I cheated on my husband and I don’t regret it [MF]

“The Da Silvas will be here in thirty minutes, honey,” I remind Nick, again, for the third time, “Can you please put away the video games and get the kids ready?”

Nick glances up from his screen. “Mia. That’s what you’re wearing? Really?” he says.

“What?” I snap back, “It’s a dress. It’s summer, it’s a nice day.”

“Your boobs are hanging out.”

You’re an asshole, Nick. I don’t say it. Focus on what matters. “Can you please just get the kids ready? They need to brush their teeth and clean the room. Ok?”

“Ok, ok already, geeze,” Nick waves me off, still playing his game.

I sigh and head back to the kitchen. I’ve got to finish cleaning up from breakfast and then make the kids lunch and switch the laundry and call the mechanic and clean the muddy footprints off the carpet and a million other things.

I grab a sweater from the dirty clothes pile. “At least then somebody would be looking at my boobs, Nick,” I mutter under my breath, covering up anyway.

## ## ##

Natty Da Silva is an old college friend of Nick’s, although she was Natty Martinez back then. Whether Natty and Nick ever hooked up back then has never been adequately resolved, but its ancient history, I’m well past caring. Now that we’re all old and married and parents, hanging out with Natty and her family is all about the kids — how well do they get along, how well do our parenting styles mesh?

“You ready to go, babe?” Nick calls from our living room, the sound of children screaming almost drowning him out. “The kids are getting bored, they want to get in the water.”

I lean through the doorway, watching my oldest chase one of the Da Silva’s with a foam sword. “No, Nick,” I say, feigning a benevolence I do not feel, keeping up appearances for our friends. “There’s still, like, a million things to do.” Because I had to brush the kid’s teeth and make them clean their rooms. I don’t say it.

Natty flashes me a cordial smile. She’s pretty, but I can see she’s just as fatigued by parenthood as I am. I really have nothing against her. In fact, if she wants Nick, she can have him. “Hey, actually,” I say, “I don’t need to hold you up. Why don’t you guys get started. Take the kids down to the pool, and I’ll catch up with you all in a few minutes.”

“No, Mia,” Natty says, “You don’t have to do that…” Her protest is only what she feels politeness demands. She’s even left me a convenient pause in which to cut her off.

“No no no,” I play the part, “I insist. Anyway I’ll get more done without the kids around.”

“Well, if you say its ok,” Natty says.

“C’mon, everyone!” Nick says. The kids cheer as he herds them out the door like he’s the Pied Piper. Natty follows, picking up all the stuff the kids forgot.

I sigh, but at least it’s finally quiet enough for me to hear myself think.

“Hey, I’ll give you a hand.”

I jump. Relax when I see it’s just Dom.

Dom Da Silva. Natty married him a few years back, at a time when her and Nick had lost touch. Neither Nick nor I have ever gotten to know him well. He’s a quiet guy, but he’s always polite and a great dad. Hot, too.

I shrug. “Ok, cool. You can make the sandwiches.”

“Didn’t mean to startle you,” he says.

“You’re quiet.”

“Think they started fucking again?”

Like it’s been severed and placed on a swivel, I turn my head towards Dom. I say, “So you don’t do small talk, do you? No, don’t answer, it’s rhetorical. I’m still trying to figure out if I’d care if they are.”

He makes a face. I hand him the bread and peanut butter.

“You don’t care if your spouse is being unfaithful?” He doesn’t say it with judgment, rather, his tone is observational.

“Maybe I used to care. Maybe I will again one day. But right now? Things are … fine. They’re fine.”

Dom sighs. “Stable.”


“Having kids changes things.”

I shrug. “Or getting older.”

“Getting older,” he echoes, nodding like I’d said something sage, “Experience really is the best teacher, isn’t it?”

Something about the way he spoke those words — the way he held my eye contact — caught my interest. The sweater suddenly feels hot. I take it off. “You nearly done with those sandwiches?” I ask.

“Yeah. You wanna fuck?”

I study him. He doesn’t flinch. If I say ‘no’ he’ll shrug it off. If I say ‘yes’… Nobody has asked me that question in, well, in far too long. The image flashes through my head, a gift from my subconscious, Dom and Natty naked, that intense look on his face as he slams his cock into her, fucking her pregnant. Heat blooms in my crotch.


The butter knife clinks to the countertop, a pile of sandwiches next to it.

Dom’s on me before I can think, his body pressed against mine, our lips locked. “You’re gorgeous,” he says, the words smearing from his lips.

I pull my dress up over my head. “Thanks.”

“I’m serious,” he says, stepping back, his gaze sweeping down to my tits, my pink panties.

“I know you are.”

He takes my hand, pulls me through the door, into the living room. “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you.” He guides me down onto one of the kids’ beanbag chairs. The living room is bright and full of windows, and anyone walking past will see us. It is a ridiculous place to fuck.

He pulls my panties down. I lay back, spread my legs, let the world watch. “You are so fucking sexy,” he continues. He kisses me again, then kisses my nipples, my belly. He slides down more.

And then his head is between my legs, his breath on my pussy, his lips on my thighs. I shudder and moan. “Do you like being eaten out?” he says.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I push his head against my pussy. He licks. It is instant pleasure. “Hell yes, Dom. Fuck, do it like that.”

I lay spread out on the beanbag, a child’s toy bumping against my head while he licks my pussy. I’m sensitive, it’s been a while, but he’s gentle and responsive and tireless as he keeps going and going.

“Fuck…” I groan, “Finish me off with your cock.”

He gives my clit one final flourishing lick then kicks off his pants. His cock is thick and long and shaved bare.

“Come here,” I say, “I’ll suck you hard.”

He grins.

I take him in my mouth, slobbering all over his shaft. I’m out of practice sucking cock, but feeling him grow hard in my mouth reminds me of young love, of high school parties. It’s making me hot and wet and ready. Him, too, his dick swollen and fat. “Cum in me,” I instruct.

“So fucking sexy,” he mutters. He kneels between my legs and guides himself into me.

My vision blurs, my legs shudder. He feels incredible. “Oh, fuck…” I moan.

He looks at me with greed, with desire, and pushes his whole length into me, owning me, controlling me with his cock. He grabs my legs, hold them to his chest, my feet in his face as he fucks me hard. My tits bounce. My hands scramble for purchase. My back arches.

He grunts.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” I beg. I need this. I needed to feel wanted. “Kiss me,” I say.

His tongue shoots between my lips, I can smell his sweat. I suck on his lip, push my fingers through his scalp, hold him to me.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he groans, “I’m gonna cum.”

“Inside me!” I half-whimper, half-shout.

His hips slam into my ass. He grunts, loud, his eyes glazing over. Two, three more thrusts, then he collapses onto me.

Later, down at the beach, Nick asks me why I’m in such a good mood. I don’t answer.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/sjvghu/i_cheated_on_my_husband_and_i_dont_regret_it_mf


  1. “Why are you in such a good mood?”

    How awful for a husband to even be able to ask that. What well written ending

    Usually not big on infidelity stuff, but damn that writing sucked me in and made me happy for her too 😂 great writing.

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