[FFFFFM] The Study Group: Part 2. Gentle Femdom, Cross-Dressing, Foursome, Pegging, and Friends with Benefits.

Here’s part 2! It was too big to fit into a single post (and I can’t put a link in to part 1 for some reason), so it is continued in the comments :) Thanks for all the messages and kind words! Please keep sending them my way, and as I said before, I’m happy to take any commissions!


The girls had been whispering to one another the whole walk back, throwing looks my way every now-and-then. Maybe I should have been more suspicious of what was going to happen, but I didn’t really care anymore. I was just tired and wanted to get out of the cold. This hadn’t been the best holiday break. Memorable, for sure, but not in the best way.

Back in the flat, Korra grabbed the overnight bag she’d brought and took Jessica into Mandy’s room, shutting the door behind. The sound of something – or someone falling – came almost immediately, followed by laughter.

“Well, I guess we know what they’re up to,” I said, shutting the front door and dusting off my (Korra’s) thin coat. Mandy was already in the kitchen, grabbing some vodka from the freezer. She poured a few shots from the frosted bottle and sat one on her breakfast bar.

“Drink this.” She downed hers and poured another.

“I think I’m good, thanks,” I waved it away.

“Shut up and drink.”

My skin burned a bit at that. “No, I will not shut up! You invite me out, almost get me drunk with some guy as a laugh, and we didn’t find you or me anyone better. We’re alone on Christmas like usual, and,” I grabbed at the Korra’s jacket and threw it off. “I cross-dressed for what, exactly?”

“You don’t think you look cute?” She tossed down her second shot.

“Is that really the point?”

Mandy picked up my shot and drew close to where I could smell the alcohol on her. “You look cute to me.” Her blue eyes searched my own. I thought she was waiting for something. “Kiss me.”

“What?” My brow crossed in confusion.

“Kiss me.” Our noses were nearly touching. “I know you want to,” she said, casting her eyes down on the white sweater dress I was still wearing. Her gaze jumped back to mine. “You look at me all the time. Even tonight, when that guy was trying to get with you, like you were waiting for permission.”

I took a step back. “Is this some sort of game?”

She closed the distance. “If I said I wanted you to play, would you?”

“Don’t make this into another game.” Another step and I stumbled back onto the couch. Now I was looking up at her, with the cool white glow of the living room bulb burning her coppery hair.

She looked down on me and smiled. “Fine; no game. Just do as I say and you get rewarded. Drink this and another. Then you can kiss me until I tell you to stop.” Mandy handed the glass to me, and I took it. Drank it. The vodka felt like an ice luge running down my throat, freezing and burning me at the same time. Mandy grabbed another and handed it to me, which I downed as well.

“Alright,” I said, already feeling tipsy from the club, and went to stand.

Mandy put a heel into my chest and pressed me back down. The point dug into the soft part of my ribs and was already forming a bruise. “Easy there, Tiger.” She had a cock-sure grin that swore all sorts of one-sided fun was heading my way. “I said you could kiss, but I didn’t say where. You weren’t ready for these lips a moment ago, were you? Better work your way up to them.”

As I followed the skin from her foot to thigh to the gap between her legs under the red, thin sweater-shirt, I could see the shape of laced panties snugging her hips. My eyes settled on them for too long and I felt myself stirring.

She snapped her fingers twice. “Hey! This isn’t a game, right?”

“No, of course not,” I said, my eyes smiling as I looked up at her. I felt all the boyish charm rising to me that had gone unused for so long. It almost felt genuine and not entirely juvenile to be sneaking peeks at a girl’s knickers.

“No no, you don’t get to smile like that until I say so.” She thrust her heel down a little too hard into me, and I winced, feeling her foot drive her point home. “And no looking up at me. Eyes on your job. Work your way up. Appreciate what I’m giving you and don’t look for more.”

I sucked in air through my teeth, fighting back the pain. “That hurts,” I said, and tried to bring my eyes up again only to have her snap her fingers and press the heel harder into me.

“You know how to make it stop.” Her gaze was calm and flat. Whatever Mandy was getting at, it wasn’t malicious. “Don’t I look good. Doesn’t my leg look good?”

I brought my hands up to inspect her. She had a black-strapped velvet heel on with a rib-digging, painful small point. When I unstrapped the heel and placed my hands against the top of her foot, she eased off my chest. My fingers traced circles up to her ankle, and she gave enough to pull her foot up so I could slip her shoe off.

“Your hands are warm,” she said with a hum, and I began massaging her calf.

My hands would run the length of her – as far as I could reach – trying to rub my heat into her. Mandy’s muscles were taught and cold, with the young, unscarred strength a champion swimmer and footballer ought to have. Her muscles flexed whenever I’d tickle her with a finger, gently swelling beneath her skin, and I felt strength there.

All the power in these legs. I’d seen them on the field, in the water, and here they were in front of me. I bought my lips against her skin and felt the chill on them; tasted the winter there on my tongue and kissed it away until she was warm and cooing.

When she let out a little noise of pleasure, I chanced a look up her dress, but she swiftly shoved her foot right back into my chest. “Knock it off, or this ends, and I send you outside in the cold.” Now her words were laced with something of frustration.

My eyes tried to meet hers, but they only strayed there for a moment when I saw her displeasure, and I swung my gaze back own to the foot holding me in place. And I do mean holding me, because Mandy could knock me right out with a kick if she wanted. The trophies arrayed in her flat were a testament to that.

“Sorry,” I said.

She removed her foot, and I kept my eyes on the beige carpet that all flats seemed to have. I felt the sofa move next to me on my right and found myself with both her legs in my lap. One of them still had a heel, and I wasn’t sure which one was the more dangerous just now.

“Both feet,” she said. “And put some appreciation into it. Aren’t you thankful for this?”

I lifted her heeled foot in my hand and undid the strap, kissing as I went. “Yes, thank you.” A kiss up to her ankle and the side of her knee where the flesh softened. “Thank you. These are beautiful legs. I’ve watched these legs on the field, and in the study hall; I’ve always wanted to touch them.”

The glee in her voice was unmistakable. “Did you think about them often? Did you touch yourself when you did?”

“Every day. It was especially bad when you wanted me to meet you after swim practice, and I saw you in your blue one-piece.” I kissed around her muscles that twitched under me; they seemed to be unwinding themselves. “You’re so beautiful and strong and driven.”

One of her feet rose and touched my cheek, pulling my face in her direction. I kept my eyes down. If I pissed her off right now, she’d twist, and it’d be a very short evening for me.

“You can look at me,” she said.

When my eyes came up, she was lounging, relaxed. Her eyes were burning like sapphire under the warm light of the little room and eyeing me with a look one gets after sitting in a spa all day. It was an expression I hadn’t seen in her before. She’d always been wound up, and now it seemed like she’d uncoiled. “So, do you want to know what’s going to happen tonight?”

“There’s more?”

“What? You wanted to just keep kissing my legs all night?” She slid her feet around my chest, teasing me. Once or twice, she toyed around with my white sweater dress and tried to lift it up, happy to take her looks underneath.

“Well, what did you want?”

“Mmm,” she smiled wide and gave a single laugh, “What a good start. I want it all.”

“I’m still not sure what that means.”

“I means whatever I say, and only as I say it. No more or less. And no cheek from you.” She was rubbing my chest with her feet into the point where her heel had made a groove in me. I let out a pained gasp. “We’ll deal with that later,” she said. “Are we clear about the rules?”

I was running out of room in my leggings. If Mandy kept running herself against me much longer, they were going to rip right open. “Yes.”

“Good boy.” She slid her feet off of me and lounged back to stare up at the ceiling. Her chest rose and fell with her breath; that red, slim shirt bursting as tight as it could go. “Come over here and kiss me. No touching anything but my lips.”

I rose up and bent over her, placing my hands on the sofa and the arm-rest. When I came to look down at her, she looked helpless, her face laying in a puddle of her own brown hair, much of which fell off the side of the sofa. It wasn’t until she re-adjusted her head and lifted her chin expectedly that I remembered the rules.

Everything in me was screaming to grab her and press my body against her, slide her dress up and slip between her legs to hear her moan. I could see her face in my head, yearning for me, letting out little gasps of breath as I worked myself in her, filling the furnace of her body until she was burning, and I melted within.

My knuckles turned white as I gripped the arm-rest and swallowed. I blinked a few times and brought myself back to the moment where she was waiting for me to do as she’d asked. When she lifted her brow expectedly, and I didn’t immediately kiss her, Mandy’s eyes flew to the space between us. She licked her smile.

“Poor baby. Look at you, all pent up down there.” A single sliver of sensation ran across the length of my erection still somehow managing to hide in the leggings. I grit my teeth as she stroked me again. “Kiss me,” she repeated. “Nothing else.”

When our lips met, it was like fireworks. She grabbed my head and pressed me deeply into her, working on my upper lip while I sucked on her bottom. We twisted and turned. I tried to pull back once for air, and she just yanked me closer, taking time to lick away all the cherry lip gloss from before, kissing me until I could only taste the vodka on her tongue.

When she’d finished with me, she whispered, “That’s better. You can get up now.”

“I already am,” I said, grinning.

She smiled and kissed me once more, sucking my lip. “Off the sofa, I mean.” Another kiss.

My eyelids wavered sleepily, and I sighed, feeling something click into place in my body that had been missing before. When I rolled off the sofa and stood up, I felt like I’d grown another inch. Mandy was looking up at me, one leg crossed over the other, and her dress riding high. I paused a moment to take in the sight of her, lounging like she was in a pool, and I held the sun.

“You look like you’ve got a question. What’s on your mind?”

A thud and a laugh sounded from Mandy’s bedroom. The thought of Korra toying with Jessica came to mind, and the first thing out of my mouth was, “You think those two are okay in there?”

Mandy deflated a little. “After all that, your mind’s wandering to a locked door?”

“No no, I’m right here,” I said quickly, trying to pull the focus back to her. I got down on my knees to set eye level with Mandy’s growing, imperious gaze that threatened to kick me in the chest once more.

She smiled again, basking in my delirious glow. “Good. I like you like that.”

“Like me how?”

“On your knees,” she said, and sat up, sliding a leg to either of my sides, until I was pressed between them. Her legs curled around my back and I felt them nudging, pulling me to the heat between her legs. “Eyes up here, Luca.” She put a finger under my chin and held my face up to hers.

I didn’t nod or look away. I studied the almond shape of her face, watched her eyes glitter under the light, and saw her lips tremble with the words when she said my name.

“They’re fine,” she said, and her voice grew a bit louder as she followed up with, “but they’re taking their time in there.” She turned her head to the door and was met with immediate silence. When she turned back to me, she was sweet again.

“I’m a little surprised,” I said.

She leaned down and gave me a few long, lingering kisses. “About what?”

“Well, Korra always dressed like a guy, but Jessica? I didn’t think she was gay.”

With my attention focused solely on Mandy’s commanding stare, I hadn’t heard the bedroom door swing open. “Bi,” Korra said in her dry, matter-of-fact voice. “Definitely, Bisexual.”

“Bi-curious,” I heard Jessica’s voice correct. My head turned just a moment, able to catch the brief image of the silhouettes of the two girls before Mandy grabbed me from under my jaw and righted me back to her gaze. She squeezed my cheeks and I felt my teeth getting crowded in my mouth, which I kept shut. Already, I knew my mistake, and I looked down at her dress when she corrected me.

“Are you not listening? Hmm?” She asked. “Look at me.” I obeyed. Her eyes searched mine. Mandy had a short, disappointed sigh that she breathed out with a slight grumble. “You look when I tell you to look, where I tell you to look, and not before.”

Jessica giggled. “Is he like our puppy for the night?”

“Doesn’t look housebroken, yet. I thought you were taking care of that, Mandy?” Korra asked.

“I have,” she said, and let go of my face. The phantom pain from her fingertips digging into my cheeks remained. “Haven’t I, Luca? Be a good boy and speak.”

“Yes,” I said, locking eyes with her. My focus was solely on her. She hadn’t given me permission to look elsewhere of think of anything besides herself, and so that’s all there was. There was Mandy; only Mandy. Only ever Mandy. She was all that had been and ever would be until she told me anything existed outside her orbit. Some warmth began to rise in me at the thought; a simple rule to live by that if followed, would see me to no harm and an infinite reward that was growing between all of us.

“Yes,” I repeated. “Let me prove it.”

She appraised her work. Watched me staring at her, on my knees, in a cute outfit that had been put together for Korra. Mandy saw the iron in my hands and the need growing in the leggings. The unwavering stare that fixed her as the only point in my sight. She saw what I was willing to do for her.

“Tell me,” she said with a sing-song drifting through her voice, “who am I?”

“You’re… Mandy,” I said, worried at the answer even before I said it.

She tsk tsked me in reply, waving a finger. “No, that’s not showing devotion. My good boy is housebroken when he knows who is in control.” She leaned down next to my ear, to where I couldn’t see her and was looking over her shoulder. I panicked for a second, unsure of what to do with my eyes, so I closed them. I felt her kiss a trail lightly up from neck to ear. Her warm, hot breath tickled me as she whispered ever-so-gently, “Who is in control? Who is your mistress, Luca?”

I felt the fight go out of me. The game had ceased to be a game, and I was never a player. This was a world of her design, and those words fell on me, entrapped me, locked me in a box that I crawled into willingly if to see her only happy for another minute. I became pleased to hear her talk to me in a way I couldn’t before, and just abiding by the rules she set – however new and arbitrary – felt like what I was made for; what my blood surged for.

“You are, Mistress. I’m yours.”

“Good boy,” she whispered again, and suckled my earlobe until I was giddy with pleasure, but it wasn’t a pleasure born out of the sensation alone; it was the knowledge I had pleased her. I did the most valuable thing I could, which was whatever she told me to do. When Mandy pulled back, she kissed me once more for good measure.

“See?” She said, her eyes dancing over me as I knelt there, putty in her hands as she cupped my face. “You can look at them now.”

With her permission, I saw past her, to the doorway where Korra and Jessica were standing. They were in a sort of embrace, with Korra’s arm slung over little Jessica’s shoulders, snugging her to the taller woman’s side. Korra had done her hair up in a long, single braid that fell behind her, while Jessica’s was a tangle dyed to brick-red. Her hair bounced as she smiled over something secretive, nodding to Korra.

Korra held Jessica’s chin and lifted her up the same way Mandy had lifted me, and they shared a long, passionate kiss. While their lips were occupied, their hands explored one another’s athletic frames, pressing palms across their hips and stomachs, once slipping past their naked waist and trail a finger down between their legs. They pulled back and smiled at one another; Jessica giggled.

“Wow,” I breathed, looking over their tight, thin bodies. “Maybe I should have taken up a sport, too.”

Jessica flashed a grin. “Running and yoga for me.” When she turned back to Korra and passed a few adventurous fingers over the shadow of abs carved onto Korra’s pale skin, she continued, “But you’re something else, Kor. What are you doing to get these?”

“Jujitsu and gym,” said Korra. Nearly a foot taller than Jessica, she had to look down to speak, and when Jessica looked up, her eyes were bright with the light.

“Ladies,” Mandy said, “if you’re quite finished, our Luca here is ready to get his apology for tonight’s troubles.”

“I’ll never be finished,” Korra said, drinking in Jessica’s pale body. “Besides, you’re hardly dressed for the occasion. Strip her down, Numbers.”

Mandy stood up with me, and I waited awkwardly for few breaths before she said, “Do what she says. You can always do what she says as long as it doesn’t go against me.”

“Can?” I asked, already placing my hands at her hemline, feeling the goosebumps rush to her flesh as my fingers played around her thigh.

“Must,” I heard Korra call out.

Mandy nodded in agreement, and I peeled back the dress.

First was what I had been aching to see. Her tight legs rising into thighs, thick with taught muscle so that every adjustment to her body came with some plush movement under her skin. At the gap of her legs, I saw the white, soft point of her body emerge, wrapped in silk underwear with a silvery sheen I ached – but did not dare – to touch.

I stopped there a moment with the first bits of her slim sweater-shirt bunched in my hands on the way up and pressed my lips to her burning legs. I only got a single moment of that blessed, muscled body on my tongue before I heard Mandy stop me.

“Who told you to kiss me?”

My grumble was as weak as my resistance, and I pulled back.

“Tell me what you want to do to me. Each part of me.”

That brought a hunger to my voice. “I want to kiss every inch of you. Have you press your body against me until we are hot and stoke the heat from these beautiful legs. I want to drown in the feeling of your thighs wrapping around my sides, squeezing me as I hold you and buck into you, intent on breaking you.”

She made a little noise of pleasure, “Good; that’s how you should look at me. What else? Go higher.”

My hands worked their way up a little more, seeing the edge of her panties’ lacy waistband. My knuckles brushed against her abs, which felt like hard cores under her skin. “I want to make you sweat, and watch it all drip down through here. Watch it come to the ‘v’ of your body when you’re drenched from exhaustion as you are in football and know that I made you that way. And then lick the hard edges of the sheath your body has made for me.”

“A little higher, now.”

I obeyed and saw her breasts fall out of the shelf bra. They were small rounds of pale flesh, perhaps less than a handful in size, with pink, soft nipples. I watched her chest rise and fall, noticing her breathing had quickened. “These are wonderful. I love how they are so petite and cute, while you are so strong and muscled. I would spend all day suckling on them and teasing you with my tongue, telling you all the times I’ve admired them from afar. And they are perfect for swimming, and that you owe them for your championship wins, because they didn’t slow you down and helped make you number one.”

She raised her arms, and I pulled the shirt off and onto the floor. I smoothed out the fly-away coppery hairs that had come up when Mandy was freed, and noticed the heat radiating off of her. Her nipples had become erect, and I felt her lightly leaning into me.

“Oh,” I said, and stopped, moving my hands away from her but keeping them in the air.

“It’s okay; fix it.”

I didn’t smile and just went to work, bring her hair back to order, and pressing back the few wandering locks that had travelled out past her ears. When I had finished, I put my hands back down at my sides and took the sight of her in.

“Perfect,” I said. “You’re perfect; every bit of you, and I want you in whatever way you want to have me. Please.” I paused and realized the need in my voice, “Please let me have you.” Mandy’s eyes sparkled at the words.

“I like it when he begs,” Korra said, and Mandy shared a look with her. “Are you going to take your panties off, Mandy?”

She tried to stand on her toes with one foot to test something out. “I’ll save it,” she said, and Mandy turned back to me, considering. “Do we want him out of your clothes?”

Korra’s smile was wicked and thin, “No, I’ve got a use for him as my girl, still. In fact, why don’t we get that out of the way.” She kissed Jessica again, who turned her face up to accept Korra. “It’ll give me time to take care of something.”

“You don’t need to,” Jessica said, “I brought mine like you said. It’s in my overnight bag.”

“Mm, good girl.” She planed another kiss on Jessica who beamed with delight.

“But lose the wig,” Mandy said, and threw it down. “Let’s all get into bed then,” Mandy crooked her finger. “Follow us.”

I watched the three of them turn and walk into the bedroom, following the luscious path born from their swinging hips.

I clapped and rubbed my hands together, trying to find something to do with them other than hang at my side. “Where do you want me,” I asked, still in my heels and dress.

“Korra?” Mandy asked.

“On the bed. On all fours, if you please.”

“What about me?” Jessica’s words floated with joy

Korra held Jessica’s cheek in her hand, which Jessica leaned into and closed her eyes. “Why don’t you go and see how you can distract him. Be creative.” The braided Korra gave her girl a kiss. “Make him make you feel good; however you want. He’s your pet, too.”

“Luca,” Korra said, sharpening her voice into stern command. “Do whatever Jessica tells you.”

I climbed onto the bed on my hands and knees, looked once at Mandy to catch her nod, and waited. When Jessica climbed on, I was surprised to see how small she was in comparison to myself. Standing was one thing, but on the bed, she seemed to curl up, bringing knees to her chest, and was unsure. She thought for a moment with a “hmm” and bit her nail.

“What’s the matter, Jess?” I asked. “Don’t know what you want?”

Her eyes searched me and then head tilted to look under me as Mandy had done when I was over her. Jessica’s eyes widened when she caught a sight of my bulge. “I’m not sure,” she said, her smile disappearing and eyes turning back to mine. “I’m not good at this. Usually, the guy tells me what to do.” She took the nail out of her mouth, “Maybe you could tell me what you-”

“No!” Barked Korra. I heard her moving behind me, fussing with something. “You are in charge of him. Tell him what you want.”

Jessica’s eyes sunk when Korra yelled, but she looked again at me with new thoughts. “Well,” she said, unfolding her legs, slipping them straight under me, and scooting closer until her face was at my own. “I haven’t gotten to kiss you yet, so let’s start there?”

“Don’t ask him,” Korra said. “Tell him.”

Jessica sighed and did not hold my eyes. “Kiss me.” She supported herself on her arms, and they trembled a little when she spoke. “Please.”

“That’s-” Korra started to say before Mandy interrupted her.

“That’s good, Jessica.” There was some short back-and-forth series of whispers that passed between Mandy and Korra who I couldn’t turn to see anymore.

Jessica looked back at me and closed her eyes. Her lips waited. I did not. I grabbed her with my mouth, hungry to fill the need that continued painfully at my waist, praying that another kiss or command followed would grant me some sweet relief. I couldn’t touch them with my hands or hold them down and spread their legs apart, but I had three of them here; surely I’d not have to suffer for long.

Jessica hesitated, but slowly she opened her mouth to explore, and soon we were lost in some game of kisses. She’d giggle whenever I tried to roll my tongue over hers and pull back for a moment to favor me with a smile. Jessica was fond of kissing along my jaw line before returning to my lips, and I began to stray toward her neck and the soft spot behind her ears, and she’d turn to let me reach there whenever she felt like it.

My leggings came off while I was on the bed, and finally my shaft was free, which I felt dangle for a moment before being seized by warm hands. I heard Mandy “hmm” and kisses spread themselves over waist as she slipped under me. Her hand began to work my length, and on the first touch, I felt myself shudder. I had to tear myself away from Jessica to breathe.

“Mandy!” She exclaimed, her kisses hungrily begging me to return to her. “He has to last. Go easy down there.” Jessica took her hand and yanked me back to her, and I felt her soften once more.

Mandy’s hand moved to cup my balls, which I was thankful for, since I was already growing cold. There was a draft in the room I hadn’t detected before. I felt the warmth of her mouth cover the tip of my body as she licked me. With Jessica hungry to devour my front and Mandy already working to lick away my waist, I was in heaven.

Distraction. That’s what Korra had said, and that’s what she had gotten. As good as everything felt, I’d barely remembered she was there. It was her hands that brought her memory back.

“Luca,” Korra said, and I felt her get on the bed with us; all four of us together now. “Did I tell you how good you looked in my clothes? Pretty as a man and a woman; I know exactly how I want you.”

I felt the tip of something pressing against me, slick with something cold. It probed my ass, looking for entry, and I froze up. “Uh, Mandy? What is that.”

The warmth of her mouth on me disappeared, and a I heard the mischief in her voice, “Korra has a strap-on. How else did you think her and Jessica were going to have their fun?”

“Wait, whoa,” I started to get up, but Jessica pulled me back down with little mewls of protest, still trying to kiss me. It wasn’t too effective, but when Mandy grabbed my balls and squeezed, suddenly I was still again. Pain radiated through me.

“What’s the matter? You don’t want to do what we say now?” Her free hand moved under my sweater dress and my balls ached in her grip.

“I just,” I breathed, pulling away from Jessica once more. “This isn’t what I had in mind.” Korra was pouring something wet and viscous like syrup on my ass.”

“Luca, I need you to be a good boy. We all do. Relax and enjoy yourself; I promise you will love it,” Mandy said, and released her hold on me enough to wear I felt some relief. “Yes?” She asked.

“Yes,” I said, and relaxed. I felt Korra slide toward my entrance.

“Good boy,” she said, and slowly pushed the first bit into me.

It was and odd sensation, and felt painful as the first inch slipped within, but there was a point when she was far enough inside that my body didn’t try to reject her anymore, and I felt the length of her strap-on fill me until a balloon of sorts was filling with awesome pressure. The further she pushed in, the larger that balloon felt; the greater the pressure, the greater the pleasure.

She grabbed at my hips and began to gently thrust in and out of me, filling me with that wonderous pressure, and then robbing me of it. Each time she came in, I felt elated, and when she would leave, I wished that she’d come back. My shaft grew painfully hard in Mandy’s hand, and she eased her teasing up to accommodate, while my body grew heavy, and Jessica was guiding me down to her breasts, gaining courage.

“Good, Luca,” she said, with airy breaths. “Good boy. Go down further.”

She was beginning to lay back and scooted up higher in the bed until she’d pulled out her legs and spread them in front of me. Her little pussy was dripping onto the bed, and eager as I was for it, she didn’t give me a choice. She grabbed the brown curls of my hair and forced me into her, my mouth covering her other set of lips as she mewled.

Her voice was high. “Good boy!” She was eager and kept her hand on my head, pressing me down into her, and I lapped up as much of her as I could, sliding my tongue along her pink flesh and rising to her little point of pleasure. She’d gasp and press harder each time my licks rose to that height, until she’d locked me in place with her legs on my shoulders, thighs squeezing my skull, and all her urging was directed at the growing blaze between her legs.

She gasped commands between pants that were growing in pitch, each more urgent and bolder than the last. “To the left! Harder!” She commanded. Gone was her meek voice and manner; even her joy had been replaced by hungry insistence.

Korra’s thrust grew urgent as well, and I heard her breath catching as she began to pump in me with earnest. She was milking something within me, and I felt myself growing to a precipice of pleasure, until all of us were panting hard, working double to climb some mountain with our bodies.

Mandy laughed, “he’s gonna pop.”

Korra made a grunting sound, and kept bucking. “Yeah, you like getting fucked like this? You like doing what I say, don’t you?” Her movements changed, and she began to rise a bit higher with each thrust; her voice with it.

Jessica’s hand clenched around my hair and held me as she lifted her hips in little circles, pausing to shake a bit here-and-there, searching for some spot that seemed to keep moving, using my mouth and tongue to seek it out. At last, she lifted her hips and pressed herself against me, and I felt her thighs contract around my head.

She squeezed, then released in little fits. Breathing in sharp intakes of air and letting out a high-pitched “mm” every time. Then her legs squeezed hard and went limp, shaking over me, which I grabbed and held in place while her eyes closed and she rode out the wave of pleasure that crashed over her little body.

Korra pressed inside me and made a groan that she cut off halfway, as if biting the words. She lifted herself inside of me, and I felt her shudder, vibrating my insides and finally bringing down my own wave as well as she began to slump over my body, spent.

I had been hurting, holding an erection for maybe a half-hour since Mandy first got me hard, and the combination of Mandy’s tongue, Korra filling me with pressure, and Jessica’s wet need, I could finally get some relief.

That deep well that blocks an orgasm within a man was overfilled, until the damn at the base of my shaft, somewhere within my balls, twitched. Mandy made a noise as she felt it, and gently squeezed, helping my length that she had half-swallowed spurt into her lovely mouth.

Her lips tightened and sucked as my prostate convulsed against the strap-on inside of me, pushing out a powerful surge of hot juice into Mandy’s throat. She made a pleasant moan as I heard her gulp, still with the warm prison of her mouth keeping her link to me intact.

My body shook and she with it. I felt like cattle used to satisfy each of their urges, and I was draining the last of myself into Mandy’s lips that were moving up and down my length now, coaxing out whatever more she could get from me. It was never enough for her. When she’d drank the final drops from me, I heard her breathe as if coming up for air. She licked me like a popsicle and sucked anything she might get from the tip once more before letting me go limp.

I groaned into Jessica’s body, feeling her juices drip down my chin. She “hmmed” as her legs calmed and stopped shaking. Her fingers were running through my curls. “Oh, god. Luca, baby.” Jessica laughed. “Oh, wow.”

I could feel Korra’s hot, exhausted breaths on my back as she said, “Don’t get any ideas, Jess. I’ll show you how a pro eats pussy,” she was gasping, “just as soon as I collect myself. She spread a few kisses on my back where she laid. “Good boy, Luca.”

“Mm,” Mandy agreed under me, “very good.”

“How does he taste, Mandy?” Korra asked.

“Not bad?” She said, carrying on as if I was some kind of sexual experiment. Maybe that wasn’t too far off. “Not too salty.”

Jessica slipped her legs back and laid down on her side, looking at me, where her nethers had been a moment before. She gave me a happy, satisfied sigh and drew a fingertipped line on my cheek. “How was I? Do I taste good, too?”

“Wonderful,” I said, and laughed. “Though you damn near killed me. Those legs are dangerous.”

She giggled, “If you come running with the girls, you’d get to appreciate them more.” Her voice quickened with excitement. “I’ll wear my yoga pants when we go and nothing underneath! You can start behind, and if you catch me-”

“Okay! Okay.” Mandy said, shifting herself out from under me. I felt the bed grow a little springier when she’d slipped off the bed. “Let’s not worry about tomorrow just yet.”

“Yeah,” Korra said, and I whimpered a little as she pulled the strap-on out of me, letting my balloon of pleasure deflate entirely. She noticed. “There there, Luca. We can do it again later, but I need to play with Jessica before she passes out tonight. I didn’t know she could shake so hard.”

Jessica planted a kiss on me and slipped out of bed, leaving me on it alone.

“Take those clothes off,” someone said. I’m sure I could have figured out who it was if I could have focused, but my head was swimming at the moment, and I felt drugged. I sat up, and the room spun a little, but I was able to rip off the clothes and throw them to the floor until only the white undershirt remained. Mandy and Korra still had some clothes on, after all.

Korra had a purple strap-on she was unbuckling and sliding out of her. It was a double-tipped one that pushed back with every thrust you gave. No wonder she had gotten so into it; as she was coming into me, my body was coming into hers. It slipped out easily from her, and I saw her leg wiggle as it came free.

“I’m gonna go take care of this,” she said, and then disappeared into the bathroom.

Jessica stood at head of the bed with Mandy, looking suddenly sheepish and unsure without Korra. She looked to the other woman. “Oh, you have a little,” she said, and thumbed away a sliver of cum from Mandy’s mouth and pressed it between her own, sweet lips. “You’re right,” she said, “it’s not very salty.”

Mandy shook her head and looked at me, now half-naked on the bed where they’d left me. I wasn’t exactly a bad-looking guy. Brown curls for hair and soft brown eyes. A little chubby, since I was always working at maths instead of running, and I could never find a sport that agreed with me. Still, I was good enough and kind enough to have captured a group of five girls; more than half of which I’d just had altogether. I was so happy, it felt like I was glowing.

“I said all of your clothes.” Mandy snapped.

“Please, mistress?” I said, more of a question. I placed a hand over my heart, and looked at her with our shared memory from earlier.

She softened. “Okay, then. What will I do with you like that?”

“Maybe we could trade places,” offered Jessica. “Take those knickers off and wrap your legs around his head. I could help-” she said, and put her hands on Mandy’s waist-line.

Mandy thought about that for a moment as I watched them. “Yes,” she said. “Do it slowly.”

Jessica got down on her knees and spread her fingers over Mandy’s pale waistline, kissing a few spots of her muscled abdomen as she went. She was careful to roll down her panties, bit by bit with a kiss and a lick interrupting their fall.

“Look down here, Luca. Jessica, tell him what you’re doing, and how he won’t get to do it.”

Jessica looked a little sullen at that, but obeyed. “I’m kissing the spot where Mandy’s hip bone is. I’m nibbling a little on it.” She took a moment to kiss and suckle Mandy’s perfect skin. “And you don’t get to.” Then farther down, she got to a little landing strip of hair that she’d groomed above her sweet folds that were still hidden under her silk underwear. “And this. I’m nuzzling and licking her skin.”

“That’s far enough,” Mandy said, and gently nudged Jessica away, which she obeyed and sat on her knees, looking up at Mandy. “Come here,” Mandy said, and I hopped off the bed, coming to stand in front of her. “Get on your knees and let Jessica tell you how to take these off of me.”

I got down on my knees and looked at Jessica’s sweaty mess of hair, all tangled up now from our previous romp together, obscuring her eyes. She took a kiss from me, and my mouth opened for her. She placed her hand on my length that began to grow hard and nibbled on my jaw as she had when we were on the bed. “This is fun,” she said to no one in particular.

“Take his hands and place them where you want them on me, Jessica.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/sgjnvo/fffffm_the_study_group_part_2_gentle_femdom

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  1. **Continued:**

    Jessica grabbed my hands, which I let go limp and without resistance, and she guided me to just below Mandy’s hips, where the waistband of her panties had been rolled to. I could feel the heat of Mandy’s toned body coming off of her. She was like a furnace down here, waiting for something to open her up.

    “Tell him,” Mandy said.

    “Pull down, slowly,” Jessica said. “But no kissing or licking. Mandy said you don’t get to.”

    I nodded and obeyed, slowly gliding down the waist-band and her panties from the point of her supple body. When the wet, folded entrance to her body was revealed, it was hungry, and drooling, with strands of juice dripping to the sheer fabric. I took a long breath and smelled her salivating sex, wishing I could reach out and drink her.

    “You’re beautiful,” I said, and let her panties drop to the floor.

    “Do you want me to get this?” Jessica asked, touching a hand to Mandy’s thigh, and looking up at Mandy with me.

    Mandy was tall and powerful. She had the both of us right where she wanted; where we could do the most good for her: on our knees. That was where I belonged in front of her. Below her. Waiting. “No,” she said. “Stand up, the both of you.” And when we were both standing, “Get on the bed, Luca. Jessica, pay him back the favor and get him ready for me.”

    “Okay,” she said, and turned to me. “Sit down here on the edge. You can hold my head if you’d like.”

    “You’re getting better at giving commands,” I said. “You think Korra will approve?”

    She blushed. “With you, yes, but with me she…” Jessica trailed off and looked down, touching the back of her neck in thought. “Korra tells me what to do.” Her blush deepened, and her skin color was quickly rushing to match her hair.

    I laughed. “Okay, okay. Well, pretend you’re her maybe? What would she say now?” I looked up at Mandy for approval, and she nodded.

    “Mm,” she thought, bringing her eyes back up to mine. “Relax,” she shushed me gently and then placed her hands on my legs, sliding her way up to my waist where my member was beginning to twitch awake once more. “So stressed and pent up; Ms. is going to make it all better. Now hold my hair.”

    I smiled and tousled her hair with my fingers, bringing it clear of her face. She smacked a fake kiss at me and then sank her lips towards her work, bringing her mouth to coax that previous pleasure back into my member.

    “Eyes on me,” Mandy said as Jessica worked, and I my eyes walked over Mandy’s body. She touched herself and slid hands all over. She touched her breasts and licked fingers. She pressed her hands into the gap between her thighs and made little moans. “Luca,” she said, “Why aren’t you touching me? Don’t you want me?”

    But I couldn’t touch her. She’d said no, and I remembered, keeping my hands at my side. Jessica came up for air, and I heard her gasping before her wet mouth swallowed me once more. I let out a little groan and bucked gently into Jessica’s mouth, which brought a tiny gag. She recovered and sucked up some saliva that was dripping down me.

    Mandy turned, grabbed the nightstand, and bent over behind where Jessica sat on her knees. Her ass was in the air, a line of drool dripping from her peach of a body. Mandy’s round butt was so tight you’d think she was perfected in a lab, and I wished dearly to touch her. Again, I bucked, now erect between Jessica’s lips, and she brought me out, kissed around the base of my shaft, and then I felt myself disappear inside her warm mouth was more.

    “Luca, I’m right here,” Mandy called. She pulled a hand up between her legs, and placed a finger within her, slipping and sliding along her pink lips. Mandy let out a few little moans. “Beg for me. Tell me you want me. Tell me what you’ll do when you have me.”

    “I want you!” I groaned. Jessica was doing something with her tongue that made it hard to focus. “I’ll take you and fuck you. Just as soon as you say it, I’ll drive myself into you and pound you until you can’t walk.”

    “Oh, yes, baby. Give me more. What else?” She was going in earnest now; her fingers were working overtime, playing with her clit and sweeping back into her pussy when she got cold.

    “I’m going to let you do whatever you want. Suffocate me with your pussy. Sit on me and drown me. I’ll go until I hurt and then some. I’ll worship you every day for as long as you want. Just please let me have you even if it’s just for a night! I want you. You’re all I ever wanted. You’re the first woman I’ve ever wanted so badly!”

    Mandy gasped and turned around, her body dripping with need. Jessica popped her head up and kissed my chest. “He’s ready,” she said, and gave me a little lick.

    “Move,” Mandy’s voice was deep and husky. She pushed past Jessica who barely got out of the way. Mandy put her hands on my chest, and I felt the bed rush up to hit me as she slammed me down. I scooted back and she was over me, her knees on either side of my waist, sitting at the top of my legs. My thick member sat right up against her slender stretch of pubic fluff. Her eyes were burning.

    “Oh,” Jessica said, and laughed with some sort of secret. I heard footsteps walk out and the door close. Jessica had disappeared into the living room, leaving Mandy and I alone.

    Mandy grabbed my hands and placed them on the small of her back, and I felt the curve of her ass growing as she leaned down over me. She was on top of me, looking at me with her eyes that were eager to feast on much more than my face. Our lips were a breath apart.

    She whispered, “I told you I want all of you.” She planted a kiss on my lips and bit my earlobe. “Luca, my Luca. You belong to me, don’t you?”

    My body was twitching against her, but she was so strong, I could hardly move under her. I was trapped, and yet I felt excitement rise in me at my name. She had formed with her athletic, muscled form, a perfect prison from which I was happy to be bound. “Yes, I am, Mistress.”

    “Then do this for your Mistress. You will obey me, won’t you?” She looked into my eyes; into me. She wanted it; all of it. This last bit of myself that I was trying to keep from her was the final wall that I had stubbornly left standing between us. And what was it for? To protect me? What fear did I have of her, except that I did not heed her words? Had she not given me everything as a reward for service to her whims? Then what would I gain here, with this?

    “Yes, Mistress.”

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