Breaking Spells Part 1: Discovery (Sequel to Secrets in the Room of Requirement)

Hermione woke to the sound of Luna accidentally slamming her drawer shut. She raised her arms over her head and stretched out her entire body as she rolled over to her side. She groaned as her body ached pleasantly. She sat up and looked at Luna, who was getting dressed for breakfast.

“Your hair is an absolute mess!” Luna said, chuckling.

Hermione ran her fingers through her hair and found they couldn’t travel more than a few inches before catching a knot. She pulled a small mirror from her nightstand and looked into it. Her hair stood nearly straight up in some places and was so knotted that it didn’t even reach her shoulders. Luna walked over and pointed her wand at Hermione’s head. She muttered something under her breath and Hermione felt a slight tug on her hair before it all fell flat. Soon after, it regained its natural waves. She climbed out of bed and dressed herself for breakfast.

“Do you think Ginny’s awake yet?” Hermione asked.

“After last night? No, I don’t think so. I’m impressed with myself for waking up this early, honestly. I think we should let her sleep in.” Luna said. “We’ll sneak her some food from the Great Hall and wake her up before classes.”

“Sounds good.” Hermione said. “I’m surprised with her endurance. She nearly outlasted us last night.”

“We’re turning her into quite the little addict, aren’t we?” Luna said smiling.

“Yeah. With how she’s been acting lately, I wonder if she’ll be able to stand being away at the World Cup.” Hermione said.

After their first visit together to the Room of Requirement, Ginny spent the entire next day in her room. When Hermione and Luna went to check on her after dinner, she was snoring with a pillow between her legs. Hermione thought that their first visit was too much for the girl to handle; but no more than a week later, they heard a timid knock on their door and opened it to reveal Ginny. She stepped inside their room and they talked about their current courses and their future plans before Ginny, to both Hermione and Luna’s surprise, said: “So… You said same time next week, right?” Not more than twenty minutes later, they were staring at the large, arched double door of the Room of Requirement. Two days after their second visit, Luna suggested that they make sure any celebrations take place in the Room of Requirement. Throughout the rest of the week, Luna and Ginny would point out anything from a passed exam to a good day to celebrate. To her own surprise, Hermione found herself also looking for things to celebrate; though, she never pointed them out to the girls. She noticed that she would begin to feel down when a day was nearly over and Ginny and Luna hadn’t found something to celebrate.

Hermione and Luna left their room for the Great Hall. They scanned the large table and were stunned to see Ginny sitting at the table talking to a small group of people. The two witches sat next to Ginny and filled their plates.

“How are you even awake right now?” Luna asked.

“I was hungry.” Ginny responded.

“Alright, Ginny, we’ll see you later.” A rather handsome young man said before the group stood and left the Great Hall.

Hermione gave Ginny a surprised look.

“We’re all going to hang out soon.” Ginny said as she stuffed a whole egg in her mouth.

Ginny finished her breakfast long before Hermione and Luna and stayed seated to talk to them until they finished eating. They each went to their respective classes afterward.

Hermione arrived to her Magical Law Enforcement class early enough so she could complete her pre-class assignment. Seeing that the assignment was about centaurs sent a twinge of annoyance through her. The assignment required them all to write two laws governing centaurs. She was so annoyed that she cited nearly all of the revised centaur laws.

The professor entered the classroom and collected the assignments from the students. Hermione was wondering why they were back on the subject of centaurs. She felt that she couldn’t handle another outdated lecture. To her amazement, the professor waved her wand and a piece of chalk wrote the words “Revised Laws Governing Centaurs” on the board. Hermione was well versed on the subject, as she studied it extensively before her first exam. Even still, she folded her hands in front of her and rested her chin on them while Professor Alverton listed the dates of each original and revised law. Hermione listed off the laws in her head as the professor wrote them on the board.

After about ten minutes, Hermione was finding it hard to maintain focus. Her mind began to wonder. She thought of several things, such as how barbaric the original laws were and how the centaurs must have felt about their lower-than-human status. Her thoughts eventually turned to how a lecture on the revised laws may warrant a celebration with Ginny and Luna.

She felt her body grow hot at the mere thought of a celebration. She thought of their last visit; how Ginny grabbed her by the waist to pull her near just before throwing herself backwards into the pool. She beckoned Hermione and Luna to join her with her finger.

Her hips began to move involuntarily. She tightened her lower back in an attempt to keep them steady. After a few minutes, she realized her fight was futile. She excused herself from the class and walked to her and Luna’s room. Looking at her watch, she saw she still had nearly an hour before her next class. She laid back on her bed and pulled her skirt up. She slid her hand into her underpants and touched her jewel. Her hips bucked instantly. Sliding her hand down farther, she pushed two of her fingers into her entrance while she rubbed her jewel with her thumb. She bit her lip to stifle a moan. Hermione continued to rub and thrust until every muscle in her body stiffened then fell limp.

Hermione laid in her bed for a while before it was time to go to her next class. She felt ashamed that her ability to resist temptation had grown so weak. She opened her room door and saw four boys walk past. She remembered seeing them in the Great Hall that morning. She stared at them and noticed one look down and pull at his pants. Hermione heard a door latch in the direction the boys had come from and saw Ginny stepping out of her room.

“Hi, Ginny.” Hermione said as she approached her.

“Oh, hey, Hermione. Didn’t go to class this morning?” She asked.

“I did, but I wasn’t feeling well after breakfast, so I went to lie down. What about you?”

“Same, really. It must have been the eggs. Either they were going bad or I ate too many.”

Hermione laughed. “How many eggs did you-” she began before noticing a large white droplet in Ginny’s hair. “Uh, you’ve got something in your hair, just there, by your ear.” She said, pointing.

Ginny pulled back before Hermione could reach. She raised her hand to her hair and grabbed a large patch of it. She slid her fingers down and felt a wet patch and plucked it from her hair.

“Oh, wow. Uh, must be frosting from the pastries. Honestly don’t know how that got there.” Ginny said. She held her hand by her mouth and licked her fingers. “Yep, definitely frosting.”

Hermione didn’t remember seeing pastries that morning in the Great Hall but they very well could have all been eaten by the time she and Luna arrived.

Ginny and Hermione walked together through the corridors as they headed to their respective classes. They spoke little to each other and the majority of the time was filled with an awkward silence. They reached a T-intersection and Ginny suddenly hugged Hermione.

“I’ll see you later.” Ginny said as she quickly squeezed Hermione’s bottom, then let her go and walked in the direction of her class.

Hermione felt her face grow red as she walked to Advanced Herbology. She entered the classroom and saw Luna. She took a seat next to her. Hermione leaned in and began to whisper.

“The strangest thing happened just now.” She said.

“Do tell.” Luna said.

“I left Magical Law early and went back to our room-”

“You left a class early?” Luna interrupted.

“Yes, I left early. I-I wasn’t feeling well. But this isn’t about me. Remember those boys Ginny was sitting with this morning?”

“Yeah, one of them was pretty cute. I’d like to-”

“Well,” Hermione interrupted, “I think I saw them leaving Ginny’s room before I came here.”

“Oh? And we weren’t invited?” Luna said.

“What? No, I’m not- look, I think something’s going on. Ever since the three of us first went into the-” Hermione paused and looked around and saw that a couple of other students had entered the classroom. “The R.O.R…. things have been different. I can hardly focus in class without thinking of… things, and, as you said, Ginny seems to have become quite the addict.”

Hermione stared at Luna and saw her cheeks begin to blush.

“Has everything been normal with you?” Hermione asked.

“Well, yeah. I mean, I have been wanting to go to the… R.O.R. more than usual lately, but it’s just so fun. I just figure that I’m getting a little addicted to it is all. I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal. For the most part, I’ve been able to focus pretty well in class.”

The Journalism summer class was held in the Charms classroom. Several tiers of benches behind long tables lined the walls. After an incident a few years prior, boards were installed on the tables that were the length of the tables and extended down nearly to the floor to help protect the female students’ decency.

Ginny took her seat, which was farthest from the professor and at the highest bench. One of the young men she was speaking with that morning, Sam, sat next to her. They both removed their books from their backpacks and opened to the page written on the board. A few minutes later, the professor walked into the classroom and waved his wand. A piece of chalk rose into the air and began writing “Things to Remember During an Interview” on the board. Not long after the professor began his lecture, Ginny felt a hand rest on her leg. She reached down and pulled her skirt up slightly so the boy’s hand rested on her bare leg. She looked down and saw a lump in his pants.

Biting her lip, Ginny reached over and cupped her hand over Sam’s lump. He jumped in surprise and looked at her, eyes wide. Smiling, Ginny slid her hand up and unbuttoned his pants and slowly worked his zipper. She pushed her hand into his underpants and felt his bare, hard penis. He squeezed her leg. She twisted her wrist to slide his underpants down slightly and pulled. His penis sprung from his pants and she wrapped her hand around it. Ginny looked down and saw that the tip of it glistened with a large drop of clear semen. She began to stroke at it, squeezing as she slid her hand upward, forcing more semen out of its tip until it dripped down and onto her hand. Feeling the lubrication it provided, she slid her hand up to the head of Sam’s penis and began to twist her hand and roll her wrist. The boy began to shake. She looked at him and licked her lips. His mouth fell open as his eyes grew wider. She started to bend down to him but stopped when his hips convulsed and a stream of white oozed from the tip and onto her hand. She leaned back and looked at him while stroking for a few more seconds. She looked at the professor to see that his back was turned to them and slid her hand up Sam’s penis, collecting the rest of his sperm. She held her hand in front of her face so Sam could see it and spread her fingers. The white liquid stretched between them and was beginning to flow down her wrist. Without breaking eye contact, she dragged her tongue from her wrist to her palm and sucked her fingers. Sam starred wide-eyed at her, breathing hard. She licked her lips again then picked up her quill to copy the notes written on the board.

That night at dinner, Ginny sat by Hermione and Luna. They exchanged greetings as she pulled a leg off of the baked chicken sitting in the center of the table. Hermione took her knife and fork and gingerly cut away a large slice of breast and Luna pulled the other leg from the chicken. They ate in silence for a while before Luna spoke.

“So… My Magizoology class went very well today…” She said.

Hermione looked at her with a curious expression.

“Cause for a celebration?” Ginny said.

“Hmm… Maybe tomorrow night. I’m a little sore from last night.” Luna said.

“Hermione and I can celebrate for you.” Ginny said, looking at Hermione.

“I don’t know, Ginny. I’m pretty sore too. I don’t know if I can handle-” She stopped herself, feeling her body heat up at the mere thought of the Room of Requirement.

“Tomorrow then.” Ginny said.

Silence fell over them once more as they finished eating their dinner. They exited the Great Hall together.

“So, Ginny.” Hermione said.

“Yeah?” Ginny responded.

“…Did you see those guys walking down the hall of the girls’ dormitory earlier today?”

“Uh, n-yeah, that was strange. I wonder what they were doing.” Ginny said.

“Me too,” Hermione said, “it almost looked like they were coming from your room. That’s why I asked.”

“No, no. They weren’t in my room.” Ginny said awkwardly.

Hermione glanced over to Luna and saw that she was staring at her, smiling.

When they arrived at Room 069, they said goodbye to Ginny and entered. Hermione shut the door behind her and leaned against it, staring at Luna.

“You saw that, right?” Hermione asked.

“How her face turned as red as her hair when you mentioned the boys? Oh yeah, I saw that.” Luna said.

“I’m telling you; I think something is wrong. I don’t know what’s going on but I feel like I did before I went to the Room of Requirement for the first time.” Hermione said.

“You never told me about that. What made you go in the first place?” Luna asked.

“Uh, well, after our sex-ed class, I started having this dream.” Hermione said. “During our first year, when Harry, Ron and I were searching for the Sorcerer’s Stone, we fell into a pit of Devil’s Snare. Well, in my dream, I went back to that pit and climbed in on my own. The vines pulled my clothes off and started doing… things. I would wake up sweating and almost always had a hand in my pants. I had dreams like that one almost every night. I couldn’t focus in class anymore. I began to wonder what it would be like to climb into that pit but I knew that Devil’s Snare was deadly. I remembered the sex-ed professor mentioned Flitterbloom. I started doing research in the Limited Restricted section of the library and found out that the Room of Requirement could be used to live out my fantasy and… well, you know the rest.”

“Interesting. And here I was, all alone, wanting a play mate. I’m so glad you let me join you.” Luna said.

Hermione blushed. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight, Luna.” She said.

Hermione fell asleep quickly and woke just as quickly. She was hot. She noticed she had one hand in her pants resting on her entrance, and the other under her shirt cupping her breast. Her chest was tight and her muscles stiff. She looked and saw that Luna had kicked her blankets off and was laying on her bed in her panties with her legs spread apart. Hermione felt her mouth water and couldn’t contain herself. She climbed out of her bed and walked to Luna’s. As she climbed up on Luna’s bed, she slid one hand up Luna’s thigh to her entrance. Her hips stiffened and her back arched softly. She slid two fingers into Luna’s underpants and pushed them into her entrance. Luna gasped and her eyes opened. She looked at Hermione, who climbed on top of her and leaned in to kiss her neck.

“Room of Requirement?” Luna asked, still sounding half asleep.

“No, I-I can’t wait that long. I want it now.”

“Then come here.” Luna said as she grabbed Hermione’s cheeks and pulled her in to kiss her.

They rolled around on the bed together, each with one hand in the other’s underpants. Hermione pushed Luna onto her back and slid down to her entrance. She pulled Luna’s underpants off and threw them across the room where they landed on Hermione’s bed. She leaned down and slid her tongue from Luna’s entrance to her clit. Luna grabbed a handful of Hermione’s hair and pulled her head harder into her.

There was a soft knock at the door. Hermione jumped back, threw the blanket over Luna and climbed off of the bed. She wiped her mouth just before opening the door. A torch burned brightly on the opposite wall, shrouding the small figure in front of her in shadow. After a moment, Hermione’s eyes adjusted and she could see a blazing red head of hair.

“Ginny?” Hermione asked. “Why are you up so-” She stopped when she realized Ginny wasn’t looking at her. She followed Ginny’s gaze and saw that Luna had removed the blanket and was laying with her legs spread open, slowly rubbing her clit.

Ginny walked past Hermione and, in one graceful motion, she both climbed onto the bed and leaned in to Luna’s entrance and began licking her. Luna instantly threw her head back and grabbed Ginny’s hair. Hermione shut and locked the door. She leaned back against it and watched Ginny pleasure Luna. She pushed two fingers into herself as she watched. She stared at Ginny’s bottom as she bobbed up and down, sliding her tongue from below Luna’s entrance up to her stomach and back down again. Hermione quickly gave in to temptation and climbed onto the bed behind Ginny. She pulled Ginny’s pants and underpants down. She lifted her legs one at a time to allow Hermione to pull her pants off completely. She then leaned in and grabbed Ginny’s bottom, spreading her cheeks apart. She placed her tongue on Ginny’s front entrance and slid it upward to her rear. When she had left behind enough saliva for lubrication, she pushed her thumb into Ginny’s bottom, causing her back to arch.

Luna reached over to her nightstand and grabbed her wand. “Engorgio.” She said, pointing her wand at the bed. Slowly, the small, twin-sized bed grew to a king-size. Hermione pushed Ginny off of Luna and rolled Luna over to her side.

“Hmm…” Luna teased, “It looks like great minds think alike.”

Hermione pushed at Luna’s hips, signaling for her to slide and lay sideways along the mattress. Luna pointed at Ginny then made a beckoning motion with her finger. Ginny crawled to her and tried to lean in to kiss her but Luna grabbed her hips and pulled her in. She then pushed Ginny over so she, too, was laying on her side and rested her head on Ginny’s thigh and began to lick her entrance. Hermione laid between Luna’s legs on her side and began licking Luna’s clit. Ginny leaned in so her head was between Hermione’s legs. She sucked at her thumb then pushed it into Hermione’s bottom entrance and her tongue into her front entrance simultaneously. The three witches laid in the triangle, each licking the other while muffled moans filled the room.

Ginny pulled away from Hermione. “I owe you something.” She said as she grabbed Hermione’s hips and pulled her closer. She placed her tongue beneath Hermione’s front entrance and slid it down into her crevasse, resting it on her bottom entrance. Hermione began shaking. Ginny then slid her tongue around her entrance in circles before pushing it into Hermione, who jumped then pushed herself harder against her. Ginny responded by pushing two fingers into Hermione’s front entrance and using her thumb to rub her jewel.

Hermione struggled to continue licking Luna, who was now breathing heavily and moaning more frequently. She pushed two fingers into Luna’s rear entrance and plunged her tongue into her front entrance. Luna began to shake as Hermione wriggled her fingers around in her rear. Luna responded by pushing her middle finger deep into Ginny’s rear while sucking hard on her clit.

The three began shaking violently, following each breath with a moan until, at climax, they pushed themselves into each other and fell limp. They rolled away and lay there, panting. Hermione started to chuckle at the pleasure coursing through her body; Ginny and Luna followed soon after. They had exhausted themselves and fell asleep a few minutes later.

Hermione opened her eyes and saw two shadowy figures standing above her. She looked down at herself and saw she was still nude. She crossed her legs and covered her breasts and looked back at the two figures. Her eyes focused and she could make out the glint of glasses on one figure and a tuft of red hair on the other.

“Harry? Ron?” She said, confused. Her mouth fell open when her vision cleared completely and she saw that they were both naked, holding their penises in hand, stroking slowly.

“Come on, Hermione. Let’s have some fun.” Ron said.

She felt her body heat up as her mouth began to water. Slowly, she sat up and positioned herself so she was kneeling in front of them. She grabbed Ron’s penis, then Harry’s. They throbbed in her hands. She began to stroke, slowly at first, then faster while squeezing harder. She leaned in to Ron’s penis and licked the tip then did the same to Harry, switching back and forth between the two. She pulled from Harry and moved over to Ron, surprising him when she leaned in and pushed his penis into her mouth. She slid her hand up Harry’s, collecting the glistening clear liquid that was dribbling down its shaft and began to rub at its head. She sucked hard at Ron’s penis, swirling her tongue around its head. She pulled away from Ron and let the semen that had collected in her mouth drip back onto his penis. She then looked up at him and smiled while sliding her hand up his shaft to rub its head. She then leaned over to Harry and pushed her head as far as she could, taking in his entire length. She bobbed her head back and forth, turning here and there so his penis would slide along the inside of her cheek, bulging out the side of her face.

Ron’s penis started to pulse in her hand. Hermione pulled away from Harry and started stroking. She licked the head of Ron’s penis and as she pulled back, a stream of white sperm shot onto her face, causing her to jump. As soon as she recovered, she felt Harry begin to pulse. She straightened her back and cradled her breasts with her free arm. She looked at Harry and licked her lips where some of Ron’s cum had dripped down. Harry’s hips convulsed as a white stream sprayed onto her chest. She finished by squeezing up to the tip of his penis, collecting his sperm, then sucking her fingers.

“That was fun.” Hermione said.

“Was?” Ron said. “Who said we were finished?” He grabbed Hermione and pulled her on top of him as he laid back.

She sat on top of Ron, straddling his still hard penis. She pushed her hips forward and backward, running her vagina along the length of his shaft. It felt warm against her wet lips. She lifted herself up, grabbed his penis and aligned it with herself then sat back down onto it. She gasped and closed her eyes as it slid deep inside of her. She slowly lifted herself up and let herself back down, taking in its full length. Her pace quickened until she was bouncing up and down on top of him.

Hermione leaned forward and planted her hands on Ron’s chest for better support as she bounced harder and faster on top of him. She felt a hand press on her back; Ron grabbed her wrists and pulled. She fell forward and caught herself by placing her hands on the floor on either side of Ron’s head. Hermione looked at Ron in confusion, and then in shock as she felt a hand grab her bottom. She looked back and saw Harry kneeling behind her, holding his penis in one hand and spreading one of her cheeks with the other. She watched as he placed his it on her tailbone and slid it forward and backward, letting his balls slap her bottom. He slid back again and, biting her lip, Hermione pushed herself forward. Harry’s penis slid into her crevasse. She rocked backward and felt Ron slide deeper into her vagina while Harry entered her rear. She gasped and exhaled in a moan. She had taken tentacles in both entrances before, but this was different. She could feel the veins and the shape of the heads inside of her.

Ron grabbed her waist and Harry grabbed her hips. Ron pushed himself deep into her and, as he pulled back, Harry pushed in. They repeated the motion and started moving faster. Hermione was just barely able keep herself from screaming in pleasure. She was just about to orgasm when Ron pulled back but Harry didn’t push in. There was a brief pause and they both pushed as deep as they could simultaneously. Hermione was pushed forward by the combined thrust. They squeezed her waist and hips hard enough to bruise her as they thrusted as hard and quickly as they could, pushing themselves in until their balls clapped against her. Her efforts to refrain from screaming were abandoned as she squeezed and pulled Ron’s hair. She began to shake violently as her climax approached.

Hermione’s eyes popped open as pleasure shot through her. Her breathing was shaky and she could feel a wetness under her. She looked down to see her fingers resting on her jewel. Something is definitely wrong she thought as she climbed out of Luna’s bed, careful not to wake her or Ginny. She walked over to her nightstand and saw on her watch that it was six-thirty in the morning. The library is open. I need to find that book Luna was talking about. Hermione quietly dressed herself and left for the library.

She searched through several aisles before finally finding Prurient Arts, the handwritten book that Luna had mentioned finding all of her sexual spells in. She flipped through the book until she came across Seductio, a personal favorite of Luna’s to get the girls into the mood when she was and they weren’t. She read the entire passage and found nothing that hinted toward a dependency. She began searching through the various spells and charms Luna had used. She was beginning to lose hope. None of the spells, charms, jinxes or curses had any mention of creating a dependency. Maybe she was just slowing turning into a dirty, sex addicted witch. She continued flipping through the pages until she came across Legeresentire, a spell that Luna only used once despite its amazing effects. She read through the handwritten passage which contained details of how to cast the spell and what to expect. Hermione flipped the page and read the rest of the passage. She was tired and her vision was starting to blur. She was just about to close the book when she saw a small note at the bottom of the page:

Upon further experimentation, I have found that this spell can have some peculiar lasting effects. See page 182 for more details.

Hermione turned the book to page 182. Nearly the entire page was used for notes on the spell. She knew that Luna was likely too excited to read the notes before trying the spell. Reading through the notes, she found what she was looking for:

I have found that Legeresentire may actually be a spell that continues to affect those inflicted by it long after it was first cast and that it must be broken. It has several lasting effects if used for sexual purposes, to include becoming aroused more easily and more disturbingly, addiction. I discovered this months after my first use of the spell with several partners. I find that, if the partners are the same sex, the effects can begin to manifest much sooner, even a few days after its first use. To break this spell, you must drink a potion brewed with the following items:

Two leaves of Devil’s Snare, Six Leaping Toadstools, Four and a half tablespoons of Marmalade, Six Fluxweed Flowers, Two tablespoons of Sea Salt. Brew these ingredients in a one cup Beef Broth and two cup Water solution three inches above the top of a one-foot flame for twenty-four hours.

IMPORTANT: To break the spell, the original person who cast it must cast it again on those inflicted. After casting the spell, the potion should be divided equally among all those inflicted and drank within five minutes of casting the spell. No less than twenty minutes after drinking the potion, those inflicted must partake in the same type of activity in the same location as when the spell was first cast.

Hermione grabbed a piece of parchment along with a quill and ink sitting in the middle of the table and began writing the ingredients and instructions. She then replaced the book and left for her room. She checked her watch as she walked through the corridors. It was seven-thirty in the morning.

Ginny woke and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She looked to her side and saw Luna laying there, still sleeping. She shifted her gaze to Luna’s breasts; the morning chill had hardened her nipples. She licked her lips and cupped a breast in her hand. The door burst open and Hermione stormed in.

“I knew something was wrong.” Hermione said.

“What do you mean?” Ginny asked. Luna rolled over and cupped one of Ginny’s breasts.

“Luna, wake up!” Hermione shouted. Luna jumped up and rubbed her eyes.

“Oh, good morning, Hermione.” She said groggily.

“Before casting Legeresentire on us, did you read all of its notes?” Hermione asked.

“Uh… No. I got excited and left.”

“Well,” Hermione said, “it causes addiction to whatever feeling it was first used to share, especially if that feeling is sexual in nature.”

“Oh.” Luna said. “Well, I guess I should have read the warnings.”

“Yeah, but luckily, there’s a potion we can brew to break the spell. We need-” She paused to look at the parchment. “-two leaves of devil’s snare, six leaping toadstools, four and a half tablespoons of marmalade, six fluxweed flowers, two tablespoons of sea salt, a cup of beef broth and two cups of water.”

“Okay,” Ginny said, “we can find some of that in the kitchens, but where do we find the rest?”

“We should be able to find fluxweed flowers in the greenhouse.” Hermione said. “We may have to ask the house elves in the kitchen where to find devil’s snare and leaping toadstools when we get the other ingredients.”

“Wait,” Luna said, “last night, you mentioned that you, Harry and Ron fell into a pit of devil’s snare when you were looking for the Sorcerer’s Stone. Let’s go there to get the leaves.”

“They removed it all after they destroyed the stone.” Hermione said, feeling her ears begin to turn red at the thought of Harry and Ron.

Ginny put her sleeping clothes back on and left for her room to dress in clothes more acceptable in the Great Hall for breakfast. Hermione waited for Luna to get dressed. She had to suppress the urge to grab Luna’s bottom as she bent over to get a shirt from her drawer.

Together, the three witches left for breakfast in the Great Hall.
