The Promise [FM] [Femdom]

There’s something about cunnilingus that I find just totally intoxicating. I’d always enjoyed eating pussy, sure, but there’s this one memory with an ex from my early 20s that I’ve never forgotten. We were fucking for the last time – both of us knew it was over and she had some new guy waiting in the wings. She straddled my face, cumming over and over as she worked her pussy on my tongue and I devoured her like my life depended on it, knowing I’d never get to taste her again. That memory is seared into my mind.

Maybe I should have put more effort into sorting out my hangups, but instead, I recently posted a personal ad on a seedy website, offering up my mouth for others’ pleasure. “Oral worship – no reciprocation required”. I got a few messages. However, only one response really stood out. Her profile was pretty sparse on details; there was no written information, just two or three faceless lingerie photographs.

“I really enjoyed the tone of your post. I’m very interested. The only thing is, I can’t meet up until the weekend as I’m out of the province for work,” she wrote.

I replied, “Well, I’m in no particular rush, and it’s a standing offer. The weekend is fine by me.”

I saw the red reply notification. “Sure, how about Sunday evening, then? There’s just one catch – I don’t want you to cum for the rest of the week until I see you.”

“It’s Tuesday, though. That’s kind of a long wait, don’t you think?” I asked.

“I’ll make it worth your while. Trust me.”

That definitely caught my attention. “Okay, then,” I replied.

We texted back and forth throughout the week. She sent me a few racy photos and even a video, although none contained her face. She was also very consistent about checking in to make sure I hadn’t had a release, asking every single day. Normally, I might have a tough time sticking to such a request, but it seemed so important to her, and – maybe this is weird – but I almost felt I owed it to her to keep my promise. By the time Friday rolled around, I found myself getting hard and aching every time I saw a text from her. On Saturday night, she sent me a short video of her touching herself, showing off her thick, glistening wetness between the tips of her fingers. I had a difficult time falling asleep after watching it, my cock throbbing and aching, desperately needing release after a long week of anticipation and teasing.

Sunday finally came. I texted her in the late afternoon. “I’m planning to head over soon, would that be okay?”

She replied with her address and said, “how about we say 5:00 pm? I’m just finishing something, but I shouldn’t be long.”

“Alright. That works for me.”

I could feel the anticipation building. Every text I received from here, no matter how banal, made my cock ache. I was really hoping she’d reconsider the whole “no reciprocation” thing, seeing that I hadn’t cum for an entire week. Plus, she said it’d be worth my while to wait, so I figured there’d be something in it for me. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

I pulled up at her building and sent her a text. “I just parked. Should I wait for you to come down?”

As I waited for her reply, I was thinking about how crazy this was. I was pretty nervous as we hadn’t met in person. But, hey, you do less-than-advisable things sometimes when you’re horny.

“Just hit the buzzer. 1412.”

I walked up to the front doors to the apartment building. I pressed the button and let out a deep breath. I clasped my fingertips into my palms nervously, feeling my heart pounding in my throat.

The buzzer clicked on. “Hi there! Just come right up; my door’s unlocked.” I opened my mouth to reply but I couldn’t get a word in before I heard the door buzz loudly and unlock.

I pushed the door open and walked into the lobby, quickly making my way over to the elevator. I pressed the button for the 14th floor. The elevator ride felt like an eternity, and I had never been more turned on in my life. I could just feel my cock straining against my boxers, leaking precum everywhere.

After shuffling out of the elevator, I looked around, orienting myself. Finally, I found it: 1412, in silver lettering, just above the door handle. I knocked on the door, quietly, as if I knew I was up to no good. Then, I heard a muffled shout from behind the door, “Just let yourself in!”

I took a deep breath and grasped the square door handle and pushed it. I slowly opened the door and walked into the dimly lit front hall. Suddenly, I saw her head poke out from around a corner towards the end of the hallway. “Hi!” she exclaimed. “Just come over this way!”

I followed her into a bedroom, which was perhaps even more dimly lit than the hallway. The waning sunlight of the early evening poured through the slivers between the blinds, stencilling orange–yellow patterns across the floor and bedsheets.

Finally, I got a good look at her face. She was even hotter than I thought she’d be. Shoulder length brown hair, an hourglass figure and a cute, doe-like face. I was just a bit taller than her. She was wearing a green mid-length skirt and an off-white knitted t-shirt that really hit in exactly all of the right places.

“I’m really glad you came,” she said. “I’ve been looking forward to this all week.”

I gulped and stuttered out a response. “M-me too,” I said.

“Do you want a drink?” she asked, “I have a bottle of wine open from last night.”

“No, I’m okay, thank you though!”

“All business, I guess. Alright. Undo your belt,” she barked at me. I obeyed. I could feel my cock straining against my pants; I’m not sure I’d ever been harder in my entire life. She walked over to me and grabbed my waist, guiding me backwards gently, until I felt my back press against the wall. Her lips were an inch from mine; I thought she’d lean in and kiss me at any moment.

“Close your eyes,” she whispered. Again, I complied. I felt her kneel down in front of me, place her hands on my hips and unbutton my trousers, sliding them slowly down to my ankles.

“No peeking,” she teased.

I felt her fingers tease the waistband on my boxers, sending a shiver up my neck, her fingers curling underneath them onto my pelvis as she drew them down to my ankles. As she pulled them down slowly, I felt a string of my precum catch onto my thigh, the cool wetness against bare skin shocking me for just the briefest moment. Finally, I felt the boxers meet my trousers in a neat pile at my feet. I was a little taken aback – she’d been pretty clear that this was supposed to go one way, and here I was, about to get what I could only imagine to be the best blowjob of my entire life. “Talk about lucking out,” I thought to myself. I could feel my cock throbbing, her face in front of it.

We were both silent for a few moments. “Hmmm,” she murmured. “Eyes closed, now.”

I heard her get up and walk into the other room. I felt the nervousness peak again, wondering, “what the hell is she doing”? I heard a deep thud from the other room, and listened as she fumbled around, clearly rooting through a pile of different objects. Then, I heard the patter of her bare feet on the floor as she walked back into the room. Suddenly, I felt something cold on my groin and I tried to jump back, but found myself firmly against the wall with nowhere to go.

“Ah! What… is that?” I yelped. “Just be patient… I just wanted to tease you with some ice. Keep your eyes closed.”

Ice play? Huh. “Well, okay,” I thought. However, after a few moments, it seemed like she wasn’t really teasing me. I felt my groin going numb as she meticulously turned the ice pack, flipping it from side to side and pressing it firmly on my throbbing dick. Soon, I couldn’t feel much of anything at all, just a numb ache from my deeply chilled skin.

She pulled the ice pack off, and I felt her fumbling around for the briefest moment, before I heard a loud “click”.

“Okay, perfect! Why don’t you open your eyes now?”

I looked down at her. I saw a metal cage on my cock, complete with a small brass padlock.

“Do you know what that is?” she asked.

I raised my eyebrows in disbelief, and then I nodded yes. I’d seen my share of kinky porn, and I really didn’t want to have to listen to her explain it.

“I think you’re really sweet and pretty cute… and I don’t want to be mean, but when I pulled down your boxers… I mean, your cock is quite nice! Really, most girls are going to be totally happy with that. But I really can’t work with anything that isn’t over eight inches.”

Her words stung me a little bit. I’d never had anyone tell me that I was inadequately endowed.

She went on, “But, I still really like your eagerness, and I’ve decided that you would make a wonderful toy. I’m just not interested in your cock, is all.”

“I’ve waited an entire week to cum!” I begged. What happened to the damn blowjob?, I wondered.

“I know,” she said, “but we agreed tonight would be all about me anyway. You weren’t having an orgasm with me either way. I figured I might let you rub one out in my bathroom after you made me cum a few times,” you giggled, “but now… Now I think I’ve changed my mind?”

“You’re just so eager,” she said thoughtfully, “and I love eager guys. I was thinking you might make a great fuck buddy. Maybe you would, but that’s not really what your ad was about, and seeing what you’re working with, well, I think I want it to be more about me?”

This was insane. All I wanted to do was find someone who wanted her pussy eaten. It was supposed to be quick, simple and almost transactional. “But why do I have to have…” I gestured, “this?”

“Well, silly, if you’re able to please yourself whenever you want, I don’t think you’re going to be anywhere near as attentive and devoted as I need you to be.”

“I’m sure I will be!” I dissented, “You are incredible. Plus, you said my cock is quite nice – it would be great to–”

She put her finger to her mouth to shush me. She thought for just the briefest moment, and then said “No, I already have other guys to do that. In fact, one just left an hour or so before you got here – I told you I was finishing something up, so… yeah. He fucked me senseless. What I really need from you is your mouth. Besides, that’s what you said you wanted in your ad. I’m really just holding you to that.”

I felt an enormous lump well up in my throat. “You should just take this thing off of me,” I said, weakly. “I’ll just go.”

“No, don’t be like that! Come on,” she motioned towards the bed, “why don’t you just lie down for a second?”

The humiliation of the whole experience had really gotten to me at this point. I started to feel tears well up in my eyes. She turned away from me and walked towards her nightstand. “I think I need to just take this off and go,” I choked out. “I’d like to go home.”

She swung around and looked at me incredulously. “So you can just rub one out like a fucking loser, by yourself?” she sneered. “Leave if you want, but I’m not taking that thing off. However, if you impress me, maybe I’ll consider letting you out of the cage.”

My mind was racing. I was trying not to cry – I didn’t want her to see that. I could probably grab a set of bolt cutters from the hardware store on the way home. How expensive could those be? Seriously, why the fuck was I in this situation. Maybe a lockpicking set? Would I know what to do with the tools? Maybe I could look on YouTube, there are all sorts of instructional videos on–

“Look, just come lay down,” she said, patting the bed. “We can talk about it.”

Fuck. Alright, maybe I can talk her out of it, I reasoned. I sauntered over to the bed.


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