Boss and Secretary Fantasy Part II

Your mind is reeling as you try to pierce the haze of your distraction and impose order on your fragmented thoughts:

“How did he know”
“Does anyone else know?”
“What’s he going to THINK of me, oh God….”
“What if someone sees us?”
“What’s he gonna think of my body? Why the HELL didn’t I get up and work out today like I planned to, and skip that goddamn chocolate croissant??? Fuck you, Starbuck’s”
“Jeeeeezus, that feels SO GOOD! I haven’t been touched like this since…. ” Your inner monologue trails off, unwilling to dredge up painful memories of your last serious boyfriend, the one that got away.

Chuckling softly as if telepathically aware of this inner turmoil, the same strong masculine voice that sounded so menacing on the phone behind a closed door this morning, all of a sudden sounds….different, but the same too… as if it had all of its hard edges filed down and rounded off, and now resonates in a velvety baritone evenness, as soothing as distant thunder:

“You….. do know it’s mutual, right? God, I’ve wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you… “

Suddenly I release my grip on your chest and spin you around so we are eye to eye, and my hands help themselves to a long and greedy squeeze of your firm backside as I pull you close to facilitate speaking into your ear.

“Do you have any idea what you DO TO ME?? Every time I see you walk down the hall in these skirts of yours….” I give your bottom a squeeze for emphasis.. “it JUST makes me ACHE for you… I thought SURELY, SURELY I must have tipped my hand somewhere, hell, My poker face ain’t that good.”

Your puzzled expression indicates that I’ve guessed wrong.

“For what it’s worth, I didn’t know you reciprocated either, until a week ago. You really ought to be more careful about leaving your instant messenger open when you step away from your desk, some of the things you were telling Kathy you wanted to do to me were pretty graphic. Don’t worry, no one else saw, I exed out of the window for you. Hope you don’t mind”

My face lights up into an incandescent, shit-eating grin as you roll your eyes and shake your head in a combination of jubilant relief and utter mortified embarassment.

“Don’t be embarrassed. Your secret’s safe with me. Oh, and I slipped Billy from the janitor service a C-note to take the night off. So we are officially alone. I checked. Not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse.”

Your eyes dart pensively from side to side, weighing your self consciousness against the warm prickly sensation propagating outward throughout your body, originating from where I’ve resumed softly kissing your neck.

After a second or two I turn to lock eyes with you one more time, and this time my tone is sincere, confiding and emphatic.

“You don’t have to worry about a thing. Not. a. Thing. Just say the word “Stop” at any time.”

“You tell me to stop, and you have my word. Look at me.”

“You have my solemn word of honor, and you know I’m an old school motherfucker and my word is my bond. So tell me to stop, one time, and I will take my hands off you, back slowly away without a peep, and everything will go back to the way it’s always been, and it won’t change my opinion of you one iota.
It’s just…”

I grope around in my mind for the right words…

“You’re SUCH a babe, I don’t understand how you can be so elementally HOT, doing that thing you do day in and day out where you just radiate pure sex appeal from every pore, and yet still be so obviously unfulfilled. I feel like maybe I’m to blame, You know? I mean that.”

” I know I ask a lot of you, and you pour yourself into your job so much, and you never complain, i feel so beyond spoiled with you.”

And I pause Very deliberately for dramatic effect, straightening my posture for emphasis on my final sentence: Head up, shoulders back, unflinching eye contact, Speakign from deep in my chest.

“And I think it’s high time that I take a turn and spoil YOU for a change.”

