“”This is your number one station that has our Lesbian Morning Show with Kayla and Trina! Ah, butt first whispering from the shadows DJ Maeve with The Rave would like to barrow, what do you mean barrow?, your wife for a little bit of tail! Only on Klit 96.9 The Rave, The Rave.. The Rave…” Nova ReBoot started out with the strong announcement switching to a myriad of voices and ending in a soft echo.

“Is it safe to be on yet? I don’t know about all my listening peeps out there butt this will definitely get you hungry! One lick at a time. This is DJ Maeve cuming all over your speakers from our home in Easygate, Klit 96.9 The Rave. Hell I even like the way she handles the menus in this purely naughty tail of Breakfast Is Served.”

“Even before I leave the kitchen I am prepared. From my pen and order booklet to today’s menu selection. As my teal stilettos hit the floor I eye myself in the mirror before I leave the kitchen area. Me wearing tall spiked shoes where my toes are the closest to the ground, heels elevated to a full foot from the ground. Each stiletto is delicately strapped to my foot with the fine teal ribbon giving my legs that added a touch of femininity that I love. Spying on the rest of my body, from my fully erect boobs. Yes, I have to make sure they quake with each step I take. To my hard nipples nips lassoed with bungee cords for the menu and pen. My teal bowtie and small teal hat cap off my blonde hair. Being satisfied with yourself before stepping where the customers can see you is a huge self esteem booster!
With every step I take, my breasts quiver in anticipation. With each foot fall my pussy wonders what to expect out of this order. My gaze levels as I see my table. The astonishment, the wonder both wash over me as I approach! Squeezing my boobs together with a big smile on my face. “May I get either of you gentlemen anything to drink?” Offering up the menu, feeling the cord start to stretch pulling on my nipple! The first question came at the worst time. It was a simple question, one that I only answered with half my breath gone. “We.. have… Umm” biting back my sudden urge to moan! “Yes, we have Cum products. From the basics to me…” losing my breath in the end. Imagining the color in my cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

“I’ll have the burger, number one with everything” releasing the menu, watching it spring back to her tit.

“To drink Sir” with a smile as I scribbled down water with lemon. “And for you, Sir” offering the menu to a younger more virile man. Watching him take the menu, watching the bungee cord stretch taught! Pulling on my nipple to the point of… My ears burned with his response number 6 with the last thing for a drink number 9… me! As I scratched out his order the short bungee cord attached to my pen tugged at my nipple in the opposite direction of the menu! Even as I pulled on the top of the pen my pussy responded by lining my lips with the clear and clean taste of my cum.
It has been a long time since this has happened to me? Looking at my order sheet. Eyes fixated on the water with lemon. Letting the water run over the glass as I blinked back to reality. “Yes, the last time this happened I was in my teens and my sixth order. I had to comp that meal” staring over with a new glass.
Marching back to the table water in hand, lemon being carried in the other. Offering the water to the man dressed in a dark blue business suit. Even as I bent over my cheeks flushed with surprise! Opening my mouth to speak, “Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” came out! My cheeks turned red the instant my voice turned into a moan!
Grabbing the table. Grabbing the older gentleman’s bench not retreating butt pressing my booty back! The feel of his tongue! Piercing into my soft insides, penetrating my thick outward armor! Making my insides feel like mush in an instant. Blushing to beat hell as I apologized for my sudden closeness to the older man. Spinning around to scold his lunch date! “You.. Ahh.. you Ooo OooOoooOoooo!” That spin couldn’t have cum at the worst time!
He caught me in his open waiting arms. Pressing my… crotch against his face! Licking my, my clit without abandon till my body was begging him to plunge his virile tongue into my vagina! Hands cradling his head with the menu and pen clinched in both of my hands. “Don’t, don’t stop! No nOoo Ooooh” my body just responded to the feeling of his tongue as it flicked my clit.
By this time people stopped and stared at me. This hottie who was looking to get a promotion or get fired! Butt I did not care. Holding his head between my hands, each one still has the menu and pen. Thrusting my crotch into his face! Grating my everything against his tongue . Feeling my body shake from the inside butt totally off the spasms that my outer body is feeling!
Rolling my eyes to the back of my head, a little trick I picked up now. Even as his tongue graded against it, pulling my soul into a never ending torment of cum and orgasm! Finally sinking, my knees folding up while his hard cock jetted up from his body! This release of the menu and pen, this snap back feeling that my breast hasn’t ever felt before! My hands were still holding his head. Pressing it into my bosom! Fuck my nipples are never so hard!
Trying to take a deep breath. Trying to hold onto his head with my fluffy tits in the way. Squeezing my nipples, feeling the bungee cords slip from my nipples as my hands now pressed my tits into his head! Feeling that unexpected surprise cuming from under the table. My hole is so slick that with just a little bit of… …. Closing my eyes as the strength in my hands left. Slupping over that amazingly tall cock that had ensnared my pussy! With one flex from his cock all my worries just disappeared. Using his booth as a backdrop. Lassoing my hands to the upper most part of the bench, tits still slapping him in the face while I sank on his cock. “Yes yesss yessssss” whispering in his ear. My hips thrust forward, dragging backward as one revolution was answered by one complete orgasm! The second and the third each one triggering the next major earth shaking O’s.
Wanting this to continue on forever. My vagina already missing his strong cock even though I was still perched on it. Me kissing him with the same fire that he ignited so deep in my soul. Leaving teal lipstick prints all over his face as I dismount. Hold up a finger to silence him and me from saying another word. Skipping back to the kitchen to pick up each of their orders. Serving the older gentleman first with a smile. Setting his burger down and asking him if he wants anything else. “Very good Sir, Happy Eats” giving him the same courtesy that we here at Happy Eats give all our patrons.
Turning my head back, wiggling my booty. “Are you full or do you…” that little sneak waiting till I turned around to ask then he… …. ….. My stomach felt like it was being invaded by thousands of evil little things! The feeling of the pressure on the… “Mmm Mmmm… Mmmmmmmmm!” My hips bucked against my urge to run! “What are you, you, Ooooh!”
By the time I realized where I had collapsed it was too late for anything. His cock, that same steel rod that would make any girl blush was now parked in my rear! Yes, you heard me in my butt and I wanted off of this, this crazy adventure!
Rising only about half way. Feeling the need to sit down again as his cock plowed into my butt one more time! I tried again and again! Each time me only getting as far as the battering ram that I felt against my muscles. The feeling of him taking me by my tits, pressing his upper body into mine! I tried to struggle, dodging back and forth! With each move more pain, more orgasms, more what! “Ooooh yesss fuckkk Mmm Ass!” I did not say that out loud! No way I… I… “Mmmmmmmmm pound my ass I can take it!” I moaned as I groped my own tits. Pulling on the nipples, stretching them out while watching my own cum slather on his balls!
“You want this” I only half moaned. Feeling the strength returning to my legs! I lifted my booty till I could feel his head. Pulled on it even though every nerve in my booty was saying sit down! Feeling my butthole open even more… “Yes!” I cried out. Then just like that my booty slammed back down on his cock. My orgasm had started the second I knew he was in there. My every emotion was on an overload as my legs slipped for just a second! “OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss! Fuck my tail! Fuck it real… OooOoooOoooo OooOoooOoooo yesssssssss” the feeling of my butthole wrapped around a thick cock.
“Is there anything else that you might want” I asked this time playing with my tit. Massaging it, gripping it over the nipple for a pull! “Very good Sir, Happy Eats” as I pulled my booty from his cock.
Standing in the kitchen, looking over my shoulder at my blushing booty. Wondering how long he actually wanted me to stay there? “Oh it looks like they are almost done” I said in shock. Not really sure if I wanted to go back out with him. My eyes narrowed, my pussy got so damned wet! “You won’t even listen to your neighbor and yet you still cream over this” catching a glance at that cock. This feeling in my stomach told me to go back out. To meet this aggressor one last time! Signing the bottom of the check with my usual X’s and O’s. That feeling of shame if I stayed and pain if I went had not disappeared.
Checking myself out in the mirror. Bungee cords hung from both nipples. A menu on the left, a pen on the right. Checking my hair, adjusting my small teal hat with my name printed on it. Putting on my lipstick once again and taking a deep breath. “Okay, I look fabulous and ready to engage them again” as my nipples throbbed. The hurt from not being played with, not being in.. in his mouth! “Ooh, Oh no” almost saying this out loud to a complete room of strangers! Feeling the wetness in between my legs. The sting cum of my ass as it worked it way back. The panic I felt with the slickness of my own cum, the quick check I did right before knowing why I was so wet.

“I would like a refill” said the virile gentleman. Reaching before she could respond! Pulling her towards me even after her legs hit my bench. Now having a hold of this sweet little lady. My fingers probed her blushing cheeks. Feeling the swelling of her asshole. Seeing the orgasm just waiting…

“Yes Sir I, I will just Oh Ooh Ooooh” slamming my eyes shut allowing his finger the pleasure of making me cum! With that I was quick to reposition my legs. Pinning his arms to his sides, the feel of his hands under my butt as I guided his cock. That sudden stop, the point when my eyes roll to the back of my head. The feeling of my butthole spreading open as cum pours from my pussy!
“OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss” as his head makes entry, that pop that I hear while his cock plows into my butt!
“This is Happy Eats, I am your waitress Lisa. What can I get for you?”

“They have the best chilly winners in the land bar none. This is DJ Maeve cuming all over your speakers with the hottest tails from around the land only on Klit 96.9 The Rave! Next is your Lesbian Morning Show with Kayla and Trina! They will teach you how to eat your girlfriend out while at work without razing an eyebrow. Wow, girls see that won’t work here cause work place harassment is a definite plus her at the Klit. Your Eye from the Sky Traffic Girl Callie will bring you right into that hour.”

“Good Moanday friends, there is a vehicle stall in the turning lane leading right to the Mall that has traffic backed up to Slit Street so avoid that area. Other than that the rest of the roads look clear with only a few EST ambulances stopped along the way.
This traffic report is sponsored by Cum Gum, get your chew on! Get your flavors at your local grocery and convenience stores. Back to the Klit 96.9 The Rave with Our Lesbian Morning Show with Kayla and Trina.””

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/sx5fb6/klit_969_the_rave_041_breakfast_is_served_dream