Brook ( I found this on literotica and had to share it)

It has been difficult being a thirty-year-old lesbian in a conservative law firm, especially when you are simply a staff member and not a partner in the firm. Dark suits are expected, even on the female attorneys. This is not one of those progressive start-ups where individuality is encouraged. This firm has been around for more than one hundred years, and the culture hasn’t changed much from Day One.

None of that history alters the way I feel about certain people that work here; it only affects how I must act in public around those people. Yes, it bothers me to see two young, unmarried lawyers—one male and one female—do their courting in the open while I surreptitiously lust after an attractive woman in the privacy of my office.

For several weeks now, my lust has been directed toward a paralegal ten years older than myself…and married. Of course, Brooke has no clue that I watch every move she makes or that I undress her in my mind while we chat. She has the greatest blonde hair—it’s almost white—styled in a pixie cut and bangs. God, I want to run my fingers through it every time I see her, not to mention where else I want my hands on her.

Recently, it got this bad. Brooke asked me for some help on a document and I stood next to her at her desk providing guidance. The entire time, I was sneaking peeks down her blouse at the luscious, full breasts underneath. I could see the edge of her sheer bra. I could see the slope of her tits and the impression of her nipples on the fabric of her shirt.

When we were done, I returned to my office and locked myself in. I flung myself onto my chair and unbuttoned my pants. I couldn’t get my hand inside fast enough to stroke my aching clit. I leaned back and masturbated for a couple minutes, imagining Brooke’s tits without the bra or blouse. I rubbed harder and thought about taking one of her tits into my mouth and sucking on it. Soon, I was arching my back, stifling a squeal as my orgasm began. I allowed a hand to move onto my tit, squeezing the nipple and causing a second surge to flow through my body.

If I was to ever have her to myself, it would have to be a calculated courtship. I would have to make myself virtually impossible to reject and that sounded pretty daunting based on my experiences outside the office. Brooke actually made it a little easier by inviting me to lunch a couple days later. Nobody was more surprised than me and I was nervous as we walked to the diner of my choice, a place where I knew we could talk without being overheard.

We settled in and ordered, chatting about work-related stuff with Brooke dominating the discussion. Then she asked: “Do you have any hobbies, Traci?”

My ability to be blunt has cost me friends in the past, but it’s a habit I find hard to break. So, I replied, “Well, I like cycling…and eating…and writing porn.”

I’ve always considered Brooke to be pretty cool, but I have to give her credit for accepting my answer with a mere rising of her eyebrows and a grin.

“Really? What kind? I mean, what are the topics you write about?”

It wasn’t the reply I expected but jumped on the opportunity to proceed.

“Oh, usually couples or incest. But I think lesbian stories are my favorite,” I said calmly.

“Why’s that?” Brooke said.

“Because I don’t think enough women appreciate the fulfillment that can be achieved in a relationship with another woman,” I said. “Especially married women. A married woman is normally resigned to keeping her husband happy at her own expense. It’s all about him. Then they get older, and the sex gets boring and eventually they are in a sexless marriage. A woman knows what it takes to satisfy another woman. They give AND receive the type of sex they want and both parties benefit. Simply put: the sex is better.”

“Don’t you consider it cheating on your spouse if a married woman has a relationship with another woman?” Brooke asked.

I shrugged and said, “Perhaps. I’d rather look at it as living a full life without harming your spouse. What harm is done if you find sexual satisfaction with another woman when you and your husband provide nothing more than security to each other? The sex is either dead or dying. Obtaining personal sexual gratification with somebody else should actually relieve some of the tension in the marriage.”

Our food arrived and I watched Brooke eat a little, but more often she pushed the food around with her fork while in deep thought. Maybe this was actually working.

“Do the women in your story know each other when they meet?” Brooke asked.

“Yes,” I said quickly. “I mean, it’s almost impossible to go up to a total stranger and strike up a conversation and have that turn into a relationship.”

“Do you know that from experience?”

I smiled and said, “Kind of.”

After a pause to take a bite, she said, “Are you a lesbian, Traci?”

“Well, technically, I guess I’m bisexual,” I responded. “I had sex with guys when I was a lot younger. It was OK, I guess. I normally didn’t have an orgasm, but they did, and they left happy. Then a girlfriend introduced me to lesbian sex, and I’ve preferred that ever since.”

“What kinds of women attract you?”

I knew what I was about to say could very well end the lunch, but nobody ever accused me of being shy.

“I like mature women. Not grannies, but somebody older than me. Intelligent and witty. Thin, with average breasts…not too big. A little waist and tiny ass. Long legs and short hair.”

I had described her perfectly and Brooke avoided making eye contact once she realized it. I’m pretty sure I saw her blush.

“Are they hard to find?” she asked.

“Damn right. So, I tend to stalk them when I find them.”

Brooke laughed, but I sensed a touch of nervousness in the sound. Then she said, “What happens in your stories? Do they end up happy?”

“Every time,” I said. “Both women realize how wonderful the bond is between them and, of course, the sex is fantastic.”

After a long pause, Brooke said, “I would think it’s hard to tell if you are sexually attracted to another woman.”

I replied, “Oh, not at all. What’s the difference between that and being attracted to a guy? You either feel it or you don’t. Granted, at first, it’s mostly a physical attraction. But then you find it becomes emotional and that’s when the real relationship begins. But trust me, that initial physical attraction is fantastic.”

Brooke changed the topic, and I came back from lunch with mixed feelings about how it went. At times I definitely had the impression I had struck a nerve with Brooke and other times I had the impression she thought I was crazy. Either way, I wanted her, and I wasn’t about to give up the pursuit.

In less than twenty-four hours, I had an answer to the question of how the lunch went. Brooke and I both get to the office well before most other people. There’s an hour in the morning where we almost have the place to ourselves, although on some days we never see each other. This time, Brooke came to the door of my office, waited for me to say ‘Hi’, and then entered my office, closing the door behind her. It happened so fast I barely had time to feel my heart begin to race.

“What’s up, Brooke?” I asked, leaning back in my chair.

She wore a typical outfit for her—a simple blouse and black slacks that hugged her small frame.

“I…I thought all night about what we talked about at lunch,” she began, still standing at the door. “I’m happy for you that you’ve been able to sort out what is rewarding for you and what isn’t. And I think it’s cool that you can write about that. I just, well, I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said about relationships, especially in a marriage.”

When she paused, I said, “What part, Brooke?”

“Everything you said about sex in a marriage has happened to me,” she said. The expression on her face indicated how hard it was for her to say it. “The desire is gone and all we do is make each other feel comfortable in our routine. There…there has to be more, Traci, and I think you started me thinking about…things. Like how I feel about other people.”

“Sit down, Brooke,” I said, pointing to the only extra chair I had.

“No, that’s alright. Thanks. I don’t want to take up much of your time…”

I stood up and walked toward her, not exactly sure what I was about to say. But knowing it was important I did this right. I stopped before getting into what I thought was her personal space.

“Take as much of my time as you want. I can tell this makes you nervous, Brooke. Tell me what you mean by your feelings about other people,” I said.

Her entire body language shouted uneasiness. She moved her arms awkwardly and played with the rings on her fingers as she talked.

“I guess I can’t get over the feeling of…of guilt…if I allowed myself to, um, be attracted to another person besides my husband,” she stammered. “It’s like I’d be hiding something from him if I let myself do that…even if it was a woman.”

Brooke may have felt confused about her feelings, but I didn’t, and I couldn’t look at her stunning face and body much longer without having them. I moved closer.

“I think if you’d allow yourself to experience it one time you would have a better idea of how you really feel,” I said in a soft voice.

I reached out and lightly brushed the bangs on her forehead with my fingertips. It was a first touch, but an important one. She didn’t budge. I traced the outline of her face down to her chin, never taking my eyes off hers. I inched closer until our bodies barely touched. I leaned in and kissed her cheek for just an instant.

“Relax,” I whispered.

“Somebody might…”

I reached around her and locked the door, pressing my body against her in the process. I put my hand on the side of her face and held it there. When I removed it, I put my lips on hers. Neither of us tried to turn it into anything else.

I pulled back slightly and said, “Kiss me, Brooke.”

This time I knew she meant it. Brooke tilted her head and spread her lips, permitting me to trace them with my tongue. I swore I wasn’t going to touch her so soon, but my hands were naturally drawn her to her and I put them on her waist. Almost immediately, her tongue was joining mine and the kiss turned more intense. It lasted longer than I expected.

“I didn’t mean to come in here and…and…,” Brooke started to say.

“And what? Kiss me?”

“That, too,” she said. We were still close enough to kiss again and she said, “What happens in your stories next, Traci?”

“Well, the experienced woman tries to calm down the married one.”

“How does she do that…because this married woman is very, very nervous.”

I responded by kissing my way down her face and onto her neck. I spread the collar of her blouse and moved to the front. Then I unbuttoned one button and waited for her reaction. When nothing was said or done, I kissed the newly revealed skin and opened one more button. Now the top of her breasts and the edge of her bra came into view.

“You’re not helping to calm me down, Traci,” Brooke told me.

“Should I stop?”

A long pause was followed with, “No.”

The blouse was now opened below her breasts, and I kissed the inside of her tits, licking them just a little before stopping. I continued unbuttoning until I reached her pants. I lifted the blouse out of them and finished with the last two buttons. I let it hang loose and kissed Brooke for just a second or two.

“Feel better, yet?” I asked her with a grin.

“Oh, sure. Lots,” Brooke answered sarcastically.

I moved my hands to the opening in her blouse and put my fingers on the bare skin below her breasts. I could feel her entire body tense up at my touch, but she allowed me to slide them up and onto the sides of her tits. Her bra was thin, and I was able to massage her breasts easily. Then I slipped my hands behind her and unhooked the bra.

Brooke anxiously slid her tongue along her lips, and I felt her breathing become short and quick. She was definitely still uneasy about all this. I moved my hands back to her breasts and slowly used my fingers to push up her bra. Soon, I had my palms on her nipples. Brooke gasped just barely loud enough for me to hear. Maybe it was more of a long, hard breath than a gasp, but it was a reaction, for sure. I lifted the bra far enough to expose her breasts.

I wish I knew what Brooke was thinking as I gazed longingly at her beautiful small, but firm, tits. I knew what I was thinking and leaned down so I could run my tongue over her left nipple. Brooke was now back against the door, using it to prop herself up. I kissed her breast before putting my lips on her nipple. Then I opened my mouth and slowly took in as much as I could, letting my tongue swipe at the ever-enlarging nipple.

“Ohhhh, Traci,” she muttered.

I sucked harder, eventually moving over to the other breast.

“Traci, no. Please.”

I stood up again and looked into her wide eyes.

“Do you feel that all the way through your body, Brooke?” I said quietly. “Do you feel it between your legs when I suck on your nipple?”

She could only nod.

I said, “Imagine if I bit it softly with my teeth, Brooke. And put my hand on your pussy so I could rub your clit. Imagine what that would feel like.”

I kissed her long and hard instead of letting her answer. Then I put the bra back in place and fastened it. I leisurely buttoned her blouse and let her tuck it into her slacks.

“Think about what that would feel like,” I told her. “Come back tomorrow and let me know if it is something you’d like to try. Oh, and don’t wear a bra when you come to see me. OK?”

She never said a word before opening the door and leaving, although the look on her face was one, I’d never seen before. It was a mixture of lust, shock, and bewilderment. But I believed her when she indicated she felt something. I was happy for her.

Somehow, I managed to make it home without masturbating after the short encounter with Brooke. When I finally got into bed that night, it didn’t take long for me to have my hand on my pussy, thinking about Brooke’s tits, and rubbing my clit until I came three times. God, I was moaning and rolling on the bed with images of Brooke flying through my brain. She was consuming my world and even the remotest possibility that we might start a relationship made me…well, tomorrow might tell us a lot. Brooke would either decide it wasn’t right for her or…or… I made myself cum one more time.

I heard Brooke’s footsteps before I saw her at the door to my office. I was standing behind my desk chair, smiling at the sight of her. She wore a casual top with long sleeves, almost like a sweater. I thought, just maybe, I saw a hint of her nipples. As usual, she had pants on.

Brooke closed the door…but didn’t lock it.

“I want to talk, Traci,” she said. “Sit down.”

It was a preemptive strike that didn’t bode well. She sat in the ‘guest’ chair and crossed her legs. I faced her in my chair.

“Traci, I’m not going to tell you that yesterday wasn’t…stimulating,” she began. “It WAS in many ways. You are obviously very good at knowing how to please a woman.”

I’m used to my supervisor ‘sandwiching’ negative comments between two good ones. It sounded to me as if this was going to be Brooke’s approach.

She continued: “But I need to know the consequences of progressing down that path. I’m not talking about what happens to the women in your fictional stories. I want to know what happens in real life if a married woman of my age starts a liaison with somebody your age…and sex. What are the emotional costs that have to be paid, Traci?”

It certainly wasn’t what I expected her to say or ask. It also sounded as if the door was still open if I played this right.

“Well, I think that all depends on your mindset,” I told her. “You can persuade yourself that it is basically wrong and is cheating, the result of which will be a heavy emotional cost no matter the physical enjoyment you get out of it. Or you can open your mind to the fact life is full of surprises and that one of them might be that another woman can give you total satisfaction when a man can’t. In that case, there is no cost. Everything is gained, including an introduction to a world you didn’t even know existed before yesterday. You may get several shots at this in your lifetime, Brooke. But when are you ever going to be younger than today?”

I was getting used to her long periods of silence during our conversations. This one was like waiting for a jury to return a verdict.

“But how do I know if I’m only attracted to you for the sexual pleasure?” she finally said. “That’s pretty selfish on my part.”

“Quit thinking like a man,” I said emphatically, “As I told you at lunch, when two women are in a relationship they tend to give and receive equally. It comes naturally if you truly love the person. You’ll WANT to please the other person as much as they please you. It doesn’t always happen the first time they’re together, or even the second. But, given time, if the treatment is fair on both sides, it comes naturally.”

“If it DOES happen the first time,” Brooke said almost shyly, “is that a good sign?”

I laughed and said, “Yes, that’s a good sign. Did it happen?”

Brooke answered, “You told me not to wear a bra the next time.”

She lifted her top just enough to show me she did not have a bra on. I smiled.

Brooke said, “I wanted to make you happy yesterday, but…but…I didn’t know how, Traci. Can you teach me?”

My heart was racing so hard I felt it pounding.

“I promised you yesterday I’d let you know what it feels like. Let me do that and you’ll begin to understand,” I said.

I stood up and Brooke was on her feet before I got to her. She locked the door.

“Over here,” I said, signaling with my finger for her to join me.

I was close to the only bare wall in my office. I had her stand with her back to the wall and then I kissed her. There were no preliminaries this time. We both moaned as our tongues met and our arms wrapped around each other. I forced her back against the wall while my hands glided inside her top. I eagerly found her breasts and kneaded them. Brooke initiated another kiss while I pulled and squeezed her nipples, her muffled moans increasing in volume at the same time.

I pulled up the top and sucked on her tits. Brooke held my head in place with her hand and I took the first little bite of her nipple.

“Oh my God, Traci!”

That’s all the incentive I needed to move a hand to the top of her pants. I found a button and then the zipper. Backing away for just an instant, I got her pants opened. Then I returned my mouth to her breasts and slid a hand inside her panties. As I expected, Brooke was already warm and wet.

“Now, I want you to just relax and let me take care of things,” I whispered into her ear. “I’m going to make you cum, Brooke. Don’t resist it.”

Even after saying that, I felt her body attempt to pull away from my hand when my fingers made first contact with her clit. That’s why the wall was there. I pushed her against it harder and sucked on her tits while my hand rubbed her ever-enlarging clit. It took a minute for her tension to diminish, but when it did, I saw her push down slightly on her pants to loosen them and give my hand more room. At the same time, she spread her legs a little.

I put a finger inside her pussy and got it wet. I was kissing Brooke when I did it and her moan of approval was a good sign. I slid the finger back up and used it on her clit even harder and faster than before. Now Brooke’s body was rocking in rhythm with my hand, even pushing out against it as if she was trying to fuck it. I obliged by putting two fingers inside her before returning to her throbbing nub.

I was able to put my other hand down the back of her pants and grip her ass. God, her cheek was so small and round and firm. I ground my pussy against her leg in an effort to relieve the ache, but my own orgasm would have to wait. Brooke was getting closer. I could tell by the sounds she made and the quivering of her body.

My soaking wet fingers pressed harder. I knew if I could just lick it one time, she would cum. But then she let me know it wouldn’t be necessary…this time. “Traci! Oh God, Traci. You really are going to…yes, yes! Right there!”

I leaned down and bit on her nipple. I felt Brooke suppress a shriek. I bit again and that did it.

“Yes! Now. Now! I’m…cumming.

“What a sensation it was to feel her entire body explode for the first time at the hands of another woman. Brooke thrust her hips forward and I rubbed her as hard as I could. She was panting louder as wave after wave of delight flowed through her body. When I thought it was ending, I sucked on her tits and plunged more fingers into her pussy.

She came again. And again.

Eventually, she collapsed into my arms, and we kissed with my hands on her ass.”

I didn’t come in here to do that,” Brooke said.

“But you didn’t stop me. “”I…I couldn’t,” she said.”

Brooke, one of the things you’re going to have to do is be honest with yourself,” I told her while she closed up her slacks again.

“I think you came in here knowing that we might do something. It’s why you didn’t wear a bra. It’s why you asked me to teach you.

Part of you wants to do this and part of you is fighting it. For this to work, you have to be one hundred percent committed.

“She sighed and sat down. I returned to my desk chair.

Brooke said, “How do I do that?” I thought for a second to make sure I worded it correctly, and then told her, “We need a better location than this and a lot more time. We need to meet privately.”

Brooke fiddled with her rings again before looking up at me, saying, “My husband is away on business all week. I have the house to myself. “She paused and said, “Can you come over some evening after work?”

I tried not to leap from my chair and throw myself on top of her. My smile probably gave me away.

“Yes, I can, if that is really what you want. “It is,” she said. Then, she grinned and said, “Any special instructions for me this time?

“It didn’t take long to answer that one. It was what I was already thinking.

“Wear something sexy.

“”Only if you will,” she replied.

“Deal. “It was two days before we were to meet at Brooke’s place, and it seemed to me, she tried hard to avoid me at work. I knew it wasn’t possible for her to be more excited about our date than I was and her actions at work made me think she was feeling a combination of excitement and trepidation. I prayed she would not back out at the last instant.

She did not.

I drove home after work on the day we were to meet and anxiously changed into a dress I rarely had the nerve to wear. It was ridiculously short with a plunging neckline, taut waistline, and loose flowing skirt. I put on a pair of bikini panties and decided against a bra. I felt obscene and hoped Brooke appreciated it.

She, of course, had the advantage of playing the hostess and when I arrived at her house, I was delighted to see her wearing a silky, short, black nightshirt that buttoned down the front. She looked stunning.

I removed my coat and Brooke said, “Wow. You look great, Traci. I’m shocked you don’t wear that at work. “Oh, sure. I’d be terminated before lunch,” I replied.

“But you could have any guy you wanted,” Brooke said as we walked into the family room.

“If I wanted,” I said.

Brooke sat in a large recliner with one leg pulled up under her. The shirt scarcely covered her pussy and ass and she had to notice my gaze. I took the couch and crossed my legs, knowing I was showing almost as much.

We talked for a short while until Brooke brought drinks and snacks out of the kitchen. Neither of us are big alcohol drinkers, so it was soft drinks for both of us and that was fine with me. I was going to need all of my senses if the evening went the way I hoped.

Brooke offered to take me on a tour of the rather large house, and I readily accepted. I don’t believe in a sixth sense, but there was something occurring during the beginning of that tour. You could feel the magnetism between us increasing. With each passing minute I wanted more and more to take her in my arms. I thought if we simply touched one time, we would both engulf the other.

We arrived at one of the extra bedrooms and were just inside the door. Brooke looked at me while she spoke, but I didn’t hear a word. Our eyes said everything.

“Have you ever used this room?” I asked her.

“As a bedroom? No.

“”I think you should. Right now.

“She had to have been feeling the same magnetism because our kiss was instantaneous and incredibly passionate.

“Undress me, Brooke.”

I wanted to make sure she was into this completely and not just receiving my love. I was surprised to watch her run her hands up the front of my chest, inside the dress, before forcing the straps off my shoulders. Then she reached back and unzipped it.

I never felt as good about having a woman watch my breasts appear as I did when Brooke slid the dress to my waist. She stared for the longest time and then let the dress fall to the floor. Her fingers slid over my breasts but didn’t linger. She pulled down my panties and took them off. I was naked and very, very horny.

“Lick my breasts, Brooke. Just like I did yours.”

At first, I wasn’t sure she would do it. I don’t think SHE was sure she would do it until, finally, her face came to my tits. Her first kiss was tentative. Then a slight lick, followed by another. When I rested my hand in her hair, she took a breast into her mouth and sucked on it. I was in heaven already and we’d just started. This was going to be great.

I remembered my first time with a woman and how confused I felt. My mind spun with all kinds of thoughts: ‘This isn’t right,’ or ‘Am I normal?’, and especially ‘Why do I enjoy this so much?’ I wondered what Brooke was thinking at that moment.

So, I asked her. “Are you OK?” I said.

She responded, “A week ago I would have said you were crazy if you said we’d be doing this. Does it mean I’m…I mean, I’m married, Traci? I don’t understand why I think it’s OK to be doing this.

“”You have to stop thinking in terms of having to fit into a sexual role just because you are a married woman, Brooke,” I told her. “You are a woman, period, with emotions and wants and needs. It’s OK to be doing this because it will be equal parts giving and receiving once, we really get started.

“She looked at me and said, “We haven’t started, yet?”

I laughed and said, “Not by a long shot.

“With that, I began to unbutton her shirt. As soon as it was open, I pulled it off and admired her beautiful, mature body. I suppose there’s nothing wrong with skinny little teenage girls, but there’s something about a forty-year-old woman’s body that can’t be matched when she had gone to the lengths that Brooke obviously had to maintain it. Before we got ‘started,’ I wanted to savor her.

I pulled her to me, and we kissed, my hands exploring every inch of that body. I loved the feeling of her full tits pressing against mine; and the roundness of her ass; and the soft skin everywhere. When we were done, I took her hand and led her to the bed.

“We’ll take our time, Brooke,” I said.

“I don’t know if I can.

“”There’s no need to rush this,” I assured her. “Just enjoy it.

“We got on the bed together, lying on our sides, facing each other with virtually no space between us. I was happy to watch Brooke cup my tits for a moment, but then move her hand down to my pussy. It was important that she felt confident enough to touch me anywhere she wanted. It was a good start.

I tried to help by inching down and sucking on her tits. Her moans convinced me we could proceed and, even better, her fingers sought out my clit. Now she was getting into it.

“I want to make you cum first,” Brooke said to my surprise. “It may not be done the way you like, but I want to try.

“I smiled and answered, “Do what feels right. It’ll be fine.

“It was her turn to lick and suck my breasts with her hand still between my legs. I rolled onto my back and Brooke took that opportunity to slide a finger inside me. I spread my legs and sighed when she went back to clit. It would have been perfectly fine with me if all she did was masturbate me until I came. In fact, I was half prepared for that. So, my pulse quickened when Brooke began to move lower until she was licking the inside of my thigh.

I wished there could have been a way for me to tell her that there was no way she could screw this up. I knew she was nervous about making me happy, but God I was ready to cum, and she hadn’t even done much yet. Hopefully the massive climax I knew was coming would give her a hint that I loved her.

After what seemed an eternity, Brooke finally put her lips on my pussy, and I arched my back to accept them.

“Oh yes, Brooke. Lick me right there,” I said as guidance.

She wasn’t applying nearly enough pressure for my liking, but the realization that her tongue was floating over my clit was enough for now. I let her go at her own pace, feeling my body slowly build toward an orgasm. She widened the area she was licking and even closed her mouth around my clit at one point. I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her closer. I didn’t want to scare her, but she seemed eager to pick up the pace.

“That is SO good. Just like that,” I honestly told her.

The next few minutes were pure delight. Brooke got better. My body got closer, and I kept reassuring her verbally. Soon, she had to feel the shaking as I started to lose control. I raised my hips and she licked faster.

“Oh God. God! Yes, Brooke!

“She reached up and grabbed a tit. I squeezed the other nipple and my body exploded.

“Yes! Yesssss!”

It truly was one of the best orgasms I ever had, knowing who it was that caused it. Brooke was wonderful in the way she managed to keep contact with my clit, holding me in place the best she could despite my rocking and rolling on the bed. I think I came twice, but my mind wasn’t exactly working right at that point.

I had to squirm away from her face to get her to stop, God bless her, and Brooke just lingered down there, kissing my thighs and pussy and stomach. Soon, she was on top of me in my arms.

I rolled her over and began to explore her body from top to bottom. I think by the time—several long minutes later—I was ready for her pussy; she was about to scream at me to let her cum. It didn’t take much. Her orgasm went on and on and I could only believe that I probably had a convert on my hands. Brooke was, indeed, ready for sex with another woman on a continual basis.

Eventually, we left the bedroom and remained naked as we sat on the family room couch and talked. Of course, that led to another session not long afterwards. There was no more discussion of muddled feelings that evening…and work would never be the same for either of us.



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