The Amazon – (H/M) Part 1

All characters are over 18 years or older. This is a work of fiction. Any names used are made up and don’t relate to any person. Tags: Futa-on-male, Excessive cum, male sub, Dominate futa

Note: I am considering starting a Patreon for my writing and wondered if readers would be interested in that. Please comment with your thoughts.




“It’s never going to fit,” I said as I hovered above the largest cock I had ever seen.

“Yes, it will. But, you need to trust me.”

“Okay, I’ll try,” I murmured as I slowly began to lower myself down. I thought, how did it come to this…


My name was William Richardson (Will for short), and I had just finished my Ph.D. in Ancient Anthropology, having completed my thesis on the ancient Incas. However, that hadn’t been my first choice; that was to study the legend of the Amazonians. They were said to be giant women of myth, and unfortunately, there wasn’t enough evidence of their existence to do a thesis about it. When I first told my advisor about my desire to study the Amazonians, she had laughed me out of her office. So I settled for the Incas. They were interesting enough, but I never forgot my dream of the Amazons. So any moment I wasn’t working on my thesis, I was studying any bit of information I could find about them. Through this study, I discovered that the legends of the Amazonians weren’t actually from the Amazon Basin but a secret island in the Caribbean off the coast of Suriname. Therefore, just after my 30th birthday, I booked a flight to Paramaribo to charter myself a 30-foot boat to find my lost island.

While in Paramaribo, I spoke to some local fishermen to find out what they might know about my island, only to be laughed at for chasing fairy tales. However, one older man said the island did exist, but I would be crazy to try and find it. Instead of seeing the island, I would only find disaster. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t let the naysaying of an older man dissuade me from completing my quest or at least trying. So the following day, I set out to find my adventure.

The first two days of my trip found me traveling under a bright blue sky and calm seas. I saw a couple of pods of dolphins and manta rays playing in the surf. Whales could be seen spouting here and there, and I even saw one do a complete breach. As I went, I dragged a fishing line behind my boat and was able to catch a good-sized Mahi-mahi for dinner. It was absolutely incredible. I was full of energy and in high spirits. Then on the third day, disaster struck.

I was going along at a good pace, the sun bright in the clear sky and the sea still calm. It was just past noon, and all my instruments were reading normal when it happened. There was nothing natural about it. Suddenly, the calm seas became 30-foot tall waves, and the clear blue sky became black with heavy clouds. Lightning began lighting up the sky as rain fell in an absolute downpour. Very few ships could survive such a storm, and my 30-footer was not one of them. Luckily for me, I kept my emergency life jacket, with a beacon, close at hand at all times. I was able to get it on before I heard a terribly loud cracking noise as my boat literally broke in two. I was thrown from its ruined corpse and left to ride the waves in terror.

During my time in school, I had studied many religions, but I had never felt any held any merit and was pretty open about my atheism. However, for the first time in my life, I prayed while being buffered around the angry sea. Not to Yahweh, or the god of the bible (that guy is a jerk), but to merciful Poseiden, since I had nothing better to do. Shortly after that, darkness took me, and I lost all consciousness.

After what could have been hours, I awoke, although I kind of wished I hadn’t. I was lying on my back on a beach, and my entire body felt like it was just one giant ball of pain. The sky was blue, and the sun shone brightly. Unfortunately, I lost consciousness again as a shadow blocked out the sun.

I had no idea how long I was out for, only waking a couple of times to have some strange brew shoved down my throat, though that also could have been a dream. Then, I was plunged into a strange scene. I kept seeing a giant person, but that couldn’t be true, so I had to be dreaming.

When I finally awoke, I found myself in a huge bed covered in light furs. I was in a thatched house that let in very little light. However, it let in enough light to know it was daytime but not enough to see very well in the gloom. There was the smell of a campfire to my left, although somehow, the room wasn’t smoky. I first noticed as I sat up that I was no longer in any pain. Instead, I felt better than ever. My body was covered in bandages, but all I found was perfectly unblemished skin as I lifted them. If anything, my skin glowed and was clear of any imperfections. I looked to where I had a scar from a bike accident in the 3rd grade, only to find it gone. As I continued to look over my body, I heard the door open.

“Aww, good, you are awake. I had hoped it would happen today. You have been out for quite a while. Then again, your injuries were quite severe, and you’re lucky to be alive,” said a distinctly feminine voice from the now open doorway. I looked that way, only to think I was still asleep because standing there was the most humongous person I had ever seen. She had to be at least eight feet tall with a physique to match. She was entirely muscle, with what had to be a twelve-pack of abs and massive arms and thighs. Her breasts were perfectly preportioned for her body, probably a D-cup for someone her size. A strip of beast pelt and twine strained to contain them while showing off a valley of cleavage. The only other clothing she wore was a loincloth that went down to just past her knees. She had long golden hair that perfectly framed her face. She was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.

“How are you feeling?” She asked, and it was at this point that I realized I understood every word she had spoken. Then I realized she spoke Spanish, something I am fluent in because my mother was from Peru and talked to me in Spanish from a young age. She must have seen my shocked face because she said, “You aren’t the first human who has come to our island. We have learned your language. I am surprised you understand me; not everyone who comes does. My name is Auzora.”

“My name is William, but most people call me Will, and I’m fluent in Spanish, so I understand you perfectly. I am feeling much better, thank you. Actually, I don’t think I have ever felt this good in my life.”

“Well, Will, the Amazonians have powerful medicine, and it does wonders for the body and mind. We may live a more primitive lifestyle than humans, but we are advanced in other ways. But, unfortunately, we are also completely isolated. The storm of the ancients ensures that.”

“Is that what you called the storm I ran into? One minute it was a perfect day, with clear blue skies. The next, it was the worst storm I have ever even heard of. It was so bad it broke my boat in half.”

“I am not surprised. The storm of the ancients is intended to keep everyone away from our island, though it also keeps anyone from leaving, including you. It is time for you to get up, we have much to discuss, and you must be hungry.” At that moment, my stomach rumbled so loudly that Auzora started to chuckle. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Yes, I’m pretty hungry. However, right now, I am only wearing bandages. Do you have any clothes for me to wear?

“There should be some clothes next to the bed on your left.” I looked that way and found a simple loincloth. I gave Auzora a weary look, causing her to chuckle again.

“Trust me, in the heat of Amazonia, you don’t want too many clothes on, and you don’t want to stick out, do you?”

I nodded and got up. To my surprise, Auzora didn’t look away. If anything, she stared at me with a hungry look in her eyes. She caught sight of mini-me, although she seemed more interested in my backside than my front. She must be an ass woman. I have no issues with that, being an ass man myself. I decided to give her a little show, so I entirely turned my back on her and bent over dramatically to pick up the loincloth. The move was wholly unnecessary, but she did save my life, so I figured it was the least I could do. As I looked between my legs, I saw her eyes transfixed upon my ass. I must admit the hungry look in her eye had me a bit worried. Also, I thought to myself, did I see her loincloth move, or was I just dreaming? Before I could investigate further, Auzora said, “Hurry up, I want to get you fed before things escalate.”

“Sorry, I’m coming,” I said as I put on the loincloth. I noticed a pair of simple but effective sandals under it and put them on. They fit perfectly and were surprisingly comfortable. “Ready, let’s go.”

She led me outside into the bright afternoon sun. It was so bright that I was nearly blinded after being in the dark house, but when my eyes finally adjusted, I was greeted with the most stunning vista I had ever seen. We were high on a hill overlooking a sprawling and vibrant city filled with colors. Crystal clear water ran like diamonds and other precious gems over waterfalls throughout the city, crisscrossed with ornate bridges to different tiers. The buildings, though made of thatch, like the one I awoke in, had various gems waved within the reeds to make them sparkle in the afternoon sun. The building I just left was so richly decorated that only one build would be considered superior. That was also the only building higher on the hill. It was much larger and seemed to be covered in gold threads instead of reeds. There was also a great many more gems entwined in the golden threads.

“Wow, who lives there?” I asked as I pointed at the golden hall.

“My mother, the Queen of the Amazonians. You will meet her later, but let us eat for now. There is much for me to tell you.” Auzora led us over a bridge down another grand-looking hall. I noticed other Amazonians going about their business. About half of them paid me no mind, yet the other half looked at me like a lion about to pounce on an unsuspecting gazelle.

“Auzora, why are half the Amazionans I see looking at me like I’m a piece of meat they want to devour?”

“Simple, you are an unbonded male. They hope that if I don’t bind you, they might be lucky enough to be the one to do it. You are quite cute after all, quite the prize for anyone to snag if they can.”

“You keep talking about binding. What do you mean? Are you going to make me your slave?” I asked.

“Gods no, Amazonia has never allowed slaves, nor would we ever do that do a sentient being.”

“Then what do you mean?”

“Let us go inside, get you some food and drink, and I will explain everything.”

“Okay,” I said as we entered the hall. It was much dimmer inside, so it took my eyes a moment to adjust to the new light. When they finally did, I was in for quite the shock. Sitting at a table upon a dais was a woman who looked exactly like Auzora except older and with a crown upon her head. She must have been Auzora’s mother and Queen of the Amazons. However, this wasn’t what surprised me so much. Instead, that would be the human man sitting in her lap with some sort of bulge in his stomach. The man was fully naked and clearly aroused. Other humans arrayed around the Queen, two women, and one other man. The Queen turned to one of the women and told her something, which the woman seemed to nod enthusiastically back to before disappearing under the table. Her head appeared between the man’s legs, and I watched as she took the man’s hard cock in her mouth and began giving him quite the blowjob. I could also see the man going up and down in the Queen’s lap.

“What is going on there?” I asked, unable to pull my eyes away from the scene, still not entirely convinced I wasn’t imagining things.

“My mother must have had a busy morning and wasn’t able to get off yet, so she is having one of her bond men take care of her. By the looks of things, she is about to finish.” Auzora said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. It was at that moment that a look of pure pleasure came over the Queen’s face, and I swore the man’s stomach was getting bigger and bigger. Then, after a few moments, it became clear that I wasn’t seeing things, and his stomach really was getting bigger.

“What the hell is going on?” I exclaimed.

“Well, my mother is cumming, obviously.”

“What do you mean ‘obviously’??”

“Oh, that’s right, I haven’t explained anything to you yet. My mother, like myself, is what you call a futanari or futa for short.” Auzora explained.

“Meaning that your mother and you both have dicks?” I asked, my eyes still glued to the man’s stomach, which had now grown to the size of a watermelon. “And her dick is currently cumming inside that man’s ass?”

“Exactly what I’m saying, though it isn’t just my mother and myself. Half of the population of women in this city are Futas. So now why do you think you were getting so many heated looks?” she questioned.

“They were all futas, and they were all thinking about sticking their dicks inside my ass?”

“Correct again. Come let us take a seat, and I’ll explain everything.” As Auzora said this, the Queen seemed to relax, having finished her orgasm. She then reached down and grabbed the much smaller man by his legs and started lifting him up, revealing by far the largest cock I had ever seen. Before coming on this trip, I had been quite an avid porn watcher, especially of women taking larger than average cocks in their asses. What can I say? I have always been an ass man, even playing with my own ass on occasion. But this dick put all other dicks to shame. It was bigger than most horses’ dicks, though it was shaped like a man’s dick, just much more prominent. Before she had fully unsheathed herself, she reached over to where her other lady (the one that hadn’t been giving the blow job) was holding a humongous buttplug. After grabbing the plug by its base, she pulled her massive mushroom head from the man’s ass only to slam the plug inside the gaping hole. She then proceeded to hand the cum-filled man over to the other human, who helped him sit in a chair. The Queen re-covered her massive cock with her loincloth and continued eating as if nothing had happened. Even though the hall wasn’t very full, nobody seemed to pay the Queen any attention. They went about their business as if this was a regular occurrence. However, now that I was no longer distracted, I noticed that over half the women in the hall were eyeing me hungrily. I also noticed that Auzora had taken a seat at an empty table near the dais, so I hurried after her.

“You had better explain what is going on now before I go crazy,” I said as I took a seat that was clearly designed for a human.

“It all started long ago, over a thousand years, long before the white man came across the sea. As you may have noticed, there are no male Amazonians. However, this wasn’t always the case. Back then, Amazonian women and men lived side by side. Legend has it that a man angered the gods of old who cursed them, causing a plague that only killed the men. Unfortunately, the epidemic did its job too well, and soon there were no more men, and Amazonian women stopped giving birth to men as well. As you might imagine, this started having an immediate impact on Amazonian society, and so the Queen at the time, my great great great great great grandmother, went to parley with the gods. She struck a deal with the gods: the gods would hide away our island with the great storm, and in return, they would endow certain ladies with penises so that the Amazons would continue to live on.

One thing that wasn’t foreseen was the constant unending libido of the women with the gift. Shortly after this, the endowed Amazonians discovered they could bind non-humans from other tribes on the island to help sedate their libido. Many years later, the first humans arrived on our island, somehow surviving the storm. However, it soon became apparent that it was challenging for those endowed to resist being around humans, and several unfortunate incidents happened before my great great great grandmother put the binding law in place. The new law gave humans three days to agree to be bonded to an Amazonian or leave the city. It also made it illegal for any human or non-human to be bonded against their will.”

“Can you tell me more about this binding ceremony?” I asked as I tried the delicious-looking food in front of me. I had never seen nor tasted anything like it. First, there was roasted meat that fell right off the bone. It tasted amazing and like no meat I have ever had. Then there were the vegetables, roasted like the meat. I recognized most of them, but there was a strange one: dark purple with bright pink seeds. I had definitely never seen or tasted anything like it before. “What is this meat? It’s incredible, and what are these vegetables? I have never seen anything like them before, either.”

“The meat would be Griffin. They are trainable, and we use them as steads. Those vegetables are a rare delicacy from the island’s south side, called Winter root. Aren’t they good? As for the ceremony, it is actually quite simple. First, you would willingly accept to perform the binding ceremony with me. Then with the help of the potion I gave you to aid in your recovery, you would lower yourself upon me.”

“By lowering on you, you mean me sticking your massive cock up my ass.”

“Crude, but correct. Once I have spilled my seed inside you, the binding ceremony will be complete. However, our evening would just be getting started. After that, no other Amazonian would touch you, and you would be free to stay in the city. You would get some additional benefits as well.”

“Additional benefits? What additional benefits?”

“Well, if you would stop interrupting me, I would tell. May I continue?”

“Of course, sorry for interrupting, please continue,” I said a little submissively.

“As I was saying, you would get additional benefits from the binding. These include a longer life span. Amazonians live up to two hundred years, and the binding will ensure you live as long as your Amazonian you are bonded to. You will also get some of their strength. As you saw, the man in my mother’s lap was much more muscular than the common man. That was because of the bond. Your body will also be able to absorb the seed of the Amazon, whether it be taken anally or from your mouth, and turn it into strength and energy, hence the plug you saw my mother stick in her man. You will only get additional benefits because you are bonded with me, and you will get the prestige of being the princess of Amazon’s first bonded male, and trust me, that counts for a lot. Once we have found a non-futa, Amazon, to be my bride, I will make sure I get your input when we are searching, which is rare for Amazons to do with their bond humans, and you will get to fuck her. Finally, I will give you the rarest of rare gifts, something that very few Amazons with the gift will do. I will let you fuck me as often as I fuck you. An even split. I’ll tell you a secret, but you have to promise you won’t tell the others,” she said, almost conspiratory.

“I promise I won’t tell anyone,” I said immediately, not believing my luck. Not only did I find the most beautiful Amazon on this island, but she was also going to let me fuck her in the ass. This was a dream come true! Who cares that I would have to let her fuck me too? I had always loved butt play on myself. My only worry was fitting her inside me.

“I really like playing with my ass. I will have to give you a potion to make your cock large enough to satisfy an Amazonian woman, but I doubt you will have any issues with that.” Auzora said in a whisper.

“Well, as a thank you for telling me your secrete, I’ll tell you one of my own. Something I have never told another person. Even though I love women, I also love butt stuff, especially playing with myself. I don’t know if you have heard of pegging on this island but, it is similar to you, except the woman has a pussy and wears a strap-on dildo to fuck her man. My biggest fantasy besides fucking a woman’s ass is to be pegged by one.”

“Does that mean you will agree to bond with me?” Auzora asked excitedly. “I have heard of pegging before.”

“Considering my options and the fact that you are by far the most beautiful women I have ever seen, even when compared to the other Amazonians I have seen, I would be incredibly foolish not to accept such a lovely offer from you. First, however, I have to ask, after the bonding ceremony, could I ride a griffin?” I asked, not trying to sound too excited.

I obviously failed because Auzora chuckled before saying, “Not many Amazonians have the means to ride griffins. Most are reserved for our elite warriors, but you are once again lucky since I happen to lead our elite warriors. That means that I have my personal griffin named Rosezarea. She has the most ravishing feathers, and after we complete the binding ceremony, we can ride her together.”

“Holy crap, that is so freaking awesome,” I exclaimed, unable to hold in my excitement. But, unfortunately, my little outburst was a little too loud and got the attention of the Amazonians around us, including the Queen.

“Captain Auzora, come here and bring your human with you,” the Queen said in a pleasant tone that still held an air of authority.

“Of course, my Queen,” Auzora replied, acting submissive for the first time since I had met her. With a look, we both stood, and Auzora led me over to the dais where her mother sat, the Queen of the Amazonians.

As we approached, the Queen said, “Is this the man you saved a week ago?”

“Yes, your majesty.”

“Then why haven’t you bond him? Has he decided not to go through the binding ceremony with you?”

“I had not bonded him yet because he only awakened a few hours ago, and I wanted to make sure he was fed and fully informed before we performed the ceremony.”

“What is your name, man?”

“My name is William, but most people call me Will, your majesty.”

“Has my daughter explained our laws?”

“She has.”

“Then have you decided to bond with her?” You realize if you do, you will be her first, which in itself is a great honor.”

“I have just agreed to bond with Auzora. I understand your laws and will strive to abide by them as I am able. I also understand the great honor your daughter has given me by making me her first. I will also always be in your daughter’s debt for saving my life, something I fear I will never be able to repay.”

To my surprise, the Queen laughed at that before saying, “All Amazonians cherish life over anything else, any Amazonian who found you would have saved you no matter what. You owe my daughter no debt for that, but I respect you for saying so. I like you, young William, and give my blessing for you to bond with my daughter. Now begone, it is time for you two to complete the ceremony. Daughter, tomorrow, please come and see me at the palace when you have finished. There is much I wish to speak to you about. You should bring young Will with you. I wish to get to know him better. But before you leave, come to me, Auzora. There is something I wish to tell you in private.” Auzora approached her mother’s chair and leaned in as her mother whispered something in her ear. To my astonishment, I saw red appear on the Amazon’s face.

“Was she blushing?” I thought to myself. I had never seen her act this way, though to be fair, I had only been around for a short time. I feel like I can get a pretty good read of people, and Auzora didn’t seem like the type of woman to blush easily. Once her mother had finished whatever she was saying, Auzora returned to me, and we both gave the Queen a bow before we left the hall.

Once we were out of earshot of the hall, I whispered up at Auzora, asking, “So what did she tell you?”

“I’m sorry, Will, but that is private!” She exclaimed, “Now to get back to my place and make that cute little ass of yours mine!”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said with a smile on my face.

When we arrived back at Auzora’s house, she handed me a large vial with a strange purple potion.

“The healing potions I gave you earlier to save your life had the added bonus of strengthening and adapting your body to be able to accommodate my size. However, it is really nice to have lube back there even with the modification. Long ago, only a couple of years after the change, ladies with the gift got fed up with having to lube someone up every time they wanted to have fun. So the potion in your hand was created, and life has been that much greater ever since. This amazing little potion will clean the last 2 feet of your colon and make it secrete a lube-like substance, similar to a women’s vagina. After drinking this potion, you will never have to worry about that part of your ass being dirty or needing to be warmed up with lube. As someone who has drunk one of these babies in the past, I can say it works like a charm and is one of Amazon’s greatest achievements. I wouldn’t take it until you sit on the toilet in the other room. Don’t worry, we Amazons may seem primitive, but we have had indoor plumbing for thousands of years. Each home that has a gifted Amazonian even comes with a toilet sized for a human, for when they bind with one.”

I took the potion with reverence, “That is incredible. Do you know how much money a potion like this would make in the world outside this island? It would make millions, if not billions of dollars.”

Auzora gave a sad chuckle before saying, “If only it worked that way. But, unfortunately, the border storm would render any potion or thing developed on Amazonia completely inert. That is, if you could even get past the storm. As far as I know, no one has ever made it. Everyone who has tried has washed up again upon our shores, and maybe about one percent of them live to tell about it. Luckily, our island is vast. From the few maps I have seen of the outside world compared to our island, I would say our island is about the size of the place you call Alaska.”

“How can your island be so large, and yet no one knows about it?”

“The ring storm hides us from the world, don’t ask me how because I genuinely don’t know, and I don’t know if anyone does. However, enough talk; I think it is time for you to take that potion so we can get to the bonding ceremony.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said as I went to the back of the house. True to her word, there was a bathroom with a large bathtub, two sinks, and in the corner sat two toilets, one sized for an Amazon and one sized for a human. As I sat on the human-sized toilet, I drank the swirling purple potion. I felt the effects almost immediately, starting with a loud gurgle in my stomach before taking the largest shit of my life. I won’t go into detail, but it was epic. Once I was good and clean, I started feeling a new sensation coming from around my asshole. I reached a hand back there and felt around a bit. My fingers came back a bit sticky with a lube-like substance. Putting a finger in my ass was easier than it had ever been before. I soon grew bold and easily slid three fingers into my ass. This was incredible, I must admit, I had been a little skeptical of her claims of what this potion could do, but now I was a believer.

Just then, I heard Auzora from the other room say, “Are you done yet? I want to get this show on the road.”

“Sorry, I got a little distracted. I’m ready now,” I shouted back. As I returned to the main room, I found Auzora holding another potion, this one bright green. ” What is that for?”

“This potion will help you satisfy any Amazonian. No offense, but your human cock is just not large enough to do the trick. It is not your fault. It’s just biology.” She said as she handed me the potion.

“I only have one question, if I take this, will I be walking around with a massive schlong all the time? I can see how that would be quite annoying.”

Auzora chuckled. “Since you haven’t seen the size of my own ‘schlong,’ I’ll forgive your comment, but luckily for you, this only affects you while you are aroused. Trust me, having a massive dick all the time can be quite annoying. Speaking of my massive dick, why don’t you drink that potion so you can start getting more familiar with it.”

It was my turn to chuckle before I downed the potion in one chug. It actually tasted delicious. About 30 seconds later, I started feeling a warmth in my crotch, causing me to shut my eyes. It wasn’t painful per se, but it did feel weird. Luckily the feeling didn’t last long, and as I opened my eyes, I saw a new hunger in Auzora’s eyes and a new bulge in her loincloth.

She then said two words, “It’s time!” before pulling her top off, revealing the most prominent, most perfect breasts I had ever laid eyes on. She didn’t give me time to stare because she grabbed my head and brought my lips to one of her rock-hard nipples. I happily took the large nub into my mouth and began to suck. Shortly after I started sucking, warm milk started filling my mouth to my amazement. It was creamy with a hint of honey and absolutely delicious.

“Your lactating!” I exclaimed.

Auzora chuckled again (I was starting to love the full-bodied chuckle of hers). “Of course I am; all Amazonias lactate all the time. Luckily, we have these large muscular frames. Otherwise, these massive jugs would cause us unending annoyance. Now enough talking and more sucking!” I did as I was told, retaking her nipple in my mouth and sucking hard. God, her milk was the best-tasting milk I had ever had, and it wasn’t even close. I lost track of time as I sucked on her breasts, only two things happening during this time; sometime near the middle, she moved my lips to her other breast, and her noticeable bulge became something undeniable. I didn’t need to see it to know it was absolutely massive. It was here that I got my first twinge of doubt that I could sit on this thing.

Finally, after an indeterminate amount of time for me, Auzora pulled me off her nipple and, with a face awash in lust, said, “Time for the ceremony. I can’t wait any longer! I need to be inside you.” She gently but firmly pushed me away and unceremoniously pulled off her loincloth, revealing the most enormous dick I had ever seen. It had to be even more significant than her mother’s. It had to be over two and a half feet long and over four inches wide on average, with an even wider mushroom head. After letting me have a good long look at it, Auzora walked over to a chair that seemed specially designed for the ceremony (I would learn later that it was). Once she was comfortably seated, she beckoned me over.

With two hands grasping her shaft, she said, “Time to take a seat!”

Hesitantly, I moved over to the chair, removing my clothes as I went until I was just as naked as Auzora. With two steps and a little help from Auzora, I was now standing on the chair, her massive rod sticking up below me.
