Amber and Eve 2 [FF][MFF][Inc]

Life went on, as normal, well as normal as it gets in our home. Leah was oblivious, but this was not something that would continue. Sooner or later she was going to figure out something was very different. Our sex life changed, it just skyrocketed. Almost every time I fucked Leah, my mind was on Amber and I was fucking Leah a lot. Oh, don’t get me wrong, Leah is eminently fuckable. Not too tall, she fills out a 34C cup without any problems at all and she is absolutely gorgeous. She is such a good lover, willing to do almost anything, to try anything, so generous in her lovemaking.

We were on our way home one evening, coming from one of those mind-numbing dinners were the company was poor and the food worse. We were talking about the possibility of Amber getting into a good college medical program and the impact of being separated from Eve might have. “Doesn’t matter what I do, darling, just you drive!” she said. Within moments, Leah had her dress up and panties down and began masturbating. Right there, in the car. She spread her legs as far as she could in the space, and pushing her hips forward, she ran her fingers over her pussy, and I could smell her excitement. I was agasp at both her brazenness, spreading her legs like that in the car, and the audacity, being right out there, in front of me, not something she had done before, outside of a bedroom. I had seen her masturbate before, but that was when she deliberately put on a show for me – but not like this. I reached out and ran my fingers over the soft skin of her inside thigh. “Drive darling, get me home and you can fuck me!” she said, “But don’t get pulled over, or the cop is going to get an eyeful. I am not going to stop.” And she didn’t. There was one intersection where I was stopped by a red light, and a truck pulled alongside us, He might have seen her, if he had looked down, he certainly made no indication that he did – but she kept on masturbating, coming there at the light. Even then she did not stop, just kept diddling herself, her fingers flying over her cum soaked pubes and lips.

When I pulled into the garage, the door was down, Leah had her dress off and my trousers were down around my ankles in moments. We made love, right there, over the car, on the wall, me sliding into her incredibly wet cunt. She wrapped herself around me as she came, with that gasping moan-squeal sound of a hard cum, squeezing me hard and I spurted into her, filling her with my semen. I was sated, then as Leah slid off me, she seems to melt to the floor of the garage and without letting me go, took my emptied cock into her mouth. She had not done this before either. She had me erect again, and gave me such a blow job I could not help but react. Leah took it all, she felt my swelling dick in her mouth, and by using her tongue helped it spasm making a little semen dribble into her throat. I think she probably got more from licking off what I had pulled out of her than she did blowing me. I had no idea what had gotten into her, but whatever it was, I was really loving it. It certainly took my mind off of Amber, and doing to her what I was thinking of doing – but not for long. “Oh dear,” she gasped, “I was just so horny all of a sudden. I felt like a real slut!”

“You say that like it is a bad thing, darling.” I replied. She smiled that lazy smile of the satiated woman. “We better move, our mixed cum is seeping all over the garage floor.”

Leah stood and helped me up. I pulled my trousers up, but did not button them, just held the waist and belt. Leah picked her dress up and had a cursory look around for her undies, but could not find them, then, shrugging her shoulders, opened the connecting door to the house. I followed Leah through to the lounge, admiring her firm ass as she strode through the house. From the kitchen came Amber and right behind her was Eve! “Mo-o-m!” she cried, “Dad! Agh! Get a room!”

“Yes dear, we have one, just on the way there now!” Leah did not jump, did not try to cover herself, just carried on like it was the most normal thing in the world, walking through the house half-dressed. “Hi, Eve. Did you not have a good night? You’re home very early.”

“mm Not really, Adam got drunk and became an octopus.” Eve replied, “And I just did not feel like grappling with an aggressive drunk – so we came home.”

Leah wrapped her arms around Eve and kissed her cheek, “Sorry to hear that, but at least here you can relax.”

I saw Leah’s arm move but did not see what she did, where Eve’s hand dropped to Leah’s ass and gently squeezed it. Amber swung around on me and hugged me, as if to distract me. “Well, we are off to watch a movie, in my room, Daddy,” she said, “Have a good night.” She must have seen the look on my face and she quickly shook her head. She came to me and hugged me, and whispered, “Can we do it again, later?”

I was even more surprised, and not sure what she meant, I just whispered “Maybe – but not tonight.” Besides, my suspicio-meter had just been aroused. As was my sex-o-meter. Just who was Eve fucking? Amber, for ages, me, just once, Leah? Maybe. This could be interesting if she is fucking every member of the household. It would also explain why Leah was seriously horny tonight, was it the very mention of Eve’s name that primed her?

Later that night, I was awoken by Leah’s mouth around my cock. She just sucked, did not ask for anything in return, but afterward, she just held me, tightly. I held her, told her I loved her more than anything else, and kissed her. We slept again and in the morning, I knew there was a conversation to be had.

I woke before Leah, usually I was the first person awake in the house. Leah was a heavy sleeper, and would remain in bed for at least another hour or more. Exercise in the garage, sweating now, a quick breakfast and into the shower then off to work. Not this morning, not a Saturday – and this one was special. I quickly used the bathroom and washed my self, brushed my teeth and got increasingly nervous about what I was about to do.

I went and stood out side Amber’s door where I thought about it for a good while – eventually I lifted my hand to the door knob. Quietly, I opened the door to Amber’s room and peered into the morning gloom. Amber and Eve were there, naked, sleeping in each other’s arms. I quickly stripped off and got into their bed. I cuddled into Amber’s back and my hardened tool poked her right in the ass as I reached over to cup a handful of breast.

“That better be you, Daddy,” she sleepily whispered, so as not to disturb Eve, “Or I am going to scream the house down.”

“Oh, it’s me, thought I would join you for a while.”

“Mmmmm that is nice, but I have to go to the bathroom now.” I backed up a little and let Amber roll over so she was facing me. I kissed her and she responded, and reached down to feel my rock hard cock ready for her, if she wanted it. Letting me go, she pushed my shoulder over so I was on my back and she moved herself over top of me, grinding her hips into mine, trapping my dick between our pubes. She slid out of bed and turned to lift the sheet off of my crotch, and bent down to kiss my cock. She took it into her mouth and gave a quick couple of pumps, “mmm yum, nice. Be right back.” She turned to leave, “Eve dear, can you keep daddy busy for a few minutes?”

I looked over and saw Eve was awake and watching us. “mmm, with pleasure, but me next.” she said.

Eve moved over toward me and the warmth of her body from the bed became the heat of a sexually aroused woman. She pressed her breasts into me as she cuddled me, placing one leg over my thigh and my dick seemed to just slide into her eager cunt. “See, you make me just so horny, I am wet already.” she said softly into my ear.

“Or is that you just like my dick?” I tried to push into her a little more, but she backed off a little.

“I love your dick, I love a lot of dicks, and yours is special.” she said, “But I have to go to the bathroom soon. So I will do a little sucking instead. Oh, are you going to have sex with Amber? She wants to I think – but she is a little dubious. Listen to what she has to say, and see if you agree or not.” By this time, Eve had moved down and was taking my cock into her mouth.

“I have thought about it, but only if she is willing. How do you feel about it?” I asked, quivering in the pleasure Eve was giving me.

She continued to suck for a few languid strokes and pulled her head up, beginning a hand job and replied, “It’s a little kinky, but only because there is such negativity around it. She is on the pill so there is no chance of pregnancy, the main reason for the taboos.” She continued to massage my cock, stroking up and down, softly rubbing the glans, exciting the nerves. “It won’t affect our relationship, but how about you and Leah? Will it affect you? Or her? How would you feel if we had sex with Leah?” She went back to sucking my dick, wrapping her tongue around the head, and lapping it.

I thought about it for a few moments, mainly because Eve’s sucking was severely distracting me. “The point about Leah, I don’t know. If she knew about us, I expect she would hit the roof. But if she was having sex with you, she couldn’t object then. But Amber-I doubt that is anything that has even entered the realms of possibility with Leah. So would the term ‘dead meat’ mean anything to you? Wait a moment, you said ‘we’- do you mean you and me or you and Amber?”

Eve stopped sucking and, using her hand again, replied, “Either/Or. Amber and I have-” She went back to sucking. I figured that with my dick in her mouth, she won’t say anything that might not be received well.

“A threesome, you, me and Leah..mmmm” she was sucking really well and the imagery of that was really powerful. A threesome that could very easily turn into a foursome. I began pushing my hips upward, forcing my cock deeper into Eve’s throat.

“So,” I gasped, “You have been seducing Leah then, this last week.” Eve nodded. “And Amber has been helping in setting it up?” Again, Eve nodded, a curious sensation as my cock moved inside her mouth as she moved up and down its length. “And you have had some success then?” Eve shrugged. “Oh, you are having an impact. Last night, for example. How many times in the past have you squeezed Leah’s ass like that? Or she, yours?” Eve kept sucking, using her tongue furiously, trying to distract me I thought. “mmm that’s really nice, Eve. You’re thinking that maybe you in bed with Leah will distract her enough for Amber to make her mind up about me then?” Eve nodded. “A good plan, why not try it, today-now? I will take Amber out for a while and you go and climb into bed with Leah. I am pretty sure she will be receptive to you. In the meantime, Amber and I can talk openly and see what happens from there.”

“-See what happens from where?” Amber asked as she came back in the room, naked as she was when she left.

“Oh good, you are back,” Eve said as she lifted her head off my dick, “I gotta go, now.” She left in a little hurry.

“Daddy?” she asked as she reached for my dick. She took hold of it and gently masturbated me.

“We were making plans,” Amber lowered her head and took me into her mouth. I felt her lips flowing over the knob and I just about shot then and there. “mmmm?” Amber asked. “Yes, you and I are going to go out – in a few minutes- for a little while and Eve is going to climb into bed with Mom. See what happens.”

“Not a good idea!” Amber said, alarmed.

“It will be OK, I know your mother. She is ready, I know. Why do you think she was parading through the house last night?” I asked. “You been working on her for the last week-”

“Longer than that actually,” Amber interrupted. “Oh,” I said, “Then all your work is coming to fruition now, Leah has been seriously sexual this last week and whatever I have done, she seems to want more. So what she wants, I can’t give her, therefore, Eve is the one to do it then. Has to be.”

Amber moved a little and positioned herself on the bed. Sucking me and moving was a real turn on, and she kept going until it became obvious she wanted my mouth to be doing more than talking. I looked up and saw her downy slit descending. She had washed while in the bathroom, her musky odour clean from her arousal. The lips of her vagina were poking out and her arousal was clear.

“I don’t mind a little oral Daddy,” she said, “And a sixty-niner has to be my favorite.” I munched away. I lapped her clit, then the lips of her vagina and poked my tongue into her vulva, and reversed that action and started all over. Within minutes Amber was thrusting her mons into my mouth as she stopped sucking my cock. “Yes!YES!YES!”she repeated over and over then she pushed herself onto my face and squeezed my head with her firm thighs, almost cutting my breathing off altogether as she came. At one point I felt my cock moved to another direction and a mouth around it. Eve had returned and was doing what Amber was too busy cumming to do. The juices of my daughter exuded into my mouth, as her thrusts became weaker and less urgent. Amber relaxed took my dick back, they shared it, a few pumps each as she moved off of me. This was fine with me, it meant that it was going to be while before they established a continuous enough regime to make me cum- and I wasn’t going to help them by masturbating.

Just being with them was a treat, having my cock sucked was something that I liked anyway, but having two gorgeous young women sharing, well, what can I say? But, there was another game going on, and if we didn’t get on with that one, it wasn’t going to happen. “As much as I love this, ladies, we got other things to do.” I said. “Amber, we have to do some food shopping, or we are going to be starving tomorrow. Eve, you got some eating to do.” They giggled like a pair of schoolgirls. “And we better move soon, Mom will be awake and if she sees this, then I will probably qualify for lifetime membership to the Vienna Boys Choir.”

Somewhat reluctantly, the girls moved, and prepared for what could be a very interesting day. Amber dressed hurriedly and Eve put on her nightie. That nightie, I can say, caused a few problems, it was so sheer, it was touch and go whether she was going to keep it on or if someone was going to rip it off her. She did not bother with the panties, so there was little left to the imagination. The cheeks of her ass protruded from under the nightie, and were subject to no small amount of attention from both Amber and myself. Eve had to let us know how it worked out with Leah. I remember Leah and I had a threesome once, another woman, and while she was not really enthusiastic about it, she did make this woman have an orgasm. However, given her reaction the previous evening with Eve, I suspect that it is going to happen for them.

Dressed, Amber and I made our way out to the garage and we went off to do a bit of early morning shopping, and maybe take in a breakfast in the Mall. Traffic was light and there was plenty of spaces at the mall, which made it all easier. We went for coffee and food first, in a little “Coffee and More” cafe that served continental breakfasts. We were able to sit towards the back of the place, in a semi-private setting that suited us.

“So,” I started, “Does it bother you that Eve is making a play for Mom?”

“Not a bit,” she replied. “I told you we are not exclusive, and Mom knows about us. Look, Dad, it is simple. We decided a long time ago that we cannot help what we feel, about each other, about ourselves, and more importantly, about other people. I was not unhappy at watching you and Eve having sex, I really felt like joining in, but something held me back.”

“Good old fashion values?” I smiled.

“No way!” Amber replied. “It was really her moment, and I did not want to interfere with that, and why I waited that first time until after you had finished to clean both of you up a little. I know I am going to have you too, made up my mind while sucking you, just a matter of time now. The oral sex is great, but the next part, that is going to be better.”

And Eve has no problem? “How do you manage?” I asked.

“Simple, Dad,” she said, “We decided we were going to be sluts. So what we did was to figure out that we needed some rules on how we could make it work, how we could be sluts without it impacting on how people perceived us.”

“You mean..?”

“We applied the idea that what people don’t know won’t hurt them, but we would each tell the other everything, we had to know everything. We cannot lie to each other, that is how we can maintain a relationship that is totally free of jealousy. We understand each other, we love each other, so no lies, not ever.”

“Do you swap boyfriends?”

“No, not going to, in fact, until you, we have never shared anyone, it has only ever been us together or one guy at a time on our own.”

“That is going to change.”

“It already has, Dad,” Amber said, “And with Mom, it will change again.”

“You want to sleep with, Mom?”

“There is an inevitability about it, for sure. I mean, I want to have a sexual relationship with you, so Mom needs to understand this, so she will have to be involved. Neither of us have had sex with another woman, and after getting caught by you with how sexy that turned out to be, we want to experiment, and who better than you and Mom?”

“Oh… so who’s ideas was it to seduce Mom?”

“Mine, actually, but look at it this way. If Eve is seducing Mom, then it makes it easier for you to get into bed with them, which can happen today, if we time it right. Mom already knows about Eve and I, she understands about our relationship, so it is only a short step for me to take. Hopefully, when we get home, Mom and Eve will still be in bed, so you can join them. I am being curious, so I can come in shortly thereafter. So come on, we better get moving. I really want to bang your brains out today.”

When home, I pulled into the garage, leaving the door open. We quietly got out of the car, and made our way into the house and upstairs. Amber checked her room and Eve wasn’t there. I went quietly to my bedroom door and looking into the room, saw Leah and Eve engaged in a sixty-niner. Leah was underneath, her head buried between Eve’s thighs, and unable to see anything, or hear much either. I made my way into the room, and began to quietly undress, Eve looked up and smiled, pushing her ass downward, forcing Leah to keep eating, then exploding in orgasm. Naked, my cock had risen to its maximum size, and straining, as I watched Eve shudder in sheer pleasure of release. I had the perfect line here.

“Is th-” was as far as I got.

What happened was that Eve, pushed off by Leah, went flying, naked, doing an almost perfect barrel roll off Leah , over the side of the bed, and BANG! onto the floor, “Owwww” she cried as her head thumped down, hard. “Oh, fuck!” cried Leah. “What!” I exclaimed all at the same time. I heard running steps from outside, and my dick just detumesced in an instant. The door burst open, hitting me in the back, pushing me onto the bed. “Fuck!” I cried as I flew, “What’s happening?” asked Amber, “Oh Fuck!” cried Leah, “Oh, my fucking head!” cried Eve. “Fuck!” Leah cried as I smacked my face on her knee, then slid down burying me in her crutch. I said “Fuck!”, but I was muffled by flesh and pubic hair and it came out like “Oh ffffeeerrrkkk!”. “Oh Eve!” cried Amber, “Owwww.. my fucking head!” Eve cried. What a fucking disaster!

I felt my top lip swelling and that salty metallic taste indicating blood, my tongue probing my teeth and lips as I sat up. Amber had helped Eve up and was hugging her in one arm and gently massaging her head. Leah scrambled further up the bed and tears started rolling down her face. It was then I felt the pain of where the door had slammed into my back.

“Sorry, I did not mean to startle you!” I lisped. “Eve-are you OK?” I asked as gently as I could. She nodded, I looked at Amber and she nodded as well. “Sorry, Dad, I didn’t realize you were behind the door. I heard a thump and just raced in.” Eve stood up and climbed onto the bed, to Leah. “Wow,” she said, “Didn’t know you were so strong.” Eve cuddled into Leah who was really uncertain how to take her approach. I climbed further up the bed and cuddled the other side of Leah, and said, “Darling, its OK, I love you and I was only going to ask if I could join in.” Amber looked at us and said, “Why do I feel I am left out of this? Fuck it!” she said and began to undress.

“What are you doing, Amber?” Leah asked.

“What I have been wanting to do for a long time Mom.” She was naked in moments and joined us on the bed getting next to Leah’s knees. Amber leaned over and kissed Eve, a gentle, lover’s kiss. She then leaned over and kissed me, another gentle lover’s kiss, I winced a little as she kissed me. Amber then easily moved Leah’s legs aside and leaned over her, Amber’s breasts hanging down, close to Leah’s beasts. She bent her head a little and kissed her, on the lips, a lingering kiss, a promise of passion. Eve reached up and cupped Amber’s breast in her hand tweaking the now rock hard nipple.

“We are going in a very different direction now, come with us Mom. I love you, and Dad, please, we need the both of you.”

“I don’t know..” Leah began.

“Darling,” I said from behind a still swelling lip, “We have never known where life is taking us, but here we have a chance to break out and do something else. We don’t know anything now, and we are learning from these two wonderful people. All we can do is go or not go, but I think we can. Please if you say no, I will always love you and be here with you, but please understand, I would really like to go with them.”

“Sorry about your lip. It is going to be large for a few days.” Leah replied. “You understand what she is asking? That Eve is going to be sleeping in our bed? ..And so will…” she hesitated, “…Amber.”

“Yes, I do, and I have had a vasectomy, so there is no issue, nor any likelihood of there being, as it were.” I lisped, “And Amber is legally an adult, she can make her own mind up about anything she does. Eve too. And while Amber sleeping with us is pretty radical, I agree, it is up to each of us to make any problems it may cause right. And if it does not work, it doesn’t. As I said before, I will always love you, but our hearts are big enough to let other people in, aren’t they?”

I slid my hand to the inside of Leah’s thigh, stroking her softly, knowing this was a very sensual thing for her. Eve, it looked like, had already picked up on this and was doing the other thigh just as provocatively, and it was starting to show. Without a word, Amber kissed Leah again, with more passion, we could see her tongue forcing its way into Leah’s mouth and she began to respond. My hand slid up her thigh where I could feel the heat being generated before I could feel the spongy softness of her pubic hair. I slid my fingers over the soft folds of her engorged labia. She was so wet I easily slid my fingers into her, with my thumb flicking over the hard nubbin of her clit. I could feel Eve’s hands over mine, and I pulled back slightly to allow her to put a finger inside Leah at the same time. I pulled my hand out altogether, and ran it over Amber’s back, into the crack of her ass then back up, touching her softly, trying to heighten the sensations of her skin made sensitive by the eroticism of her kissing Leah.

I moved slightly and began kissing Amber’s arm and shoulder. I repositioned my self so I could kiss her back starting at the neck, and worked my way down her back. She kept kissing and Eve kept masturbating Leah. By this time, Leah’s legs were spreading to allow Eve closer access and Amber also spread her knees to allow me access to her nether regions. I kissed her back, down through the small and into the ass, then buried my face into her exposed labia. My tongue sought out her vulva, then her clit. My cock was now rock hard, and ready for action. “Put it in, please, now,” Amber said. I moved and lined it up with her fully aroused pussy.

Taking it slowly, to drag the moment out, my knob pushed aside the soft lips of her labia, and slid easily into her. I was actually doing it, fucking my own daughter, something I never considered in the past, but here it was, I just about lost it there, I pushed into her a little further, then a bit more, then more until I was all the way in her. My pubic hairs were squashed on her ass, and I could see her head had bobbed as she was sucking on her mothers tits, again – for the first time in 17 years. She moaned as I pushed into her and Leah looked at me, in lust, “Oh yeah, baby, go on, give her what she wants. Fuck her!”

So I did.


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