Ch1 – The Tribe

[This would be more of a prologue/starting so there wouldnt be much or any sexual content at all. Just so I can get the storyline right and in place.]

Merek was on the way back from the restroom towards his team’s lounge in this big building here on the 7th floor, where it was right in the middle of New York. The building he is in is the main headquarters of the International Research Institute of Foreign Culture & Tribal Studies, that specializes in tribal culture and research and was known internationally. As he walked past the various other rooms that housed other teams & departments, he was thinking about of their latest expedition in the middle of Tibet and mentally going through the post-work that he had yet to complete for it.

Just a couple more seconds later of walking he finally arrived in-front of the door that was his team’s lounge room. Twisting the knob of the door as he walked in, seeing his other 2 team members Alex & Georgina a married couple were on the pool table having a game. Turning his head left to right as he failed to find the 4th member of his team, his woman and wife Jo-e. He wondered how was it he was this lucky in life, having climbed to leading his own team in this amazing institute doing what he loves. That and how he managed to have such an amazingly beautiful chinese woman as his wife. He knew she was way out of his league, yet somehow a lot of people wondered just why she had chosen him.

Jo-e is 32 and of chinese descent where she had the characteristics of a top beauty. Where she had a slim oval shaped face with a nice smooth jaw-line that framed her face. Her nice small bowed shaped lips was complimented by her arched eyebrows, big wide brown eyes and slim bridged nose. Her skin though was fair that made it look as though she was a fairy, no blemishes could be seen on her face at all. She had a slim but a curvy body that was the epitome of an hourglass woman as she had a nice 36C full bust, slim narrow waist, nice wide hips that is suited for holding onto not to mention made for giving birth to children. In other words she had the almost alarmingly perfect S-shaped curve. Her hair as well was jet black and long enough that it almost reached her waist. She could easily have been a model or an actress but instead she chose to be a researcher where she had first met Merek all those years ago.

So when such a foreign eastern beauty is married to a man that wasnt something like a person of high status or wealth, it raises too many questions in the eyes of on-lookers. Yet she didnt care about that at all, as she told him and others around them that she chose Merek for his heart and personality. So it was this amazing woman that Merek was scanning with his eyes around the room for, yet suddenly his eyes were covered up from behind together with that familiar sweet scent that he knew all too well.

“Hey guess who?” That sweet soft sounding voice of a woman that he knew all too well in conversation, as well as other more…personal and intimate ways.

“Who else? Hahaha…hey baby.” Merek said as he brought his own hands up to pull the soft, slim and smooth hands of his wife Jo-e off of his eyes. Turning around as he did so while pulling her in close, taking in the amazingly sweet and seductive smell of her perfume & shampoo.

Giggling as she felt her body pressing nicely agaisnt her husband, Jo-e and Merek gave each other a light kiss. Which only served to make Alex and Georgina nearby roll their eyes at the public display of affection.

“Jesus you two like get a room, neither of us want to see that so early in the morning.” Alex chipped in as at the same time he holed one of the stripped balls on the pool table. Even though he said that Georgina was an amazingly beautiful Italian woman as well. Where she had as well a slim oval shaped face but hers were a more full bowed shaped lips and with beautiful mesmerizing green eyes. Her skin was more bronzed as well opposite from Jo-e’s fairness. She had as well a full hourglass body as a western woman would have but a 36D full bust instead.

Jo-e pushing herself away from Merek as the both of them laughed, fully used to Alex’s gripping of them. As the banter of the 4 of them continued on for the next couple of minutes, it was then just minutes later that the phone on Merek’s desk in the attached work room next door could be heard ringing. It was easy to tell it was his given the tune had been customized to play the theme song of Star Wars, showing just how much of a nerd he is.

“Sounds like mine.” Merek said as he walked off through the open door frame nearby heading in, Merek had reached his desk and picked the ringing phone up. It wasnt that far away so people in the lounge room could hear exactly what the people were saying in the work room.

“Hello team 4 Merek’s team, anything interesting?” All 3 of them heard Merek’s voice, but then a few seconds later was when the loud surprised voice of Merek shouting out that drew their attention.


“….Yes….Yes alright understood, you want us there within 24 hours? But we need to prepare, equipment, logis…..”

“….Ok….alright understood. The flight is 3pm? Alright….ok….ok….” Then they heard the sound of the phone being put back down into the receiver as they watched Merek walked back into the lounge.

“Alright lets go we have a priority Alpha assignment to Brazil, our flight is at 3pm which is just 4 hours away so we have to go to the airport now.” As the eyes of Alex, Georgina and Jo-e all raised in surprise.

“Boss you do realize that we need clothes, equipment, food and the like right? It would take atleast a week to prepare everything before we are even close to ready for a research expedition right now.”

Alex being the person that was always upfront had said what was and is obviously the elephant in the room.

“Dont worry, the higher ups had already got the institutes plane at the airport getting ready. The Brazil branch as well had already prepared everything as well, so we just have to get there pick everything up and move to the site right away.”

Hearing how for the first time things moved this quickly stunned and shocked them. They had never ever seen things move this quickly, let alone the logistical side of it.

“Wow this must be something huge then if their moving that fast especially if it’s an Alpha assignement.” Jo-e said as both a statement and a question to Merek.

“Well it is, ladies and gentlemen…we are going to be the lucky team that gets to check out a tribe lost to time.”


It was pretty lucky that this was one of the rare days that it wasnt raining here in the Amazon rainforest. As their 4 member team was now lugging equipment together with all other necessities like medicine, camp equipment and other items in their backpacks. Now though they had a 5th member with them, the explorer Hugo who had first informed their local branch of his discovery.

They had already been trekking and following behind the explorer for several hours, as they made their way through the huge forest that was incredibly easy to get lost in if you dont have a guide. They were already nearing the location of the village given that Hugo had said it was about a 5 hour hike from their earlier drop off point by the boats.

They had all landed in the early hours of the morning at the capital of Brazil, before immediately they had to board another connecting flight to the city of Manaus together with the equipment that was already ready at the airport. From there they were put on helicopters and flown to the nearest research site in the Amazon before then taking the boats to the drop off point, where they had been hiking for the past several hours from.

“So…Hugo…you managed to get a grasp of their language then?” Merek asked as he was right behind of Hugo that was leading the way.

“Yes…it’s a sub-derived version of one of the other major tribes here in the Amazon, it took me awhile to figure out their language. But after realizing which tribe they had based it on it went a lot faster.”

“Great because we are definitely going to need you to help translate for us so we can get our work done.”

Hugo, Merek and Alex wearing short sleeved collar shirts together with long khaki pants and boots suited for the Amazon. Jo-e & Georgina though still looked amazingly sexy even in clothes suited for the Amazon forest. Wearing tight form fitting khaki long pants, a low cut tank top that fitted perfectly to their curves not to mention showing off a fair bit of the girls cleavages and ending that with a pair of boots as well. Hugo when he first saw both of the women at Manaus couldn’t tear his eyes away from their beauty as all sorts of images came to him of both women and him doing it hard.

Even now as they were nearing the village, just small brief images came to mind still for him. He himself had never seen such exotic women as beautiful as both these married wives as he wondered internally just how the men in the village would view then two women then. He already had seen all the women in the village and they dont even come close to Jo-e & Georgina. As they continued on hiking, it wasn’t long before finally Hugo voiced out they had arrived at their destination. Cresting the edge of a hill and standing at the edge of the forest they finally saw what looked to be an open area where they were all filled with tribal homes, the sight was amazing to the team as they looked on. Seeing that there were people there doing their daily routine, it truly was a tribe lost to time and now rediscovered.

“It is amazing isn’t it? There is about over two hundred people here with about a balance between the men and women as well as their ages.” Hugo said as he led the way towards the village

“They follow a chieftain system here where there is the tribe chieftain that is quite old but still would be around for some time. He has a two son’s whom are 14 & 13 years of age, the chieftess had already passed on quite a while ago.”

It was just as they had taken a few steps away from the edge of the forest, it was then that they all suddenly heard the rustling sounds coming just a few meters away in the forest. Then a group of tribal men emerged out of the forest, counting it was about 6 men or rather 4 men and 2 young boys. Where 2 of the men were carrying the carcass of an animal on a stick between them, while the other 2 were flanking the young boys sides.

Looking on they could see that all 6 of the men were carrying bows slung across their bodies, they were topless as expected with just a thin piece of loincloth covering their manhood and rear area. Hugo then suddenly called out to them to which the one of the young boys returned the greeting in which had to be their dialect & language. They both spoke in the local dialect before the young boy raised his hand once more before turning towards the village with the 4 men & his brother following behind him. Seeing that Hugo recognizes the boy, Merek spoke up.

“So who is that?” As Hugo then led the way again as they followed the boy and his group into the village.

“The village chieftain’s older son I mentioned that he had earlier.”

Yet as everyone walked together towards the village, none of them had noticed the way that both boys had acted and looked when they first laid eyes upon the group of strangers coming to his village. Both young boys had scanned the group and noted that the foreign person whom spent time to learn their language was there, together with 2 other men. But what both was most interested in was when they saw there was 2 women amongst them, and when they focused on both of the girls they saw not only the beautiful faces but amazing bodies as well it struck them like thunder. That these foreign women were beautiful rare treasures that none of the women in their village could even compare to.

It was then as they walked back towards the village, that in the boys minds they desired both women, they desired the girls like no female in their tribe had ever incited this desire in them before. The amazing curves of their bodies and their faces aroused them like never before, as both boys manhoods raised upwards causing a tent in their loincloths. None of the members of the group of foreigners following behind them could see, but if they did they would have been absolutely stunned and shocked at the sizes these 2 young boys had. It was the size that you would never have expected on boys their ages, but probably something that might be believable on the body of an adult black male.

But for now as the two young chieftain son’s minds wandered constantly on the foreign beauties coming to their village, they had one goal they must achieve no matter what now.

*We must have them*.


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