These cases are the real reason why the Internal Sex Bureau Gangland has been formed. Any case, name, event is purely fiction. Butt the search for the truth will continue! With ISB Gangland insurgents inserted into every facet of organized and gang type activities.
This is their case, their story…

“Being a sub is not always a bad thing” I was going though the checkout line and smiling cuz of the outfit I had gathered so far. As the stuff was being rung up my heart did a double thump at the price. “One hundred third sex sexton’s” just to clarify. My heart was in my throat all this for two pieces of clothing! One blouse, one skirt and nothing else… Swiping the card. Praying that it would work. “Thank you for your purchase” as she handed me the receipt.
Now as you can imagine after paying two hundred fifty one sexton’s for footwear and now over a hundred and a half for this I was a wreak. Glancing at my watch, wondering how long these stores are going to stay open for that is after he makes me return every item. My stomach is queasy butt I told him… Instantly reverse! I smacked into, into…

“Easy there” I said, snatching the receipts out of Heather’s hand. Taking her shopping finds so I can carry them for her as we made our way to the elevator. Leaning against the back, toying with the opening on Heather’s blouse. “Mmm, I do believe that you should cum to me” with a hard cock and a playful lisp in my voice I pulled her in. “I heard that there was a outstanding taco shop in the food court. I think it’s called the Pink Taco” knowing that three floors down sat the Pink Taco. “So what do you think?” By the time she realized that we were not in the Pink Taco the maitre d’ showed to out booth.
There we sat in silence. Her eyes looking at the floor in shame while mine were undressing her. “Speak now or forever hold my cock in your mouth.” Now that she was grinning. Heather took a big breath before explaining the high charges that where on my card. Being the dutiful boyfriend I let her go on until, after running out of breath she paused. “No you don’t have to repay me. No you don’t have to return anything. Yes you do have to model everything that you bought today plus this” sliding over a long butt thin box. Watching as her eyes looked down in wonderment. “Something that you always wanted butt were to afraid of purchasing” my only hint that I would give.

Pushing the box cover open. Jumping as it snapped back. Giving RJ that how did you know look that was almost instantly covered by my blushing cheeks. Holding it up so we both could see. Knowing what he wanted, knowing what I wanted. The taste of hardened glass as I sucked it in. Letting my saliva cover every inch of it. Looking back at him and his hard pounding dick. Standing up so I could raise my skirt. Pushing aside my panties… The feel of having something so foreign being thrust up my tush. Feeling the bulbous part as it popped in. Catching my breath as the instant it was in my own juices began to flow. “Yes Sir” I purred. Still not believing everything he has bought for me.

After lunch. After me toying with my newly bought present. Allowing it to bang against my crack. Cuming so close to sucking RJ down and not quitting till every bit of his cum was in my stomach. I put on a little show of my own just for him. Just for his entertainment… that left me devastated with the lust of knowing that my body is his once we get home.

“I know you still have more shopping to do. Don’t rush cause I will be out till after dark” offering my hand to Heather. Her taking it then falling into me. “Mmm, this is good to know that” my hand tapping on her butt plug. Sending millions of ways to get me off coursing through her system. A kiss to the forehead as we parted ways.

Looking at my team. Six plus their commander, me RJ. Feeling the screech of breaks. It only took a second for all five teams to be in position. Getting the thumbs up by the time I made the front door.
From the rush of Agents through the back. Forcing the bottleneck. Taking down a total of fifteen henchmen. In this game every shot was made to kill not wound.
Two teams from the front, me being a part of one. Had taken in the remaining henchmen minus one as all fourteen weapons unloaded on him only leaving a red mist in the air where he had been standing. After cuffing each of the perp’s. After their exfiltration the club now belonged to Louis Legs and ISB.
Sliding into the booth. Looking Louis in the eyes. “Hello Randy or is it Louis now” watching that rolled thousand Sexton bill fall from his nose made everything possible. Taking a quick count of his merchandise that was laying on the table. “All this for you? Or distribution? Oh I get it, duh. This is the shit that you pump through the pipes to make select guests want to cum back and cum hard, no?” Still with that look of a deer caught in the headlights. “It is of no use to say anything cause your hand keeps on getting pinker then ever. Ladies if you wouldn’t mind to clear the old management from this table” watching from my seat as the twins cuffed Louis Legs. Watching as the D.O.M. (Department of Master’s used to be the [doj] department of justice), the Federal Treasury accompanied Randy out of this building.
“A good job I would say” giving my partner Agent Rei all the props for storming the backdoor. “And judging from the amount of perfume I would say that your lust for me has finally broadened” slapping her on the bum. Making sure that she was so hot and bothered before disappearing myself.

Sitting in the dark with just a hint of the street lights bleeding through the window behind me. Casting the perfect shadow across my body. Watching as Heather shuffled in. Letting her form fitting blouse fall loose. Running her hand up that sinful leg before dipping down. Before bringing both hands up. One on the outside of her right thigh. The other tracing the inside. Watching as the pair reached the top of her loose fitting skirt. Watching as they both brought it up till the black lace of her under garment started to show!

Thrusting my hips forward and allowing my shirt to fall back down while my finger from my left hand entered my mouth. Sucking on my lone finger, touching my left breast with my free hand. Watching that sinful silhouette with that rock hard dick that was just calling me to do something!
Jerking my finger from my mouth. In the urgency of it all knocking the shoulder pad from its perch on my shoulder to my arm. Feeling the breeze as it tumbled from my mouth. As it rolled across my super hard nipple. As I started to finger fuck myself!
Every stroke was brought with the feel of a glass tail plug. The thrill of that feeling, of having something that he bought probing my nether regions! Of probing what he wanted my tight little ass! My hips they started to spasm. Started to buck softly at first. Getting stronger and stronger! It doesn’t matter how many times I plunge this… “Ooooh yesss Ooooh fuckkk!” Loosing control with his sitting clear across the room. Me on my knees dragging them towards him. Still working my nice present that at the moment was.. was about… The stumble on my knees as my hips forcefully lunged forward as the hold he had on me slipped from my hole!
The taste of the plug brought my willingness to a peak. Licking, sucking, coating that plug with my saliva. Going down on my chest, perking my willing hole so far in the air! My hips quaked as my asshole spread out. My moan was becuming so real so fast! “Oh Ooh Ooo yes!” I moaned, at the same time my twin fingers plunged into my kitty! “Deeper!” I cried as my cunt tightened around my fingers! Panting just from that single experience. My eyes shifted from myself back to that, that… Reaching up, taking his hand till I rose to my knees. My eyes locked on his shadowy self. Opening my mouth, not to speak butt to offer a nice lustful environment for that monster that bobbed right in front of me!
A thousand things bombarded my brain at any given moment. Butt this day, this time the only thing that came up was me going down. Swallowing that monstrous cock! Swallowing it all at once, breaking my neck if that is what needed to be done butt, butt! “Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” my lips they bumped into his pelvis! His balls they battered against my chin! Swallowing real soon, feeling the way his dick hardened! Swallowing again and again! Moving my head back and fourth! Banging my pussy with my own hand, sinking four fingers into its tight hole. “Yesss Yesssssssss” I was thinking butt with that monster down my throat. With that cock that I have been waiting for forever all I could do is! “Mmmmmmmmm Mmm Mmmmmmmmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm!”

Grabbing Heather by the throat. Forcing her to get up. Smashing her sexy body into the wall as my tongue probed her mouth. My fingers now padded her muff. Squeezing that delicate piece of artwork. Feeling her body as it trembled in my grasp. Feeling that wet little slit as it bucked hard against everything she was trying not to do. Pulling Heather towards me, still having a hold on her neck. Our kiss, a deep lustful kiss with her every spore trying to strip for me right there.
Allowing her skirt to fall to the floor. My hand gripping her ass cheek. Pulling her in closer as my tongue dominated her mouth! The quick switch up, me going for her cunt once again and no longer her ass. Plunging three fingers so deep into that dripping hole! Burying my tongue into her mouth while she was having a orgasm! Waiting till I was finished finger fucking her. Waiting till she was finished spasming all over my fingers with her thick juices! Ripping my hand from its nice little spot nestled in her body. Ramming them, the three down her throat till Heather’s stomach sunk in, her hips lunged out. As my hand now claimed that ass and that of her new toy.

“No” I should my head butt his finger where already down there. Pulling on my very existence. Holding my breath with each tug on my tail plug. With his gaze locked on mine. His lips right there, right in front of mine! “Please, please take me!” I just wanted to scream out! The calmness of his lips. That just made me go limp in his arms. My body had already been through so much today. Butt there he was calmly dominating my mouth with his tongue! I know he can hear me! I want it, I need it so fucking bad!
Why does he keep me pin to this wall? Why does he play with what could be his with one plunge? Why am I having one more fucking orgasm!? Why do I have to moan so loud? Why do I have to do anything for this fucking…
Loosing my footing. Having my legs go out from under me. This can’t.. this can’t be happening to… My body shuddered! My body, my body.. if I just reach for Mmm tits. Squeeze them! Trying like hell to get out of my blouse! Butt his tongue is still calming my mouth and I… …. ….. “Oh shit! I’m cuming all over the OooohOooohOooohOoooh!” He does not play fair! Nope, not one damn bit butt I have never cum like this before! No matter how many times I tried with my hands…
