The Hiking Tease – a guy I can’t be with because he’s taken asked me to write on this subject.


*I must be mental! Absolutely bloody mental!*

*But I tried. I didn’t wear the sexy hiking shorts and I’ve only a tiny bit of makeup on. I’m trying to do the friend thing. I’m trying my best and I’m doing alright…*

All of this was true apart from the mental bit. However that might follow shortly, if the muscles of his calves didn’t stop doing what they were doing. He was wearing shorts. And hiking boots of course. He was also walking directly in front of her, making life very difficult. Every step he took, his leg muscles tensed. The shape of each strong sinew and tendon, defined. So male. So very fucking male. The breathable material of his shorts flowed over his toned ass and for a few fleeting seconds she saw it naked in her mind’s eye, flexed; those tell tale dents visible on each hip the way men only get when thrusting hard.

*Damnit Ruth! Focus on the scenery. The landscape. Look at his feet instead. Something. Just not his ass.*

Against her hip, a water bottle swung. She unhooked it and took a sip to alleviate the dryness in her mouth. Between the sweat gathering at the base of her back and the inevitable moisture seeping into her sensible panties from her heated lady parts, she was probably going to need two or three bottles of hydration on this ill advised hike.

*Damn it!*


Good job. Good job dude. Walking in front is making this easier.

Ruth had a beauty about her without even trying. She was smart, easy to get along with and she gave off this vibe that made him feel buzzed whenever she was around . But he knew she wasn’t interested in him. His best friend Chris had sounded out the waters for him and saved him the embarrassment of being turned down. She was apparently happy to be friends though, which made sense when they got on so well and also worked together.

It was during a recent working lunch that she had asked him about his love for hiking. He told her all about Mount Brandon, his latest conquest and was pleasantly surprised to find she had a genuine interest. Without considering the potential challenges, he had blithely said about the upcoming good weather and suggested that they could go together if she was free. She agreed immediately.

And so here he was.

She was doing well for someone inexperienced. He turned to find her hydrating from the bottle she wore on her waist band; her plump lips clasped around the spout.

His dick twitched.

*Down boy!*

‘It’s pretty warm huh?’ he said.

She brushed a sweaty curl from her forehead and smiled.

‘Sure is. Not your typical Irish weather. I’d probably have done better if I hadn’t worn these stupid trousers.’

‘Aye,’ he nodded.

Richard double blinked and turned away to continue their ascent.


*The hell did you say that for? He’s clearly taken that wrong. This is turning out to be painful. Why on earth did I come?*

For the next half hour she gazed determinedly at the path, only glancing up briefly. There was a dull ache in her chest either from the renewed rejection or from exertion. Either way, she needed to accept Chris’s advice that Richard only saw her as friend material. Pining after anyone was always a bad idea.

‘It gets pretty steep here for a bit and the rocks can be loose underfoot. So keep an eye out and take your time,’ he told her.

‘Will do.’

He hefted the rucksack on his back into a more comfortable position and gave her an indecipherable look.

‘There’s a lake just ahead actually. I was thinking we could have a bite to eat there and I might have a swim.’

‘Sounds good. I am getting a bit hungry.’

*Oh please say he has brought trunks. If he goes skinny dipping, I’m gonna die.*


*Good thing I brought those swim trunks. I don’t think the sight of my naked body thrashing about in the water would go down well.*

He kept an eye on her, walking alongside now. To his dismay the conversation was stilted. Even when they spotted a big buck hare bounding through the heathers only to disappear into a stand of gorse, she said very little.

Finally they reached a small paternoster lake and settled themselves in a comfortable spot.

‘You work away and get yourself fed and watered there. I’m going to take a swim before mine,’ he said, grabbing his towel and trunks from his bag.

She nodded and even looked a little bit sad to him. Had he said or done something? Maybe she needed some quiet time alone with nature. He sure as hell did. In a very cold lake – to take the edge off.

Thankfully nothing untoward happened as he got changed and ventured towards the edge of the lake. He averted this by thinking of the time he had endured the horrific experience of seeing his ninety two year old great aunt Agnes naked once when she had been in the throes of dementia. It had been a very sad and upsetting event.

His mood was fairly close to somber by the time he immersed himself fully. He splashed his shoulders and chest with handfuls of water, then dove in. Although the day was pretty warm even at these heights, the cold made him gasp and shrivel all at once. It passed quickly. Soon he was slicing through the water, the slopes of Mount Brandon resplendent on every side. A bird of prey swooped in the distance and carried away a struggling fish in its talons. Nature doing what nature does, he thought. The water soothed him and melted away his worries. His blood pumped through his veins, enriching every sensation. He felt extraordinarily alive. It was just a shame that Ruth could not have joined him.

Halfway across the small lake he turned around to check on her, only to see that she was gone.


Knowing he was stripping off his clothes beside her had been very hard to take. As he hobbled down to the lake barefoot over shale and rust coloured sandstone, she had an irresistible urge to run up, take him by the hair and kiss his brains out – make him see what he was missing, regardless of what Chris had told her. Her nipples poked angrily at the fabric of her t-shirt, seeking who knew what. She scowled at them and kicked a rock with her booted foot.

She retrieved her sandwiches from her rucksack and attempted to open up the packaging. Some sadist had manufactured it who obviously believed that food should be seen and not eaten. She picked at a corner. Then tried a second – breaking a nail. Not that she bothered with her nails much but it hurt to have one stripped halfway down. She sucked it for a minute then tried tearing the package instead.

‘Grrrrr….!’ she shouted in futility and then flung it into some bushes.

She watched Richard swim, his strong body eating up the distance.

*I wish he would eat me up…*

She threw herself onto her back in heather and stared up at the sky. Her hand had gravitated to her pelvic region in the process and immediately a warm shock of pleasure jolted through her. She gave a private little smile and cupped herself, fingers gently tapping her hunger.

*I don’t need a sandwich at all. I need to cum…*

She sat up and watched the man her pussy was busy drooling over, getting further and further away.

*I can’t touch myself here whether he can make out what I’m doing or not. I’ll just go behind that gorse bush for a quick play. Sure, there’s no one about for miles…*

Fortunately her craghoppers were pretty sturdy trousers, because she was close to trashing the zip, such was her hurry to get inside them. At first she didn’t push them down all the way. She just eased her hand in and found her weeping opening. She petted it. Comforted it.

Parting her inner lips she dragged the slipperiness over her throbbing clit. In her mind it was Richard’s tongue. Her head lolled back and she did it again, this time pressing her finger inside. She swirled it. Her imagination told her it was Richard eagerly tasting her cunt.

‘Oh fuck.’

Her legs were shaking. She grabbed a breast and squeezed roughly, as he might do before he penetrated her. Then she shoved her knickers and trousers to her thighs. Two fingers played the role of cock. But Richard was definitely bigger and her pussy was in the mood to take whatever he’d give her. With her left hand she grabbed her ass as he would do and then she added a third, plunging all three wetly inside her.

She had to hurry, she was close. With three fingers inside and her thumb busily rubbing her clit she came hard, just as Richard appeared in the clearing dripping wet in a very different manner to the way she was.


*What the holy fuck!*

His eyes turned dark as he surveyed the scene; the woman he wanted, trousers shucked and fingers deep inside herself, sounding like she was filled with warm melted butter. More importantly she was safe. He’d been worried. But, fuck, would she ever be safe from him again, now that he’d seen that?

His iron hard erection jabbing through his shorts said no.

‘Oh God, Richard! I’m so sorry,’ she cried, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. As she did so he saw the gleam of it, wet with feminine secretions.

‘Stop!’ he shouted, moving closer. ‘Don’t take your hand away.’

She looked confused but kept her slick hand over her lips.

Richard glanced down at her glistening pouty pussy lips, shaven and bare and growled.

‘Lick them for me Ruth. Lick your naughty fingers.’

She gazed at him standing there, water droplets captured by his ruddy beard, his soft pink lips set in the most alluring authoritative way. Her eyes dropped to his chest, that smattering of hair, the cut of his muscles sending a trickle of cream gliding straight down her inner thigh.

She knew he’d seen it, so she obeyed him and slid her fingers into her sultry wanton mouth, tasting herself for Richard as he watched a mere few feet away.

And that’s when they both knew.

Their friend Chris had lied.



Panting, she stood in front of him, all shame and self consciousness having melted away, leaving only a lustrous core of desire.

‘Come here,’ he said in a voice deeper than she had ever heard him speak.

There was no question of her not obeying. A few steps was all it took for her to be so close to him she could feel his very breath on her face. She could smell him. He was of the mountain this man. Saturated by wilderness, skin soaked by the lake.

‘Are you cold?’ she said, boldly touching his shoulder and running a hand down his bicep.

He shuddered.

‘No. I’m not. I’m hot. For you.’

‘For me?’

‘Yes Ruth and you know it. Feel me,’ he ordered her, glancing down at his tented shorts.

A hundred questions could have run through her head at this moment. Like;

*Does he really want me to do this?*

*Is this going to change things between us?*

*Shall I put my hands in, or just pull his shorts all the way down?*

She wasn’t thinking with her head though. She was operating on primal lust in keeping with their untamed surroundings. Every breath she took in, she gulped down more of the male pheromones that permeated the air between them, drugging her so that all she wanted was his cock.

And oh my was it ever a handsome one.

She had boldly pulled down his shorts completely and had wrapped her little hand around his thick veined shaft. It was indeed hot as he had promised and as she gave him a teasing squeeze, a bead of crystal clear precum oozed out of his plummy tip.

*He wants me…Richard actually wants me. I think maybe we’re going to fuck…*

This thought emboldened her. She stared at him directly and began to pump him. Her other hand found his sac beneath, where she gradually acclimated him to her touch. First she stroked lightly with just her finger tips, then she used her nails to tickle him from his perineum to the root of his penis. As she pumped a little faster she began to cup him, gently squeezing, rolling and visualising his heavy balls.


Her touch was driving him insane. Although he had been shrunken by the frigidity of the waters a few minutes earlier, his sex organs were now fully engorged and raring to go. Question was, were his hopes going to be realised?

He stilled her hand and placed it flat on his chest. He tipped her chin so that he could observe her reaction.

‘Tell me what you want,’ he said.

She planted a soft kiss that turned into a gentle nibble on his lips. Her hands gripped his shoulders, her mouth brushing his beard as she moved her attentions to his neck. She burrowed into him, breathing in his skin there, licking, nibbling, tasting.

‘I want you to fuck me,’ she murmured. As she said this, her body canted towards his and his cock brushed her labia for a second. That second was far too short.

*Fuck.* *This is really happening.*

‘Tell me again,’ he said gruffly.

She pulled back, her gaze as unshakeable as the mountain they were standing on.

‘Please fuck me Richard.’

And as if to solidify her request, she purposefully notched his cock between her slick lower lips with a slight gyration of her sensual form.

Not a single cell of his body had a hope of refusing her. He’d been desiring her all day, all week, all month – no, from the moment he had met her eighteen months ago.

With that awareness he lowered her to the heather and caged his body over hers.

‘You ok?’ he said, gently.

She placed one hand on his neck and thrust the other into his hair.

‘Yes. Take me please. Now.’

And with that he drove inside her with a long low moan.


He was everywhere. Pressed firmly against her cleavage, his crisp chest hairs stimulated her nipples. His lips devoured hers and as he took breaths in between their passion, the air from his lungs entered hers. His firm thighs parted hers in a vee as he thrust himself steadily inside her vagina over and over.

She could not get him deep enough.

‘Deeper Richard. Fuck my womb and spray me in your cum,’ she keened.

She held his ass to drive him in and wrapped her long slender legs around him. Sweat coated his forehead and every part of his skin. He was marking her with it. Scenting her inside and out. She licked it from him and drove her hips towards his with a cry, cumming convulsively all over his now gunning cock.


He had no thoughts. Only sensations and feelings.

Hunger was the predominant one. A wish to bury himself inside her as deeply as he could. He needed to fill her. To sate her gorgeous body, to make her never want another man again. There was a roaring inside of him, a lion declaring her to be his.

And by God he intended to do it.

His balls slapped against her bare ass, their mixed liquids producing the lewdest of noises. The way her pussy gripped him and milked him was beyond anything he’d experienced or imagined before. And he didn’t think she was consciously doing it. It was the action of her own body, her reaction to her desire for his.

She wrapped her legs around his back, giving him better access. And that was it. Something inside his chest dropped, a euphoric plunging of something that sunk right through him down to his drawn up sticky sac. His cum boiled upwards through his urethra where it fountained out into the deepest, warmest, pinkest parts of her. Together they cried out in ecstasy in their secluded secret glade.

Later, after a lot more sex, they both took a swim, naked of course, since both had nothing to hide now.

‘So why do you think Chris lied to us both about our attraction for each other?’ Ruth said, arms draped around his shoulders in the water.

Richard frowned.

‘Yeah, I was thinking about that. If it was any other guy I’d say he maybe did it because he was attracted to you. But I know for a fact he is totally obsessed with Sarah. He did have to wait a couple of years for her after all because she was already with another guy.’

Ruth nodded.

‘Well maybe that’s it then. Maybe he knew if we had to wait until we were both about ready to explode, we would have something amazing at the end of it.’

Richard scooped her up and kissed her soundly.

‘It may be amazing alright, there’s no denying that. But I’m still gonna fucking kill him when I see him on Monday,’ he grinned.



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