Office Hours [M/F] (Teacher) (Seduction)

This was the 3rd week in a row Mr. Jones had met with Jessica after class for office hours. Some of the other students had to meet him as well. But most would figure out his system after the first or second time. Jessica was back again though.

Mr. Jones knew he would have to try a little harder this time if he wanted her to get it. He wanted to keep her from coming back again. Office hours were not something he enjoyed giving. After class was his time to relax, grade papers, and prepare for the next day.

After all the other students left, it was just Mr. Jones and Jessica remaining in the class. This time he scheduled it right after class since she was the only one that wanted to meet. She was in the back of the room where she normally sits, on her phone already.

“Please put your phone away and come up and sit at this desk here where I can help you more closely,” Mr. Jones said as he pointed at the desk facing his in the front of the class.

Mr. Jones got together the special work that he prepared earlier in the day and put it at the front of his desk for her to grab. It was a combination of questions he had gathered from all of their current topics in lecture taken straight from his notes. The exact stuff he would be using for the test. He would let her use the notes as a reference and it should take her less time to finish this way. If there were any questions she didn’t know he would just give her the answer.

“Come pick up this worksheet on my desk and start working on the questions. You can open up your book and find the answer to any questions you might not know or just ask me directly,” said Mr. Jones.

Jessica did not say a word. Mr. Jones had his head down getting his work ready for the next day and he heard her pick up the worksheet. Then she moved to the front and started work. Relieved Mr. Jones started grading papers. He looked up after a few minutes and Jessica was hard at work looking down with her book and worksheet open. She looked focused. Her pen was in her mouth. Mr. Jones kept watching. Jessica’s pen was ever so slowly moving in and out of her mouth. Her tongue even came out at times slightly licking around the sides of the pen.

Was this how she focused her thoughts? He wondered.

She would write something down and then her pen would go right back into her mouth. Slowly the pen would get nearly swallowed and then she would pull it all the way out to the end. It was quiet in the classroom and she was close so when Mr. Jones focused he could hear Jessica’s wet lips sliding up and down the pen. Looking closely could see how nice and thick her lips were. He never really looked at them like this before. They were wet from sucking on the pen which gave them a beautiful sheen in the dim classroom lighting. Mr. Jones was starting to get…..aroused. He was also shocked at his reaction looking down at his pants that were rising. She was a beautiful girl but there was no tolerance for any of that kind of behavior as a teacher. He pulled away hard from the gravity of the situation and focused his attention on grading papers again.

He was proud of himself as the excitement finally waned and he was able to work again.

But it wasn’t long before he looked up again, his curiosity getting the better of him.

She was still doing that with her mouth! He looked lower down to try and get his eyes off her succulent lips. And he saw some movement coming from under her desk.

Her legs were moving. They were parting slowly and then closing.

Jessica was wearing a short white skirt. He had noticed it earlier but it was nothing most of the girls were not these days.

Slowly her legs began to open. Legs that were long and white. Barely a blemish on them. Jessica’s legs opened and closed quickly for a bit and then they would close back down.

Mr. Jones continued watching and when her legs were about a foot apart he could see the blue from her panties. It was quite the contrast with the white skirt.

He grew hard again as he watched her legs spread. Jessica seemed unaware of any of it. She never looked up and she kept writing answers and then her pen would go back into her mouth. It looked like she was getting a lot done this time.

When she was searching hard for an answer her legs would get all jittery and then they would part slowly until they were wide. Wide enough for Mr. Jones to make out the shape of her pussy maybe that’s what he was seeing. It was a little bit of a distance but he could see a tiny mound with a slit in the middle. Without a doubt, he was hard now.

Mr. Jones was fighting hard with his instincts to break away from his stare. It was like she was a magnet and he was a piece of iron. With great effort, he pulled his eyes away from her and looked around the room.

His eyes made their way to his desk. Looking at each of his piles of work. Trying to calm himself.

On his desk, he saw something he hadn’t noticed before. There was a little oval thing. He picked it up and examined it.

Was this….. a remote? He thought.

It had three buttons. One in the middle with nothing but a circle on it. One on top with a plus sign, and one on the bottom with a minus sign.

Mr. Jones pushed the button in the middle. He didn’t hear anything and he looked around the room.

Everything looked the same except…Jessica had her head back on the desk and she was staring at the ceiling.

Her eyes were closed. Jessica’s legs were now even further open. And her legs were slightly shaking. Mr. Jones could now see a darker area on her blue panties. Was that a wet spot? Jessica was biting her lower lip and her shaking was starting to increase.

If Mr. Jones didn’t know any better he would think he was witnessing a seizure.

Looking down at the remote in he finally solved the mystery. His eye widened and his heart raced. With his eyes, he verified they were alone in the room again.

When Mr. Jones looked back at Jessica he reached down to his pants and instinctively touched his hard self.

His touch turned into rubbing along his shaft as he watched his young beautiful student making the most erotic movements he had ever seen.

His excitement was building quickly as he watched her so completely this time. She was the center of his world now.

Jessica was bucking her hips and making slight moaning noises along with her shaking.

The moaning got louder until Jessica freed her energy in a loud orgasm.

Mr. Jones rubbed and followed her pace faster and faster until he came into his pants. He had never done that before. Had never been this excited since he could remember. All this from a student who he thought had no power over him.

He couldn’t believe the mess he made in his tan slacks as he looked down at himself. There was a wet dark area showing in between his legs. The shock was starting to set in and he quickly grabbed the remote and hit the power again to shut it off.

Jessica sat back up and started working again as if nothing happened. Her legs were still open though and Mr. Jones could see the big wet spot in her panties growing.

He knew he couldn’t watch her like this anymore.

“ Um, Jessica….. can you please get the whiteboard ready for tomorrow’s lecture. Here is a list of questions I want you to write up on the board. It will help you prepare for them as well,” he said. He was trying to sound as normal and unaffected by what just happened as he could. He pushed the paper with the question as far away from his on his desk as he could.

Mr. Jones out of the corner of his eye saw her get up and take the list from his desk and head to the whiteboard. He was too embarrassed to make eye contact as she approached. His mind was spinning and he couldn’t believe what just happened.

He got some tissue from his desk and started to try and dry his pants off. There was so much cum that it soaked through his boxers and his pants.

When he looked up again he was pleased to see Jessica was writing on the board. But then a harder look at the whiteboard revealed big words instead of the small questions he was expecting. There would not be enough room for all the questions he wanted up if she wrote that big.

He was about to say something but stopped quickly as he interpreted the message.

“ I dropped my panties. Can you please pick them up for me”.

What does that mean he thought as he looked around.

There between him and Jessica was a pair of blue panties laying flat on the floor. He could even see the dark blue wet area still wet from her wet pussy.

Mr. Jones got up and slowly and nervously moved to the panties. Never taking his eyes off of them as they might suddenly strike. He carefully picked them up by the edge of the band and was about to head to Jessica when he noticed the words on the whiteboard had changed.

“I want you to smell my panties,” was written on the board now.

Mr. Jones looked at the panties. He had not thought about smelling them but now being told to smell Jessica’s panties just made him feel different.

This was now something he wanted, something he needed. He grew hard in his pants again and was again shocked by his sudden excitement.

Control is something he thought he always had over himself. He lived to think things through. To be in control of his mind. When things upset him he would take time to understand them before taking any action.

But this time he seemed to have no control over himself. His raging brain was in control.

Knowing that these panties were fresh and had just recently soaked up the juices from her pussy was alluring. Mr. Jones’s hand slowly came up to his face and he covered his mouth and nose like it was a surgical mask.

He inhaled all at once and closed his eyes, focusing on his senses. The moistness is what he felt first. They were cool and damp. Then he smelled her. It was pungent and sweet. It was earthy and he felt like he could smell her excitement when he took in her aroma. He had never smelled a woman and enjoyed her as much as he was right now. Excited by the situation he would have never anticipated. He didn’t know how long he was lost in thought and feeling before he decided to look back at Jessica.

“Taste them”.

Mr. Jones read the new words. He bundled them from a panty mask around his nose and mouth into a ball. It was like taking a bite of the forbidden apple. He held it close and took a large bite into his mouth sucking a bunch into him, taking in the juices soaked into the cotton. It was bitter, salty, with a herbal taste. There was a richness to it like dark chocolate. Mr. Jones loved it and opened his eyes excitedly like he couldn’t believe what was being shown to him today. He felt so alive as he looked up again.

“Eat me” the whiteboard now read.

Jessica was no longer in front of the whiteboard… wait she was bending over.

She was facing forward so he couldn’t see her face. But, he could see her bald pussy and ass completely because her skirt was riding up.

Quickly he walked over to her and bent down on his knees. He was eye level with the most perfect pussy he had ever seen. He studied it harder than he had ever studied a book.

There was no pressure here and he took his time. It was so clean, her folds unique, her pussy wet with a sheen of excitement, and her ass so tight and pink.

Mr. Jones practically dove in with his mouth as he did with the panty apple. Tasting this forbidden fruit was intoxicating. He didn’t know where to start. His tongue was out licking everywhere, his lips were kissing and sucking, and he was rubbing his nose all over her wetness. There was no rhyme or reason to anything he was doing, he was just drunk on her pussy. Intoxicated by what Jessica was giving him.

When she started moaning it encouraged his direction and where ever the noise led him he followed. Like a puppy chasing a treat.

He closed his eyes and just enjoyed her completely. Before long she was moaning loud and her body was shaking and leaning back into his face.

She was smothering him and he didn’t care. He could die here and be happy. So he just rode with her flurry and listened to the music of her moans.

When she stopped moving he didn’t stop licking and slurping the juices. He was addicted to her taste. And he was aware again of how physically excited he was. No pill could ever make him this hard.

New thoughts came to him, he needed her body badly. He wanted to be inside of her. This time instead of in his pants he wanted to cum in that tight pussy. He stood up to get into position and noticed there was new writing on the board.

“Fuck me!”

It wasn’t just the words this time…there was an exclamation point at the end.

She wanted this and he wanted her, and nothing else mattered. The Dean could come in right now and it wouldn’t stop him.

Mr. Jones pulled his pants down and looked at his cock that was sticking straight out. Even for him, this was something to behold. Harder than he usually ever is. And the tip of his cock had a nice bead of pre-cum winking up at him.

He grabbed his cock with his right hand and scooted into position. He was now touching the entrance of her beautiful pussy. He could see her excitement with her swollen labia. He could see her profound wetness. Much of which was because of him.

She bent her head down lower and the entrance of her pussy raised to meet him.

She pushed back ever so softly. Her lips started engulfing his cock. It was disappearing right before his eyes.

He felt an excitement that was so primal that before he knew it he was fucking her. This was something his body was just doing. He let instinct take over all his strength and control. The feeling is all he was left with. And it was all he needed in the whole world.

He thought maybe he could have been smacking her ass, maybe calling her dirty names, maybe even pulling her hair but he wasn’t. The only thing he knew for sure was he was alive and feeling the most incredible erotic feeling of his life. This moment was his and he was marking it in his mind the best he could. Leaving a trail so that maybe he could get back to this feeling of sexual bliss someday.

She was moaning loud and together they came in an emotional explosion of excitement that left them both breathless and on the floor.

Jessica got up first and he watched her fix herself. Then she grabbed her backpack, and slowly exited the room without turning back.

Mr. Jones finally got up and pulled his wet pants to where they belonged.

He looked and saw the packet of work on Jessica’s front desk and he went over to it. As he turned the pages he realized it was complete. She had answered everything. How she had finished all of that work was beyond him.

He looked around the room and smiled when he saw her blue panties still on the floor.

Mr. Jones picked them up and put them over his nose and mouth and began to breathe.


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