When I walked in on you – Part 1

Since we had never met I was a little more nervous than usual knocking on your door. We had texted earlier, and to my deep surprise, you had said yes to going out for a beer with me later that evening. You said come by around seven and I of course said “yes!”. I hoped it hadn’t sounded too eager. Never one to be late, and certainly not with you, I was at your door at 7 sharp. Taking a deep breath I knocked. And waited. After a bit I knocked again, thinking maybe you hadn’t heard. Again I waited. Nothing. I was starting to think maybe you’d forgotten and ran out to do something else that night. But as I was standing there I leaned in and noticed I could hear music coming from inside. Then I noticed that your door was shut, but not shut tight. You must be home. So I pushed open your door and leaned my head inside to announce myself. I could see into your living room, but you weren’t in there…but I could hear your music and it was rather loud. You definitely couldn’t hear me. So I stepped inside and shut the door behind me and spoke up louder “Hi Britt! It’s James.” But still you didn’t answer. I decided that your place must be larger than I realized so I stepped fully into your living and looked around. The place was empty, but I could see you had set out a bottle of something and a couple of glasses. I stepped further into your house and saw the door to your bedroom ajar. Figuring that if I was going to get your attention I’d have to make eye contact with you, I slowly pushed your bedroom door open saying “hello?”. When I could see inside I realize that all my assumptions about this situation were completely off.

I’m not sure, but I think I might have audibly gasped when I saw you. The light in the room was dim, but lit enough that you were clearly visible. You were sitting on a divan at the foot of your bed, with your back leaned against the mattress. You were half sitting, half laid sprawled, relaxed but attentive. You were waiting for me to make my way in and wondering how much longer it would take for me to do what you had intended. The sight of you made me flush: long black hair falling over your shoulders, a soft, worn shirt unbuttoned and half draped over one of them, the other bare. The line of undone buttons makes a crooked line down your body before tapering off over your hips. One breast is completely covered, the other just barely. Other than this, all your wore was a pair of white cotton panties that even in this light I could tell were damp. You were smiling at me when my eyes came back up to meet yours. The line across your lips was somewhere between a smirk and question, with your eyes the punctuation. Or maybe it was an offer. I started to walk into the room and you stopped me with a hand held out, palm flat facing me. Not harsh, but firm. Your smile spreads across your whole face then and you gently shake your head and say “No. You stay there.” I do as I’m told.

You lay there and let one hand float down to where it was before I came in…resting lightly on the soft mound hidden under the cotton of your panties. Your fingers pick up where they left off, moving in slow, gentle, determined circles. I wasn’t mistaken when I thought that they seemed damp. Now I understood that you had been here for some time, pleasuring yourself, thinking about what I could only imagine. Maybe it was me, maybe it was just the thought of me. Maybe it was the thought of making me watch. I didn’t really care as I saw you start to squirm slightly under your own touch. Your free hand rests on your bare thigh, soft and flushed from your efforts. Your hips twist and your fingers curl into your soft flesh, pulling your thighs slightly further apart. I’m doing my best not to gape and retain some composure, but what I’m seeing is putting me to the test. I stand there awkwardly in the doorway until I force myself to relax and enjoy what’s clearly meant to be for me. I lean against your door frame engrossed in your display. I move my hand down and adjust myself, the denim of my jeans starting to constrain my growing…attention.

You can’t help yourself when you see me do this and you let loose a slight chuckle. You know exactly what you’re doing and what you’re doing to me. You reach up with your free hand and pull your shirt to one side letting me see your breast fully. The soft curve of your breast, the fullness of your flesh, the almost painfully hard nipple is enthralling. My eyes devour you and move about your entire body almost frantically. You are so far past beautiful in this moment it’s hard to put words to it, so I give up and just experience you. You pull at your nipple with thumb and forefinger and let loose a soft almost imperceptible moan as you do. Your body responds and slackens for just a moment before pulling taut again.

You shrug your shoulders and let your shirt hang off both, draping you like a shawl. Your dark hair is long and lustrous and hangs over your pale skin like black silk. The soft plane of your stomach lifts and falls with your quickening breath. The flush from your thighs floods up and covers your stomach and breasts. I’m trying to be subtle, discreet even, but I can’t help but put my hand on myself, pushing and squeezing to ease the tension that is quickly rising. You see this and smirk again, letting your lips part ever so slightly as you fixate on my motions. You flick your head up just barely, nodding as you say “Belt. Zipper.”

I grin and do as I’m told, undoing my belt and easing the zipper down fully. I stand there in front of you with my jeans hanging off my hips, the bulge in my boxer brief glaringly apparent. I move one hand down and under the top of my briefs, taking myself in hand and letting out a soft thrum when I do. Caught up in the moment and forgetting myself I start to step into the room. You quickly, but softly chide me and tell me to stay where I’m at. All I get to do is watch for now. I stop cold and lean back to where I was, hands in my jeans, feet apart. You tell me to take off my shoes and shirt. Happy to oblige I kick off my shoes and socks and pull my shirt up over my head and let it fall to the floor beside me. I stand there in front of you half naked, jeans open and resting on my hips. You smile and nod and tell me that’s just right. You tell me to pay attention…and I do.

You let the hand that holds your breast slip slowly down your stomach, down, fingertips moving softly over your thigh. Your other hand, the one that is busy with your own pleasure, never stops in its firm but gentle movements. When you reach your panties you reach and pull them to the side, letting me see what I’ve been missing. You pause for a second in your ministrations and reach up with your ‘busy’ hand and put two fingers against your lips and slide them seductively into your mouth. You pull them in, sucking at them, letting them move over your tongue. When you’ve gone as far as you want, you pull them back out and let them fall back down and continue about their wandering trail around your sex. You are slick and wet to the touch as you push them over your swollen clit and ease them inside you. Our eyes locked on each others you slip two fingers, knuckle deep, curling them inside yourself as you let out a moan that you’ve held back all night.

You pull your fingers slowly out, drawing a soft wet line between your full lips. You move them over your clit, pushing, circling with a new urgency. I’m fixated on how wet you are, the glistening trail that spills from your sex, pooling where your cheeks meet the cushion. Your fingers are thick and sticky with your excitement, drawing delicious lines around your clit. Swollen and hard as it is, I can tell how sensitive it is to your touch, but you couldn’t stop now if you wanted to. Small circles, tight circles, wide, deep plunging circles…you pull yourself closer and closer to the edge. Your fingers disappear again inside you, pushing even deeper than before. Your mouth moves and the sound that comes out isn’t a moan so much as it is a pleading groan. You push and pull and circle and plunge in a dance I can barely follow. Your other hand reaches for the other nipple and pinches hard, causing you to gasp even though you know what’s coming. You squeeze and pull letting your fingers snap when they pull away. Reaching back you take your breast and cup your hand fully around it and pull into yourself, your stomach fluttering and pulling taut as you do. Your thighs fall apart and you lock eyes with mine again. I stare at you in barely contained wonder as I watch you inch yourself, stroke by stroke, closer to release. Your fingers dip between your lips and inside your pussy and come back thick with your wetness.

You pull the tips of your fingers over your clit and rub hard, urgent circles around it. Your lips are parted, your mouth slightly agape as your breath shutters from you. Never looking away you hold my gaze as you push yourself over the edge. It’s not your fingers or your breasts or the sounds that you make that tell me you are right there at the edge of the cliff…but your eyes. They widen involuntarily, followed by your mouth, then by your thighs, until suddenly your whole body arches and is pulled as tight as a bow string…where you pause and hold in your tension as if you were being lifted and held off the ground. Finally you SNAP and your whole body collapses as your orgasm rushes over you, strings cut, body twisting, thighs quivering…and your fingers never pausing until finally you give yourself over to wave after roiling wave of your own pleasure, as they nearly drown you in their release. Your body shutters, your breath heaves out of you in ragged gasps. You barely have the wherewithall to smirk at the expression covering my face.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticstories/comments/sbwqz9/when_i_walked_in_on_you_part_1

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