The Ghost and I Part I

I knew from the start that my new house was haunted. Dishes would fly off countertops, light footsteps would interrupt my sleep, and I got an icy chill when I entered some rooms. The spirit didn’t seem malicious, only letting me know that it was there.

For a while, I lived in harmony with it and was able to ignore its presence. Now, that isn’t to say that we eventually didn’t get along, but rather I wasn’t aware what it, or she, was. But now… now I am.

It happened about six months after I moved in. I had just got home from work and was exhausted and stressed. So, it only made sense to jack off to relieve the stress and make it easier to fall asleep. I took off my clothes, crawled in bed, and pulled up pornhub on my phone. I was really into step-fantasy at the time. I just imagined having my own stepsister that I could slide my cock into any time I wanted. I found a video, grabbed my dick, and started stroking.

It started with a ‘What the fuck are you doing?’ from the step sister when she caught her brother doing the same thing I was. This always ruined it for me as I wanted intimacy, not a power struggle. I dropped my dick and clicked off the video. I was and am very particular about my porn. I won’t cum to mediocre porn. I deserve better.

My cock started going soft as I scrolled through the pages. My foreskin swalled the head and it *schlupped* between my legs, laying atop my balls. It rubbed it, petting it like it was a small creature.

‘Soon, little guy. We’ll jizz all over here in a bit, I promise.’

On page 6, I found one that I had enjoyed many moons prior: Step sister and brother play game with the sister initiating it. It was super cute and they both were into it. It began as an exploration of their bodies followed by intimate caressing and, eventually, a passionate blowjob followed by a good fucking followed by a massive cumshot. I smiled as I saw the thumbnail; it had a homey feeling to it.

I felt my cock get harder as I clicked on the video. It was as ready as i was. I began fingering my foreskin as the video loaded, my head already slick with the precum of expectation.

I watched the video and stroked my cock, imagining that this was my own step-sister. I imagined pounding her pussy and shoving myself down her throat. With a final stroke, my hips arched and a volcano of cum erupted, splashing back down on me with a gooey warmth. I lay there, panting in exhileration, waiting for my heart to stop racing. Eventually, a while after my cum had cooled off to ambient temperature and my cock had shriveled to its pre-growth state, I stood and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. As I walked down the hallway, I heard it.

A giggle, followed by a coy moan. I stopped in my tracks, feeling residual cum leak from my tip. I looked around but saw nothing. I was so used to the ghost at this point that it didn’t even cross my mind. I shrugged and moved on to the shower. When I was in the shower, I could have sworn that I heard loud moaning and gasps, but I put it off as the pipes of the hoouse adjusting.

The shower was hot and steamy. As I lathered myself up with a loofah, I let my mind go blank as the scents of honey and lavender filled my nose. I felt complete in that moment, the loofah seemingly guiding itself over my body. It was a type of self worship, a post acoital experience. It was like an orgasm for my spirit.

After I had had my fill of self indulgence, I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. Then, I walked back to my room. As I entered my bedroom, I saw it. In the middle of my bed was a divet and a wet spot. At first I thought I had cum a lot more than I initially believed but there was no way I came *that* much. The divet was also too small to be me. I looked around my room and felt a cold chill in the air. I shivered it off and changed the bedsheets.

The first time I became aware of the ghost was the start of something wonderful. It all began one day in April. It had been raining lightly all day with periodic sunshine here and there. I was at my job, talking to my coworker, Angela. What I do as a job isn’t important, but it’s in the tech sector. But Angela, she’s important. At least for a little bit of the story.

We were talking on our break, hanging out behind the building in an alley. The alley had an awning over it, so majority of the rain missed us. I forgot what we were talking about but all I knew is that I was focused on her boobs.

“Hey champ, eyes up here!” Angela said, snapping her fingers. A quirky smile covered her face.

“Sorry…” I muttered, still thinking about what her tits must look like. It wasn’t anything new between us; we had made out in the breakroom before but we had never exposed a bodypart.

“You tryna figure out what these boobies look like, huh? My life story means nothing to you?”

“Oh! Uh yeah I’m sorry about your dog,” I said, faintly recalling the tale of how her dog had ran away. She wasn’t torn up about it, but she wasn’t happy, either.

Angela sighed and grabbed my hand.

“Ya know, if you want to see them all you have to do is ask.” She finished the sentence by looking away, a blush rushing in to drive off the confidence she began with. She squeezed my hand and looked back at me, sheepishly.

I nodded.

“P-please? Is that proper? Please show me your tits?”

She let out a small chuckle and leaned over to me, whispering in my ear.

“How much time do we have left?” she breathed.

“Fifteen minutes before we go back” I responded, eyes focused once more on her rack. I suddenly felt her hand let go of mine and move over my pants where a noticeable bulge had grown.

“I’ll make you a deal… Take it out and I’ll show you my tits.”

My heart jumped, our breath mingled, hot and heavy. We kissed briefly, a peck of the lips and a short dance of tongues.

“Deal. But you take it out.”

“Deal” she whsipered before nibbling my ear and finishing with a kiss. She brought another hand to my bulge and unipped my slacks. My cock poked through the opening, ready to be used. It wasn’t too long, an average six inches. The foreskin made it appear longer. The girth was average as well, too. But I was happy with my average penis becuase every girl I had ever slept with had had an average vagina.

Angela gasped in delight as she pulled the foreskin back, revealing the tip.

“Your turn: I said. She smiled and nodded once before letting go of me and taking off her sirt and bra. Her breasts flopped out, tan with dark chocolate nipples. I wanted to lick them. She straddled me, putting me right below her pussy, which was still trapped by her jeans. She leaned into me, pressing her breasts against my chest.

“Mmmm now what?” she asked, sultry and smooth, staring deep into my eyes with her deep brown oceans.

“Do you wanna-”

“Get back to work? Yep!”

Angela slammed my face into her boobs and let out a comedic moan. My dick twitched angrily as she sat on it, all the while knowing that this had been a ruse.

“I’ll fuck you some other time, dude. We gotta get back to work shortly. Can’t be havin sex on break anyway ya goofball!” Se laughed carelessly, a melodic sound. I stared at her, dumbfounded, sitting on a pallet against a wall with my dick hanging out of my pants.

“Oh geez, don’t give me the lost puppy look! Add me to your spank bank! Fuck, for all i care you can tae a picture and jerk it to me. Just send me snap of your cum.” She laughed, winked, and blew a kiss at me. Then, she put her clothes back, adjusted her tits in her shirt, and entered our building to clock back in. I still sat there, cockblocked by the very girl I was trying to get. After three more minutes, I shoved myself back in my pants and clocked back in, being sure to wash my hands before returning to my computer.

I forwent the porn that night and instead focused on Angela. I imagined her tits pressed against my chest as she kissed me and slowly stroked my shaft. In my fantasy, the deeper she kissed me, the harder she jacked me. I imagined her pussy as she mounted me, warm, deep, soft. Deeper and deeper we went, our moans filling the alleyway as the thunder of spring storms filled the air. Like the animals of spring, we fucked, we rutted, and just as I was about to cum deep inside fantasy Angela’s pussy, I heard a giggle again. It was similar, if not the same, as the one from the previous night.

I stopped and let go of my dick, lines of precum tracing from my tip to my hand. I surveyed the room and saw nothing. I slowly started rubbing myself again. As I picked up my meat, the giggle and moan rang again, this time clearer than ever. I shot up and looked around my room. I thought, crazily, that maybe it was the ghost.

“Who’s there? Is that you, ghost?” For a while, my words fell into the darkness. And then, a response.

“You know, I have a name!”

My cock turtled out of shock and I scrambled up to my knees raising my hands in an offensive defensive position and putting a pillow over my crotch.

“Who said that?”

“I did, silly!”

I watched in terror as, at the foot of my bed, a young woman faded in from the thin air. As she faded into view, the terror was replaced with awe. She was gorgeous, with chestnut hair, pallid skin, and sturdy frame. She wore a red sweater and black leggings. The sweater went down past her thighs. Her face was almond shaped with pronounced eyebrows, a small button nose, and cute lips. She stood there, her hands clasped in front of her, swaying ever so slightly from side to side as she looked at me, covering myself with a pillow. I could see through her as well. Through her torso, I could make out the light switch for the room behind her. She wasn’t clear like glass, but more like looking through a bottle of colored hair gel. Weird, but the only way I can describe it.

“Who are you and what are you doing?”

“My name is Lucy, and I should be asking what you’re doing, young man!”

She dropped her hands to her side and walked closer to the foot of the bed.

“I’m.. I’m not doing anything!”

“Oh come now, or should I saw *cum* now? I’m dead, not stupid! You’re jacking off!”

“Yeah, so?”

“So…,” she looked down, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before looking back up at me, making eye contact, “I wanna join.”


The ghost, who was apparently name Lucy. leaned forward and crawled on my bed. Surprisingly, her hands and knees made depressions in the mattress.

“I said… I want to join.”

I felt a chill as she crawled over me and laid in the bed next to me. Her hair flowed down onto the bed as she turned her head to look at me.

“Is there a problem?” she asked, moving her hand down near her groin.

“Uh, yeah! What the fuck? Who are you? Are you the ghost that’s been in my house? Are you dead? What are you doing? How can you touch the bed? Are you solid? Just… WHAT?”

“Easy, cowboy!” She propped herself up on her elbows and smirked at me. “The living are always so strange. Aht aht aht!” she buzzed at me as I opened my mouth.

“Well, let’s see. My name is Lucy. Yes, I am the ghost of this house. Yes, obviously that means that I am dead. I was murdered by a jealous ex. Stabbed right here” she lifted her sweater to unveil a gnarly belly scar, “and I’m just wanting to get off. And yes, I can be solid when I want. What a weird way to ask that. I’m made of ectoplasm and I can control it at will. I can do things like this!”

She held up her hand and I watched in incredulity and slight terror as her finders morphed into feathers and fluttered in the air. Then, they morphed back.

“And as for this,” she gestured toward us, “I just wanna jack off with you. I watched you last night and couldn’t control myself. I rubbed one out while you were in the shower.”

“So that wet spot?”

“Yep,” she leaned forward, crinkling her nose, “ghost girl cum.”

“Corpse juice.”

“Ewwwww! No way dude! I’m a ghost, not a corpse. A spirit, the ethereal, not the undead or dead!”

My cock had, at this point, basically just gone back into my body and disappeared at this point. She took notice of my extremely noticeable unease.

“Oh come on man! We’ve lived together for months now! I’ve watched you cum like thousand times and I’ve always wanted in on the action and now I made myself vulnerable and it’s gonna be really awkward if you say no.”

“If you’re a ghost, what difference does it make?”

“Look man, I was horny in life, so now I’m forever horny in death. Isn’t that enough? Now, get that dick out!”

She bucked her hips up in the air and took down her pants, revealing a pale pelvic region that played host to what looked like a soft, full pussy. My cock twitched as I saw her lips. I suddenly felt a primal urge to grab her legs and go to town on the lovely labia. Instead, I felt my dick start to grow. She took off her sweater and the most beautiful breasts tumbled out. C cup, perky strawberry nipples atop mountains of vanilla. She caught me staring.

“Pick up your jaw, boy, and lay next to me. Get that cock in your hand.”

In a flash, I forgot that she was a ghost and honestly, I didn’t care in this moment. I laid down, taking my member in my had and began rubbing as I gazed at her tits. Her hand began to move toward her pussy and my cock got even harder.

“I’ve been waiting to do this for so long…” she whispered breathily as she looked up into my eyes. We locked our gaze and our hands moved by themselves. We held the gaze even as whimpers and moans escaped our mouths.

Her hand moved fast as a blur across her clit, causing her legs to squirm and quake. She breathed in shakily as her back arched. A slender hand groped her breast and twisted the nipple. I squeezed my shaft and jacked faster. Moving closer, I took her other nipple into my mouth. Cold, like a popsicle. I swirled my tongue around her, causing her to release a moan from deep within. Despite being a ghost, every bit of her that should have been soft and jiggly was soft and jiggly. I buried my face into her boob, nibbling on her nipple as I grinded against her. We both moaned as I felt another quake run through her body. I sucked harder.

A squishing, stirring sound came from her pussy. She must have been so wet. The thought of strings of pussy juice covering her fingers enthralled me and I jerked off even faster, my hand becoming a blur. I rolled over onto my back and looked over at her to see that she was looking at me. Though I could see through her a little bit, her brown eyes captivated me like they were the embodiment of adventure and romance. I wanted nothing more than to stay in this moment of eternally transitioning ecstasy. I breathed heavily, slowing my stroke as I eyed her body. God, she was beautiful. I suddenly felt a pressure in my balls.

I was about to cum and let out a groan of pleasure in anticipation, staring deep into her brown eyes.

“No… wait…” she muttered as she moved her hand to stop me from releasing myself.

“I want to feel what it’s like for you to cum” she said.

“What do you mean? Like, you want me to cum on you?”

“No, I want to feel what you feel.”


She looked down at her hand, which she lifted from her cunt, trailing sticky lines from each finger.

“Well, as ghost, I can possess you.”

“What? Like the Exorcist?”

She looked aghast, offended even.

“Excuse me, Mr! I’m not a demon! It’s not like I want to control you, I just want to feel what it’s like to cum with a penis. Listen, I won’t hurt you. We’re literally having the hottest jerk sesh AND we’ve lived together for over six months. Well, lived is weird but anyway! If I was dangerous I would have done something to you by now!”

“Not really helping your case, if I’m being honest.”

“Ugh. Okay, listen,” she put her hand on my thigh, running it up to my ball sack, “It’ll be neat! I promise I won’t hurt you. Like I said, I’ve been waiting forever to do this with you. Plus, it’ll feel amazing.”

“How so?” I asked, still hesitant to the whole idea.

“Well, if I possess you, I don’t take over your mind, but rather we merge, share the same brainspace. That means that I feel what you feel and you feel what I feel. Which means, when you cum, it’ll be twice as pleasurable as regular because you’ll have your orgasm AND my sensation of your orgasm.”

“So like, double cum?”

She giggled “Haha yeah! Double orgasm! C’mon!”

I started stroking again as I considered her offer. I loved cumming and the prospect of cumming twice as hard was very alluring. After having had her titty in my mouth and watched her masturbate, it felt kinda hot to be possessed by someone so hot, ghost or not. But overall, the idea of relinquishing control for a bit made me harder than anything, even the prospect of an intense orgasm.

“If you do anything weird, I will get an exorcist.”

“So… yes?”

I squeezed my dick, forcing some precum out of the tip. “Yes.”

“Whoo! Now, hold still.”

She straddled herself over me on all fours. Her hair tickled my face and I found myself looking up at her lips. I felt extremely vulnerable. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than for her to dominate me. My cock agreed by twitching.

“This is gonna be a weird rush. Get ready!” Suddenly, she dropped into me and an icy wave forced itself through me. My breath escaped me as the bitter cold surged through my veins. It felt like breaking through the surface of Arctic water. I gasped, refilling my lungs. Suddenly, my mind felt a lot busier.

“Hi! Just me!” I heard a thought say. Except it wasn’t my thought. Having someone else in my brain felt wrong, but right.

“Wow, it’s cozy in here. Mind if I take control for a bit? Oh!”

Oh what? I thought. This was apparently the same as saying it out loud because thoughts can hear other thoughts.

“Oh what? Waddya mean? Look at all this stuff!” I felt a warm sensation through the middle of head. “You want me to dominate you, huh?”

I blushed.

“Well, naughty boy,” the thought giggled, “I’m going to make you mine.”

Please do, I thought as images of her breasts and the slurping sound of her pussy filled my mind. I imagined her sucking my dick, forcing me all the way down her throat.

“Oh, we can do that later!”

The eagerness and decisiveness of this statement made me fall deep into ecstasy. I was already experiencing the eternal orgasm mentally. Suddenly, my right arm went extremely cold and then, just as quickly, grew warm. I tried to wiggle my fingers but found that I had no control.

“It’s mine now, for a little while” said the thought.

My hand reached down and grabbed my cock. On the first single stroke, I was immediately blown away by the sensation. It was like three other people were handling my cock, worshipping it.

“Told ya” smirked the thought. I groaned and squirmed beneath our touch. A ghostly finger swirled the tip of my cock inside the foreskin, playing with the precum. Another ghostly hand squeezed the base of my shaft as my own stroked. Slow, tortuous strokes and swirling and squeezing brought me to the edge. I could feel the precum coat my hand and, every time I shifted it, it pulled away in sticky sheets.

“Hmmm. I love it when you do that” whispered the thought, a warm sensation running across my neck and chest.

“We’re gonna cum so hard, you and I…”

The ghostly finger in my foreskin swirled faster and faster, rubbing the frenulum and causing me to throb. Suddenly, in my imagination, I saw the finger become extremely narrow and I felt her enter my urethra. I gasped at the shock of it. After a small burning sensation, I could feel her fill me up as she moved up and down inside my penis, all the while stroking and squeezing and rubbing the outside. Apart from the arm she possessed, my entire body trembled and quaked and my cock was the epicenter. My balls were sore, begging for release. She quickly pulled her thin, ghostly finger out from inside my cock and I couldn’t control myself any longer.

I bucked my hips and felt my lower back crack as I came. My vision faded to black and fireworks filled my eyes. A tsunami of pleasure rippled through my muscles, stretching and flexing them like a thousand mornings of waking stretches placed into a singular moment. I gritted my teeth as the energy exploded through me and my cock quivered as a surge of cum pushed through, out into the open air. I had never cum so much. Large, glorious spurts erupted from my cock and splashed down on the bed and me. And I kept cumming. For the next twenty seconds, an ungodly amount of jizz shot from me. As it ended and the cum dribbled out, I felt myself plunge into ice water as Lucy left my body. As she appeared sitting cross legged on the bed next to me, I shuddered from the cold and the orgasm. With one last spasm, a final rope of jizz shot from me and landed on my belly, all the while making eye contact with Lucy. She grinned and dipped a finger into my cum, putting it to her mouth.

“Wow!” Lucy exclaimed, falling onto me. “That was incredible. Oh… my you are a mess.” She pushed herself back up, sheets of cum connecting us. She pushed her hair behind her ear.

“Let me uh… help you.” She giggled and began to lap up the cum from my stomach. Her tongue was like an ice cube, but the act was so hot that I felt my cock twitch. She licked and slurped up the jizz, giggling as she did so. When I was clean, she straightened up and lay next to me, gazing at my eyes once more.

“That was wow!” she whispered, a level of intimacy in her voice.

“Yeah, it was.”

“Do you wanna call an exorcist now?”

“Pssh no!”

She ran an icy finger over my nipple, making it hard. “Attaboy.”

We sat in silence for a bit before she spoke again.

“You know, I can’t leave this house, being a ghost and all. And…” She looked up at me, biting her lip. “I’m always horny” she whispered.


“Mhmm. Which means,” she traced her finger down to my penis, running a trail of ice to the tip, “any time you wanna do something, just ask.”

My cock perked at this. She giggled.

“What all can we do?”

“Anything. Everything.”

I smiled as she cupped my balls. They began to shrivel from the cold but I didn’t care because I had found summer warmth in her eyes. I stared into the earthy irises and moved closer to her.

“I just want…” I breathed, whispered, pleaded.

“A kiss” she softly answered just before placing her lips against mine. Electricity flowed through my body as she embraced my mouth with hers. Unlike the rest of her, her mouth was warm. We explored each other as I moved closer to her frigid body, entangling our legs. I ran my hands across her breasts, soft and cool. I kissed her deeper as I squeezed her and hugged her close.

She grabbed my head gently and angled it to face hers. She looked deep into me.

“Are you okay with me being your ghost?”


“Can I stay in bed with you? I’ll get warm around you.”


She kissed me deeply one last time before snuggling her face into my neck and curling up against my chest. I drew my blanket over us both and squeezed her closer. A scent I had never noticed before filled my nose. Strawberries. I breathed in a deep sigh and settled in as I felt her begin to warm up. Soon, her icy aura had all but disappeared and she appeared to be a normal person. I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes. It was weird, this experience. I felt like I had bonded with her in a way that made it seem like I had known her forever. I could live with that, I thought. taking one last breath and drawing her closer one last time, I fell off to sleep with my ghostly companion in my arms.



  1. Wow, this was such a hot read. Apparently I’m into ghosts now. You’re writing is so detailed and immersive!

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