I banged a karate mom Part 1 [Str8] [mF] [fingering] [oral] [sex]

This is my recollection of my very brief affair with an engaged woman during my junior year in college. I am recalling this from almost 50 years ago so the quotes are the best I can do. I have changed names and some places to protect the identities of those involved.

I am using the term ‘karate mom’ as we commonly do with ‘soccer mom’, ‘baseball mom’, ‘hockey mom’ etc. I don’t recall anybody at that time using that term. I’m using it as a shortcut phrase that most people will comprehend.

If you want to skip the background, skip down to the —— line.

When I was a college student (early 1970s) I could not afford to pay my karate instructor for lessons so he and I struck a deal. I would teach two classes of first or second level students each week (three hours total) at the YMCA in exchange for a single one hour class of advanced training in his dojo (school). It was a fair trade – teach to be taught.

Most of his new students were junior or senior high school students. I think I did a pretty good job, my sensei (teacher) was happy with my instructing. He told me teaching others would give me insights into my own weaknesses. He was right about that.

There was one extra benefit Sensei did not tell me about – ‘karate moms’. They were the moms who came to watch their kids each week. They enjoyed watching their children learn something that, at that time, was considered an exotic skill. If you have read my other stories here you will know I always enjoyed the company of older, women. The karate moms were catnip to me.

Most watched the classes, waited for their kids to change and would leave. But every class seemed to have one or two moms who would want to talk to me or the other instructor about how their child was doing while their kids were changing. At least for the first few weeks. Then they started asking some personal questions. How long had I been studying? How old was I? How long have I been teaching? Did I go to the college? Where did I live? And, of course, did I have a girlfriend?

I was in excellent shape and muscular. These women were not shy about complimenting me on my physical condition or skills as long as we were not being overheard. I resisted following up on these overtures for a year. I did not want to get involved with any of these women out of fear of causing Sensei problems. But in the first semester of my junior year I made the acquaintance of Kaye.

Kaye was the petite mother of one of the better beginners. She was about 5′ 2″, weighing 115 lbs. She had light brown curly hair, worn down to her shoulders. Very blue eyes. She wore bright red lipstick. Her breasts were average but her nipples were pretty noticeable. Kaye always wore a nice dress and heels. I could tell she put time and effort into her appearance. She was in her mid-30s. She definitely got attention from the few karate dads and my fellow instructor. She wore an engagement ring. Not that meant anything to me.

Kaye followed the karate mom play book: Wait to talk to me. Ask how I thought her son was progressing. Gently began asking personal questions. I made time to talk to her each week. As the end of the course neared she made it clear her son would be taking the second level course in January. After the last class in November she asked me if I would like to join her and her son, Danny, at McDonald’s. I agreed and left her to change into my street clothes.

I met them there and we three talked about karate, football (Danny was playing intramural football) and his school subjects. She told me she had worked in the college finance office for three years. She was divorced for seven years. Though she wore an engagement ring, her fiance was never mentioned. Kaye was sitting across from me and, somehow, kept touching her leg against mine. At her direction her son gathered up the trash, took it to the waste can by the door and went outside to their car.

Kaye then leaned across the table and said she hoped to get to know be better. I replied “Kaye I want to get to know you, as well. In all kinds of ways”. She smiled and got up. I helped her put her coat on. She said “And you’re a gentleman, too. I don’t think I will be able to resist you”? I said “I hope you don’t”. She walked to the door, turned and winked at me. She left me with my head swimming.

Was this really happening? I knew a few other instructors had affairs with karate moms, but I thought I had more backbone. Apparently not.

In early December I went to a faculty party for a professor who had a book published. I knew the professor being honored and was glad for him. The party was at the college president’s home and was packed. Academics always show up in droves when the food and alcohol are free. There were a few speeches, a toast and then a lot of drinking and merriment.

I was talking to a group of faculty wives when someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was Kaye. She looked great in a red and green dress, white stocking and red high heels. She said “What a surprise! I didn’t think I would see you until next month”. I looked her up and down and said “Kaye, you look great” and then we hugged. One of faculty wives ask Kaye where she had found me. Kaye laughed and said it was her secret. She grabbed my arm and told the other women “He’s mine ladies! Go find another one”.

She led me to the room where there was a small group playing. A few couples were dancing and she asked me if I would dance with her. I am a terrible dancer but I wanted to get this woman next to my body. We did one fast dance and then they played a slow song. I pulled her into me and she put her head against my chest.

She smelled great and felt great. She said her fiance did not dance so this was a treat for her. I pulled her closer but she pulled back. She said there are too many eyes. We finished the song and she said “Come to the library in five minutes”. She left me with a wave.

I went to a bathroom. Checked my tie and hair. I looked presentable. I headed off to the library. I walked in and saw Kaye sitting on a sofa facing a fireplace. I walked to her and sat down. There were a few other people in the room but they were engaged in their own conversations.

She reached over and took my right hand in her hands. She said “We are probably not going to get any privacy tonight. But I wanted to tell you I have been thinking about you. Have you been thinking about me”? I told her yes. I asked if she wanted to meet me alone. She said yes but we should probably wait until January when I would teach the next course.

She squeezed my hand and said she had to go mingle. We walked out of the room through a hallway towards the main room. The hallway was empty. I pulled Kaye into my arms and kissed her. She kissed back and then pulled away. She whispered “This is very dangerous” and we kissed again. She broke away and said “Enough for tonight. I have to go”. She told me to stand were I was for a minute or so and then follow her.

I waited and then followed. I finally found her in the next room talking to the new author. She winked at me. I turned and left.


The first night of the second level karate class was always chaotic. We had to review all of the basics and give a taste of what we would be teaching in the coming weeks. Most of the students in the initial course had returned. Including Danny.

Kaye was standing to the side as usual. She looked great but I made a great effort not to pay any attention to her. She had on a nice dress that was a little too dressy, high heels and that sexy red lipstick. Her hair seemed a little lighter in color, too.

We finished the class and the students went to change. Kaye came up to me and ask how her son was progressing. We spoke about him for a few minutes and walked together toward the back of the room. I noticed her nipples poking out, always a good look for any woman. She said “Are you still interested in seeing me”? I said “Kaye, I have been thinking of you constantly since the party.” She smiled and raised her eye brows.

She told me to meet her in the supermarket parking lot just down the street in 30 minutes. She was going to take her son home, get him started on his home work and then leave to “pick up something” from the store. I told her I would see her there.

One half hour later I was waiting in my car. When I saw her turn in from the street I flashed my head lights. She drove to me, shut off her car and got in with me. I drove toward the back of supermarket where a new building was being constructed. I parked behind a trailer just to the side of an overhead security light. And then it was on.

She jumped on me, kissing me with her arms around my neck. I reached inside of her coat getting both hands on her breasts feeling those hard nipples. My front seats were bench style so I was able to bend her onto her back. I reached down and got my right hand between her legs. She had on panty hose and the gusset was already wet. I got my other hand under her dress and pulled the panty hose to her knees. I took off the heels and removed the panty hose throwing it into the back seat.

I told her to scoot back and put her back against the door. I lifted her legs up and apart telling her to hold them in the air. I dropped down, twisted my body and went after her pussy.

God she tasted great; musky and sweet. I started lapping and sticking my tongue in Kaye’s wet hole like my life depended on it. She was babbling, I don’t know what she was trying to say. I kept licking and then stuck my middle finger in her. She pushed her pussy up and squealed.

I pulled away and asked her how she liked that. She said it felt great, don’t stop, do it some more. I went back down on her pumping my finger into her tight hole. I started to lick and nibble her labia. She continued to say something but it was incoherent.

I moved my mouth up to her clit and began sucking and tonguing it. She let out a loud “Oh” and let go of her legs. She put her hands in back of my head, pressing my mouth to that clit. She told me “Suck my button, suck it! Oh yes that’s it”! I continued sucking and tonguing it, feeling and hearing her getting more and more aroused. She was wet and ready for sex.

I pulled back off of her and reached for the glove box. I took out a condom, ripped the cover and rolled it on my dick. I told her to sit up and move over. I sat in the middle of the seat and told her get on top of me. She wiggled over and got on top of me, reaching down to position my cock at her pussy entrance. I told her “Wait, not yet”. She looked surprised. I repeated “Wait”. I moved my hands to her hips and told her to kiss me. She leaned in and we began to kiss. I pushed my tongue in her mouth as I slammed her tight pussy down onto my cock. I heard her exhale sharply.

Kaye pulled her head back and yelled “Fuck yeah! Oh fuck yeah”! She began moving up and down to fuck herself. I pushed her coat off of her and reached around to unhook and unzip her dress. I pulled her dress down below her tits and then unhooked her bra. Her nipples were hard and erect. I had to play with them. I sucked, pinched, pulled and twisted them as she continued going up and down on my cock.

Kaye was going wild, she was talking about how she knew we were going to fuck the first night we met. She kept saying “You dirty fucker. Fuck me, you dirty fucker! I knew you wanted to fuck me”! I love hearing women talk dirty during sex. I thought I would see if she liked it as well.

I said “You like getting your cunt fucked by other men don’t you? You like cheating on your fiance”? She closed her eyes and said she can’t resist when men come after her. Her husband didn’t satisfy her and her fiance didn’t give her enough. Boy I liked hearing that. I love cheating women.

She suddenly stopped and asked me if I really did not have a girlfriend. I said I did not. She said “Then fuck me hard. Fuck my cunt. Use my cunt you dirty fucker”! Wow, what a dirty mouth. I told her I like fucking cheaters like her; that cheating women needed to be fucked hard.

She moaned and yelled “I’m cumming. Fuck my cunt you fucking bastard”! She started shaking and threw her head back and screamed. I couldn’t resist and let go. I grabbed her head and pulled her to me for a deep kiss.

She straightened up and then fell to me again hugging me. I was breathing hard. She put her hands under my sweatshirt and told me she could feel my beating heart. She asked if I liked ‘doing’ her. I said yes she was great. She asked if this was a one-time thing. I told her I hoped not as there were a lot of things I wanted to do with her. She said that would be nice.

Kaye got off of me and sat down next to the door. She pulled the rubber off, opened the door and threw it on the ground. She said “A little something for the guys to find in the morning”. She bent down and took my shrinking cock into her mouth. She licked and sucked it for a short time before sitting up. She said I tasted good; next time she would show me what she could do with it.

She asked me to turn on the interior lights. She got some tissues out of her purse and wiped the lipstick smears off of my face. She pulled out a mirror and wiped the lipstick smears off of her face and reapplied her lipstick. She got her hair back in place and turned to smile at me. She asked if she looked OK. I told her she looked better than OK, she looked sexy as hell. She said thanks, I want to look good when I go into the store.

We got her bra and dress sorted out and I crawled over the back seat to get the panty hose. As I was bent over the seat she grabbed my dick and said she would be dreaming of it tonight. She put the panty hose in her purse and said “I hope Danny doesn’t notice I’m not wearing them when I get home”.

I got my pants pulled up and drove Kaye to the front of the grocery store. She told me to leave as she was only going to buy some milk as part of her cover story. She leaned over and kissed my cheek lightly. She got out and went inside.

I drove away a very happy guy. I love cheating women.

Part 2 will cover a quickie Kaye and I had at her house.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/smk1ei/i_banged_a_karate_mom_part_1_str8_mf_fingering

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