Need advice… Really wanna fuck her…

Okay so there’s this lady at work, she’s a bartender, mid 40s? I’m 27.. she be hella flirting with me, and even got me a Valentine’s gift today… I can’t read her completely tho lol sometimes it seems she wants me to just grab her and bend her over right here… Others I’m not sure… Idk how to approach it.. I have a wife and shit but fuck that, I’m dead set on fuckin this broad but don’t wanna come off to strong or like a creep, but I wanna tell her to get on her knees so bad… I’ve tried having porn on my phone playing when she walks in but she never noticed and I feel might weird her out lol but dude the way she talks to me, makes me feel like she wants me as bad as her lol so do I just whip it out or ask her if I can politely bend her over in the restroom.. or “accidently” send a cock pic and see what happens? Any advice helps..



  1. No dick pics. She’s older than you. Giving you the signs.. just be straight up. Tell her you got a room at a motel. And give her the extra key. If she’s down she will show.

  2. Have you thought maybe she is after tips? And I don’t mean your tip lol. Good luck bro. Maybe try asking her advice on sex stuff and see where that goes

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