The Boy Next Door.

And just like that, twenty-two years of her life was consigned to the bin. Danielle forced herself to hold back the tears as the dour-faced solicitor pointed out where she needed to sign the forms. She still couldn’t believe her idyllic life has come crashing down around her.

She had met her now ex-husband Steve at a freshers event when they were both 18 and starting university. Following that meeting, they had begun dating and a few months later, she had given him her virginity. She had been shy at first but Steve had been caring and considerate, always eager to move forward but never pushy.

Marriage had followed once university was done. Both had received good qualifications and were able to secure well-paid jobs that in turn allowed them to buy their ideal home. But as the years had gone by, Steve had grown more distant from her, working longer hours, picking arguments over the most trivial of things.

Then one day he had announced that he’d been having an affair. Danielle was devastated by this bombshell. Tears and recriminations followed until Steve had left her, sobbing and feeling more lost and alone than she had ever felt in her life.

And now it was all over. Their divorce was finalized. She had received the house as part of the settlement, not that it was much comfort as everything reminded her of what she had lost. Her friends and family had rallied around and with their support, she tried getting her life back on track.

A few months had passed since the divorce and Danielle’s plan was going well. She’d begun attending the gym and was now in better condition than she had been before. She had always had a slim figure but she had worked hard and was able to firm up the parts of her that needed it.

Also, she had begun delving into online porn sites. Her friend Sarah had shown her some during an evening and they’d spent at home drinking wine. Danielle’s eyes had nearly popped out of her head as she watched the different videos.

Never having anything to compare it to, she had always assumed Steve’s dick was fairly average. But the guys she saw on her laptop screen showed her how wrong she had been about that.

Sarah had also suggested that Danielle buy herself a vibrator. Danielle had demurred at this but at Sarah’s insistence, she relented and purchased a small, white bullet. The first time she used it, the buzzing toy had almost caused her to scream the house down as the pleasure it gave her was far greater than anything she’d felt with Steve.

So, armed with her newfound confidence in her body and a desire for more sexual gratification she had begun braving the dating scene for the first time since being a teenager. Unfortunately, her forays did not go well.

She’d been matched with various men through dating sites, but none of those had led to any meaningful connections and of the few who piqued her interest, it had never gone beyond a few drinks or a meal.

And so most evenings she found herself alone with her laptop open and her plastic friend keeping her company. Although these evenings ended with her coming, the experience often left her with a strange feeling of emptiness.

Summer had come around bringing warm days and blue skies. Danielle had taken the opportunity presented by the nice weather to work on her tan. She lay out on a sun lounger in the garden behind the house wearing just a white two-piece bikini.

She stretched her arms and legs, enjoying the sun’s warm fingers as they caressed her skin and turning it a golden brown. The garden was quiet and secluded and Danielle was tempted to remove her bikini and allow her whole body to tan, when she was disturbed by a knocking at the gate.

She rose from the sun lounger and crossed to the gate. It was tall and wooden and provided a perfect screen to stop prying eyes from looking in. Opening it, she was met by the sight of her neighbour’s son, James. She had known him since he was a child when his parents had bought the house next door, but Danielle couldn’t help but be struck by what a handsome young man he’d grown into.

James found himself staring at a beautiful woman in a bikini, her blonde hair flowing behind her. His eyes roamed across her body, drinking in her figure. The sight of her left him a little dumbstruck. Luckily Danielle was too preoccupied with her observation of him to notice.

“Hello James,” she said breaking the silence “what can I do for you?”

James swallowed in a dry throat before answering.

“Er..mum said you might have some odd jobs in the garden that need doing.” He stammered, struggling to keep his eyes on her face and off of her body.

“Oh yes. That’s so kind of you.” She beamed at him “it’s the lawn that needs cutting, the normal gardener I use is currently off sick with a broken leg, so it’s getting a bit of a jungle back here.”

James smiled and said he would be back in a minute with his father’s mower and would get to work. Danielle returned to her sunbathing and watched as he did so.

She watched him set up and begin mowing the lawn. Her eyes moved over his teenage body and when he stopped to remove his shirt due to the heat, she gasped at his naked torso. His body was well defined but not overly muscular and Danielle’s eyes greedily scanned over him.

A wicked thought entered her head and she called James over to her. She watched him shut off the mower and walk across the garden to her.

“James, would you be a dear and help me put some sunscreen on? I don’t want to burn.”

He nodded mutely and picked up the bottle. Danielle turned onto her front, pulling her hair over her shoulder and unclasping her bikini top. She bit her lip as she felt his rough hands begin spreading the lotion over her back, fighting down the urge to moan. James was having similar struggles as he moved his hands over her soft skin. His cock had begun to harden and he tried to discreetly move it so that his erection would not be immediately obvious through his shorts. Once he had given Danielle a good cover of the sunscreen across her back and shoulders he was about to move away when she spoke again.

“Could you do the back of my legs too, sweetie?” she asked her voice a mask of forced innocence.

James gulped before once again pouring the lotion on his hands and rubbing it over Danielle’s long, smooth legs. Mad thoughts were running through the young man’s brain as his hands moved up her legs and caressed against the underside of her bottom. He’d talked about sex with his friends although he was certain none of them had ever gone all the way, and he definitely had not. But they’d seen porn movies where the actress seduced a guy just the way Mrs. Watts was doing with him. He watched how she moved in reaction to his touch and he was certain that she was spreading her legs wider as his hands moved up her legs.

“Was this really happening?” he asked himself.

He decided to go for broke. The next time his hands moved up her legs, he placed his fingers at the crotch of her bikini and began to gently rub. When she did not move away or tell him to stop, he grew bolder. His fingers pressed more insistently against her and he heard her softly moan in time with his probing.

Danielle could not believe what was happening. She knew she should tell James to stop, but this was the first touch that was not her own that she had felt in a long time. Part of her brain tried to rationalise it. It wasn’t hurting anyone, she and James were both adults. But her thoughts were drowned out by her libido who didn’t care about justifying it, it just wanted it to continue.

James’s fingers beat out a staccato rhythm against the fabric of Danielle’s bikini and emboldened by her response to his touch, pulled the cotton to one side , exposing her glistening slit. His fingers explored her entrance, drawing gasps and moans from her lips. James licked his lips and then pushed his hand forward, sliding a long, thick finger deep into Danielle’s pussy.

Slowly he slid it back and forth and he realised Mrs. Watts was mirroring his movements. He moved to her side, allowing him a more comfortable position from which to continue to touch her. He added a second finger to the first and smiled to himself as Danielle pushed herself back onto his hand even harder.

Danielle’s eyes had closed as she enjoyed the boy’s fingers. Steve had never been big on foreplay so this was almost completely new to her. But while James’s fingers were enjoyable, she knew what she really want. Slowly she reached out to him, her hand moving carefully over the front of his shorts, delighting in the hardness she felt there.

Her hand slipped over the waistband and into his shorts, closing around his cock as she moved her hand up and down his shaft. The angle was awkward but she continued to stroke him as his fingers maintained their rhythm in and out of her.

James could not have imagined this would be how today would go. Mrs. Watts’s hand around his cock felt amazing as did he pussy around his fingers. He could feel how wet she was and summoning up his courage he pulled down his shorts with his free hand, allowing his cock to spring free, before he was quickly behind her, then in her.

Danielle gasped as she felt the head of James’s cock penetrate her. He was certainly bigger than Steve and she found herself unable to speak. All she could do was hold onto the sun lounger as this young stud thrust into her over and over.

James’s hands gripped Danielle’s hips as he enjoyed the feeling off her pussy squeezing his cock. He couldn’t believe he had lost his virginity and to such a hot piece of ass as Mrs. Watts. She began grinding herself back on him, desperately trying to get as much of him inside her as she could. James tried to hold himself back, but he knew he was close to finishing.

Danielle moaned over and over, the feeling of a young, hard cock deep inside her was greater than anything she’d ever experienced when she felt him stiffen behind her and then the flood of his seed filling her. He slipped from between her legs and she turned over, pulling him to her and kissing him deeply. They grinned at each other like idiots, their faces awash with a postcoital glow.

“That was amazing.” James gasped.

“Yes. You were.” said Danielle with a grin. “How many women have you done that with to get so good?”

James blushed before answering that she was his first. Now it was Danielle’s turn to blush.

“Well if you’re that good the first time, I can’t wait to see how you do with a little practice.” she said.

A sudden commotion by the garden gate broke the spell of the afterglow. Danielle grabbed for her bikini top while James stuffed his cock back in his shorts before pulling on his t-shirt. Just as he did so, the gate opened and James’s father stuck his head through the opening.

“James, your mother and I are having to head over to your aunt’s. It’s nothing serious but she’s had a bit of a turn so we’ll need to stay overnight. We’re trusting you to behave on your own.”

“Sure dad. No problem.” replied James to his father, but as he spoke his eyes flash in Danielle’s direction.

“Would you mind just keeping an eye on him Danielle?”

“Oh of course not, John.” she replied, fighting to keep the grin from her face. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble.”

John thanked her and then, after a quick fair well to his son, he walk back through the gate, closing it behind him. Shortly after this they heard the engine of his car start and listened as they heard the car drive away.

Danielle moved in front of James and placed her arms around his neck before kissing him.

“So,” she said with a grin “what can we do to keep James out of trouble?”

And with that, she took his hand and led him towards the house.



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