The happiest Valentine’s Day

A Valentine’s Day surprise

It was early in the morning and I was on my way to work. Another Valentine’s Day and another Missed romantic opportunity by my husband.
I left a Valentine’s Day card on the kitchen counter for him. He was still in bed I leaned over and kissed his forehead said goodbye without barely a response from him.
Our marriage had been lacking for the last few years. Day by day his interest in me had waned to the point where it was as if we were just two roommates living in the same house. We had been married for 15 years and here I was in my mid thirties in a lackluster relationship. It was during the time of covid and our office building, normally a three-story bustling beehive of activity with over 300 employees was down to a skeleton crew of 10 people who were working on one floor. Most were working from home now and it was just a few of us who were maintaining the ship. I was the office administrator/ receptionist who was responsible for opening and closing the doors. And as usual I was the first one to come in.
As I approached the front door the lights were out as usual and I unlocked the front door entering and flipping on the lights then heading towards my desk. As I leaned over to turn on my computer I noticed there was an envelope on my desk, red, with my name written on it.
I picked it up looking at it somewhat surprised and ran my nail underneath the flap opening the envelope. Pulling out of all things of Valentine’s Day card. The front of the card was adorned with a big heart and the words Happy Valentine’s Day. All sorts of thoughts ran through my mind who would have ever done something like this. Two people came to mind one was Alan who had quite a few times flirted with me the other was Tom who was quiet but married like I.
I opened up the card and words were written in it which stated.
” Go to the bathroom open the vanity below the sink.”
I smiled to myself wondering which one of those two guys did this. And what was in that bathroom. I walked down past all of the cubicles to the bathroom at the back of the office turning on the light and pulling the door of the vanity open. There was another note stuck to the inside of the door. It read
“Check the top of the cabinet behind you.”
There was a taller cabinet which had bathroom supplies, cleaners, toilet paper etc in it.
I reached up trying to feel around. I felt something and was stretching as hard as I could standing up on my toes until I finally managed to snag whatever it was, working it to the edge and getting a grasp on it. I pulled it down it was a flat rectangular box that was wrapped. The words open me were written on top of it.
Unwrapping the gift and pulling off the top, I pulled the tissue paper open and there was a set of lingerie.
I thought to myself. What the hell this ? Had to be Alan, I don’t think Tom would ever do anything like this. The first thing I pulled out was a pair of stockings, black with red toes a red lace elastic top and red seams. I had mixed emotions about this. They were sexy there was no doubt about it but how proper was this?
I was a married woman. Then the thought entered my mind, yes I’m married in word but not necessarily indeed. I continued to look through the box pulling out a pair of black lace panties trimmed in red. As I held them up I saw that they were crotchless. Now this was just too much I thought to myself. And lastly in the box was a bra matching the panties black lace trimmed in red the thing about this bra was it was a shelf bra. The cups not much more than two underwired stiff pieces of fabric certainly not enough to cover a breast. This was totally bizarre to me I started to put everything back in the box and put the top back on it, then I noticed another note in the bottom of the box. It read.
” Meet me at the third floor conference room at 5 ”
Shit I thought to myself that’s when everybody’s gone. Nobody had been in that conference room for more than 2 months now it’s at vacant up on the third floor.
Placing the box back up where I found it and thinking to myself I don’t know what kind of a trick this is.
Looking at myself in the mirror at my eyes and the crows feet and then the smile lines. Moving back from the mirror looking at myself and the fact that I had a few extra pounds on and then thought about the fact that my husband was not paying any attention to me….. and here someone was!
Pulling up the bottom of my red knit sweater I straightened out the waistband of my leggings and then pulled the sweater back down straightening it and running my hands under my breasts cupping them and trying to perk them up a little bit, then walked out of the bathroom back to my desk. I was always there at least an hour before anybody else and I had time to look over some of my emails and some of the things in my pile of work that I had to attend to that day. That box with the lingerie never left my thoughts, it always just hung there in the back of my mind .
Probably 20 minutes into it I got back up walked back to the bathroom pulled the box off the top of the cabinet and looked at all the lingerie again.
It really was very pretty and I wondered if it would even fit me. Then decided to go for it.
Closing the door and locking it. I stepped out of my heels pulled the red knit sweater off and wiggled out of my leggings. I pulled off my panties and took that pair that was in the box pulling them on.
Shit, they were sexy and they fit. My labia pushed through the opening. I ran my fingers down over them and stood there looking at myself in the mirror. Then I unhooked my bra slipping the straps from my shoulders and throwing it in the pile with the rest of my clothes pulling out the bra I looked at it for a minute and then slipped the straps on reaching behind and hooking it I adjusted my breasts and they perched perfectly on the stiff fabric shelf. Whoever purchased this knew what they were doing, it fit me. my nipples now hard as erasers as I looked at myself I felt excited my heart speed up. I began to look at myself with different eyes.
And I felt excited because I was almost sure that this was Alan. He was a sexy man, tall athletic outdoorsy wavy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. but he was a player he was always hitting on women. If it was Tom I definitely was attracted to him, he was the same height as I , fit but not necessarily muscular. He was quiet and unassuming with brown eyes that were always contemplating things that were unspoken. We had our moments when working together on projects, you know those little times when there’s that connection and you both feel like you’re thinking the same thing. Your eyes lock for that brief moment then dismiss it.
But I knew we were both married. He was a calm quiet Man good looking no doubt about it. I pulled out the stockings and sat down on the toilet pulling them on.
I ran my hands up over the stockings they felt sexy on my legs. Again I stood up standing back from the mirror to try to get a full view of myself and then looking down at my body.
I stopped looking back in the mirror taking my hair and combing it back with my fingers grabbing a handful behind my head and pulling down a little strand in front of each ear, taking in what I looked like I felt younger I felt sexy. Then I let go of my hair and thought to myself how ridiculous this is. I began to reach back behind myself to unhook the bra to remove my lingerie and then had second thoughts. This might be exciting putting my clothes on and having this underneath nobody would know except for the person who bought it and found that the gift was gone. I pulled my sweater back on then yanked my leggings back on over the stockings they slipped back on easily. Stepping into my heels, nobody could really tell what I had on except for the fact that my nipples were stiff and poking out of my sweater but I’m sure that they would calm down. I straightened my hair ,took my bra and panties folded them up and stuck them in my purse then took the box put all of the tissue and wrapping paper inside of it tossing it into the trash next to the copy machine outside of the door of the bathroom. And then headed back to my desk.. as I walked I could feel my breasts flowing with each step bouncing slightly without the support of a full cup.
It wasn’t long before Rhonda and Kelly walked in, they were our I.T . people.
I greeted them from my desk at the front feeling a bit excited at the knowledge of what I was wearing underneath my clothing. As they smiled and walked by back to where they usually stay all day I was surprised at myself at how excited this was to me. It really had been a while since I had any sort of sex, resorting to pleasuring myself while looking at porn at home in my alone times.
I found that amateur homemade was my favorite and I also found that I was quite attracted to the women admiring them and the fact that they were so bold to do what they were doing and how much they were enjoying themselves.
I went back to my work before Terry walked in. I greeted him then the rest of the folks came in among them was Maria. As always she greeted me with wonderful smile always full of cheer. She was dressed all in red, blouse and skirt. Her thick black hair cascading down over her shoulders. I looked at her and smiled remarking
“Oh my look at you somebody must be getting taken out for a date tonight!.
She smiled even wider saying that she would be going out that evening with her husband and she was looking forward to a very special day.
She walked past me to her desk and the rest of the crew came in .
Tom, being one of them and Alan being the other. Tom looked at me and smiled politely said hello and complimented me and wished me a happy Valentine’s Day.
My ears perked up at that. Was it him? I glanced down blushing a bit and realized that my nipples were stiffening and you could see them through the sweater. Leaning forward on the desk crossing my arms so they weren’t so noticeable. He just walked by back to his desk a few minutes later Alan walked in. A big smile and some flowers.
He leaned on his elbows over the counter in front of my desk and handed me the flowers. A big smile and wished me a happy Valentine’s Day.
…. It was him I know it !
I felt flushed and excited my heart beating rapidly I tried to hide it but couldn’t contain my smile as I took the flowers. I knew my nipples were stiff and very evident through the sweater. Looking into his eyes and noticed that he couldn’t help but look down at my breasts and then quickly averting his eyes.
… fuck me! I felt my clitoris twitching. Calming myself down as he walked away from the table. My head was spinning.
As I gathered my thoughts. I was leaning forward on my desk on one elbow picking my fingers through my hair nervously as I kept thinking about the fact that I was wearing this outfit underneath and that he just looked at me realizing that I was excited. I wondered what he looked like without clothes. Was he big was he average what kind of lover was he? I stopped myself, trying to convince myself that I was out of line. But then I kept thinking about that note meet me at 5:00 in the conference room. The day mostly went on without an event. About 10:30 I decided I was going to go up to the conference room. I walked down the vacant corridor to the room and stood at the door then thought twice and turned around walking back. Getting on the elevator going back down to the first floor.
My thoughts were racing as the door opened. I went back to my desk sitting down excited biting my lip , nervous.
Wanting to do this but then knowing I shouldn’t do this. As I was thinking Maria walked up to my desk we talked a lot during the day. I had confided in her about a lot of things and she was always so thoughtful kind of my work psychologist I guess.
Her parents had immigrated from Columbia and she was raised in the United States classic Spanish looks thick black hair dark brown eyes beautiful skin and so very kind. She had been married for 10 years and had three children all boys
Talking with her calmed me it took my mind off of the events that had been filling my head. After about 10 or 15 minutes she ended up leaving and going back to her desk to work. Throughout the day I saw allen and Tom and every time I saw them I was filled with excitement. I got so flustered at times I didn’t know which way to turn. They both looked at me as if they were confused, Leaving me more confused because I didn’t know who it would be. The day continued on until the clock moved towards 5:00. One by one everybody left. ….Everybody? I’m here alone? Is this somebody else? I sat at my desk working things through my head.
Then, against my better judgment walked to the elevator. Heading up to the third floor in an empty building,the front door locked. Nervously, I got off the elevator pushing my hair behind my ear and then stiffly walked to the conference room. My breathing so heavy I thought I might pass out. Cracking the door of the conference room I looked inside, it was dark. Reaching around flipping on the lights then, very slowly opened up the door. There was another note. I walked over to it and read.
“Make yourself comfortable on the round table in the corner. And I do mean on the table.”
I looked over at the table in the corner it was big enough for six people to sit around and there were chairs all around it. Sitting in the middle of the table with a blindfold not one that had eye holes in it like a mask an actual blindfold.
Underneath it was a note.
“Put this on and wait”
I got scared walking towards the door. Then I stopped myself leaning against the door frame, nervous, my heart beating quickly, breathing heavily but so very excited. I hadn’t felt this excited and turned on in I don’t know how long.
Again, against my better judgment I turned around and went back to the table sliding myself up on it. I held the blindfold in my hands looking down at it in my lap before I lifted it and put it over my eyes sitting there waiting. It felt like it was an hour but in reality was only two or three minutes before I heard the door open and footsteps come close. Not a word was spoken I felt a finger cross over my lips and caress my cheek it was soft. It’s Tom I thought to myself. His hands are soft it can’t be Allen his hands are rough he’s outdoorsy. I was excited I knew my nipples were stiff. The hand traced back and forth across my face and under my chin playing with my hair before I felt both hands take me by the shoulders and lay me down on my back. My knees over the edge my feet dangling. I felt the hands begin to run back and forth over my stomach and then up over my breasts just slightly touching my nipples through the sweater. I gasped.
I could feel him move around to my head. Not knowing what to expect. Was he going to pull out his cock and shove it in my mouth what was going to happen. Then , very slowly I felt the hands moved down over my sweater sleeves to my wrists wrapping both wrists in his fingers and lifting my hands up. I felt soft gentle kisses on my fingers and hands and it sent chills through my body.
Ever so gently they laid my hands back over my head flat my wrists hanging over the edge of the table above my head. I felt something soft and fuzzy wrapping my wrists. Getting nervous I tugged. My hands were cuffed by something and it was hooked to something I couldn’t pull it away from above my head. I got nervous and began to wiggle just hearing a calming sound
And then the comforting caresses on my cheek. The hands moved back to my breasts cupping and fondling them through my sweater before moving down over my stomach to the bottom of my sweater and slipping it up slowly over my stomach. I could feel the soft skin of his fingertips on my skin as my sweater traveled up just below my breasts. Once again the sweater moved, up over my breasts and I was exposed. I was both fearful and excited. I felt the soft fingertips barely touching the skin of my breasts and circling my nipples pinching them between their fingers. A whimper escape my lips I didn’t know who it was but was reasonably sure that it was tom.
In my excitement I lifted my knees hooking the heels of my shoes on the end of the table. My breasts were fondled long enough to make me breathe so heavy that I was short of breath gasping with each exhale.
I then felt them move around to my feet. Feeling the soft hands taking my ankle and lifting it my shoe being removed. Whoever it was now knew for sure I have the bra and the stockings on. Lifting the heel of my foot and laying it against their shoulder they took my other foot removing the heel and lifting that foot up on the other shoulder. I felt the soft hands run down the fabric of my leggings until they reached my hips the fingers slipping inside the waistband of my leggings beginning to work off the leggings from my waist and hips. They slid easily up my thighs and they pulled them off of my feet. I was now completely exposed wearing only the lingerie that they had provided…. Taking my feet I felt the soft hands begin to massage them and it felt so relaxing.
The massaging continued up my calves and the legs lowering my heels back down over the table. My knees were spread and I felt the warm breath of whoever it was against my leg as they kissed me through the stockings working their way up until they got to the top of one thigh kissing the naked skin that was revealed above the stocking.
Pushing my knees even more apart before I felt the wet lick of a tongue against my labia.
I moaned out loud.
They continue to look away at me until I was wiggling on the table. Pulling at the restraint above my head trying to get myself loose. But unable to. My legs were now draped over whoever’s shoulders it worse and I felt her hands on the backs of my thighs pushing my knees up to my chest as their tongue ran all the way from my anus to my clitoris and back again. I was breathing so fast and my heart was beating so fast that I thought it would jump out of my chest. I was about to orgasm when they stopped. I then felt the hands move up my legs again my heels were placed against their chest. I felt something began to rub against my labia before finding my opening then that first moment of penetration again I gasped and moaned.
It felt so hard almost unnatural. Slowly the length of the penis slid into me. Slowly pulling out of me and back into me again it felt so smooth. He must be wearing a rubber I thought. The pace quickening their hands moving up and down my legs as they continued to fuck me.
I could feel the ball slapping against my ass with every thrust. Then I felt the wet warmth of a mouth closing around my toes.
It was enough to drive me mad. I began to swear over and over again.
And exploded in orgasm. The ripples going through my body.
Eventually the orgasm subsided and I felt the penis withdrawal. Then the kisses moved down my legs as they released their hold on my ankles again draping them over the edge of the table. The soft mouth moved up over my pussy again licking away at it cleaning me. Before moving up and kissing their way up my stomach into my breasts my nipples were so sensitive from the orgasm I whinced.
It didn’t stop them they sucked and nibbled on them and eventually I grew accustomed to the feeling excited and aroused and feeling so alive. I felt the kisses move from my breasts up to my neck and then something strange it felt as if the clothing or something was draped across my skin. They moved to my lips kissing mine their lips so soft and full were open and I could taste the sweet soft wet tongue as it entered my mouth. They began to kiss around my face again nuzzling my neck as they fondled my breasts. “Who are you”
I whispered
” let me see, let me know”.
……The hands moved from my breasts to the blindfold as the blindfold slowly was lifted I saw a familiar vision.
…..It was Maria my, friend and confidant. She undid the restraints and I lowered my hands taking hold of her face and looking into her eyes. I rose up to my elbows to realize that she was wearing a strap on. We kissed and lingered caressing for a long time..
Happy Valentine’s Day she whispered.
Looking down
She was wearing only her bra and panties her clothing laying on the side taking off the strap on I lowered myself to my knees between her legs pulling off her panties to re be eal a fabulous full black bush of pubic hair and began to lick away at her. she was already so turned on and aroused by the whole episode that she came quickly spasming and convulsing.
She explained to me how she came in early in the morning and put everything in place and how she had unlocked the door and snuck back in the back door before I closed everything up.
We got dressed and left that day and it was the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had.
