chance of getting into medicine, better opportunities for scholarships.”

“But mamma, those are incidentals, yes there is improvement but he gets exclusive use of me for as long as he wants me?” Going to Central was good. “What else will he want of me?”

Hesitantly, Mia said, “I-I think we can assume he will want to – w-watch you with one or both of us.”

This is not unexpected, Ana gently asked, “Okay, Oma, Mamma, what it is like, with each other?”

They looked at each other, and Katja said, “Truth only -” she took a breath, “I never thought sex with a woman would be such a beautiful thing to do. Ooohh! I love a man, his touch, his cock, but a woman – is very different, and very exciting.” Ana had never heard Oma use a word like cock before, she was surprised Oma knew the word, but then, why wouldn’t she?

“I never realized how much I could love a woman until we started doing it,” Mia said. “The first time, was a little awkward to start, but once we kissed and touched each other, I think we felt something we had not considered before. It has blossomed and I love Oma in ways I never have believed I would, or could, love anyone.”

“Hmmm.” Ana said, “As a virgin, I think a man would tell me what to do, what he wants, but there is enough porn around to make that almost unnecessary today. Same for a woman, I think. I probably know enough to understand the mechanics, but lesbian incest, that might take a bit of getting used to. Was that hard for you?”

Katja and Mia gave each other another look, “No more lies,” said Mia, reaching her hand out to hold the older woman’s hand. Katja took it, nodded agreement, then said, “Mia and I are lovers, friends, as close as two women can be I think, but we are not mother and daughter. Marko was my son. Even though he became a monster, he was still my son. He might not pulled the gun, but he killed his father and raped me, but he was still my son. He would have killed us all, I could not bring myself kill him and Mia was never the kind of person who would even consider it.”

Ana was stunned into silence, the true horror of her mother and grandmother’s past was revealed in their tears. Ana moved closer to her grandmother, wrapped her arms around the older woman and softly said, “I love you Oma, and I am saddened by what you had to endure. Both of you. it must have been …” Words escaped her. Ana held her grandmother and beckoned her mother closer. All three hugged and held each other tight – sharing their love, Ana giving all her love and strength to them. For a few minutes they cried together, holding each other in the mutual embrace of love and release of fear and pain.

Tears flowed at the seemingly endless rounds of beating and rape. Her daughter-in-law just as brutalized and victimized as herself. An ever-present threat to her grand-daughter paralyzing them, their tormentor also their protector in a lawless time. Ana doubted she would have run away, so paralyzed by her fear that she would now be dead. The secret preparations for fleeing their homelands, the fear of discovery. The emotional desolation of turning to sex work, just to eat. Moving westward, to Rome, to Florence, meeting Peter, then Berlin, always looking for work and not often finding it, or it didn’t pay enough, Peter bringing them to this country.

Ana listened and while listening began making decisions, not out of duty, or fear, but love. She would make the necessary contributions and get them out from under anyone’s thumb. Peter Cummins would get his women but the cost would be much higher than he expected. The truth revealed and now the real healing can begin for Mamma and Oma thought Ana. But first, my turn.

“So, here we are, in dire need, again. Only this time, we can face it as a whole family,” Ana said.”Decisions need be made but in the end, it is my choice. You have to respect my decisions, Oma.” Ana let that same steely resolve into her voice she had heard Oma use whenever there was something that would not be discussed further, or argued with. Katja heard it, and Mia gave her daughter a long, deep look, as if she was listening directly to her mind. “So why is this not a good deal Oma?”

“It is scandalous. You are little more than a child – a very bright child, Ana, but you are fourteen years old. What do you know of life?” Katja asked, “What of love and childhood?”

“Oma, being raised by you and Mamma, I have been given the best things in life, your love and protection. We do not have much, but what we do have is appreciated, cared for, and it is going to get better. I may be 14 calendar years old, but I am not some self-obsessed adolescent.”

“These things I know, my darling, but Peter Cummins is a – a – *’paspathnk’* -”

“Pervert,” translated Mia

“Thank you, a perverd.” Katja went on. “He may have perverded us, but think about it, if you are in our games, then we really would have crossed the border to perverdedness.”

“Oma, you and Mamma have both entertained men for money, just to survive. You still do for this place, just one man and you have not charged enough.” Ana said. “Both of you are beautiful women, and I am lucky to have inherited that beauty from you. It is about time we brought more money into the family. I do not like the deal offered, it is paltry, cheap. Mr Cummins will find to satisfy this vice is not going to be cheap.”

“We cannot push him too hard,” Mia said, “He has protected us while we have lived here, and done other things for us, not always for sex.”

“That may be mamma, but now he has left himself vulnerable. Oma, I am not boasting when I say that I am the smartest person here,” Katja nodded acknowledgement, “But I lack experience so my brains are limited use. Mamma, you and Oma have the experience I do not, and you are right, I do not want to push him too far, but how far is too far? I need to know more about him.”

For the next half hour, Peter Cummins was the only topic for discussion. When Ana felt she understood enough she said, “Ok, here is my counter proposal. One, yes, I am a virgin, and two, yes, I am willing to do anything that does not harm anyone else – at least once. But if Peter wants me, then he has to meet some conditions of my own.” Ana outlined her ideas to Katja and Mia, then Ana said, “So call him, invite him for dinner in an hour – tell him to bring Chinese, I love Chinese.”

**The Negotiation**

The meal went well, no one seemed to be willing to open discussion on the deal while there was food on the table. It soon disappeared, and coffee was served by Mia.

Peter confidently opened the discussion, “So Ana, you have heard my proposal, and are willing to accept it?”

“Yes, I have heard it, but no, I am not willing to accept it,” she replied.

“I am surprised,” he said, looking at Katja and Mia, “I understood -”

“The deal you offered is insufficient,” Ana interrupted. “I am making a counter proposal.”

Peter sat up then, his mind snapped from a done deal to a potential train wreck then a negotiation. So, she wants more, he thought. “Go on,” he said, thinking he was going to enjoy this.

“First, I want you to know that I am a virgin. I have never had a lover, nor have I ever ridden a horse. My hymen should be intact. I am willing to give it to you, let you be my first lover,” Ana said without hesitancy or embarrassment, she let that sink in and Peter nodded, “In your deal, Oma becomes the head of the household staff, so how many are there?”

“Three, soon to be two. Which is part of the reason why I am proposing this arrangement.”

“No, there is no ‘arrangement’ no deal, just a number of proposals that may or may not be negotiated satisfactorily,” Ana remarked in a crisp business-like manner.

Sheesh, she might only be fourteen but she certainly has some spirit, Peter thought.

“OK, I can accept that,” he responded, “But, there is not a lot of room for negotiation here.”

“I don’t know your business operations, Peter, or your personal set up,” Ana justified a white lie by knowing such information is useful in bargaining, “But my counter proposals are not really more demanding, just different.”

“Oh, now you do have my interest.”

“I thought I had that anyway. Your original proposal certainly indicated that. Was I mistaken? If so, I do apologize, and can only offer my inexperience as a reason.”

Peter smiled, yes, she’s good, he hoped she would show the same dexterity and spirit in bed. “Oh no, please, don’t apologize, my earlier interest was, shall we say, restricted to a limited perception of you, but now you have intrigued me and that is interesting. So what are your alternative proposals.”

“Oma takes on the head of household duties, with full pay and other rights.”

“That was inherent in the proposal, so yes, I can agree with that.”

“Whether she shares your bed or not is at her discretion,” Ana stated.

“No I cannot accept that.”

“I will be in your bed, and you may not necessarily want to have another person there. After a time, when I am more comfortable and learned in the ways of the bedroom, either one of us may invite another person, or persons, to join us, but that must be at their discretion.”

“You are saying that you will sleep in my bed? All the time?”

“Yes,” Ana replied, “If we can negotiate a successful agreement here.”

Peter looked at Katja and Mia, they were unshaken by those comments. There must have been some real discussion before he came for dinner, he thought. Would loved to have been a fly-on-the-wall for that. “OK, I can agree to that,” he replied, after a full minute wait.

“Next, you propose to use Mia as a menial, then sexually. I offer that you are wasting her skill and intellect. I am sure there will be a job somewhere in your organization for her.”

“You want me to give her a job?”

“Yes, but not a made up one, a real job. One that requires a skill set and pays well. Mamma has some really good people skills, so perhaps in sales or in lower management. Let her prove herself as more than a menial.”

“Don’t know about that, will have to consider it carefully. I don’t directly employ people anymore, we have outsourced our HR these days. What I can do is to introduce her to the people who do our hiring, and if she can convince them she is up to a given job, then that can happen.”

“There needs to be a bit more surety than that.”

“You are talking important positions here. Good sales reps are hard to find and need to be fully acquainted with the product before they go into the field. We train all our management staff in a number of different operations, so they need to be competent to start with. I have never asked Mia, do you have any qualifications?”

“I have a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Zagreb, but it will not be recognized here.”

“And if it was, it would have your real name on it, which would raise a number of difficult and awkward questions for us.” Peter mused. “However, that makes you suitable for Sales in electronics, at the very least. A degree of any kind is worthwhile, even if it is not related to anything my companies do. OK, I can introduce her with a personal recommendation.”

“Will that be enough?”

“It will be,” Peter said, with himself as President and largest stockholder, it would happen.

“The last part, and I am going to be very selfish here.” Ana stated, “Even with Central’s accelerated program, I probably won’t graduate from medical school for at least 10 years, then there is an internship, say, another two years. An Ivy League med school is out, too costly, so it is going to have to be City U’s med program. You have my virginity, my companionship for the next ten, maybe twelve years. I want a scholarship from your company for a medical degree. I qualify for the first part of the scholarship by being accepted into City U’s pre-med program. The rest is covered by the company as I graduate into medicine.”

Peter was really surprised. “Jeez, that is going to cost a lot of money, I am not sure anyone is worth that.”

“Actually not, but it is not that great an amount of money. I have two more years in high school, perhaps then into City U’s pre-med program. The company sets aside the funds for the scholarship and claims a tax deduction. The funds build with accumulated interest so when the first call on the fund is made, there should be enough money there to cover at least half the costs of the first three years of study.

“The condition for the scholarship is that I must provide services to the company for no less than four years. After my internship, I come and work for the Company for four years.”

“We could just go and hire a doctor.”

“You can, but they won’t be as good as me.”


“Certainty. I think you should know, Peter, I am somewhere in the 180 plus range for an IQ. Yes, I am confident but it is not without foundation. Oma and mamma have both worked hard to keep my feet on the ground.”

“And I notice you have been very quiet, Katja.”

“Peter, I do not like this deal, we are talking the corruption of a fourteen year old. But she insists we do it her way. Either you to the party come or you don’t.”

“I convinced Oma that I knew what I was doing. For all the sacrifices both Oma and mamma have made for me, this is so little in comparison. Now it is up to you.”

“OK, I can buy your proposals. But why these elaborate schemes?”

“Everything must have a clear and open reason Peter. There must be a start for something that is beyond reproach. Giving Oma the housekeeping job is clear and open. Mama and me living there is not. Mamma as a maid, no it does not work, you have never had a household staff of four before, so why the extra person? Mamma working in your office and living under your roof might set tongues wagging, but if you have nothing to do with her at work, then few will make a connection. Your company sponsoring a medical student, that too makes sense. The student also lives under your roof, the granddaughter of your housekeeper, actually makes a clear connection between your personal philanthropy and your influence with the company to support a scholarship. You have decided that the granddaughter of your housekeeper is smart enough to become a doctor, so you are helping her along the way. Plus your companies get a lot of benefit from it. There is the opportunity for swapping the scholarship to someone else if I don’t work out. There is nothing that cannot be explained in a clear and open way.”

“One set of truths to cover other, larger truths, yes,” Peter replied. “I like the idea of a doctor on staff or at least, at call, for a while, great PR there. But I am sure we could think of dozens of ways to use your skills, if you graduate, of course.”

“Of course. Oh, obviously, I can never become pregnant so I must be on the Pill.”

“No need, not right away. I’ve had a vasectomy. Later you might want to go on the Pill, as your sexual base expands.”

“You think I might be sleeping around a lot?”

“Not necessarily, but there are likely to be other men. I am not naive or conceited enough to think I will be your only lover over the next ten years or so.”

“You are probably right. No hidden camera, no photos, no secret videos, no visual evidence at all.”

“Agreed, most definitely – but what is your reasoning here?”

“The obvious is legal ramifications, at least until 2010, the law won’t budge and I don’t want you in jail.” Peter nodded at this, “The other, the more important reason, too many college students are getting videos of them having sex on the Internet. I don’t want my face amongst them. Sooner or later, the colleges will start kicking students out for it. A logical progression here.”

Peter was astounded at the depth of Ana’s thinking on this. “You really have thought it through, how long have you been considering it?”

“Only since this afternoon.”

“That is pretty impressive. Ever change your mind about medicine, I am sure we can find a better paying job for you. OK, one more thing, what happens in the case of you pulling out?”

“If that happens then it all stops, everything. No more scholarship, no jobs for mamma or Oma. Please understand, I am aimed at medical school, that is my single goal. I decided that years ago. The only real barrier is money and no matter my grades, it is unlikely I will get sufficient student loans to pay for my tuition. It has to be a scholarship. I cannot walk away from this, my concern is what if you decide to kick us out?”

“No won’t happen, I am regularly travelling anyway. I have come to regard Katja and Mia as a strong part of my life, and it is time I did something for them that was more meaningful than a dingy two bedroom apartment. My time with them has become – special – for me. And I hope that the same will happen with you.”

“Then we are agreed?”

“Yes, how do we sign the deal?”

Ana looked at her Oma and said, “I started my period yesterday, and the first time I have sex is not going to be during a period. I have never seen a man’s thing before, close up, erect. I have never seen his semen, so is it OK if I strip down and you masturbate on me. I want to feel your semen, I am the paper and your semen the ink of our agreement, signed by your cock.” They were all stunned at the sheer brazenness of this child-woman.

“What did you want?” Mia asked, somewhat surprised at this turn of events.

“I am going to lay on the floor there, and Peter is going to masturbate on me. He is going to cum on me, that is our signed agreement,” Ana said as she began to undo the buttons on her blouse.

“And you expect us to watch?” Mia asked.

“If you like, but I would like you to hold my hand, tell me you love me as he cums. Both of you,” Ana looked at her mother and grandmother.

“Are you sure?” ask Oma.

“No, not really, but we need something to seal a deal that will help us all get what we want.” Ana peeled her blouse off, exposing the almost flawless skin of her upper body and revealing her cheap bra. She quickly shrugged her bra off and looked over at the bemused Peter Cummins.

“Well, you up to this? I am lying there and you are kneeling between my legs. You are masturbating and cumming on my tits. Think you can reach that far?”

“I can try,” Peter responded, ogling the youngest and most beautiful pair of breasts he had ever seen.

“How long will it take?”

“Dunno,” Peter said, “A few minutes maybe. If everyone is naked, might help.”

“Mamma, Oma, please help,” Ana asked, “You can be involved in this. I am the only one here who has never been involved in anything like this before, so I want it to be right.”

“This is not ‘right’,” Oma said, “It is wrong.”

“Oma, please, you agreed to let me to make my own decisions, I’m asking you to support them.” Ana stood and undid the buttons on her jeans and folded them down.

“You are determined to do this then?” Oma asked.

“Oh yes, I am. For us Oma.”

Ana took Peter by the hand and guided him to the small area between the sofa and the television. She turned and faced him, moved closer and kissed him. She had never kissed a man before, and felt the hardness of the flesh of his face and the short, firm bristle of an early evening growth. She began undoing the buttons of his shirt, and ran her hands under the opened material. Peter was not a very hard, muscular man, but was not a fat, overweight executive waiting to die of hypertension. The smoothness of his skin, the underlying muscles of his chest excited her.

Ana felt, rather than saw, hands reaching around Peter’s waist, undoing the belt of his trousers. She could feel the manipulations of buttons and zips allowing the pants to drop away, pulled down by the weight of the contents of the pockets. Looking down she saw the hands disappearing and the line of his underpants being pulled down, exposing his now rampant dick. As she had never seen a dick before, she was fascinated by the color and texture of it. The swollen knob, purplish in color, arrogant in its position, and she looked as fingers wrapped themselves around it, rubbing it up and down, making it swell even more than it had been before. The hand was mamma’s.

Peter pulled Ana’s face upward and leaned down to kiss her again, as his cock was being pulled by her mother. Ana could feel the gentle slap of Mia’s hand on the bottom of her stomach each time mamma stroked Peter’s dick. Ana was sure she was not really kissing Peter properly, but she was willing to be guided by him, his hands on the bare skin of her back, touching her breasts, tracing patterns gently over her shoulders, her face.

After a few minutes of kissing, caressing and fondling, Ana broke and lay down on the floor of the small lounge, urging Peter to kneel between her legs. “Do you think you could put a line of your cum between my breasts, Peter?” She asked.

He knelt between her thighs, “I think I might be able to hit your face, would you like that?”

“Don’t know, seems a little yucky to me,” Ana replied, watching Peter stroking himself.

“So do most things the first time you try them, but then you learn what it is you’re doing.”

“And what would that be?” Ana asked.

“Giving someone else pleasure, without asking for any yourself. Being unselfish.”

“So if it is done right, then you give of yourself to your lover and they do of you at the same time. Mutually satisfying each other.”

“Yes, but not always at the same time, that comes with practice.”

Ana looked at mamma who nodded, and then Oma. Oma nodded, and knelt alongside Ana, leaned down and kissed her. Not the kiss of a grandmother, but the kiss of a potential lover, one woman to another, an exploratory kiss, to which Ana responded with a sensuality that she had never felt before. She felt a frustration at the fact that she was having a period, not really able to explore this new experience. Mia took her other hand and knelt to the other side and replaced Katja, kissing her daughter in the same sensual manner. Ana responded again, in the same way, frustrated, but this time, a little fearful at the stirrings of her body.

Ana’s stomach was full of butterflies, her breathing erratic, her nerves afire, Ana did not know if she was able to control anything anymore. Mamma holding one hand, Oma the other, the man who was going to take her hymen was kneeling between her legs, pulling his dick. In a week or two, he was going to fuck her with that dick – a thought, that for the the first time, took on a terrifying aspect.

Ana looked at it, the length, the thickness, the size of the swollen knob, all of it. Fear of the unknown balanced with the fear of a new experience, anticipation of her first sexual encounter all felt like they were overwhelming her. The sounds of skin slapping gently on skin as Peter masturbated. the gasping of air as the effort grew in him, the gentle cooings of her mother and grandmother as they knelt alongside her all came together in a cocoon of soft sounds, giving the whole tableau a sensual depth Ana never dreamed of before.

Ana reached up and gently grasped Mia’s breast, fondling it, feeling the nipple harden. The soft texture of the skin and tissue under her hand shifting as Ana’s fingers ran over its surface.

Peter kept up a quite, but steady, stream of compliments of Ana, Mia and Katja, their breasts their bodies, their beauty, all of them being so sexy, so gorgeous. Ana noted his speech became more ragged as he went on until he said loudly, “I am cumming, cumming, not going to be able to hold it,” “Let it go,” Ana cried, “Cum on me.”

She looked up and saw the knob of his tool grew a little and turned a deeper purplish color then his cock spasmed as a jet of white fluid shot out of the little slit. She watched it arcing down and felt it land somewhere between her breasts and her chin. Another shot came as Peter gasped loudly, that flew towards her, landing just above her navel, a third spurt, slower and less urgent seemed to fall just above her panties, on her stomach.

Letting go of Mia’s breast, Ana stuck her finger into the pool of cum on her chest and lifted her finger to her mouth. She took the salty, but not entirely unpleasant substance into her mouth, trying to taste what it was really like. Peter watched her as she was watching him. She saw his eyes open slightly in amazement at her action. She robbed her hand in it as it dripped down towards her navel, spreading it so it wouldn’t stain anything. Quickly Ana sat up and took hold of Peter’s dick, gently rubbing it, watching it ooze a little more cum. She leaned forward and pulled him, guiding his detumescing dick into her mouth. “Oh! Wow!” Peter exclaimed as Ana’s mouth swallowed him.

She knew she was not very good at sucking dick, never having done it before, but she had seen it in a porno movie she had watched. She felt the silky softness of the shaft, even in its half erect state. She tasted the salty semen as it dribbled into her mouth. She tongued the semi-hard cock while bobbing her head backwards and forwards, just as she saw some woman doing in that movie. While Peter’s cock did not get any harder, it was not going down either. Ana was not discomforted by having his thing in her mouth and she worked out pretty quickly that she was going to have to learn to breath when sucking.

“Oh my, Katja,” she heard Mia say, “Perhaps Ana is as big a slut as you.”

“She will be fortunate if she is, I think,” Katja replied. Peter was obviously enjoying it, from the moans and oohs and ahhs she heard. She felt his cock harden slightly and then push another glob of cum into her mouth as he “Arghhed” and “Fuck!” Peter cried, “Ana, that was unbelievable!” between gasps. “I have never cum twice so close together like that before!”

Ana lifted her head off his cock and saw a line of fluid joining them, she leaned forward and licked the head of his shaft again, making sure that it was all in her mouth. She wiped it around with her tongue and swallowed. “Well, I have never done that before. Was it good?” she asked.

“Oh baby, that was great!” Peter responded, “But how did you know?” asked Mia.

Ana made a face and replied, “I’ve seen a porno before, wasn’t much, pretty disgusting actually.”

“So a porno an expert makes?” asked Oma.

“Oh no, I was just very curious.” Ana reached out to Katja and pulled her closer, then kissing her, Ana caressed Oma’s exposed breast as she had done Mia’s before. “I am very curious about everything Oma.” Ana looked at Peter and asked “Do we have a deal?”

“Of course, it will be as you asked. In a few days, Mia, expect a call for an appointment with HR. Next weekend you can start moving into my house.” Oma nodded and Peter said, “I can arrange a car to pick you up, take you to look at the place tomorrow if you like.” Katja agreed as Peter went on, “You can figure out what you want to keep, what you don’t, moving in Saturday. I’m going to be leaving Thursday, won’t be back until the Tuesday after at the earliest, so your first weekend will be alone, can’t be helped I am afraid.”

Ana nodded, the times involved are too long to worry about, now. She moved closer to Peter and kissed him, placing his hand on her left breast, “Soon as mamma starts work, then I will ready for you.”

Peter nodded, gently caressing the fresh, soft flesh of her adolescent tits. “Then I hope it is soon.”

“Believe it or not, so do I now. I don’t think I want to wait too long for my first real fuck.”


1 comment

  1. I know, this is a bit long to get to the point, but it was written more for character development and story than for the sex. The next part has a lot more in it. Thanks for your patience.

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