The Sexorcist Part III: The Tables Have Turned

I am an exorcist who uses unconventional means to get demons out of women. I get the demons to show their true forms, then make love to them, banishing them with my blessed cum. The Vatican knows who to send when there’s a possession that drains the sexual energy form mortals. They send The Sexorcist. They send me.


I looked at the old plantation house, Spanish moss hanging off it like tattered clothing. I took out my notepad and consulted the information the Vatican had sent. Skimming it, I shook my head. Damn fools. This place had been home to a cult, who had nurtured some unknown demon or eldritch abomination for a number of years. It had apparently turned on them, and they wanted it gone. But when the Vatican tried to contact them for more information, they received no answer.

As soon as I stepped foot inside, I could tell the rot had set in deep. Even in the entry hall, there was a generous coating of ichor, with tendrils snaking off deeper into the house. After tracing a thin line of salt across the entryway, I began to make my way deeper into the house. On the first floor alone, I saw almost a dozen bodies, male and female. This one must not have a clear preference. All were thoroughly drained, and they were each melted and deformed, as if they had been partially digested as well.

As I reached the basement steps, I could feel an unnatural cold seep up from the lower level. Must be the place. Clicking on a small lantern from my duffel, I made my way down the stairs. The ichor was also thicker here, coating the walls and sucking my shoes as I walked. I kept seeing fleeting shapes at the edge of the light, something staying just out of sight ahead of me. I have to say, I didn’t feel good about this one so far.

After a minute or two of navigating the twisting passages of the lower level, I stepped into a large chamber, and felt my legs sink in about four inches over the ankle. The substance seemed… soft, but with more substance to it than the ichor. It was deathly cold, but… felt strangely alive. I made my way deeper into the room before stopping short. An eye floated to the surface of the pool, and swiveled to look at me. Soon it was joined by four more, as well as a few mouths of various sizes.

“Hello dear. You certainly took your time”. I didn’t like this one bit.

“Sorry luv… I’m talking to this pool, right?”

“Of course. But we’ll work ourselves into more pleasing shapes in a moment. I’m just taking a moment to take you in… The Sexorcist himself”. This was bad. This was very bad.

“Well, luv, I think you’re mistaken. Just your run of the mill priest, I am. But I think I’m in over my head so I’ll just be going…” I turned, but found the way I had come in was now blocked by a wall of the liquid flesh I was standing in. God fucking damn it. The eyes and mouths swirled around so they were in front of me again.

“No mistake, darling. You had to have seen this coming, no? I mean, you’ve sent dozens of my sisters back to hell over the last few years; word gets around. Terrible thing what you did to Charlotte last month. Poor thing couldn’t speak for days after what you did to her throat. Her spinnerets haven’t been working right either”. Figures the spider demon would be named Charlotte.

“So, what’s the plan here… are you planning on killing me?”

“No, not at all. I want to do a little experiment. I’m an archdemon, you see, The Faceless Queen. That means I’m more resistant to pesky things like holy water. You’ll have a hell of a time banishing me with that glowing spunk of yours. Now, demons can bear children of mortals, but I’m wondering what I might make if I nurture your blessed seed in my abyssal womb”. Fuck Fuck Fuck.

“I’m not going to do that. That’s unnatural and quite frankly insanely fucked up luv”.

“Well, you can’t leave, and I can always resort to other means of getting it. It would mean a lot to me if you just made it easy. To sweeten the deal, I’ll leave on my own accord after I have what I’m after. You have my binding word”.

“Fine. What am I supposed to do, wank into this gross fucking pool?”

“That is an option, but it’s just no fun. Give me just a moment, I’ll give you a nice hole to plunge yourself into dear”.

The pool quivered, then a thick tendril pushed up out of the center. The tendril thinned slightly, and branched into two arms and a head. It continued to reform until it was a featureless but fully formed female body from the knees up. Below the knees, it sank into the fleshy pool. A large mouth appeared, splitting the face diagonally, with an eye on either side. Other eyes and mouths appeared elsewhere on the body. It seemed to glide closer until it was close enough to stroke my face with it’s hand. I shivered despite myself, and the mouths seemed to frown.

“Not a fan of the abstract?”

“Can’t say this is my thing, no”.

“How about this instead? You always wanted her”.
Her features melted, and reformed into the spitting image of Sister Jessica, an especially pretty nun I always tried to avoid. Her carpet matched her reddish drapes, and her freckles went all the way down.

“Fucking hell… no, not that either”.

She gave a devious smirk, and melted again, reforming as my sister, who pressed herself against my body, rubbing her clit on my pants. I closed my eyes.

“I’ll take the fucking nun, for fuck’s sake”.

In a blink, Jessica was back. I grimaced for a moment, before disrobing and putting my hands around her waist. They sank in a little to the softer than usual flesh. Trying to avoid her eyes, I sank my cock into her. She was cold at first and… doughy would be the best term, but after a moment or two warmed to my temperature and became solid flesh. I began thrusting, each thrust sending a small ripple throughout the pool. She moaned, but the sound came from the room, not whatever I was fucking.

She brought a hand up to my face, and turned it to face her, then pulled it in, pressing her lips to mine. I felt her tongue reach into my mouth, then extend, travelling part wat down my throat before sliding back into her. I choked slightly as we broke apart, then she leaned into my ear.

“This is for Charlotte”, she whispered.

Without warning, four tendrils sprang from the pool and wrapped around my arms and legs, completely immobilizing me. They continued my movement, pushing me in and pulling me out, and she leaned her head back in bliss. This was not great but it could be wor—what was that?

I felt a looming cold feeling behind me, then felt a cold tendril touch the back of my leg, then begin to trace its way upwards.

“No, no way in hel—“.

She cut me off by fastening her mouth to mine again, tongue expanding into my mouth. A few moments later, the tendril behind me found its target, and drove itself home. I bit down hard, sending acrid black blood flooding into my mouth. She pulled away for a moment, then grinned and went back, bit my tongue as well, my red mixing with her black. I could feel her tendril pulsing inside of me, and tried with every ounce of strength I could muster to break free. Surprisingly, she wasn’t draining my energy. She must want me to struggle.

I tried again to break her grip, then relaxed. I need a moment to consider. I wouldn’t have chosen this… I needed to be the one in control, not the one at someone else’s mercy… but that did get a little boring. While it had been an unpleasant shock in the moment, the run in with the spider demon, Charlotte, last month had been the most I had enjoyed myself on a job in a long time. So if I try to get past the shock of this, and my desire to be steering the scenario…. This wasn’t the worst thing. I winked twice, and she slowly slid her tongue back into her mouth.

“Thanks for the breather, luv. I’ve gotta say, for the first few minutes, this was torture… but you’re really starting to grow on me…” I looked down, to see my stomach bulging slightly as she worked herself deeper into my ass. “Growing in me too, it would seem”.

“You’re enjoying yourself now, are you?”

“Don’t get me wrong, you did a damn fine job of avenging Charlotte. But at the same time… you’ve given me a new perspective on what I might find… pleasant”.

“Is that so?”

“It is. What do you say you do some thrusting motion on your friend back there, slowly mind you”. Her face twisted into a smile, and she pulled it out like the ripcord of a lawnmower, before ramming it back home. I choked a little and clenched my eyes shut.

“I’m sorry, dear, was that too slow? I can go a little faster next time”.

“No, that was good”, I said in a hoarse whisper.
She smiled again, but did slow down just a little, probably because she didn’t want to rip my entrails out before we finished. She pressed her lips to mine again, and we continued like that for a few minutes. Soon, though, I felt myself start to tense up, and she noticed as well. She drove herself deep inside of me, the momentum sending me equally deep into her. I pumped myself into her, and she let out a deep moan that reverberated throughout the room as I did. She pulled me out of her, and held me there to admire my work. The cum was oozing out of her, sizzling as it went. Soon, her stomach began to bubble and expand. She gave me one last smile, then melted into the pool, as did the tendrils holding me.

I fell into the pool, and found I couldn’t right myself in the thick fluid flesh. I clawed desperately at it until it vanished in an instant, leaving me in an empty chamber with my clothes and duffel a few feet away.

After getting dressed again, I took a bottle of holy water, and sprinkled it around the perimeter of the chamber, then something caught my eye in the center of the floor. I moved closer until I could read the words that the demon had left carved into the stone, and I let out an involuntary shudder.

“Call me”.


So, that’s part three. As always, feedback is welcome. If there’s anything you’d like to see in the future, just let me know. I’m inexperienced at writing more out there stuff, but I’m trying to get better at it. Feel free to follow me if you like my stuff as well. I know there should at least be a part four eventually, and we’ll see from there.
