I 24[F] Had to sit on my married friends 21[M] lap because the car was packed and things got hot.

Had a night out visiting some friends. After the kickback we helped give friends a ride back home so the car got packed. I ended up having to sit on my guy friends lap. He and I always kinda flirted but never did anything beyond long hugs. He’s been married for about a year with someone that never hangs out with us. I think he’s so hot and completely out of my league so I never thought he actually found me attractive, but what happened on that car ride kinda proved otherwise. When I first sat on his lap he hugged me tightly and I thought I already felt the outline of his cock under his shorts. I snuggled and got comfy and well teased him a bit with my butt on purpose. But after a bit we just sat in silence. Everyone started falling asleep in the car besides us. I felt his hands start to wander. First just rubbing my thighs. His warm hands were so comforting. Then I think he got the hint I was into it so he started moving his hips and I moved my hips too. We had to stay as quite as possible but it felt so good. The music was loud enough that our bodies rubbing up against each other couldn’t be heard but I was afraid that our friends next to us would wake up so I stopped and giggled as he kept going. He hugged me again but didn’t let go. I could feel his breathing tickle my neck. I wish I would have been bold enough to fuck him right there but I just let him finish on my back under my shirt. Neither of us have talked about it but we give each other glances and touches whenever we’re on double dates with our partners.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/sfia5f/i_24f_had_to_sit_on_my_married_friends_21m_lap


  1. Very hot. Had a married lady friend sit on my lap leaving a Bar, got a great lap job. Nothing else came out of it but I was very hard and she didn’t complain.

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