Amber and Eve Pt 3 [MF][FFFM][FF][Inc]

I was fucking my daughter. Her first lover, Eve, and my wife, Leah, were both there, on the bed, watching me inserting my cock into her doggie style.

I pushed in and pulled out of her, my cock sliding with the moisture soaking her labia and vulva. Eve moved around and reached under Amber and began to masturbate her clit. I felt her fingers flicking over Amber and sometimes feeling my balls as I pushed into Amber. “Go on, cum in her,” Leah said, “Drive your dick into her as far as it will go! Fill her up with your hot cum.” I had never heard Leah talk like this before, it was unbelievable. Eve moved a bit and was kissing Leah, while Amber was sucking her tits. Eve was masturbating Leah, well, the look on her face was that someone was playing with her love canal. But I was not going to cum yet, I wanted to be inside each of these lovely women before I came.

“Not yet baby, Eve next, then you and then I am going to cum in Amber.”

I pulled out of Amber and touched Eve, where she just rolled over onto her back, “Yes please,” she said. “Fuck me, now!”

I mounted Eve, getting into her slippery wetness with ease.

“Mom, I am going to fuck you too, right now.” Amber said. I saw Amber’s hands all over her mother, her breasts, her stomach, and down onto her mons. I saw fingers disappear and then re-appear, to flick over Leak’s clit. Then Eve pulled me back onto her, wrapping her legs around me. My cock was plunging in and out of Eve and I saw Amber’s head dipping down over Leah’s body, then heard Leah’s gasp as Amber’s mouth landed on her clit. The sounds of a woman having someone licking her is unique and such an erotic sound, I almost lost it there in realization of the combination of my wife being orally pleasured by another woman, who just happens to be our daughter. I just had to pull out, otherwise it was Eve who was going to be full of my cum. To cover myself, I immediately went down on her, giving me time to regain my self control. Eve responded beautifully, she pushed her thighs upward to meet my mouth, so I could plunge my tongue into her. I licked her furiously, over her clit, onto the labia and into her vulva, as rapidly and as hard as I could get my tongue to work. It did not seem like a long time, but Eve started to cum, just as I heard Leah cumming. Fuck, a kick in the side as she was threshing about, lost in the wave of pleasure rolling through her.

I lifted my head from Eve as she fell back, slumping in the post-coital loosened state. Again, my dick demanded attention and I crept back up onto Eve and slid into her. I kissed her, deeply, and she wrapped herself around me, moaning in her re-ignited lust. I felt Amber getting off the bed, coming around to the other side where Eve and I were fucking.

She put her hand on my back and said, “Swap Daddy. I want to taste what your dick has done to Eve.” Like she had not done so before.

“Oh yes, darling, I want you in me right now.” Leah said, spread out ready for me and reaching for my arm. I dismounted from Eve and just floated over to Leah, plugging into her as easily I had Eve a few moments ago. “Oh….” Leah moaned, “I love your cock in me.”

“And I love it being in you,” I responded.

“And I love what Amber has just done to me,” she whispered. “And I want to repay the favor, soon.”

“You will, my love, soon.” I said, “And with Eve too.” We gasped as our heightened sensations drove us into a sexual frenzy.

“Oh no” Leah said, “You have to cum in Amber.” As she pulled back, pushing me slightly. I again almost lost control there. “Yes, now darling.”

Amber lifted her head from Eve’s crotch and smiled. She crawled up between Eve and us, and flopped onto her back. “In the good old missionary position Dad. And I am well and truly ready.” she said.

Eve rolled onto her side, and took a hold of one of Amber’s breast, “Yes, this I am going to watch.” she said. I moved over and positioned myself on my knees, between Amber’s legs, my cock standing on rampant display. Eve took a leg, holding Amber behind the knee, and Leah too the other leg, holding her up, I got closer and the knob of my cock slid into her. Amber moaned as I pushed into her again, deep and deeper until I could push no more. I lowered myself onto her kissed her, just as I had kissed both Leah and Eve a little while before.

“I love you Dad, now I want your hot cum in me,” she sighed, “You need not try and make me cum, just your cum inside me.”

“And I love you too, Amber,” I said, meaning every word of it, “And you will feel me cumming, I can promise you that.” I started moving on her, pulling out a little then pushing in, again. Leah and Eve murmured small cries of encouragement, lost, blurring into the sounds of my blood pressure ringing in my ears. I felt her arms around me, pulling me down, onto her. Her hips drove up to meet my thrusts as they became more demanding, my cock sliding deep inside that tight pussy. All too soon I felt the growing urgency of an inevitable release. Amber was kissing me, pulling at me, as I was lost in the lust that was driving me. The heat built up and that urgency became a deep feeling inside me, a swelling that demanded attention. Thrusting into Amber, I tried to contain that feeling, but soon it was going to erupt, whether I wanted it to or not.

“Oooohhh” moaned Amber, “I can feel it, filling me up. Ooohhh daddy, cum in me, cum..”

I erupted like Vesuvius. I groaned as the pleasure of a massive ejaculation swept from my balls all the way up through my stomach and into my chest. Damn, I am going to have a heart attack, in excruciating pleasure. I spewed my semen into her, once, twice and again a torrent of cum released from inside me to be inside my daughter. My cock just pulsated at the pleasure and Amber showed her own pleasure with her moans and gasps at the strength of it. Wave after wave of tingling nervous energy surged through me, draining me, leaving me exhausted at the effort of trying to master this pleasure. I had nowhere to go but to collapse on top of her, squashing her rounded softness between me and the bed, but she welcomed it, hugging me, pulling me into her with her legs wrapped around me. The sounds of an appreciative audience grew around us, and I could feel the gentle hands of Leah and Eve both touching me, caressing me.

“Oooohh that was the best ever, Daddy!” Amber whispered in my ear, “I have never had a real man fuck me before, now I know the difference between a man and a boy. I don’t think I want to go back now.” I could only mumble a mmmm as my heart slowed down, and the lingering after-effects of such a fuck slowly left me.

Leah kissed me and said, “That looked just so sexy you know, I think I want to watch that again, soon.” She gently pushed my head aside and kissed Amber, full on the lips, and said, “I am sure Amber won’t mind at all.”

Eve’s hands were gently pulling me off Amber, and I eventually moved. I sat up, on the side of the bed as she moved out the way, just to get my breath back. Eve knelt in front of me and lowered her head onto my cock, saying, “Ohh, now I am just going to have to clean up this mess.” I could barely respond to the ministrations of her luscious lips and tongue licking my dick clean of its mixture of juices. Eve slurped and sucked and licked as my cock half responded to what she was doing. Both Amber and Leah were asking as to how it tasted,

“Wonderful,” Eve replied, “Leah, you really should clean Amber, you know, it is very tasty.” She went back to working on cleaning my cock. Within moments, Leah’s face was buried deeply into Amber’s labia and I could see her jaws moving as her tongue sought out the deepest reaches available to it.

As I was no longer anything more than an audience, I pulled Eve to me and kissed her, plunging my tongue into her mouth, tasting that salty, almost neutral, lining that coated her lips. We turned to watch Leah and Amber, just as Amber was cumming from the serious tongue lashing being given her by her mother. Moaning loudly, she seemed to spasm, looking like every muscle in her body seized up as she pushed her hips into Leah’s face, then fell back as the effort became too much to sustain, only to spasm again with another cry of joy. Amber relaxed slowly and fell back to the bed. Leah looked up at Eve and I, her lips and chin glistening with the mixed juices of her daughter and her husband. Taking advantage, I lay down near her and kissed her, licking those juices off her lips and face.

“You know,” Leah said, “We are going to have to buy a bigger bed.”

The rest of the day passed in a haze of naked flesh, the heady mix of lust and loving, touching and fucking, orgasms and ejaculations. I was woken at about four o’clock the next morning with someone sucking my dick, and I did not care who’s mouth it was. By Sunday evening, I was absolutely worn out. I needed to go to work the next day to recover a bit. Then I started counting. Amber at about 11:00 Saturday morning, then Eve about 5:00 pm, Leah about 11:00 that evening, and some anonymous mouth at 4:00 am Sunday, Eve at about 10:00 am, Leah at about 4:00 pm, and I spent the night with Amber while Leah and Eve shared our bed. Every six hours or so, like they planned it, and being mere male, did not pick up on that until later.

Eve went home the Monday after school, and the week went by smoothly. I spent one night on my own, in Amber’s bed, but I didn’t mind, gave me a chance at resting up. Amber and Leah swapped a couple of nights, and one night we all spent ourselves in a good old fashioned threesome. That week was important to us, it gave us a chance to readjust our thinking a lot, not be put out when sleeping arrangements changed. There was an excitement over the weekend as all four of us went and looked for a new king-sized bed. An eyebrow or two was raised when both Amber and Eve commented on how good a particular bed looked or how it was when laid on. The fact they were there was going to make a saleslady a bit twitchy, I thought. We found a super king sized bed we all liked and so I bought it, arranging for delivery the next week. This necessitated a whole new set of bed linen, blankets and pillows, I have never taken to electric blankets and neither has Amber, Leah said if she is ever cold, she just snuggles up to me and that warms her. Even so, it became a very expensive operation.

Over the course of the next few weeks our new bed arrived and it was a little easier when the four of us got together, making love in a variety of configurations, sleeping and fucking in greater comfort. Our Queen sized bed went into Amber’s room and her double bed went into the guest room. Time went on and we all grew comfortable within ourselves about what we were doing, how our lives changed, and each of us grew closer than we ever had before. We discussed the possibility of Eve coming to live with us, permanently, and while we agreed, it was Eve’s decision, and then she dropped her bombshell.

Eve turned up on our doorstep on the Thursday evening obviously distressed as she announced that her parents were splitting, her father moving out that evening. We could only console her as best we could by lots of hugs and reminding her that it was her parents splitting, not her and her parents. Leah is far more empathetic than I, so without a word, it was recognized that Eve would be spending the night at our place, in our bed and I would have to make other sleeping arrangements. I didn’t mind, but Amber was distressed too, so consoling her became a matter of just holding her and telling her I loved her and we were OK.

While this helped, by Saturday Eve was still sad, so we went up to the local lake, and being a warm enough day, we did a bit of swimming and sunning. I can always use a bit more Vitamin D.

Leah had the idea that perhaps Helen, Eve’s mother, would like to join us, possibly, I thought, but not that weekend she would still be hurting and not interested in company. Leah called Helen’s cell phone and, to my surprise, Helen, while a little reluctant initially, agreed when Leah offered to come and pick her and her son Robbie, up. On returning home, Leah went and picked her and Robbie up and we had a good old fashioned cook-out with a pair of bottles of really excellent white wine. (Yeah, yeah, I know, white wines and red meats, but who really cares? These imported bottles were a wonderful Sauvingon-Blanc, they put labels on upside down under where this came from.)

By this time the night was closing in and it was still fairly warm, but it wasn’t going to last much longer. While cooking on the open grill, I noticed that the kids had been shuffled off to watch a DVD movie. Leah and Helen were in serious discussion while fixing some salads in the kitchen and setting the outdoor table, broken only by the occasional hugs. Soon there were smiles and you could see Helen visibly relaxing as the conversation and the wine, I expect, made a difference. I got to a point where the cooking was nearly done, and called the kids to come and join us.

While I was not sure of what to expect, I saw Eve relaxing and a lot happier than she was earlier, and Robbie was a little awkward, probably wanting to be off on his own somewhere. Leah and Helen were chatting quite merrily, engaging the girls at every chance. Even Robbie began to thaw and started smiling at the banter that started up. At one point,

Leah said, “Robbie, Amber and Eve are going to the amusement park tomorrow, want to go with them?”

The look that passed between Amber and Eve was “We are?”

Robbie was somewhat surprised as Helen said, “What a lovely thing to do girls, very kind of you.”

“Yes,” Amber recovered, “We would love for you to come along.” Eve nodded with a rather neutral expression.

“Mmm OK,” he replied, “Wasn’t planning anything for tomorrow, so sure. Thanks guys.”

Sometimes it is the simplest of things that can have a deep effect. Rather than being an evening of doom and gloom, it became quite a relaxed and much happier affair. While Steve, Helen’s husband, was mentioned a number of times, it was not in anger or despair, but rather in fun and as part of humorous stories. This was different, as none of the usual attendant angst and negativity of a breakup seemed to be lingering here.

During the course of supper, it was decided the Robbie would stay at our place so the kids could get away a bit earlier. It was a long drive, so they would be able to enjoy their day without rushing. The wine and the conversation made for a nice, relaxing evening and, like all good things, it came time to clean up and bring it to an end.

“Darling,” Leah said, “I am quite tired now, would you please take Helen home, when she is ready. Oh, you can bring some fresh clothes back for Robbie as well.”

“Sure, if you like. That’s OK with you, Helen?” She nodded.

Around 10:30, Helen said she had enough and it was really time for her to go, and if the kids were going to get away early, then they had better get some sleep.

“Yes,” Leah said, “Dishes are in the dishwasher, so everyone off to bed. I will be soon too and we will all be asleep by the time you get back, so please, quietly.” I nodded, and when I gave her a hug and a kiss goodnight, she whispered, “See you in the morning, you can take your time, as much time as you want, just leave her with a smile on her face.”

Then I knew. I had thought that was what she was getting at, but wasn’t sure. She had set it up so Helen would be alone with me, and Helen was something of a babe, a little taller than Eve, lithe and strawberry blonde, not big tits but nice and shapely. “OK, love you.” Leah smiled.

There were hugs all round and eventually, Helen extricated herself and we made our way to the garage, got in the car and took off for her place. It was not too far, a little far to walk, but close enough to get there inside fifteen minutes by car. On the way we made some small talk, nothing overly deep, but the generally flirtatious nature of the conversation would have had some people talking. When we got there, Helen invited me in for a coffee and to get clothes for Robbie.

Once inside, Helen said, “You haven’t asked me why Steve left.”

“No,” I said, “It’s not really my business.”

“Well, you might as well hear it from me, Steve is with his boyfriend.”

My eyebrows rocketed to the top of my skull, “Steve? Gay?”

“Yes, has been since I met him,” Helen replied.

“But..but..” I spluttered.

“Yes, two kids, and they are both his. We did not realize it when we got married, but Steve was never what you would call overly interested. Sex was his duty, not a passion. I had no idea. We got married early, and he had a strong homophobic background. What else was he going to do?”

“So you…” I lead.

“We got married and dutifully went about procreating, but sex became less and less interesting and we gave up on it a year and a half ago. In the mean time, He met a guy, then another and now this one is serious. So we gave up the pretense and he left. Simple as that.”

“Do the kids know?”

“Not yet, but I am going to have to tell them, Steve won’t. He hasn’t even asked to see them or made arrangements with them or anything. I really hope he is not just going to disappear altogether.”

“I don’t think he will, but right now, he is probably thinking he needs his own space and afraid the kids won’t understand, or forgive him. Like most guys, just looking for the man-cave. Give him time.”

“I don’t know how the kids are going to take it. Eve thinks he is off with a girlfriend and I have no idea what Robbie is thinking.”

Thinking back over the evening, I commented, “I know Eve is pretty resilient, she was almost back to herself tonight, and Robbie, well, he was laughing before we left.”

“Yes, that is what being around love is like.” She said, “Gives you joy. Steve and I loved each other, but it became more like brother-sister, with some occasional fucking, but even that petered out.”

This was the second time she had mentioned that, so I responded, “That must have been difficult. You must have been screaming.” “Clawing at the walls sometimes.”

The conversation continued as we completed the coffee and Helen stood, “Clothes, better get a bag and some fresh clothes.” A few minutes later Helen reappeared with a bag and said, “Can you take these when you go home?”

“Sure,” I said. She came over and hugged me, saying, “It has been a lovely evening, thank you for inviting me.” I said nothing but pulled back slightly and turned my head to kiss her. She tensed for a moment, and responded. “I am going to have a quick shower and then off to bed.” She hesitated a moment, “Care to join me?”

“I would love to.” I said.

We were naked before we got to the shower, and for the first time, I could appreciate Helen’s essential beauty. She is an obvious blueprint for Eve, the same shape, same perky breasts, hair is a little lighter, at both ends. A little taller than Eve, Helen is also a little rounder, and with clear evidence of her two children showing, but not detracting from her beauty. Soaped up in the shower she is as much fun as Eve. Kissing and hugging, laughing, touching, soaping, my erection clearly got in the way a couple of times, but Helen, on her knees, in the shower, with my cock in her mouth, is a delightful experience.

We moved out of the shower, and toweled each other off, slowly making our way onto her large bed. Pushing her back, I kissed her mouth, then down over her breasts with their hardened nipples protruding upwards in proud announcement of her passion. I made my way down and kissed every pubic hair, licked every minuscule portion of skin around her vagina, and then concentrated on her clit and vulva. My tongue worked her over and the mounting moans and squeals indicated she was really enjoying her slow build towards a climax. I licked and probed and kissed and nibbled, I tongued and gummed her, covering my face with her sweet lubricants, but she kept right on the edge of an orgasm. She did not seem to be pushing herself over that edge, perhaps she was just enjoying the attention, or given her previous relationship, she might not know how. Whatever it was, the time I spent eating her was getting longer and my dick was needing to get some more attention. I was really running out of ideas, so I gently pushed on the back of Helen’s knees, lifting them upwards. This in turn, lifted her ass a little, sufficient to get her into the right position.

I drove my tongue into her vulva, then wiped it around the lips, giving both the top and bottom edges of that soaking opening a real licking, then moved my head down slightly and pushed my tongue onto her asshole. I licked the juices that had dripped there off and rimmed her hard. Then she responded with a huge orgasm. My head was caught in the vise of her thighs as she rocked and swayed with the contortions of spasming muscles. She squealed loudly, so loudly I could hear it even though my ears were muffled by the soft flesh of her inside thighs. I was certainly surprised by this, and thought I could see a neighbor calling the cops. But this was no ordinary orgasm it just kept happening, like her edging, this went on and on, and I was starting to get seriously alarmed here. I am glad I have a muscular neck otherwise I could see it being broken by her thrashing around, trapped between her legs like I was. She subsided slowly and sank back on the bed, much to my relief. Then I needed to get some relief of the finest kind.

Helen was still gasping while I climbed onto her and entered her for the first time. I didn’t move, I just lay there, my dick inside her. I kissed her, gently, smoothly, her mouth responding to me. I felt her tongue over my lips, then finding its way into my mouth. She wrapped herself around me, forcing me to move within her. In that timeless and endlessly fascinating action, my cock slid in and out of her, again and again. Our moans and gasping coincided as we pressed against each other, “Fuck me, fuck me” she repeated over and over again as I plowed her furrow.

The smell of our combined sweat became a heady brew inflaming our lust even further. Faster and faster I slammed into her, piercing her willing flesh with my blood engorged cock. Our mixed moans, gasps and grunts became a symphony of sex, dedicated to our fucking. Again, she gabbed me and squeezed me, pulling her legs tightly around my body, pulling me into her as she came a second time, making me cum. My cock exploded in her while feeling the rippling of her vaginal muscles over my cock as she orgasmed, sucking my semen from me like a mouth would. Filling her with my juice, making it even more wet, I kept pushing into her, again and again as I came until my cock lost its hardness in the aftermath of its expenditure. I collapsed on top of her, flaccid as my cock, my muscles devoid of even the strength to hold me up. Gasping for breath we held each other, a momentary calm after the massive storm on her bed. Slowly, our breathing became even and relaxed – drifting in the seas of satiation, a lustful act satisfied. We moved to lie alongside each other and I rolled on my side to face her, while she was on her back. I let my free hand roam over every bit of her it could reach, and she purred at the attention.

“I have been wanting to do this for a long time, you know.” Helen said, “But Steve would never agree and we never seemed to get any time alone together.”

“No? mmm We never really made the time though.”

“Yes, that is true, but now…” She trailed off. “Leah knew, didn’t she. That this was going to happen.”

I nodded, “She told me not to leave you until you had a smile on your face.”

I could feel her smile, “That has certainly happened, but you can’t go yet.”


“Yes, I need to get a couple of things sorted in my head.”

“I want to fuck you again, and several more times, so how can that happen?”

“You mean an affair?”

“Well.. yes.”

“No, sorry, not interested in affairs, they always strike me as being too much hard work, slinking around, embarrassing when the lovers meet with their respective spouses while out somewhere and so on.”

“Oh,” Helen said, a somewhat disappointed tone.

“But,” I said, “Why don’t you come over to our place every now and again, and join us?”

“What? – You mean a threesome?”

“Not necessarily, but sometimes. Or sometimes I can come here, or Leah and I can come over, if you prefer.”

“But you just said-”

“I know what I said, but if Leah knows, then in what way is it an affair? She has already shown there is enough room in her heart for you, so why should she object? As long as you don’t get jealous of her, then there is no problem.”

“Good for you, you mean?”

“Can be wearing, but Leah has always liked you, and we never spent a lot of time together I think because she always detected something in Steve that did not ring true for her. It wasn’t that she didn’t like him, but there was always something holding her back – and I trust her judgement when it comes to people. Now we know, his whole life was not the one he should have been been living, but then, no Steve, no Eve – no Eve, no meeting you, we may never have met.”

“Maybe, but now, Leah does not mind sharing you?”

“You say that like she has some reason not to or she does not care about me or our relationship. It may just be that she really does love Eve and making you happier will make Eve happier. Steve will take care of himself, I am sure, and once the kids understand, they will be happy for him too. But it is you that needs some happiness here and if occasionally fucking me makes you happy, at least until you find another boyfriend, then that will help Eve as well.”

“OK, but-”

“But me no butts, Leah knows her own mind and if you come to our place for a night then you might understand her a lot better. You might find out things about yourself that you did not know before. I certainly have.”

“Like what?” she asked a little skeptically.

“Like how you can love more than one person at a time. More importantly, how to allow your partner to love someone other than just you without feeling jealous. And how to forgive yourself for getting it wrong occasionally.” My hand was roaming seriously now, and had targeted her mons and her breaths became shorter as I manipulated the folds of still soaking flesh.

I kissed her and massaged her clit. I kissed her breast and penetrated her with two fingers. She tensed and relaxed at the intrusion, moving her hips into my fingers as my thumb played over her clit. Helen was lost again, concentrating on being pleasured. My fingers flew over her, inside her awash with the mixture of her cum and my semen. She pushed again and again every time my fingers entered her and then pushed and held as I could feel her tension grabbing her, holding her, then releasing as she orgasmed in a more gentle manner than she had earlier. My lips moved to her face and kissed her as she came intensifying the feeling of her orgasm for me. I took my cum sodden fingers from her vulva and poked them into her mouth where she sucked and licked them clean. After a few minutes, to catch her breath, and finish with my fingers, she said “God, is it always like this with you?”

“No, but I try.” I smiled.

“It’s nice, so more, please.” Helen said, “In a threesome, would I have to touch Leah?”

“You mean make her cum?”

“Well, yes, I suppose.”

“Not at all, if you do not want to. But have you ever made love with a woman?”


“Then how would you know if you would enjoy it or not?”

“Never thought about it.”


“… well, OK, I have thought about it, a lot from time to time, but not seriously – not to the point of actually doing it.”

“Why not?” Helen could not answer, she said nothing, so I supplied an answer, “Fear usually prevents us from doing things we want to. Fear of being hurt, fear of being humiliated, fear of being exposed. What I am suggesting here is simple, if Leah invites you over for food and fucking, then the fear factor is removed. You won’t be hurt, you won’t be humiliated and you won’t be exposed. You will be loved and I can guarantee you will enjoy it.”

“Is Leah bi-sexual?”

“No, but she found she is not exclusively hetero and she likes it. She has only ever had two women lovers and they’re very special people. Really, I don’t know if Leah will invite you into her bed, but if she does, then just understand she thinks you too are a very special person.” I was fudging like hell, but she was now aware that having sex with Leah might be a possibility. I glanced over at the bedside clock and saw it was now well after 2:00 am. “And time is marching on, I better go soon.”

“More’s the pity,” Helen replied, “but you better get these clothes to Robbie before he wakes up.” She smiled. I thought of someone else who made the comment “Mission accomplished”, and I was sure I was a lot more accurate.
