These cases are the real reason why the Internal Sex Bureau Gangland has been formed. Any case, name, event is purely fiction. Butt the search for the truth will continue! With ISB Gangland insurgents inserted into every facet of organized and gang type activities.
This is their case, their story…

“I think, I think I’ll be going now” I said grabbing my handbag and kissing Chica goodbye. What this Hector was doing or getting ready to do to Chica was in the kink and not for me. Feeling her eyes as they watched me open the door… Open the door as I looked up? What I see is a big, big man. One who takes up the entire door. One who is just standing there blocking the passage way!
As I step back, my eyes widened in fear. I turn back to Chica, “Chica can” seeing what he has done to her. Chaining her to the wall. Gagging her! As my eyes widened once again, as my eyes take in Chica. Taking in just how he has her bound! My body feels naked, feels like no matter what I do this Hector… My heart stopped in my chest! I look up to see this brute looking down at me.
“Sorry.. sorry I’ll” feeling something grip my arm, pull me forward! Stumbling to the ground. My momentum slowed as I looked up. “No no” I whispered. The feeling of your clothes being ripped from your body! Looking down to see your skirt hanging in pieces! Your panties, your blouse joining the fray. Through my tears I begged to be let go. “Please, Oh please let me!”
My cheeks being spread wide. I can feel my mound being split open! I can feel my asshole being on display! I, I can feel his mouth! As it touches, as it tongue fucks me. Darting in and out of my mound! Pulling my hair back, so far back that I started up at Chica! Tears falling from my eyes as the first orgasm rattled my body!

Pulling this fuck dolls clothes off. Ripping them so all she had left was rags. Slicing her panties and bra off just gave me the satisfaction as Chica watched! Struggled as I spread that ass a part. Watched as my tongue danced in her wet insides. Watched cuz there was nothing else to do!
“What? Do you want me? Oh, you are so bad. So, so bad how could you expect me to” pressing Bridget’s ass to the max. As her coño exposed itself. Lips spread open, clit and cunt exposed! Spitting a juicy amount in that hole. “If you insist” burying my cock before I ever finished with the sentence!

Watching! That is it! That is all I can do! Having me strapped to the wall. Showing me that Rey Hector can, will do anything he wishes!
Watching as he shredded her clothes from that shaking body. Watching him as he spread those ass cheeks! Watching as, as he licked Bridget to her first O! Watching as she tried to claw at the floor, as her back sunk in before twitching straight. Her breath was sporadic at best butt those eyes. Those eyes that stared up at me. That could see everything that was happening to her! My fuck, could even see me cum in response to her, to Bridget! Both our breaths where matching. Both in line as I could feel his tongue as it coursed over her clit! As it plunged in so deep filling her every cream pie desire! Even as I struggled, wiggled and moaned! Trying, trying to get free! Butt the only thing that was happening! The only thing is that I was getting wet! So fucking wet that.. that I could not help it! Shuttering hard against my bonds. Feeling my juices running down my legs! Wanting one thing and that was to play! With myself, with her! Watching that asshole as Hector’s cock rammed inside! Going from tip to base. Disappearing totally then as it reappeared having a very wet, very lickable appearance! My tongue lusting for that ass lusting to feel Hector’s polla ramming in the tight mound! Dragging back everything that was good about sex!
Wishing I was down another inch! Wishing I was just a little closer so.. so she could eat me out! My heartbeat was straining at the desire, at the lust to be touched by me, by anybody…

“Ooooh fuckkk Ooo OooOoooOoooo” my orgasm raged in my mound. From the feeling of my cum showering all over his cock to the deepness that I wished he would plow into my pussy! Reaching back as my tits cushioned my fall. The coldness of the floor made my nipples hard. Made me wish my tongue was a few inches bigger! Even as my fingers found my battered clit. Rubbed it till, till… “OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss OooOoooOoooo OooohOooohOooohOoooh” I moaned so loud! Squeezing my clit between my fingers! Pulling on it in a attempt to squirt all over that poll that continued to ram, ram… “OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk yesssssssss!”

Dropping her hair, using my free hand to spread Bridget’s ass cheek as my polla felt one more orgasm gripping it. Gripping it till the wet hole erupted once more. Till even her attitude of no cocks will ever enter my hole and make me cum is buried under every bit of that slick substance that she had in her body!
My eyes traveled up Chica’s body. Starting with her feet. Remembering when those dainty extensions had whacked me off till I exploded all over them! Swallowing hard as I felt my crown being pulled by that tight coño that I was banging. Those thighs, that creamy tender flesh that always used to cum so hard when I would give it a hickey… Ramming my cock so hard into this pretender. Not realizing that my own breath was getting choppy.
That coño, Mmm Mmmm.. just the thought of my tongue wrapping around the clit. Eating Chica out till she had no choice butt to cum! Those tits the perfect place to grip while my polla slammed into her coño! “Yes!” I moaned with my nueces slapped against that very thing I was playing with in my mind!

My body bucked hard against the bonds. My hips strained as the sensation of Hector’s tongue trusting into my body. Licking my coño, sucking my clit rebounded in my mind! As I cam, as I drooled, as I could not have either!
Bucking hard once again. My lust for Hector, for his cock! As it pounded each and every one of my holes! From my mouth to my coño then.. “Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” as I struggled over the gag, spit dripping down as, as… “Mmmmmmmmm” I came so fucking hard over a memory, over something that was not pounding on my insides!
As my vision cleared I could see him as clear as a bell. I could see the way his body stopped at a shocking pace. I could see Bridget getting pounded exactly the way I wanted! With all that force, with all that energy! Damn, I just wanted to be fucked!

My heart rate slowed, my body shook. How I wanted to be drilled by that cock that was slamming my girl. Slamming Bridget till, till… “Ooooh Mmm fuckkk!” As my hips shot straight up, as my fingers touched my coño, my pussy! Slipping inside for some quick relief. Knowing just where to focus my attention as.. as… “Ooo Ooooh yesss OooOoooOoooo yesssssssss” as my breath started to struggle. Started to strain as my O continued! “Yesss Yesssssssss Oh Ooh fuckkk…” right at that moment a pair of lips! A tongue tagged my clit!
The shutter I had before. The shutter of the shutter, the pure way that those lips made my body just cum unglued as one tongue, one clit made contact! The jerk that my hips gave, the contact that tongue made was totally out of this world. My heartbeat was fluttery, my orgasms had raged inside my cunt wishing, praying for some relief for far to long. As my moan came out silent, as my hands pulled her in. So my cunt and clit could feel every bit of pleasure that she gave!

Biting Chica’s booty. Passing my tongue one last time over that creamy mess that she calls cum. The texture of skin against skin having only a thin layer of cream to entice more play. My lips pulling in everything that was between my lips. As I pulled back, tongue tagging everything as it dropped from my mouth. As my breath fogged up Chica’s lower stomach on its rush to move up. Taking a break, biting, nibbling on the top of her bellybutton. Casting a deep breath down as it cascades across her midsection. Feeling that want, that lust for my lips. Licking, kissing my way up, up to her tits. My own mound was leaking from the lust that I felt for that body under me! Stopping, tagging Chica’s left tit. Chewing on the nipple, dragging my teeth over the areola! Even as our breaths where almost gone I had to push a little further!
Our lips meet… in a slow passionate battle. Each one wanting the prize that played inside. To suck in that tongue, to dominate over the other. My tongue was the first… As Chica took it, held it up as a trophy then made love to it! Slithering around my tongue, squeezing it till I gave into her, till I melted against her skin.
