Curse of the Cock – Entry 5 (F/F, CYOA)

Surprisingly close this time. In fact, the chosen option won by a single vote! Remember, if you want to have your own impact on this story, make sure to vote.


“And just how curious are you really? You don’t even know my name.”

“You’re right, I don’t. Would you tell me?”

Amanda considered that for a moment. Did she really want to go down that path of opening up to Zab, or should she make up a name, or even just not give one? Her name was such a little thing, often given casually, but never under circumstances where the other person already knew something so intimate about her.

She thought back to the last time she’d been asked for her name. She refused that time, but then, that guy was just… not even worth a second attempt. He was at best a one-night-stand. Zab… might turn out to be more, but that was yet to be seen.

“Tell you what,” Amanda offered, “Let’s see how this goes, alright? I’m um… kind of a private person, you know? And for obvious reasons. We don’t know if we’ll even like each other.”

“I like you,” Zab said defensively.

Amanda couldn’t stop herself from smiling just a little. “OK, fine, but will you like me in the morning?”

“Morning, evening, all night long…”

“Uh huh.” Amanda was at least partially amused. “Ask me again, later, and we’ll see what happens.”

Zab raised a single eyebrow. “So there’s going to be a ‘later’ then?”


Zab’s shift didn’t end for another two hours, and without another break the entire time. As if to apologize for earlier, Amanda was determined to stay and wait, and to give them both a chance at that promise of “later”. Zab set her up at a private booth, not far from her own bar, and kept the drinks coming, though slowly: there was no point in getting the girl entirely plastered. Drunk dicks had a tendency of not working, and neither of them could have tolerated that kind of problem, not that night.

Thinking the same way, Amanda only sipped her drinks, and after a while switched off of alcohol completely. Zab kept her full of Dr Pepper and pretzels while she occupied herself with her phone. There was only so much Candy Crush that she could play, though, and by the time Zab finally came around, her shift over, Amanda was bored out of her skull.

“You ready, lover?” Zab asked from next to the booth.

Amanda set her phone down, looked up. “You sure you want to do this?” she offered one last chance to back out. “Just asking. If you’re not… if you really don’t want…”

“OK I think that’s enough,” Zab interjected. “I told you already, I like what you’ve got, you just startled me. Besides, I really want to know your name.” Amanda only smiled and nodded, before getting up, following the other woman out to the parking lot.


“I don’t know why, but I expected a Harley,” Amanda said, taking the passenger seat of Zab’s sedan.

“Oh?” Zab asked, starting the engine.

“Yeah. You just seemed the type, I dunno.”

“Well then we’re both full of surprises, aren’t we?”

The drive to Zab’s apartment was fairly short, not more than ten minutes. She lived in an old warehouse, much like Sparks, but converted into multiple loft apartments. Hers was on the third and top floor, taking up a large portion of the western side. Zab shut the door behind them, locking it with a loud thunk.

“Don’t want to be interrupted, hm?” Amanda asked. Over the two hour wait, much of her annoyance at their failed makeout session had faded, as had her embarrassment over her attempt to tell Zab her secret, and Zab reaction. Some of that had been a conscious decision to get over it, recognizing the need for peace if tonight was going to work out at all. Other parts involved the fact that she actually did like the bartender, and thought that, despite the rocky start, there might be at least a little something there.

“Of course not,” Zab agreed, before stepping past Amanda. “Can I get you anything? A drink or…?”

“If I have anything else to drink I’m going to explode,” Amanda said with a light chuckle. “In fact, could I uh…?”

“Over there,” Zab answered with a gesture.

“Thanks,” Amanda said, heading for the bathroom.

When she was done relieving herself, Amanda stood before the bathroom mirror. Her makeup was still mostly in place, light as it was, and her hair looked good enough. Back in the day, before the curse, she would have killed to look like she did at the moment. Now, though, her appearance was… OK. She could look better, had done so earlier, but entropy did its thing, and the perfection of a few hours ago was just a little tarnished: a stray hair here, a tiny smudge of her eyeliner. It would do, and anyway, if things went to plan, her appearance wouldn’t exactly matter.

Satisfied, or at least content, with her appearance, Amanda left the bathroom. Zab stood across the room, nude, her clothes neatly draped over the arm of the couch. Amanda stopped, her next step faltering just a little, not even trying to hide her eyes sliding over Zab’s body.

A little shorter than Amanda, Zab was lean without being thin exactly. Her hips were narrow, breasts modest but perky and a pale pink again her light skin. Her mound sported a small landing strip that left her lips bare.

Zab was smiling warmly. “I uh, well I thought that maybe if I showed you mine…”

“That I would do the same,” Amanda finished.

Should Amanda:

Undress, remove everything and get just as naked as Zab.

Undress slowly, give Zab a show.

Suggest that Zab take her clothes off.

Poll here:


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